257 resultados para Magma
We report the occurrence of ferrobasalts recovered from the Central Indian Ocean Basin crust generated at the Southeast Indian Ridge during a phase of moderate to fast spreading accretion (~110-190 mm/yr, full rate).The rocks are rich in plagioclase, FeO* (13/19 %), and TiO2 (2.27/2.76 %), poor in olivine and MgO (3.44/6.20%), and associated with topographic highs and increased amplitude magnetic anomalies corresponding to chrons A25 and A24. We suggest that secon dary eruptions from ancient N-MORB magma, which may have been trapped at a shallow depth in a horizon of neutral buoyancy, could have produced the ferrobasalts.
Phyric basalts recovered from DSDP Legs 45 and 46 contain abundant plagioclase phenocrysts which occur as either discrete single grains (megacrysts) or aggregates (glomerocrysts) and which are too abundant and too anorthitic to have crystallized from a liquid with the observed bulk rock composition. Almost all the plagioclase crystals are complexly zoned. In most cases two abrupt and relatively large compositional changes associated with continuous internal morphologic boundaries divide the plagioclase crystals into three parts: core, mantle and rim. The cores exhibit two major types of morphology: tabular, with a euhedral to slightly rounded outline; or a skeletal inner core wrapped by a slightly rounded homogeneous outer core. The mantle region is characterized by a zoning pattern composed of one to several spikes/plateaus superimposed on a gently zoned base line, with one large plateau always at the outside of the mantle, and by, in most cases, a rounded internal morphology. The inner rim is typically oscillatory zoned. The width of the outer rim can be correlated with the position of the individual crystal in the basalt pillow. The presence of a skeletal inner core and the concentration of glass inclusions in low-An zones in the mantle region suggest that the liquid in which these parts of the crystals were growing was undercooled some amount. The resorption features at the outer margins of low-An zones indicate superheating of the liquid with respect to the crystal. It is proposed that the plagioclase cores formed during injection of primitive magma into a previously existing magma chamber, that the mantle formed during mixing of a partially mixed magma and the remaining magma already in the chamber, and that the inner rim formed when the mixed magma was in a sheeted dike system. The large plateau at the outside of the mantle may have formed during the injection of the next batch of primitive magma into the main chamber, which may trigger an eruption. This model is consistent with fluid dynamic calculations and geochemically based magma mixing models, and is suggested to be the major mechanism for generating the disequilibrium conditions in the magma.
Geophysical data acquired using R/V Polarstern constrain the structure and age of the rifted oceanic margin of West Antarctica. West of the Antipodes Fracture Zone, the 145 km wide continent-ocean transition zone (COTZ) of the Marie Byrd Land sector resembles a typical magma-poor margin. New gravity and seismic reflection data indicates initial continental crust of thickness 24 km, that was stretched 90 km. Farther east, the Bellingshausen sector is broad and complex with abundant evidence for volcanism, the COTZ is ~670 km wide, and the nature of crust within the COTZ is uncertain. Margin extension is estimated to be 106-304 km in this sector. Seafloor magnetic anomalies adjacent to Marie Byrd Land near the Pahemo Fracture Zone indicate full-spreading rate during c33-c31 (80-68 Myr) of 60 mm/yr, increasing to 74 mm/yr at c27 (62 Myr), and then dropping to 22 mm/yr by c22 (50 Myr). Spreading rates were lower to the west. Extrapolation towards the continental margin indicates initial oceanic crust formation at around c34y (84 Myr). Subsequent motion of the Bellingshausen plate relative to Antarctica (84-62 Myr) took place east of the Antipodes Fracture Zone at rates <40 mm/yr, typically 5-20 mm/yr. The high extension rate of 30-60 mm/yr during initial margin formation is consistent with steep and symmetrical margin morphology, but subsequent motion of the Bellingshausen plate was slow and complex, and modified rift morphology through migrating deformation and volcanic centers to create a broad and complex COTZ.
