825 resultados para Leg.
Use of the hydraulic piston corer during DSDP Leg 70 in the Galapagos mounds area allowed recovery of an undisturbed sedimentary sequence down to the basement. It thus became possible to establish the chronology of different events. Several holes on and off the mounds were studied, using uranium series disequilibrium methods of age determination and oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The following sequence was thereby established: 1) From 600,000 to 300,000 years ago there was normal pelagic sedimentation, with an injection of uranium-rich solution, probably of hydrothermal origin, between 400,000 and 300,000 years ago. 2) From 300,000 to 90,000 years ago, nontronitic clay formed, replacing a pre-existing sediment. 3) From 60,000 to 20,000 years ago, manganese oxide deposits formed, probably also replacing pre-existing sediments. 4) About 19,000 years ago there occurred a uranium injection from seawater, attributed to the end of the hydrothermal circulation. In some holes, especially Hole 424, Leg 54, younger manganese oxides have been found, indicating that some mounds may be presently active.
Sediments recovered during Leg 90 (Sites 587-594, plus Site 586 cored during Leg 89) are, in general, extremely weakly magnetized carbonate oozes and chalks with NRM intensities seldom greater than 0.05 µG. The quality of the paleomagnetic records deteriorates with increasing depth caused by the combined effects of removal of primary magnetic oxides by sulfate reduction processes and the dispersal of magnetic grains during compaction. Magnetic reversal sequences are generally recognizable back to the Gilbert, 3.4 to 5.35 m.y., except at equatorial Site 586 where only the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary could be identified. Longer reversal records were obtained at Site 588 (to Chron 13, about 13 m.y.) and Site 594 (base of Chron 5, about 5.9 m.y.). Sediments are characterized by extremely high calcium carbonate contents (90-100%) with almost no biosiliceous components. Blebs and streaks of pyrite are common, and the presence of iron sulfides with poor magnetic stabilities is suspected, although not yet positively identified. Viscous components of magnetization are common, sometimes to the extent of dominating the primary remanence, and there is evidence to suggest that a magnetic remanence is imparted during core recovery. Siliceous carbonate oozes provide better paleomagnetic records than pure carbonate oozes.
Results of a detailed paleomagnetic study on largely undisturbed sedimentary sequences recovered in the Voring Plateau region of the Norwegian Sea during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 104 are presented. At each drill site an essentially continuous downhole magnetic reversal pattern could be defined to depths between 200 and 300 m below seafloor allowing correlations with a calibrated geomagnetic time scale and establishing almost complete magnetostratigraphic records for the core material analyzed. A composite section of the drill holes represents the first high-quality chronostratigraphic framework from the lower Miocene through Holocene obtained in the Norwegian Sea. It should provide a basis for first-order correlations with calcareous and siliceous microfossil events and contribute to a further elaboration of the regional paleoceanographic history. A series of major hiatuses in the upper and middle Miocene accounts for about 4 million yr of missing stratigraphic record.
