632 resultados para sediment retention in reservoirs


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The AND-1B drill core recovered a 13.57 million year Miocene through Pleistocene record from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf in Antarctica (77.9°S, 167.1°E). Varying sedimentary facies in the 1285 m core indicate glacial-interglacial cyclicity with the proximity of ice at the site ranging from grounding of ice in 917 m of water to ice free marine conditions. Broader interpretation of climatic conditions of the wider Ross Sea Embayment is deduced from provenance studies. Here we present an analysis of the iron oxide assemblages in the AND-1B core and interpret their variability with respect to wider paleoclimatic conditions. The core is naturally divided into an upper and lower succession by an expanded 170 m thick volcanic interval between 590 and 760 m. Above 590 m the Plio-Pleistocene glacial cycles are diatom rich and below 760 m late Miocene glacial cycles are terrigenous. Electron microscopy and rock magnetic parameters confirm the subdivision with biogenic silica diluting the terrigenous input (fine pseudo-single domain and stable single domain titanomagnetite from the McMurdo Volcanic Group with a variety of textures and compositions) above 590 m. Below 760 m, the Miocene section consists of coarse-grained ilmenite and multidomain magnetite derived from Transantarctic Mountain lithologies. This may reflect ice flow patterns and the absence of McMurdo Volcanic Group volcanic centers or indicate that volcanic centers had not yet grown to a significant size. The combined rock magnetic and electron microscopy signatures of magnetic minerals serve as provenance tracers in both ice proximal and distal sedimentary units, aiding in the study of ice sheet extent and dynamics, and the identification of ice rafted debris sources and dispersal patterns in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica.


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In the Arabian Sea, productivity in the surface waters and particle flux to the deep sea are controlled by monsoonal winds. The flux maxima during the South-West (June-September) and the North-East Monsoon (December-March) are some of the highest particle fluxes recorded with deep-sea sediment traps in the open ocean. Benthic microbial biomass and activities in surface sediments were measured for the first time in March 1995 subsequent to the NE-monsoon and in October 1995 subsequent to the SW-monsoon. These measurements were repeated in April/May 1997 and February/March 1998, at a total of six stations from 1920 to 4420 m water depth. This paper presents a summary on the regional and temporal variability of microbial biomass, production, enzyme activity, degradation of 14C-labeled Synechococcus material as well as sulfate reduction in the northern, western, eastern, central and southern Arabian deep sea. We found a substantial regional variation in microbial biomass and activity, with highest values in the western Arabian Sea (station WAST), decreasing approximately threefold to the south (station SAST). Benthic microbial biomass and activity during the NE-monsoon was as high or higher than subsequent to the SW-monsoon, indicating a very rapid turnover of POC in the surface sediments. This variation in the biomass and activity of the microbial assemblages in the Arabian deep sea can largely be explained by the regional and temporal variation in POC flux. Compared to other abyssal regions, the substantially higher benthic microbial biomasses and activities in the Arabian Sea reflect the extremely high productivity of this tropical basin.


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We use digital seismic reflection profiles within a 1° * 1° survey area on the Cocos Ridge (COCOS6N) to study the extent and timing of sedimentation and sediment redistribution on the Cocos Ridge. The survey was performed to understand how sediment focusing might affect paleoceanographic flux measurements in a region known for significant downslope transport. COCOS6N contains ODP Site 1241 to ground truth the seismic stratigraphy, and there is a seamount ridge along the base of the ridge that forms a basin (North Flank Basin) to trap sediments transported downslope. Using the Site 1241 seismic stratigraphy and densities extrapolated from wireline logging, we document mass accumulation rates (MARs) since 11.2 Ma. The average sediment thickness at COCOS6N is 196 m, ranging from outcropping basalt at the ridge crest to ~ 400 m at North Flank Basin depocenters. Despite significant sediment transport, the average sedimentation over the entire area is well correlated to sediment fluxes at Site 1241. A low mass accumulation rate (MAR) interval is associated with the 'Miocene carbonate crash' interval even though COCOS6N was at the equator at that time and relatively shallow. Highest MAR occurs within the late Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom interval. Lowest average MAR is in the Pleistocene, as plate tectonic motions caused COCOS6N to leave the equatorial productivity zone. The Pliocene and Pleistocene also exhibit higher loss of sediment from the ridge crest and transport to North Flank Basin. Higher tidal energy on the ridge caused by tectonic movement toward the margin increased sediment focusing in the younger section.