The paper presents data on naturally quenched melt inclusions in olivine (Fo 69-84) from Late Pleistocene pyroclastic rocks of Zhupanovsky volcano in the frontal zone of the Eastern Volcanic Belt of Kamchatka. The composition of the melt inclusions provides insight into the latest crystallization stages (~70% crystallization) of the parental melt (~46.4 wt % SiO2, ~2.5 wt % H2O, ~0.3 wt % S), which proceeded at decompression and started at a depth of approximately 10 km from the surface. The crystallization temperature was estimated at 1100 ± 20°C at an oxygen fugacity of deltaFMQ = 0.9-1.7. The melts evolved due to the simultaneous crystallization of olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, chromite, and magnetite (Ol: Pl: Cpx : (Crt-Mt) ~ 13 : 54 : 24 : 4) along the tholeiite evolutionary trend and became progressively enriched in FeO, SiO2, Na2O, and K2O and depleted in MgO, CaO, and Al2O3. Melt crystallization was associated with the segregation of fluid rich in S-bearing compounds and, to a lesser extent, in H2O and Cl. The primary melt of Zhupanovsky volcano (whose composition was estimated from data on the most primitive melt inclusions) had a composition of low-Si (~45 wt % SiO2) picrobasalt (~14 wt % MgO), as is typical of parental melts in Kamchatka and other island arcs, and was different from MORB. This primary melt could be derived by ~8% melting of mantle peridotite of composition close to the MORB source, under pressures of 1.5 ± 0.2 GPa and temperatures 20-30°C lower than the solidus temperature of 'dry' peridotite (1230-1240°C). Melting was induced by the interaction of the hot peridotite with a hydrous component that was brought to the mantle from the subducted slab and was also responsible for the enrichment of the Zhupanovsky magmas in LREE, LILE, B, Cl, Th, U, and Pb. The hydrous component in the magma source of Zhupanovsky volcano was produced by the partial slab melting under water-saturated conditions at temperatures of 760-810°C and pressures of ~3.5 GPa. As the depth of the subducted slab beneath Kamchatkan volcanoes varies from 100 to 125 km, the composition of the hydrous component drastically changes from relatively low-temperature H2O-rich fluid to higher temperature H2O-bearing melt. The geothermal gradient at the surface of the slab within the depth range of 100-125 km beneath Kamchatka was estimated at 4°C/km.
Leg 115 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered basalts from four locations along the hotspot track that leads from the Deccan flood basalts in India to Reunion Island in the western Indian Ocean (Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715). The drilled basalts range in age from 35 Ma (Site 706) to 64 Ma (Site 707), and including the Deccan basalts (66 to 68 Ma), Mauritius Island (0.2 to 8 Ma), and Reunion Island (0 to 2 Ma), seven sites are provided for sampling the volcanic record of the 5000-km-long hotspot track. Chemical and age comparisons indicate that Site 707 lavas correlate with basalt units near the top of the Deccan flood basalt sequence. The lavas of Site 715 (55 to 60 Ma) are most similar to the islands of Mauritius and Reunion. Site 713 basalts (48 Ma) are similar to the earliest lavas of the Deccan province, and Site 706 basalts are intermediate in chemistry between those of central Indian spreading-ridge basalts and Reunion. Differences in lava compositions along the hotspot track can be related to variable mixing of plume and asthenospheric mantle, depending on the changing position of spreading-ridge segments and the hotspot during the opening of the Indian Ocean. Alternatively, time-dependent changes in the composition of hotspot melts may be due to a decrease in partial melting of a heterogeneous plume or to intrinsic changes in the composition of material supplied by the plume.
Basalt samples obtained from the Siqueiros transform fault/fracture zone and the adjacent East Pacific Rise are mostly very fresh oceanic tholeiite and fractionated oceanic tholeiite with Fe+3/ Fe+2 ? 0.25; however, alkali basalts occur in the area as well. The rocks of the tholeiitic suite are ol + pl phyric and ol + pl + cpx phyric basalts, while the alkali basalts are ol and ol + pl phyric. Microprobe analyses of the tholeiitic suite phenocrysts indicate that they are Fo68-Fo86, An58-An75, and augite (Ca34Mg50Fe16). The range of olivine and plagioclase compositions represents the chemical variation of the phenocryst compositions with fractionation. The phenocyrsts in the alkali basalts are Fo81 and An69. The suite of tholeiites comprises a fractionation series characterized by relative enrichment of Fe, Ti, Mn, V, Na, K, and P and depletion of Ca, Al, Mg, Ni, and Cr. The fractionated tholeiites occur on the median ridge (which is a sliver of normal oceanic crust) of the double Siqueiros transform fault, on the western Siqueiros fracture zone, and on the adjoining East Pacific Rise, while the two transform fault troughs contain mostly unfractionated or only slightly fractionated tholeiite. We suggest that the fractionated tholeiites are produced by fractional crystallization of more 'primitive' tholeiitic liquid in a crustal magma chamber below the crest of the East Pacific Rise. This magma chamber may be disrupted by the transform fault troughs, thus explaining the paucity of fractionated tholeiites in the troughs. The alkali basalts are found only on the flanks of a topographic high near the intersection of the northern transform trough with the East Pacific Rise.