X-ray powder diffraction and optical and scanning-electron microscope analyses of sediment samples taken from four sites drilled in the Goban Spur area of the northeast Atlantic show variable diagenetic silicification of sediments at several stratigraphic horizons. The results are as follows: 1. The silicified sediments are middle Eocene at Site 548, Paleocene to lower Albian at Site 549, upper to lower Paleocene at Site 550, and lower Turanian at Site 551. 2. There are three types of these silicified sediments: nodular type in carbonate-rich host sediments, bedded type in clayey host sediments, and a type transitional between the other two. 3. Silica diagenesis is considered to progress as follows: dissolution of siliceous fossils; precipitation of opal CT in pore spaces and transformation of biogenic silica (opal A) to opal CT, development of opal CT cement; chalcedonic quartz precipitation in pore spaces and replacement of foraminiferal tests by chalcedonic quartz; and finally, transformation of opal CT to quartz, and cementation. But the strong influence of host-sediment types on diagenetic silica fades is recognized. Bedded-type silicified sediments in a clayey environment indicate a lower grade of silica diagenesis. Only very weak chalcedonic quartz formation is recognized, and there is no opal CT cementation, even in Lower Cretaceous bedded-type clayey silicified sediments. 4. The rf(101) spacing of opal CT shows two distinct trends of ordering or decrease with burial depth; one is a rapid change, in the case of nodular silicified sediments, and the other is a more gentle shift, found in bedded silicified sediments. 5. Diagenetic silica facies of the nodular type develop as irregular concentric zones around some nodule nuclei. Also, quartz-chert nodule formation occurs at rather shallower horizons, and is discordant with the trend of decreasing d(101) spacing in opal CT. 6. Silicified sediments at Site 551 are shallower than at the other sites. The diagenetic silica facies suggest the probable erosion of 300 m or more of sediment at this site. 7. The zeolites clinoptilolite and phillipsite were found in the sediment samples recovered on Leg 80. Clinoptilolite occurs from the shallower levels to the deepest horizons of diagenetically silicified zones, suggesting that clinoptilolite formation is related to diagenesis of biogenic silica. Phillipsite at Site 551 (Section 551-5-2) may originate from volcanogenie material.
Dispersed organic matter of plant origin from three sites of the Middle America Trench transect was investigated by coal petrographic methods. Samples from the slope region are rich in lipoid and inert substances. Humic matter is predominant in the trench sediments. Reflectance measurements show that the rank of the organic matter is peat, independent of the tectonic position and age of the samples in question. A slow increase of coalification with depth is observed.
Samples of chert, porcellanite, and chalk/limestone from Cretaceous chert-bearing sections recovered during Leg 198 were studied to elucidate the nature and origin of chert color zonations with depth/age. Sedimentary structures, trace fossils, compactional features, sediment composition, texture, geochemistry, and diagenetic history were compared among lithologies. Trends in major and minor element composition were determined. Whereas geochemical analyses demonstrate systematic elemental differences among the different lithologies, there are less distinct patterns in composition for the colored cherts. The color of the chert appears to be related primarily to the amount of silica and secondarily to the proportion of other components. Red cherts are almost pure silica with only minor impurities. This may allow pigmentation from fine Fe oxides to dominate the color. These red cherts are from places where geophysical logs indicate that chert is the dominant rock type of the section. These red chert intervals cannot be unequivocally distinguished from surrounding chert-bearing lithologies in terms of sedimentary structures.
Shallow-water larger foraminifers have been recovered at two drill sites on the eastern Maldive Ridge. Despite the poor recovery in Hole 715A, a rather diversified larger benthic foraminifer assemblage allowed us to date the initiation of a carbonate platform, resting on volcanic basement, as late early Eocene. Several age-diagnostic species belonging to the genera Alveolina, Nummulites, Orbitolites, and Discocyclina have been identified. The assemblages may be attributable to the upper part of the Nummulites burdigalensis cantabricus Zone and/or to the lower part of the Nummulites campesinus Zone and to the Alveolina dainellii (upper part) and/or to the A. violae (lower part) zones. The carbonate platform had a very short life (a few hundred thousand years) and rapidly sank below the euphotic zone, as testified by the occurrence of several species of planktonic foraminifers associated with redeposited reef-derived skeletal debris, especially discocyclinids, in the upper part of the sequence. Among the planktonic foraminifers, the presence of Planorotalites palmeri, which has a range confined to the lower portion of the late early Eocene Zone P9, implies that the platform was drowned before the end of the early Eocene. At Hole 714A, the occurrence of several shallow-water foraminifer genera, such as Nummulites (N. fabianii gr.), Discocyclina, Fabiania, Heterostegina, and Operculina (O. gomezi), in pebbles derived from turbidite beds interbedded within late Oligocene pelagic sediments, allows us to suggest that a carbonate platform, possibly reduced in size, was still growing in the Maldive Ridge area after the late early Eocene time. The erosional event, responsible for the redeposition of middle to late Eocene reef-derived skeletal debris, is apparently coeval with the global sea-level fall recorded in late Oligocene Zone P22.
