622 resultados para water age
Knowing the extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is crucial for initiating and calibrating numerical ice sheet models that can predict future ice-sheet change and contributions to sea level. However, empirical data are lacking for key areas of outer continental shelves, where the LGM-WAIS must have terminated. We present detailed marine geophysical and geological data documenting an up to ~12 m-thick sequence of glaciomarine sediments within a relict glacial trough in the outer parts of the Amundsen Sea Embayment. Continuous deposition must have persisted here since at least >40 ka BP, pre-dating the established LGM by >13,000 years. Observations constrain the LGM grounding line to a distinct grounding-zone wedge ~100 km inland from the continental shelf edge. Thus, a substantial shelf area (~6000 km**2) remained ice free through the last glacial cycle.