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A diverse suite of geochemical tracers, including 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios, the rare earth elements (REEs), and select trace elements were used to determine sand-sized sediment provenance and transport pathways within the San Francisco Bay coastal system. This study complements a large interdisciplinary effort (Barnard et al., 2012) that seeks to better understand recent geomorphic change in a highly urbanized and dynamic estuarine-coastal setting. Sand-sized sediment provenance in this geologically complex system is important to estuarine resource managers and was assessed by examining the geographic distribution of this suite of geochemical tracers from the primary sources (fluvial and rock) throughout the bay, adjacent coast, and beaches. Due to their intrinsic geochemical nature, 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios provide the most resolved picture of where sediment in this system is likely sourced and how it moves through this estuarine system into the Pacific Ocean. For example, Nd isotopes confirm that the predominant source of sand-sized sediment to Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, and Central Bay is the Sierra Nevada Batholith via the Sacramento River, with lesser contributions from the Napa and San Joaquin Rivers. Isotopic ratios also reveal hot-spots of local sediment accumulation, such as the basalt and chert deposits around the Golden Gate Bridge and the high magnetite deposits of Ocean Beach. Sand-sized sediment that exits San Francisco Bay accumulates on the ebb-tidal delta and is in part conveyed southward by long-shore currents. Broadly, the geochemical tracers reveal a complex story of multiple sediment sources, dynamic intra-bay sediment mixing and reworking, and eventual dilution and transport by energetic marine processes. Combined geochemical results provide information on sediment movement into and through San Francisco Bay and further our understanding of how sustained anthropogenic activities which limit sediment inputs to the system (e.g., dike and dam construction) as well as those which directly remove sediments from within the Bay, such as aggregate mining and dredging, can have long-lasting effects.


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Several studies indicate that the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) off the Pacific coast of Japan has induced slip to the trench and triggered landslides in the Japan Trench. In order to better understand these processes, detailed mapping and shallow-coring landslides at the trench as well as Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) deep drilling to recover the plate boundary décollement (Japan Trench Fast Earthquake Drilling Project, JFAST) have been conducted. In this study we report sediment core data from the rapid response R/V SONNE cruise (SO219A) to the Japan Trench, evidencing a Mass Transport Deposit (MTD) in the uppermost section later drilled at this JFAST-site during IODP Expedition 343. A 8.7 m long gravity core (GeoB16423-1) recovered from ~7,000 m water depth reveals a 8 m sequence of semi-consolidated mud clast breccias embedded in a distorted chaotic sediment matrix. The MTD is covered by a thin veneer of 50 cm hemipelagic, bioturbated diatomaceous mud. This stratigraphic boundary can be clearly distinguished by using physical properties data from Multi Sensor Core Logging and from fall-cone penetrometer shear strength measurements. The geochemical analysis of the pore-water shows undisturbed linear profiles measured from the seafloor downcore across the stratigraphic contact between overlying younger background-sediment and MTD below. This indicates that the investigated section has not been affected by a recent sediment destabilization in the course of the giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake event. Instead, we report an older landslide which occurred between 700 and 10,000 years ago, implying that submarine mass movements are dominant processes along the Japan Trench. However, they occur on local sites and not during each megathrust earthquake.


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The concentration and isotopic composition of Nd in water and particles collected in the western Mediterranean Sea are studied by two complementary approaches. The first examines local vertical profiles and time series; the second considers the global Nd budget of the whole western Mediterranean Sea. These two approaches are used to quantify the Nd inputs and the dissolved/particulate exchange processes in the water column. Two profiles of Nd in seawater in the Ligurian Sea taken in May and October 1992 show an average epsilon-Nd(0) = -9.6 ± 0.5. Seawater from the Strait of Sicily, representative of the eastern waters flowing into the western basin, is more radiogenic [epsilon-Nd(0) = -7.7 ± 0.6]. Profiles of particulate matter collected in sediment traps in coastal (Gulf of Lions) and offshore (Ligurian Sea) environments are also shown. Particles are enriched in Nd and are more radiogenic near the coast than offshore. Measurements of Nd concentration and epsilon-Nd(0) of external sources to the western Mediterranean Sea compared with the literature data demonstrate that particulate flux of atmospheric Saharan origin are more rich ([Nd] = 38 ± 10 µg/g) and less radiogenic [epsilon-Nd(0) = -13.0 ± 1.0] than riverine particulate discharge ([Nd] = 21.5 ± 4.4 µg/g; epsilon-Nd(0) = -10.1 ± 0.5), allowing to trace Nd particulate inputs in the water column. Nd atmospheric flux appears to be the major source into the whole western basin, although lateral advection of riverine material is the prevailing process in the coastal environment. Offshore, the vertical propagation of an important Saharan dust event has been recorded for two months in sediment traps at 80, 200 and 1000 m. The evolution of the resulting negative epsilon-Nd(0) peak along depth and time shows that the particles reach 200 m on a time scale of one week. For the first time, the Nd budget in the western Mediterranean basin is constrained by both concentrations and isotopic compositions measured in particles and seawater. Surface budget requires a remobilization of 30 ± 20% of particulate Nd input. In deep water, dissolved Nd concentrations are balanced by a scavenging of 10 ± 20% of the sinking particulate flux. On the other hand, the deep isotopic compositions suggest an exchange between 30 ± 20% of the sinking particles and the deep waters. The hypothesis of a non-stationary regime for the surface waters in the Ligurian Sea is also considered.