This data report describes the results of post-Leg 172 sampling of Sites 1054, 1055, and 1063 for two purposes: to investigate the climatic significance of red-colored intervals in the hemipelagic sediments cored during Leg 172 and to better understand the stratigraphy and chronology of Carolina Slope Sites 1054 and 1055. Gravity cores collected from the Carolina Slope on site survey cruise Knorr 140/2 show very high rates of sedimentation during the Holocene and lower rates during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Because of the high rates, many of the sediments in the recovered cores never reached the LGM. In other cores, it is possible that deglacial oscillations have been mistaken for the LGM. Although radiocarbon dating could solve that problem, some of the gravity cores are at or very close to the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites, and it is useful to compare the isotope stratigraphies among them before proceeding with dating. Furthermore, some of the site survey cores have red-colored intervals and others do not, even though there is some indication they are time equivalent. Either the stratigraphy is wrong, diagenesis has affected the color of the sediment, or red sediment is carried to some sites but not to others that differ in depth by only a few hundred meters.
Given the importance of the inversion of seamount magnetic anomalies, particularly to the motion of the Pacific plate, it is important to gain a better understanding of the nature of the magnetic source of these features. Although different in detail, Ninetyeast Ridge is composed of submarine and subaerial igneous rocks that are similar to those found at many seamounts, making it a suitable proxy. We report here on the magnetic petrology of a collection of samples from Ninetyeast Ridge in the Indian Ocean. Our purpose is to determine the relationship between primary petrology, subsequent alteration, and magnetic properties of the recovered rocks. Such information will eventually lead to a more complete understanding of the magnetization of seamounts and presumably improvements in the accuracy of anomaly inversions. Three basement sites were drilled on Ninetyeast Ridge, with recovery of subaerial basalt flows at the first two (Sites 756 and 757) and submarine massive and pillow flows at the final one (Site 758). The three sites were distinctly different. Site 756 was dominated by ilmenite. What titanomagnetite was present had undergone deuteric alteration and secondary hematite was present in many samples. The magnetization was moderate and stable although it yielded a paleolatitude somewhat lower than expected. Site 757 was highly oxidized, presumably while above sea level. It was dominated by primary titanomagnetite, which was deuterically altered. Secondary hematite was common. Magnetization was relatively weak but quite stable. The paleolatitude for all but the lowermost flows was approximately 40° lower than expected. Site 758 was also dominated by primary titanomagnetite. There was relatively little oxidation with most primary titanomagnetite showing no evidence of high-temperature alteration. No secondary hematite was in evidence. This site had the highest magnetization of the three (although somewhat low relative to other seamounts) but was relatively unstable with significant viscous remanence in many samples. Paleolatitude was close to the expected value. It is not possible, at present, to confidently associate these rocks with specific locations in a seamount structure. A possible and highly speculative model would place rocks similar to Site 757 near the top of the edifice, Site 756 lower down but still erupted above sea level, and Site 758 underlying these units, erupted while the seamount was still below sea level.
Paleomagnetic studies were carried out on 23 basalt and 74 sediment samples from Leg 91 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, recovered from a portion of the southwestern Pacific plate (24°S, 166°W) dating back to the Early Cretaceous to perhaps Late Jurassic. The expected geocentric axial dipole inclination at this latitude is -41°. The corrected mean stable inclination of -75° for the basalts indicates a paleolatitude of 63°S for their formation and thus 39° of northward motion during the last 100 m.y. Sediment inclinations steepen rapidly below 13-m depth in the core, suggesting little northward motion of this part of the Pacific plate until about 25 m.y. ago. Examination of the opaque minerals in polished section, as well as the Curie temperatures determined for six basalt samples, reveals no evidence of high- or intermediate-temperature oxidation and thus no reheating of the basement rock since its formation.
