944 resultados para Coring


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The Antarctic Vostok ice core provided compelling evidence of the nature of climate, and of climate feedbacks, over the past 420,000 years. Marine records suggest that the amplitude of climate variability was smaller before that time, but such records are often poorly resolved. Moreover, it is not possible to infer the abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from marine records. Here we report the recovery of a deep ice core from Dome C, Antarctica, that provides a climate record for the past 740,000 years. For the four most recent glacial cycles, the data agree well with the record from Vostok. The earlier period, between 740,000 and 430,000 years ago, was characterized by less pronounced warmth in interglacial periods in Antarctica, but a higher proportion of each cycle was spent in the warm mode. The transition from glacial to interglacial conditions about 430,000 years ago (Termination V) resembles the transition into the present interglacial period in terms of the magnitude of change in temperatures and greenhouse gases, but there are significant differences in the patterns of change. The interglacial stage following Termination V was exceptionally long - 28,000 years compared to, for example, the 12,000 years recorded so far in the present interglacial period. Given the similarities between this earlier warm period and today, our results may imply that without human intervention, a climate similar to the present one would extend well into the future.


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Processes of sedimentation in marine basins locating in the area of interaction of the largest continental plates (African and Eurasian) are under consideration in the book. During the giant tectonic reconstruction of the Tethys Ocean semi-enclosed seas - the Mediterranean and Black originated. Their sedimentary sequence contains a recording of complex history of the Alpine-Himalayan belt. The dramatic history of the seas and their feeding catchments during Cenozoic is described in detail on the base of unique material of coring and deep-sea drilling, as well as a variety of geophysical and geochemical studies. Particular attention is paid to the history of volcanism - terrestrial and underwater - with correlation of ash falls accumulated on the land and in marine sediments.


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Neogene biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data are compiled from Holes 747A, 748B, and 751A drilled on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Neogene sections have excellent to good magnetostratigraphic signatures in many intervals. This, in addition to minimal coring gaps and the occurrence of mixed assemblages of both calcareous and siliceous microfossil assemblages, makes these valuable biostratigraphic reference sections for intra- and extraregional correlations. This paper combines the sequence of biostratigraphic events reported from diatom, radiolarian, planktonic foraminifer, calcareous nannofossil, and silicoflagellate studies of Leg 120 sediments. It correlates microfossil datums with the geomagnetic polarity time scale to test existing age estimates and to refine biostratigraphic age controls for the southern high latitudes. Significant biostratigraphic datums are presented in a series of age-depth plots. Numerous hiatuses are clearly identified through this approach, and the positions of lesser disconformities are suggested. Most Neogene intervals are represented in at least one site, although "regional" unconformities occur in the upper Pliocene, uppermost Miocene/lowermost Pliocene, middle upper Miocene, middle middle Miocene, and at the lower/middle Miocene boundaries. The longest hiatus spanned 6 m.y., with most other hiatuses representing 1 m.y. or less. This paper compiles Leg 120 biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data for use in future syntheses of southern high latitude biostratigraphy and presents an age model for Leg 120 Neogene sediments.


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Despite its importance in the global climate system, age-calibrated marine geologic records reflecting the evolution of glacial cycles through the Pleistocene are largely absent from the central Arctic Ocean. This is especially true for sediments older than 200 ka. Three sites cored during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), provide a 27 m continuous sedimentary section from the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. Two key biostratigraphic datums and constraints from the magnetic inclination data are used to anchor the chronology of these sediments back to the base of the Cobb Mountain subchron (1215 ka). Beyond 1215 ka, two best fitting geomagnetic models are used to investigate the nature of cyclostratigraphic change. Within this chronology we show that bulk and mineral magnetic properties of the sediments vary on predicted Milankovitch frequencies. These cyclic variations record "glacial" and "interglacial" modes of sediment deposition on the Lomonosov Ridge as evident in studies of ice-rafted debris and stable isotopic and faunal assemblages for the last two glacial cycles and were used to tune the age model. Potential errors, which largely arise from uncertainties in the nature of downhole paleomagnetic variability, and the choice of a tuning target are handled by defining an error envelope that is based on the best fitting cyclostratigraphic and geomagnetic solutions.


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Microfacies analyses and X-ray fluorescence scanning (µ-XRF) at sub-mm resolution were conducted on the varved Mid- to Late Holocene interval of two sediment profiles from pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (southern Germany). The coring sites are located in a proximal (AS10prox) and distal (AS10dist) position towards the main tributary River Ammer, in 1.8 km distance from each other. To shed light on sediment distribution within the lake, particular emphasis was (1) the detection of intercalated detrital layers and their micro-sedimentological features, and (2) intra-basin correlation of these event deposits. Detrital layers were dated by microscopic varve counting, verified by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils. Since ~5500 varve years (vyr) BP, in total 1573 detrital layers were detected in either one or both of the investigated sediment profiles. Based on their microfacies, geochemistry, and proximal-distal deposition pattern, detrital layers were interpreted as River Ammer flood deposits. Earlier studies on flood layer seasonality have proven that flood layer deposition occurs predominantly during spring and summer, the flood season at Lake Ammersee. Most prominent features of the record are the onset of regular flood layer deposition at ~5500 vyr BP in AS10prox and ~ 2800 vyr BP in AS10dist as well as three major increases in mean flood layer thickness at ~5500, 2800, and 400 vyr BP. Integrating information from both sediment profiles allowed to interpret these changes in terms of shifts towards higher mean flood intensity. Proposed triggering mechanisms are gradual reduction in Northern Hemisphere orbital summer forcing and superimposed centennial-scale solar activity minima. Likely responses to this forcing are enhanced equator-to-pole temperature gradients and changes in synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation. The consequences for the Ammersee region are more intense cyclones leading to extremer rainfall and flood events in spring and summer.