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The purpose of this study is to clarify the sedimentary history and chemical characteristics of clay minerals found in sediments deposited in the distal part of the Bengal Fan since the Himalayas were uplifted 17 m.y. ago. A total of seventy-eight samples were collected from three drilled cores which were to be used for the clay mineral analyses by means of XRD and ATEM. The results obtained from the analyses show that individual clay mineral species in the sediment samples at each site have similar features when the samples are of the same age, whereas these species have different features in samples of differing geological ages. Detrital clay minerals such as illite and chlorite were deposited in greater amounts than kaolinite and smectite during the Early to Middle Miocene. This means that the Himalayan uplift was vigorous at least until the Middle Miocene. In the Pliocene chemical weathering was more prevalent so that instead, in the distal part of the Bengal Fan, kaolinite shows the highest concentrations. This would accord with weaker uplift in the Himalayas. In the Pleistocene period, vigorous Himalayan uplift is characterized by illite-rich sediment in place of kaolinite. In the Holocene, smectite shows the highest concentration in place of the illite and kaolinite which were the predominant clay minerals of the earlier periods. Increasing smectite concentration suggests the Himalayan uplift to have been stable after the Pleistocene period. The smectite analyzed here is found to be dioctahedral Fe-beidellite, and it originated largely from the augite-basalt on the Indian Deccan Traps. The tri-octahedral chlorite is subdivided into three sub-species, an Fe-type, a Mg-type and an intermediate type. The mica clay mineral can be identified as di-octahedral illite which is rich in potassium. The chemical composition and morphology of each clay mineral appears to exhibit no change with burial depth in the sedimentary columns. This implies that there was no systematic transformation of clay minerals with time.


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The Middle America active continental margin is the best-sampled active plate margin to date, having been drilled during Legs 84, 67, and 66. With nine sites drilled on the continental slope of Guatemala and an additional site drilled on the Costa Rican slope, a summary of slope sediments and sedimentary processes can be made. Sediments are easily subdivided into a thick apron of Neogene and Quaternary volcanically derived hemipelagic and turbidite mud and mudstone and a thinner, more varied assemblage of mostly Paleogene mudstone, radiolarian mudstone, and limestone. This latter assemblage may contain hiatuses or be completely lacking between slope deposits and basement. Cores from the foot of the continental slope (Core 567A-19) consist of Campanian micrite. The pre-Neogene section is much thicker and of more terrigenous provenance beneath the forearc basin landward of the forearc structural high than on the continental slope. Sedimentary processes of the Neogene and Quaternary slope sediments include reworking of hemipelagic and turbidite deposits. Redeposition by slumping, plastic flow, and turbidity current-documentable through benthic foraminiferal analysis-occurs in intracanyon and canyon settings. Erosion by slumping and by turbidity current and deposition of mud or sand in canyons and in local depressions on the continental slope and different rates of sediment accumulation result in dramatic thickness variations of lithologic units over small distances in localized pockets of sand in small filled canyons on the slope or in sediment ponds, and in high-relief basement topography. The age of sediment overlying igneous basement ranges from Cretaceous to Quaternary. Gas hydrate was visible or inferred present at every site drilled during Leg 84. Nevertheless, except for a small amount in the last core, it was not recovered in sufficient quantities to be visible at Site 568, a site specifically chosen for the study of hydrate and located near Site 496, which was abandoned during Leg 67 because of the dangerous abundance of hydrates. The association of hydrate with porous, coarser sediment results in a distribution as localized and unpredictable as the slope sands off Guatemala, which do not occur in beds coherent enough to produce acoustic reflection. Although the normal lithologic section at Sites 567 and 496 limits the volume of sediment that could be part of an accretionary prism offshore Guatemala and the volume of sediment in the Trench axis is not sufficient to argue for significant accumulation of Cocos Plate sediments, the varied lithology and attenuated thickness of pre-Neogene sediment seaward of the forearc structural high do not exclude earlier accretion from the history of the Guatemalan continental margin.