Data obtained while investigating the mounds area near the Galapagos Spreading Center demonstrate the direct influence of solutions derived from the interaction of seawater and young oceanic crust on the sedimentary cover. Investigation of metalliferous sediments from the mid-oceanic ridges, the Galapagos mounds, and the FAMOUS-area zone formations have shown that this influence and the resulting products are dependent on composition, temperature, and conditions of solution input. The study of sulfur in upwardly migrating solutions and the interaction of these solutions with sediments is of great interest. Investigations of different types of hydrothermally derived formations (Edmond, et al., 1979; Spiess et al., 1980; Styrt et al., 1981; Rosanova 1976; Grinenko et al., 1978) have shown the significant role of sulfur-bearing minerals in deposits formed from hightemperature solutions. In contrast, the addition of hydrothermal sulfur is negligible in those metalliferous sediments that precipitated as a result of the interaction between the solutions and open seawater (Bonatti et al., 1972, 1976; Gordeev et al., 1979; Migdisov, Bogdanov, et al., 1979). For example, sulfides are absent in clearly oxidized metalliferous sediments from the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Barite sulfur from these sediments is identical with seawater sulfate sulfur in isotope composition (Grinenko et al., 1978). Gurvich and Bogdanov (1977) have suggested that barium from EPR metalliferous sediments results completely from biological activity and from the components of ocean waters. Edmond et al. (1979) report that low-temperature springs from the Galapagos Rift axis contain two types of solutions: those with and those without H2S.
DSDP Leg 82 drilled nine sites to the southwest of the Azores Islands on the west flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in an attempt to determine the temporal and spatial evolution of the Azores "hot-spot" activity. The chemistry of the basalts recovered during Leg 82 is extremely varied: in Holes 558 and 561, both enriched (E-type: CeN/YbN = 1.5 to 2.7; Zr/Nb = 4.5 to 9.6) and depleted (or normal-N-type: CeN/YbN = 0.6 to 0.8; Zr/Nb > 20) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) occur as intercalated lava flows. To the north of the Hayes Fracture Zone, there is little apparent systematic relationship between basalt chemistry and geographic position. However, to the south of the Hayes Fracture Zone, the chemical character of the basalts (N-type MORB) is more uniform. The coexistence of both E-type and N-type MORB in one hole may be explicable in terms of either complex melting/ fractionation processes during basalt genesis or chemically heterogeneous mantle sources. Significant variation in the ratios of strongly incompatible trace elements (e.g., La/Ta; Th/Ta) in the basalts of Holes 558 and 561 are not easily explicable by processes such as dynamic partial melting or open system crystal fractionation. Rather, the trace element data require that the basalts are ultimately derived from at least two chemically distinct mantle sources. The results from Leg 82 are equivocal in terms of the evolution of the Azores "hot spot," but would appear not to be compatible with a simple model of E-type MORB magmatism associated with upwelling mantle "blobs." Models that invoke a locally chemically heterogeneous mantle are best able to account for the small-scale variation in basalt chemistry.
Sediments from five Leg 167 drill sites and three piston cores were analyzed for Corg and CaCO3. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy on benthic foraminifers was used to assign age models to these sedimentary records. We find that the northern and central California margin is characterized by k.y.-scale events that can be found in both the CaCO3 and Corg time series. We show that the CaCO3 events are caused by changes in CaCO3 production by plankton, not by dissolution. We also show that these CaCO3 events occur in marine isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 3, and 4 during Dansgaard/Oeschger interstadials. They occur most strongly, however, on the MIS 5/4 glaciation and MIS 2/1 deglaciation. We believe that the link between the northeastern Pacific Ocean and North Atlantic is primarily transmitted by the atmosphere, not the ocean. Highest CaCO3 production and burial occurs when the surface ocean is somewhat cooler than the modern ocean, and the surface mixed layer is somewhat more stable.