304 resultados para the Mediterranean
Hydraulic piston coring at DSDP Site 548, on the upper continental slope southwest of Ireland, recovered a nearly complete Pliocene section spanning 103 m of sediment. The sediments are greenish gray carbonate-rich hemipelagites containing abundant nannofossils and foraminifers. Grain-size analysis demonstrates that the texture of the section is fairly constant, with most of the variation occurring in 63- to 32-µm and < 2-µm fractions. Previous research has shown that the middle-to-late Pliocene transition in the North Atlantic was marked by the appearance of the planktonic foraminiferal species Globorotalia inflata and by the first occurrence of significant quantities of ice-rafted sediment grains in deep-sea sediments. The latter is taken to represent the first important development of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. The first appearance of G. inflata is carefully documented for Site 548 and is demonstrated to be an evolutionary datum at this site, rather than an ecologically controlled first appearance. Surface ocean conditions represented in the sediment section spanning the appearance of G. inflata were strongly cyclic, resulting in large periodic changes in the abundances of Globorotalia puncticulata and N. acostaensis. The benthic foraminiferal population was studied in detail over the middle-to-upper Pliocene transition to establish the nature and behavior of the intermediate-depth water mass in the northeastern Atlantic at the time of ice-sheet growth in the Northern Hemisphere. This water mass is presently warm and saline, having its source in the Mediterranean Sea. The benthic data show that the intermediate-depth water mass was undergoing a series of progressive changes over the interval including the first appearance of G. inflata. These changes are particularly reflected in the relative abundances of Globocassidulina subglobosa (Brady), Uvigerina, and Ehrenbergina. Also, the mean size of individuals in the G. subglobosa populations shows systematic variation, indicating changing intermediate-depth water properties. Oxygen-isotope analyses show that the intermediate-depth water mass was cold during the middle-to-late Pliocene transition. This interpretation is supported by the relative abundances of benthic foraminiferal species. Hence, the intermediate-depth northeastern Atlantic water mass of the middle to late Pliocene was considerably different from the intermediate-depth water mass of the present.
Extinction is a remarkably difficult phenomenon to study under natural conditions. This is because the outcome of stress exposure and associated fitness reduction is not known until the extinction occurs and it remains unclear whether there is any phenotypic reaction of the exposed population that can be used to predict its fate. Here we take advantage of the fossil record, where the ecological outcome of stress exposure is known. Specifically, we analyze shell morphology of planktonic Foraminifera in sediment samples from the Mediterranean, during an interval preceding local extinctions. In two species representing different plankton habitats, we observe shifts in trait state and decrease in variance in association with non-terminal stress, indicating stabilizing selection. At terminal stress levels, immediately before extinction, we observe increased growth asymmetry and trait variance, indicating disruptive selection and bet-hedging. The pre-extinction populations of both species show a combination of trait states and trait variance distinct from all populations exposed to non-terminal levels of stress. This finding indicates that the phenotypic history of a population may allow the detection of threshold levels of stress, likely to lead to extinction. It is thus an alternative to population dynamics in studying and monitoring natural population ecology.
Biomass and size structure of planktic infusoria communities were investigated in March 1987 at nine stations on a 370 mile transect across the coastal upwelling zone, the California current, and subtropical waters. Infusoria compose up to 71-92% of total biomass of heterotrophic micro- and nannoplankton; their biomass was 0.6-2.0 g/m**2 in the 0-200 m layer. Distinctive characteristics of taxonomic and size structures were of great diversity of microplanktic Stormbilidiwn forms, comparatively low abundance of tintinnids, and high abundance of nannoplanktic infusoria that accounted for 26-54% of biomass.
Long-term time-series of mesozooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Naples, data for the years 2001-2004
Long-term time-series of mesozooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Naples, data for the years 1995-2000
Long-term time-series of mesozooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Naples, data for the years 1984-1992
Ocean acidification caused by an increase in pCO2 is expected to drastically affect marine ecosystem composition, yet there is much uncertainty about the mechanisms through which ecosystems may be affected. Here we studied sea urchins that are common and important grazers in the Mediterranean (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula). Our study included a natural CO2 seep plus reference sites in the Aegean Sea off Greece. The distribution of A. lixula was unaffected by the low pH environment, whereas densities of P. lividus were much reduced. There was skeletal degradation in both species living in acidified waters compared to reference sites and remarkable increases in skeletal manganese levels (P. lividus had a 541% increase, A. lixula a 243% increase), presumably due to changes in mineral crystalline structure. Levels of strontium and zinc were also altered. It is not yet known whether such dramatic changes in skeletal chemistry will affect coastal systems but our study reveals a mechanism that may alter inter-species interactions.
Cold-water coral (CWC) reefs constitute one of the most complex deep-sea habitats harboring a vast diversity of associated species. Like other tropical or temperate framework builders, these systems are facing an uncertain future due to several threats, such as global warming and ocean acidification. In the case of Mediterranean CWC communities, the effect may be exacerbated due to the greater capacity of these waters to absorb atmospheric CO2 compared to the global ocean. Calcification in these organisms is an energy-demanding process, and it is expected that energy requirements will be greater as seawater pH and the availability of carbonate ions decrease. Therefore, studies assessing the effect of a pH decrease in skeletal growth, and metabolic balance are critical to fully understand the potential responses of these organisms under a changing scenario. In this context, the present work aims to investigate the medium- to long-term effect of a low pH scenario on calcification and the biochemical composition of two CWCs from the Mediterranean, Dendrophyllia cornigera and Desmophyllum dianthus. After 314 d of exposure to acidified conditions, a significant decrease of 70 % was observed in Desmophyllum dianthus skeletal growth rate, while Dendrophyllia cornigera showed no differences between treatments. Instead, only subtle differences between treatments were observed in the organic matter amount, lipid content, skeletal microdensity, or porosity in both species, although due to the high variability of the results, these differences were not statistically significant. Our results also confirmed a heterogeneous effect of low pH on the skeletal growth rate of the organisms depending on their initial weight, suggesting that those specimens with high calcification rates may be the most susceptible to the negative effects of acidification.