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A series of samples of inhabitants of hydrothermal vents were collected during the 12-th cruise of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in Guaymas Basin (the Gulf of California) and the Axial Seamount area (Juan de Fuca Ridge). Concentrations of trace and heavy metals in the tissues of Ridgeia piscesae, Riftia pachyptila, and Paralvinella palmiformis were analyzed. Neutron-activation analysis revealed significantly higher concentrations of uranium in tissues of Paralvinella palmiformis as compared to ambient seawater. Possible reasons for such phenomenon are discussed. The data obtained by neutron-activation method are compared with those obtained by atomic-absorption method for the same tissues analyzed.


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Variations in carbonate flux and dissolution, which occurred in the equatorial Atlantic during the last 24,000 years, have been estimated by a new approach that allows the point-by-point determination of paleofluxes to the seafloor. An unprecedented time resolution can thus be obtained which allows sequencing of the relatively rapid events occurring during deglaciation. The method is based on observations that the flux of unsupported 230Th into deep-sea sediments is nearly independent of the total mass flux and is close to the production rate. Thus excess 230Th activity in sediments can be used as a reference against which fluxes of other sedimentary components can be estimated. The study was conducted at two sites (Ceará Rise; western equatorial Atlantic, and Sierra Leone Rise; eastern equatorial Atlantic) in cores raised from three different depths at each site. From measurements of 230Th and CaCO3, changes in carbonate flux with time and depth were obtained. A rapid increase in carbonate production, starting at the onset of deglaciation, was found in both areas. This event may have important implications for the postglacial increase in atmospheric CO2 by increasing the global carbonate carbon to organic carbon rain ratio and decreasing the alkalinity of surface waters (and possibly the North Atlantic Deep Water). Increased carbonate dissolution occurred in the two regions during deglaciation, followed by a minimum during mid-Holocene and renewed intensification of dissolution in late Holocene. During the last 16,000 years, carbonate dissolution was consistently more pronounced in the western than in the eastern basin, reflecting the influence of Antarctic Bottom Water in the west. This trend was reversed during stage 2, possibly due to the accumulation of metabolic CO2 below the level of the Romanche Fracture Zone in the eastern basin.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate directional asymmetric properties and internal structures of the bedforms on the intertidal sand bars in comparison with the migration problems of the sand bodies developed in the channel systems of the tidal basin off the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. The tidal channel sand bodies studied have 'V'-shaped outlines and are asymmetric in cross-section. Based on such knowledge it was hoped to understand and find possible factors for application to recent and ancient tidal depositional environments. The V-shaped intertidal channel sand bodies developed in the tidal environments between Sylt and Föhr Island are constantly migrating sand bars. The migration directions are in good agreement with the resultant vector mean directions of internal cross-stratification structures of asymmetric sedimentary bedforms. Finally, it is shown that the orientation of the apex of V-shaped sand bar as an equilibrium form alone can not indicate the migration direction, but that the orientation of the resultant vector mean of internal structures of sedimentary bedforms does indicate the migration direction. Based on the analyses of textural parameters of the migrating intertidal bar sands, it seems that sands of typical intertidal sand bars are negatively skewed and well sorted. The high rounding of quarz sand grains of these tidal channel sand bars seems to be an additional characteristical criterion for tidal depositional environments, as also indicated by Balazs and Klein (1972).


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Claystones immediately overlying the early Eocene age ocean-floor basalt, cored at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647, underwent hydrothermal and thermal alterations originating from the basalt, which resulted in changes in both the mineralogical and chemical composition of the sediments. Chlorites and higher magnesium and iron concentrations were found in the lowermost sediment sequence. Upcore, changes in the bulk chemical composition of the sediments become smaller, when compensated for variations in the carbonate content originating from biogenic and authigenic components. Chlorite disappears upcore, but still only part of the swelling clay minerals have survived the thermal influence. Thirty meters above the basalt, the clay mineralogy and chemical composition become uniform throughout the Paleogene section. Iron-rich smectites (i.e., nontronitic types), totally dominate the clay mineral assemblage. Biogenic components, responsible for the dominant part of the calcite and cristobalite contents, vary in amount in the upper part, and so do the authigenic carbonate and sulfide contents. Detrital components, such as kaolinite, illite, quartz, and feldspars, make up a very small proportion of the sediment record. The nontronitic smectites are believed to be authigenic, formed by a supply of iron from the continuous formation of ocean-floor basalt in the ridge area that reacted with the detrital and biogenic silicates and alumina silicates.