Bransfield Basin is an actively extending marginal basin separating the inactive South Shetland arc from the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Rift-related volcanism is widespread throughout the central Bransfield Basin, but the wider eastern Bransfield Basin was previously unsampled. Lavas recovered from the eastern subbasin form three distinct groups: (1) Bransfield Group has moderate large-ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (NMORB), (2) Gibbs Group has strong LILE enrichment and is restricted to a relic seamount interpreted as part of the South Shetland arc, and (3) fresh alkali basalt was recovered from the NE part of the basin near Spanish Rise. The subduction-related component in Bransfield and Gibbs Group lavas is a LILE-rich fluid with radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions derived predominantly from subducting sediment. These lavas can be modeled as melts from Pacific MORB source mantle contaminated by up to 5% of the subduction-related component. They further reveal that Pacific mantle, rather than South Atlantic mantle, has underlain Bransfield Basin since 3 Ma. Magma productivity decreases abruptly east of Bridgeman Rise, and lavas with the least subduction component outcrop at that end. Both the eastward decrease in subduction component and occurrence of young alkali basalts require that subduction-modified mantle generated during the lifetime of the South Shetland arc has been progressively removed from NE to SW. This is inconsistent with previous models suggesting continued slow subduction at the South Shetland Trench but instead favors models in which the South Scotia Ridge fault has propagated westward since 3 Ma generating transtension across the basin.
Composition of melt inclusions and age of zircons of plagiogneisses from the Kola Superdeep Borehole
A comprehensive study of melt inclusions and SHRIMP dating of zircons from trondhjemite gneisses of the sequence VIII from the Kola Superdeep Borehole has revealed presence of old primary magmatic crystals with age up to 2887+/-15 Ma. This is not consistent with the previous view, according to which the oldest zircons from the Archean Complex in SG-3 are products of granulite metamorphism. Primary magmatic zircons of early generation (from 2887 to 2842 Ma) formed in deep-seated magma chambers during partial crystallization of CO2-saturated trondhjemite estimates on duration of generation of tonalite-trondhjemite-granite melts through partial melting of mafic rocks.
Basement intersected in Holes 525A, 528, and 527 on the Walvis Ridge consists of submarine basalt flows and pillows with minor intercalated sediments. These holes are situated on the crest and mid- and lower NW flank of a NNW-SSE-trending ridge block which would have closely paralleled the paleo mid-ocean ridge. The basalts were erupted approximately 70 Ma, a date consistent with formation at the paleo mid-ocean ridge. The basalt types vary from aphyric quartz tholeiites on the Ridge crest to highly Plagioclase phyric olivine tholeiites on the flank. These show systematic differences in incompatible trace element and isotopic composition, and many element and isotope ratio pairs form systematic trends with the Ridge crest basalts at one end and the highly phyric Ridge flank basalts at the other. The low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51238) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.70512) ratios of the Ridge crest basalts suggest derivation from an old Nd/Sm and Rb/Sr enriched mantle source. This isotopic signature is similar to that of alkaline basalts on Tristan da Cunha but offset by somewhat lower 143Nd/144Nd values. The isotopic ratio trends may be extrapolated beyond the Ridge flank basalts (which have 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51270 and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70417) in the direction of typical MORB compositions. These isotopic correlations are equally consistent with mixing of depleted and enriched end-member melts or partial melting of an inhomogeneous, variably enriched mantle source. However, observed Zr-Ba-Nb-Y interelement relationships are inconsistent with any simple two-component model of magma mixing or partial melting. They also preclude extensive involvement of depleted (N-type) MORB material or its mantle sources in the petrogenesis of Walvis Ridge basalts.
