497 resultados para Pond


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Depth-integrated in situ rates were calculated for each environment as a function of the available photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Irradiance profiles were calculated for each environment (sea ice, melt pond, water under the ice and open water) from the daily average incoming solar shortwave irradiance measured by a pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, Delft, Netherland) mounted on the ship. We used light attenuation coefficients of 10 m**-1 for snow, 1.5 m**-1 for sea ice (Perovich, 1996) and 0.1 m**-1 for Atlantic-influenced Arctic seawater, based on literature values and observations during the cruise. Planar irradiance was transformed to scalar irradiance according to Ehn and Mundy (2013) and Katlein et al., (2014). Water column production was integrated over the euphotic zone (1% of incoming irradiance) and sea ice production over the ice core thickness. Melt pond coverage and sea ice concentration were taken into account when calculating the total primary production per area.


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CaCO3 content was determined on board ship by the "Karbonat Bomb" technique (Müller and Gastner, 1971). In this simple procedure, a sample is powdered and treated with HCl in a closed cylinder. Any resulting CO2 pressure is proportional to the CaCO3 content of the sample. Application of the calibration factor to the manometer reading (x 100) yields per cent CaCO3. The error can be as low as 1 per cent for sediments high in CaCO3, and in general an accuracy of ±2 to 5 per cent can be obtained.


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In order to provide information on the degree of alteration of the very young basaltic basement drilled on Leg 65 in the mouth of the Gulf of California, we have measured the oxygen isotopic composition of whole rocks and mineral separates. Considerable data already exist for older ocean crust, in particular for the deep holes drilled in the Atlantic Ocean on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Legs 37, 45, 46, and 51-53. These data indicate that in all of these holes, which include crust as young as 3.5 m.y. old, a significant amount of alteration has taken place as the result of low-temperature interaction between basalt and seawater (cf. Muehlenbachs, 1977, 1980; Hoernes et al., 1978; Friedrichsen and Hoernes, 1980). It is therefore of interest to determine whether Leg 65 crust, which is only 0.5 to 1.5 m.y. old, has experienced a similar degree of alteration.


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Sea-ice diatoms are known to accumulate in large aggregates in and under the sea ice including melt ponds. In the Arctic, they can contribute substantially to particle export when sinking from the ice. The role and regulation of microbial aggregation in the highly seasonal, nutrient- and light-limited Arctic sea-ice ecosystem is not yet well understood, and may vary in relation to the fate of the Arctic sea-ice cover. To elucidate the mechanism controlling the formation and export of algal aggregates from sea ice, we investigated samples taken in late summer 2011 and 2012, during two cruises to the Eurasian Basin of the Central Arctic Ocean. Dense, spherical aggregates composed mainly of pennate diatoms, and filamentous aggregates formed by Melosira arctica were found in different degradation stages, with carbon to Chlorophyll a ratios ranging from 110 to 66700, and carbon to nitrogen molar ratios of 8-35 and 9-40, respectively. Fresh sub-ice algal aggregate densities ranged between 1 and 17 aggregates/m**2, corresponding to a net primary production of 0.4-40 mg C/m**2/d, contributing 3-80% of total biomass and up to 94% of total production at a local scale. A key factor controlling buoyancy of the aggregates was light intensity, regulating photosynthetic oxygen production and flotation by gas bubbles trapped within the mucous matrix, even at low ambient nutrient concentrations. Our data was used to evaluate the factors regulating the distribution and importance of the Arctic algal aggregates as carbon source for pelagic and benthic communities.


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The monogragh contains results of mineralogicai and geochemical studies of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits from the Pacific Ocean collected during Deep Sea Drilling Project. Special attention is paid on the aspects of geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central part of the Northwest Pacific, detailed characteristics of the main stages of sedimentary evolution are given: Early Cretaceons (protooceanic), Late Cretaceons (transitional) and Cenozoic (oceanic). Results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal deposits from the Galapagos Rift are given as well.


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Magnetic properties of volcanic rocks are controlled mainly by the physical and chemical state of their constituent ferromagnetic minerals. The most important parameters determining magnetic properties are concentration, composition, grain size, and oxidation state. In sea floor basalts, the main ferromagnetic minerals are titanomagnetites which are either unoxidized or, more commonly, have undergone various degrees of posteruptive low-temperature oxidation to become cationdeficient titanomagnetites, or titanomaghemites. The effects of this low-temperature alteration are seen in the increase of Curie temperature and decrease of saturation magnetization and lattice parameter of ferromagnetic minerals (Readman and O'Reilly, 1972). It is now believed that titanomaghemitization of newly formed mid-ocean ridge crust proceeds with a time constant of about 1 m.y., accompanying drastic decrease of the intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) (Johnson and Atwater, 1977).


