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Chemical analyses of manganese nodules from the Central Pacific Basin show that their chemical composition varies regionally, although that of the associated sediments is markedly uniform throughout the basin. Mn content varies from 16 to 32% in average. Its higher value is generally found in nodules from siliceous clay and a few from deep-sea clay. Fe content tends to enrich in nodules from deep-sea clay area. Most manganese nodules, except those from deep-sea clay, are remarkably depleted in Fe compared with ones from the other Pacific regions. Mostly, Cu and Ni contents exceed 1% in nodules from siliceous clay, and decrease towards the northwest of the basin where deep-sea clay is distributed. The inter-element relationship between manganese nodules and associated sediments suggests that the mechanism of incorporation of major and minor elements in nodules is apparently different from that of the associated sediments. This finding seems to provide a new interpretation on the problem why manganese nodules having low accumulation rate are not buried by the associated sediments with greater sedimentation rate and then occur on sediment-seawater interface.


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Ferromanganese concretions from the Svalbard shelf in the Barents Sea show slightly convex shale-normalized REE patterns with no Eu anomalies. Concretions from the Gulf of Bothnia, northern part of the Baltic Sea, exhibit an enrichment of light REE and negative Eu anomalies. This difference is interpreted as a consequence of different conveyor mechanisms of the REE to the sediment. It is suggested that dissolving biogenic debris contributes to the convex pattern obtained in the Barents Sea, whereas an inorganic suspended fraction with scavenged REE is the main carrier in the Gulf of Bothnia. During oxic diagenesis in the sediment, the scavenged REE are set free into the porewater and contribute to the distribution pattern in concretions found in the Gulf of Bothnia. Small Mn-rich spheroidal concretions are enriched two to five times in REE compared to average shale, whereas Mn-poor flat concretions are low in REE. Specific surface area of the concretion and the depth of burial in the oxidized surface sediment are two factors that strongly affect the enrichment of the REE. Weak Ce anomalies are present in the analysed concretions and a redox level dependence is seen.


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Ferromanganese concretions from ten stations in the Barents Sea have been analysed for 24 elements. The deposits occur as discoidal and flat concretions and as coatings, in the latter case on lithified or detrital material or as extensive pavements on the Svalbard shelf. The concretions are compositionally similar to Baltic concretions but differ considerably from deep-ocean nodules, particularly in Cu, Ni and Co contents. Statistical analyses reveal distinct correlations between Mn, Na, Ba, Ni and Cu; the Mn-rich coatings showed enrichment of Mo, Zn and possibly Co in a Mn-phase. The iron phase holds high concretions of P and As. Two iron-rich concretions with high contents of P, Ca, Sr, Y, Yb and La were found east and northeast of Spitsbergen Banken, probably indicating upwelling of nutrient-rich, cold polar water along the Svalbard shelf.


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A criterion is suggested for discrimination between ferromanganese oxide minerals, deposited after the introduction of manganese and associated elements in sea water solution at submarine vulcanism, and minerals which are slowly formed from dilute solution, largely of continental origin. The simlultaneous injection of thorium into the ocean by submarine vulcanism is indicated, and its differentiation from continental thorium introduced into the ocean by runoff is discussed.


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The Hf isotope composition of seawater does not match that expected from dissolution of bulk continental crust. This mismatch is generally considered to be due to retention of unradiogenic Hf in resistant zircons during incomplete weathering of continental crust. During periods of intense glacial weathering, zircons should break down more efficiently, resulting in the release of highly unradiogenic Hf to the oceans. We test this hypothesis by comparing Nd and Hf isotope time series obtained from NW Atlantic ferromanganese crusts. Both isotope systems show a decrease associated with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation. The observed changes display distinct trajectories in epsilon Nd- epsilon Hf space, which differ from previously reported arrays of bulk terrestrial material and seawater. Such patterns are consistent with the release of highly unradiogenic Hf from very old zircons, facilitated by enhanced mechanical weathering.


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The trace element content of different bog ores has been measured and it appeared that most of these elements are enriched in the manganiferous bog ores as compared with the ferriferous ones. The manganiferous bog ores have also proved to have a higher radioactivity than the ferriferous ones.


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Concentrations of tin in sea water decreased from estuarine and shelf (0.02-0.04 µg/kg) to surface Atlantic waters (0.009 µg/kg). Mean contents (ppm) in other materials included: ultramafic rocks, 0.8; basalts, 1.7; silicic rocks, 2.5; red clays, 3.4; amphibolites, 1.2. Oceanic ferromanganese deposits contained from 0.2 to 5.8 ppm; tin and cobalt contents were correlated.