Legs 59 and 60 of the International Phase of Oceanic Drilling (IPOD) were designed to study the nature and history of volcanism of the active Mariana arc, its currently spreading inter-arc basin (the Mariana Trough), and the series of inactive basins and intervening ridges that lie to the west. The older basins and ridges were drilled during Leg 59 as the first part of a transect of single-bit holes drilled in each major basin and ridge. The eastern part of the transect - the technically active region - was drilled during Leg 60. The evolution of island-arc volcanos and magma genesis associated with lithospheric subduction remain some of the most complex petrologic problems confronting us. Many types of source material (mantle, oceanic crust, continental crust) and an unusually wide range of possible physical conditions at the time of magma genesis must be identified even before the roles of partial melting and subsequent magma fractionation, mixing, and contamination can be assessed.
The compositions of natural glasses and phenocrysts in basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 501, 504, and 505, near the Costa Rica Rift, constitute evidence for the existence of a periodically replenished axial magma chamber that repeatedly erupted lavas of remarkably uniform composition. Magma compositions were affected by three general components: (1) injected magmas carrying (in decreasing order of abundance) Plagioclase, olivine, and chrome-spinel phenocrysts (spinel assemblage); (2) injected magmas carrying Plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine phenocrysts, but no spinel (clinopyroxene assemblage); and (3) moderately evolved hybrids in the magma chamber itself. The compositions of the injected phenocrysts and minerals in glomerocrysts are as follows: Plagioclase - An85-94; olivine - Fo87-89; clinopyroxene - high Cr2O3 (0.7-1.1%), endiopside (Wo42En51Fs7), and aluminous chromian spinel (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.3). These minerals resemble those thought to occur in upper mantle sources (9 kbars and less) of ocean-ridge basalts and to crystallize in magmas near those sources. In the magma chamber, more sodic Plagioclase (An79-85), less magnesian olivine (Fo81-86) and low-Cr2O3 (0.1-0.4%) clinopyroxene formed rims on these crystals, grew as other phenocrysts, and formed cumulus segregations on the walls and floors of the magma chamber. In the spinel-assemblage magmas, magnesiochromite (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.4-0.5) also formed. Some cumulus segregations were later entrained in lavas as xenoliths. The glass compositions define 16 internally homogeneous eruptive units, 13 of which are in stratigraphic order in a single hole, Hole 504B, which was drilled 561.5 meters into the ocean crust. These units are defined as differing from each other by more than analytical uncertainty in one or more oxides. However, many of the glass groups in Hole 504B show virtually no differences in TiO2 contents, Mg/Mg + Fe2+, or normative An/An + Ab, all of which are sensitive indicators of crystallization differentiation. The differences are so small that they are only apparent in the glass compositions; they are almost completely obscured in whole-rock samples by the presence of phenocrysts and the effects of alteration. Moreover, several of the glass units at different depths in Hole 504B are compositionally identical, with all oxides falling within the range of analytical uncertainty, with only small variations in the rest of the suite. The repetition of identical chemical types requires (1) very regular injection of magmas into the magma chamber, (2) extreme similarity of injected magmas, and (3) displacement of very nearly the same proportion of the magmas in the chamber at each injection. Numerical modeling and thermal considerations have led some workers to propose the existence of such conditions at certain types of spreading centers, but the lava and glass compositions at Hole 504B represent the first direct evidence revealed by drilling of the existence of a compositionally nearly steady-state magma chamber, and this chapter examines the processes acting in it in some detail. The glass groups that are most similar are from clinopyroxene-assemblage lavas, which have a range of Mg/Mg + Fe2"1" of 0.59 to 0.65. Spinel-assemblage basalts are less evolved, with Mg/Mg + Fe2+ of 0.65 to 0.69, but both types have nearly identical normative An/An + Ab (0.65-0.66). However, the two lava types contain megacrysts (olivine, Plagioclase, clinopyroxene) that crystallized from melts with Mg/Mg + Fe2+ values of 0.70 to 0.72. Projection of glass compositions into ternary normative systems suggests that spinel-assemblage magmas originated deeper in the mantle than clinopyroxene-assemblage magmas, and mineral data indicate that the two types followed different fractionation paths before reaching the magma chamber. The two magma types therefore represent neither a low- nor a high-pressure fractionation sequence. Some of the spinel-assemblage magmas may have had picritic parents, but were coprecipitating all of the spinel-assemblage phenocrysts before reaching the magma chamber. Clinopyroxene-assemblage magmas did not have picritic parents, but the compositions of phenocrysts suggest that they originated at about 9 kbars, near the transition between plagioclase peridotite and spinel peridotite in the mantle. Two glass groups have higher contents of alkalis, TiO2, and P2O5 than the others, evidently as a result of the compositions of mantle sources. Eruption of these lavas implies that conduits and chambers containing magmas from dissimilar sources were not completely interconnected on the Costa Rica Rift. The data are used to draw comparisons with the East Pacific Rise and to consider the mechanisms that may have prevented the eruption of ferrobasalts at these sites.