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Secondary minerals filling veins and vesicles in volcanic basement at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 458 and 459 indicate that there were two stages of alteration at each site: an early oxidative, probably hydrothermal, stage and a later, low-temperature, less oxidative stage, probably contemporaneous with faulting in the tectonically active Mariana forearc region. The initial stage is most evident in Hole 459B, where low-Al, high Fe smectites and iron hydroxides formed in vesicles in pillow basalts and low-Al palygorskite formed in fractures. Iron hydroxides and celadonite formed in massive basalts next to quartz-oligoclase micrographic intergrowths. Palygorskite was found in only one sample near the top of basement in Hole 458, but it too is associated with iron hydroxides. Palygorskite has previously been reported only in marine sediments in DSDP and other occurrences. It evidently formed here as a precipitate from fluids in which Si, Mg, Fe, and even some Al were concentrated. Experimental data suggest that the solutions probably had high pH and somewhat elevated temperatures. The compositions of associated smectites resemble those in hydrothermal sediments and in basalts at the Galapagos mounds geothermal field. The second stage of alteration was large-scale replacement of basalt by dioctahedral, trioctahedral, or mixed-layer clays and phillipsite along zones of intense fracturing, especially near the bottom of Holes 458 and 459B. The basalts are commonly slickensided, and there are recemented microfault offsets in overlying sediments. Native copper occurs in one core of Hole 458, but associated smectites are dominantly dioctahedral, unlike Hole 459B, where they are mainly trioctahedral, indicating nonoxidative alteration. The alteration in both holes is more intense than at most DSDP ocean crust sites and may have been augmented by water derived from subducting ocean crust beneath the fore-arc region.


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The growth and collapse history of two pingos located approximately 18 m a.s.l, and 35 m a.s.l. in Kuganguag, Disko lsland, west-central Greenland were examined. The pingos of this area were formed on Tertiary basalt rocks. One of the pingos is located in the middle of an alluvial fan, the other is on a river bed. Both have already collapsed. The pingo on the river bed had already collapsed at least 3545±60 year BP (14C dating from base of the pond sediments in the pingo crater). Both pingos formed after the sea's retreat as permafrost developed in the newly exposed delta bottom.


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Hole 1256C was cored 88.5 m into basement, and Hole 1256D, the deep reentry hole, was cored 502 m into basement during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 206. Hole 1256D is located ~30 m south of Hole 1256C (Wilson, Teagle, Acton, et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). A thick massive flow drilled in both holes, Units 1256C-18 and 1256D-1, consists of a single cooling unit of cryptocrystalline to fine-grained basalt, interpreted as a ponded lava, 32 m and at least 74.2 m thick, respectively. This ponded flow gives us a unique opportunity to examine textural variations from the glassy, folded crust of the lava pond recovered from the top of Unit 1256C-18 through the coarse-grained, thick massive lava body to the unusually recrystallized and deformed base cored in Unit 1256C-18. Some detailed descriptions of the textures and grain size variations through the lava pond (Units 1256C-18 and 1256D-1), with special reference to the recrystallization of the base of Unit 1256C-18, are presented here.


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The Hawaiian-Emperor bend has played a prominent yet controversial role in deciphering past Pacific plate motions and the tempo of plate motion change. New ages for volcanoes of the central and southern Emperor chain define large changes in volcanic migration rate with little associated change in the chain's trend, which suggests that the bend did not form by slowing of the Hawaiian hot spot. Initiation of the bend near Kimmei seamount about 50 million years ago (MA) was coincident with realignment of Pacific spreading centers and early magmatism in western Pacific arcs, consistent with formation of the bend by changed Pacific plate motion.


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Results of mineralogical and geochemical investigations of post-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Atlantic Ocean are based on materials of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Comparative characteristics of primary matter for ''black shales'' are given. Exhalative origin of heavy metal accumulation in near-axial sedimentary deeps of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (23°N) are shown. History of post-Middle Jurassic sedimentation is considered on the base of clay mineral-, clastic component-, trace and rare- chemical element studies.


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We investigated the magnetic and paleomagnetic properties of 77 basalt samples from Holes 482, 482C, 482D, 483, 483B, 485, and 485A in order to study the structure and development of the ocean's crust. During the course of this study, we measured the natural remanent magnetization, Jn, and its stability in an alternating magnetic field; the magnetic susceptibility, x; the saturation magnetization, Js; the saturation remanent magnetization, Jrs; the coercivity of maximum remanence, HCR; and the median destructive fields MDFn (for Jn) and MDFs for Jrs. A thermomagnetic analysis for Js and Jrs was also performed; these latter measurements were made on the same samples.


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Petrologic studies of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) (e.g., Melson et al., 1975; Flower, et al., 1977; Byerly and Wright, 1978; Melson, 1979; Byerly and Sinton, 1980; Thompson, 1980) show that magmatic liquid-fraction trends are indicated by the compositions of fresh glass selvedges, usually, but not always, associated with pillow basalts. In contrast, whole-rock compositional variation will often reflect the complicating effects of syn- and post-eruptive phenocryst accumulation. Additional variation may be introduced by the reaction of basalts with seawater. While comparatively severe alteration of variable type was noted locally in the young basalts recovered across the mouth of the Gulf of California on Leg 65, most of the basalts were extremely fresh, making them ideal for studies of compositional variation.