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Pollen analysis of samples taken from the core of the water well Fersina 2 (Adige Valley, Prov. Trento, NE Italy) did not reveal any indication of an interglacial or Holocene age of the uppermost 190 m in the sediment sequence deposited in the over-deepened Adige River Valley. The sediment sequence dates entirely from late-glacial times. Four radiocarbon ages of pieces of wood indicate that about 165 m of the upper part of the profile are of Younger Dryas age. The lower part of the sequence dates from the Allerød or Bølling/Allerød and a preceding cold phase, probably the Oldest Dryas. Accordingly the deposition of the sequence took about 2500 or 3500 years and was completed long before the onset of the Neolithic. Our results are in excellent agreement with findings in other formerly glaciated alpine valleys (e.g. the Traun, Salzach and Enns valleys in the Northern Alps). The final depth of the Fersina 2 well is 190 m. It is very likely that the sediment sequence found below this level in the nearby 423 m deep Fersina 1 well was also deposited after the deglaciation of the Adige Valley at the end of the last glacial period.


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Sediment samples and hydrographic conditions were studied at 28 stations around Iceland. At these sites, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts were conducted to collect hydrographic data and multicorer casts were conductd to collect data on sediment characteristics including grain size distribution, carbon and nitrogen concentration, and chloroplastic pigment concentration. A total of 14 environmental predictors were used to model sediment characteristics around Iceland on regional geographic space. For these, two approaches were used: Multivariate Adaptation Regression Splines (MARS) and randomForest regression models. RandomForest outperformed MARS in predicting grain size distribution. MARS models had a greater tendency to over- and underpredict sediment values in areas outside the environmental envelope defined by the training dataset. We provide first GIS layers on sediment characteristics around Iceland, that can be used as predictors in future models. Although models performed well, more samples, especially from the shelf areas, will be needed to improve the models in future.


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The book is devoted to investigations of benthic fauna and geology of the Southern Atlantic Ocean. These works have been carried out in terms of exploring biological structure of the ocean and are of great importance for development of this fundamental problem. They are based on material collected during Cruise 43 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov in 1985-1986 and Cruise 43 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev in 1989. Problems of quantitative distribution, group composition and trophic structure of benthos in the Southern Scotia Sea, along the east-west Transatlantic section along 31°30'S, and offshore Namibia in the area of the Benguela upwelling are under consideration in the book. Authors present new data on fauna of several groups of deep-sea bottom animals and their zoogeography. Much attention is paid to analysis of morphological structure of the Scotia Sea floor considered in terms of plate tectonics. Bottom sediments along the Transatlantic section and facial variation of sediments in the area of South Shetland Islands and of the continental margin of Namibia are under consideration.


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The Baltic Sea has experienced three major intervals of bottom water hypoxia following the intrusion of seawater ca. 8 kyrs ago. These intervals occurred during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM), Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and during recent decades. Here, we show that sequestration of both Fe and Mn in Baltic Sea sediments generally increases with water depth, and we attribute this to shelf-to-basin transfer ("shuttling") of Fe and Mn. Burial of Mn in slope and basin sediments was enhanced following the lake-brackish/marine transition at the beginning of the hypoxic interval during the HTM. During hypoxic intervals, shelf-to-basin transfer of Fe was generally enhanced but that of Mn was reduced. However, intensification of hypoxia within hypoxic intervals led to decreased burial of both Mn and Fe in deep basin sediments. This implies a non-linearity in shelf Fe release upon expanding hypoxia with initial enhanced Fe release relative to oxic conditions followed by increased retention in shelf sediments, likely in the form of iron sulfide minerals. For Mn, extended hypoxia leads to more limited sequestration as Mn carbonate in deep basin sediments, presumably because of more rapid reduction of Mn oxides formed after inflows and subsequent escape of dissolved Mn to the overlying water. Our Fe records suggest that modern Baltic Sea hypoxia is more widespread than in the past. Furthermore, hypoxia-driven variations in shelf-to-basin transfer of Fe may have impacted the dynamics of P and sulfide in the Baltic Sea thus providing potential feedbacks on the further development of hypoxia.


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Behavior of rare earth elements (REE) and Th is studied along the Transatlantic transect at 22°N. It is shown that both REE and Th contents relative to Al (the most lithogenic element) increase toward the pelagic region. The increasing trend becomes more complicated due to variations in content of biogenic calcium carbonate that acts as a diluting component in sediments. REE composition varies symmetrically relative to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) emphasizing weak hydrothermal influence on sediments of the ridge axis, although the well-known criteria for hydrothermal contribution, such as Al/(Al+Mn+Fe) and (Fe+Mn)/Ti, do not reach critical values. Variations in REE content and composition allowed to distinguish the following five sediment zones in the transect: (I) terrigenous sediments of the Nares abyssal plain; (II) pelagic sediments of the North American Basin; (III) carbonate ooze of the MAR axis; (IV) pelagic sediments of the Canary Basin; and (V) terrigenous clay and calcareous mud of the African continental slope and slope base. Ferromanganese nodules of the hydrogenous type with extremely high Ce (up to 1801 ppm) and Th (up to 138 ppm) contents occur in pelagic sediments. It is ascertained that P, REE, and Th contents depend on Fe content in Atlantic sediments. Therefore, one can suggest that only minor amount of phosphorus is bound with bone debris. Low concentration of bone debris phosphorus is a result of relatively high sedimentation rates in the Atlantic Ocean, as compared with those in pelagic regions of the Pacific Ocean.