We have conducted high-pressure experiments on a natural oceanic gabbro composition (Gb108). Our aim was to test recent proposals that Sr-enrichment in rare primitive melt inclusions from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, may have resulted from melting of garnet pyroxenite formed in the magma source regions by reaction of peridotite with siliceous, Sr-enriched partial melts of eclogite of gabbroic composition. Gb108 is a natural, Sr-enriched olivine gabbro, which has a strong positive Sr anomaly superimposed on an overall depleted incompatible trace element pattern, reflecting its origin as a plagioclase-rich cumulate. At high pressures it crystallises as a coesite eclogite assemblage, with the solidus between 1,300 and 1,350°C at 3.5 GPa and 1,450 and 1,500°C at 4.5 GPa. Clinopyroxenes contain 4-9% Ca-eskolaite component, which varies systematically with pressure and temperature. Garnets are almandine and grossular-rich. Low degree partial melts are highly siliceous in composition, resembling dacites. Coesite is eliminated between 50 and 100°C above the solidus. The whole-rock Sr-enrichment is primarily hosted by clinopyroxene. This phase dominates the mode (>75 wt%) at all investigated PT conditions, and is the major contributor to partial melts of this eclogite composition. Hence the partial melts have trace element patterns sub-parallel to those of clinopyroxene with ~10* greater overall abundances and with strong positive Sr anomalies. Recent studies of primitive Hawaiian volcanics have suggested the incorporation into their source regions of eclogite, formerly gabbroic material recycled through the mantle at subduction zones. The models suggest that formerly gabbroic material, present as eclogite in the Hawaiian plume, partially melted earlier than surrounding peridotite (i.e. at higher pressure) because of the lower solidus temperature of eclogite compared with peridotite. This produced highly siliceous melts which reacted with surrounding peridotite producing hybrid pyroxene + garnet lithologies. The Sr-enriched nature of the formerly plagioclase-rich gabbro was present in the siliceous partial melts, as demonstrated by these experiments, and was transferred to the reactive pyroxenite. These in turn partially melted, producing Sr-enriched picritic liquids which mixed with normal picritic partial melts of peridotite before eruption. On rare occasions these mixed, relatively Sr-rich melts were trapped as melt inclusions in primitive olivine phenocrysts.Yaxley-Sobolev
The main objective of Leg 82 of the Glomar Challenger was to document mantle heterogeneity in the vicinity of, and away from, a so-called hot spot: the Azores Triple Junction. One of the geochemical tools that permits, at least in part, the recognition of mantle heterogeneities uses hygromagmaphile elements, those elements that have an affinity for the liquid. This tool is presented in terms of an extended Coryell-Masuda plot, which incorporates within the rare earth elements the hygromagmaphile transition elements Th, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti, Y, and V. The extended Coryell-Masuda plot is used to summarize our knowledge of mantle heterogeneity along the ridge axis at zero-age. It is also used by choosing those hygromagmaphile elements that can be analyzed on board by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to give preliminary information on the enriched or depleted character of recovered samples. Shore-based results, which include analyses of most of the hygromagmaphile elements measured either by X-ray spectrometry or neutron activation analysis, confirm the shipboard data. From the point of view of comparative geochemistry, the variety of basalts recovered during Leg 82 provides a good opportunity to test and verify the classification of the hygromagmaphile elements. Analyses from Leg 82 provide new data about the relationship between extended rare earth patterns (enriched or depleted) that can be estimated either by La/Sm ratio or Nb/Zr (or Ta/Hf) ratios: samples from Hole 556 are depleted (low Nb/Zr ratio) but have a high 206Pb/ 204Pb (19.5) ratio; in Hole 558 a moderately enriched basalt unit with a La/Sm (= Nb/Zr) ratio (chondrite normalized) of 2 has a high 206Pb/204Pb (20) ratio. One of the most interesting results of Leg 82 lies in the crossing patterns of extended Coryell-Masuda plots for basalts from the same hole. This result enhances the notion of local mantle heterogeneity versus regional mantle heterogeneity and is confirmed by isotope data; it also favors a model of short-lived, discrete magma chambers. The data tend to confirm the Hayes Fracture Zone as a southern limit for the influence of Azores-type mantle. Nevertheless, north of the Hayes Fracture Zone, the influence of a plumelike mantle source is not simple and probably requires an explanation more complex than a contribution from a single fixed hot spot.
