276 resultados para Shells.


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Recent clays cover the East Atlantic continental slopes. They are gray and poor in sand off Portugal (Cape Sines), but reddish brown to reddish gray and richer in sand off Morocco (Cape Mazagan). The majority of the 19 sediment cores, which were taken mainly on two profiles (Fig. 3), can be correlated by means of planktonic foraminifera (Figs. 27, 28). The following parameters seem to be well suited for this purpose: qualitative and quantitative distribution of the planktonic foraminiferal species and faunas, coiling ratios of three Globorotalia-species: G. crassaformis, G. hirsuta and G. truncatulinoides. Sediments from about 2000 m water depth show highest sedimentation rates off Portugal (> 20 cm/1000 yrs.), but off Morocco the lowest sedimentation rates (about 3 cm/1000 yrs.). The sediments are dated with planktonic foraminifera and 31 radiocarbon analyses and the stratigraphic interpretation is supported by the lithostratigraphy. Holocene faunas are distinguished from the Pleistocene ones by differences in species composition, lower dominances and higher diversities. The Holocene sediments show smaller differences of the foraminiferal numbers than the Pleistocene ones. During Holocene and Pleistocene the temperatures of the surface water masses (indicated by the planktonic foraminiferal faunas) show similar values nearshore and offshore off Morocco. Likewise, there is no apparent temperature gradient in the Pleistocene off Portugal; whereas here values increase offshore during the Holocene. The proportion of species indicating warmer water masses is generally higher off Morocco. The plankton/benthos ratio increases with water depth and reaches maximum values already at about 1000 m. The production rate for planktonic foraminifera is higher in the continental slope regions than in the open ocean, but their shells show typical solution phenomena already in water depths of less than 1000 m. A higher solutional rate was found in sediments from the Tagus Abyssal Plain, while sediments from Horse Shoe and Seine Abyssal Plain seem to be better preserved. In the Tagus Abyssal Plain solution is less important during late Pleistocene than during Holocene.


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The bulk rock geochemistry and inoceramid isotopic composition from Cenomanian to Santonian, finely laminated, organic-rich black shales, recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 on Demerara Rise (western tropical North Atlantic), suggest persistent anoxic (free H2S) conditions within the sediments and short-term variations within a narrow range of anoxic to episodically dysoxic bottom waters over a ~15 Ma time interval. In addition to being organic-rich, the 50-90 m thick sections examined exhibit substantial bulk rock enrichments of Si, P, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni, and Zn relative to World Average Shale. These observations point to high organic burial fluxes, likely driven by high primary production rates, which led to the establishment of intensely sulfidic pore waters and possibly bottom waters, as well as to the enrichments of Cr, Mo, U, and V in the sediments. At the same time, the irregular presence of benthic inoceramids and foraminifera in this facies demonstrates that the benthic environment could not have been continuously anoxic. The d13C and d15N values of the inoceramid shell organics provide no evidence of chemosymbiosis and are consistent with pelagic rain as being a significant food source. Demerara Rise inoceramids also exhibit well-defined, regularly spaced growth lines that are tracked by d13C and d18O variations in shell carbonate that cannot be simply explained by diagenesis. Instead, productivity variations in surface waters may have paced the growth of the shells during brief oxygenation events suitable for benthic inoceramid settlement. These inferences imply tight benthopelagic coupling and more dynamic benthic conditions than generally portrayed during black shale deposition. By invoking different temporal scales for geochemical and paleontological data, this study resolves recent contradictory conclusions (e.g., sulfidic sedimentary conditions versus dysoxic to suboxic benthic waters) drawn from studies of either sediment geochemistry or fossil distributions alone on Demerara Rise. This variability may be relevant for discussions of black shales in general.