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provided igneous rock cores from six sites drilled on a transect across the Lau Basin between the Lau Ridge remnant arc and the modem spreading ridges of the Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers. The drill cores sampled crust from the earliest stage of backarc extension (latest Miocene time, about 6 Ma), and younger crust (late Pliocene, about 3.8-2 Ma, and middle Pleistocene, about 0.64-0.8 Ma). Nearly all of the igneous samples are from tholeiitic basalt flows; many of them are interbedded with arc-composition volcaniclastic sediments. Rock compositions range from olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene basalt, with up to 8% MgO, to oceanic andesites with less than 3.2% MgO and silica contents as high as 56%. The oldest rocks recovered are close in composition to rocks formed at the modern Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers and have MORB-like characteristics. Generation of the oldest units was coeval with arc-tholeiitic volcanism on the Lau Ridge less than 100 km to the west. The arc and backarc melts came from different mantle sources. At three sites near the center of the basin, the crust is arc-tholeiitic basalt, two-pyroxene basaltic-andesite, and two-pyroxene andesite. These rocks have many similarities to modem Tofua Arc lavas yet they were drilled within 70 km of the MORB-like Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Estimates of the minimum age for these arc-like rocks indicate that they are late Pliocene (about 2 Ma). These ages overlap the age of the nearby Eastern Lau Spreading Center. The heterogeneous crust of the Lau Basin carries many of the signatures of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) melts but also has a distinct MORB-like component. Mixing between SSZ and MORB mantle sources may explain the variations and the spatial distribution of magma types.
d37Cl values were determined for Izu Bonin arc magmas erupted 0-44 Ma in order to better understand the time-dependent processing of volatiles in subduction zones. Pristine ash-sized particles (glass, pumice, scoria, and rock fragments) were handpicked from tephra drilled at ODP Site 782. d37Cl values for these particles span a large range from -2.1 to +1.7 per mil (error = ± 0.3 per mil) vs. SMOC (Standard Mean Ocean Chloride, defined as 0 per mil). The temporal data extend the previously reported range of d37Cl values of -2.6 to 0.4 per mil (bulk ash) and -5.4 to -0.1 per mil (volcanic gases) from the Quaternary Izu Bonin-Mariana volcanic front to more positive values. Overall, the temporal data indicate a time-progressive evolution, from isotopically negative Eocene and Oligocene magmas (-0.7 ± 1.1 per mil, n = 10) to Neogene magmas that have higher ?37Cl values on average (+0.3 ± 1.1 per mil; n = 13). The increase is due to the emergence of positive d37Cl values in the Neogene, while minimum d37Cl values are similar through time. The range in d37Cl values cannot be attributed to fractionation during melt formation and differentiation, and must reflect the diversity of Cl present in the arc magma sources. Cl clearly derives from the slab (> 96% Cl in arc magmas), but d37Cl values do not correlate with isotope tracers (e.g. 207Pb/204Pb and 87Sr/86Sr) that are indicative of the flux from subducting sedimentary and igneous crust. Given the steady, high Cl flux since at least 42 Ma, the temporal variability of d37Cl values is best explained by a flux from subducting isotopically positive and negative serpentinite formed in the ocean basins that mingles with and possibly overprints the isotopically negative flux from sediment and igneous crust at arc front depths. The change in the d37Cl values before and after backarc spreading may reflect either a tectonically induced change in the mechanism of serpentinite formation on the oceanic plate, or possibly the integration of isotopically positive wedge serpentinite as arc fluid source during the Neogene. Our study suggests that serpentinites are important fluid sources at arc front depth, and implies the return of isotopically positive and negative Cl from the Earth surface to the mantle.