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Rapid carbon input into the ocean-atmosphere system caused a dramatic shoaling of the lysocline during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), a transient (~170 kyr) global warming event that occurred roughly 55 Ma. Carbon cycle models invoking an accelerated carbonate-silicate feedback mechanism to neutralize ocean acidification predict that the lysocline would subsequently deepen to depths below its original position as the marine carbonate system recovered from such a perturbation. To test this hypothesis, records of carbonate sedimentation and preservation for PETM sections in the Weddell Sea (ODP Site 690) and along the Walvis Ridge depth transect (ODP Sites 1262, 1263, and 1266) were assembled within the context of a unified chronostratigraphy. The meridional gradient of undersaturation delimited by these records shows that dissolution was more severe in the subtropical South Atlantic than in the Weddell Sea during the PETM, a spatiotemporal pattern inconsistent with the view that Atlantic overturning circulation underwent a transient reversal. Deepening of the lysocline following its initial ascent is signaled by increases in %CaCO3 and coarse-fraction content at all sites. Carbonate preservation during the recovery period is appreciably better than that seen prior to carbon input with carbonate sedimentation becoming remarkably uniform over a broad spectrum of geographic and bathymetric settings. These congruent patterns of carbonate sedimentation confirm that the lysocline was suppressed below the depth it occupied prior to carbon input, and are consistent with the view that an accelerated carbonate-silicate geochemical cycle played an important role in arresting PETM conditions.


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In an area regarded to be very favourable for the study of Holocene sea level changes one or several eustatic (?) oscillations of sea have been found using sedimentological and ecological methods. After a maximum of +3 m during the Nouakchottian stage (= Middle Flandrian or Late Atlantic) about 5500 YBP a drop of sea to -3.5 ± 0.5 m about 4100 YBP is testified by stromatolitic algae indicating the former sea level within the tidal zone with high accuracy. This evidence is supported by the observation of post-Nouakchottian regressive and transgressive geologic sequences, by buried beach deposits and flooded hardgrounds, post-Nouakchottian marine terraces of different height and age, the cutting off of one large and several small bays from the open sea etc. Possibly, one or two smaller oscillations followed between 4000 and 1500 years B. P. The radiocarbon age of the marine shells dated may be partly somewhat too old or too young.


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Calcareous microfossils are widely used by paleoceanographers to investigate past sea-surface hydrology. Among these microfossils, planktonic foraminifera are probably the most extensively used tool (e.g. [1] for a review), as they are easy to extract from the sediment and can also be used for coupled geochemical (e.g; d18O, d13C, Mg/Ca) and paleo-ecological investigations. Planktonic foraminifera are marine protists, which build a calcareous shell made of several chambers which reflect in their chemistry the properties of the ambient water-masses. Planktonic foraminifera are known to thrive in various habitats, distributed not only along a latitudinal gradient, but also along different water-depth intervals within surface waters (0-1000 m). Regarding their biogeographical distribution, planktonic foraminifera assemblages therefore mirror different water-masses properties, such as temperature, salinity and nutrient content of the surface water in which they live. The investigation of the specific composition of a fossil assemblage (relative abundances) is therefore a way to empirically obtain (paleo)information on past variations of sea-surface hydrological parameters. This paper focuses on the planktonic foraminifera record from the Arctic domain. This polar region records peculiar sea-surface conditions, with the influence of nearly perennial sea-ice cover development. This has strong impact on living foraminifera populations and on the preservation of their shells in the underlying sediments.


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Fossil manganese nodules and encrustations from seamount' and basin' localities in the Transdanubian Central Mountains of Hungary are lithologically, mineralogically and chemically similar to some modern marine ferromanganese oxide deposits, and show no evidence of postdepositional changes other than cementation. Five groups of deposits were encountered: Fe/Mn nodules, encrusted shells, pavements, stains, and Fe oxide encrusted intraclasts, the first three of which are specific to the 'seamount' environment and the last to the basins'. Optical and electron microprobe investigation of the samples shows them to exhibit many similarities with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits, and that many of the nodules are surrounded by a halo of dispersed ferromanganese oxides, strongly suggesting that they continued to accrete metals through the pore waters of unlithified sediments for a period after burial. By contrast, pavements which appear to have grown on hardgrounds at the sea floor show little or no evidence of derivation of metals from underlying sediments. Geochemical investigations on the deposits show the seamount' varieties to be closer in composition to most modern nodules and crusts than the basin' varieties, and that the latter are essentially manganese and trace-element-poor ferruginous deposits. Nevertheless, all can be more or less compositionally equated with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits forming in marginal Atlantic environments, which would be in accord with the proposed depositional environment of the Transdanubian Central Mountains based on other evidence.