368 resultados para pacemaker experiment
The goal of this work has been to examine the influence of upper ocean food web structure and functioning on both the natural and artificially enhanced sequestration of carbon within the ocean. Data obtained in the mesocosm experiment run in the Bay of Hopavågen in August 2012 are used to assess the extent to which organic matter produced within four different food webs is retained in the upper ocean food web versus remineralized back to carbon dioxide and inorganic nutrients (ammonium, dissolved silicon, phosphate) versus exported from the system in the form of rapidly sinking particles. The experiment was carried out in a set of 12 mesocosms covering, in triplicate, 2 different phytoplankton communities (diatom versus non-diatom) exposed to 2 different zooplankton communities (-copepod and +copepod). These starting conditions were established by first filling the bags, roughly simultaneously, with seawater from the Bay of Hopavågen. Mesozooplankton were then removed to the most complete extent possible immediately removed from half of the mesocosms through repeated vertical hauls of a plankton net (200 µm mesh). Nitrate and phosphate was added to half mesocosms daily to promote the growth of non-siliceous phytoplankton (e.g. dinoflagellates or coccolithophores). To the other half of the mesocosms, nitrate, phosphate, and silicate were added to promote the growth of diatoms. Material was allowed to settle and the two distinct phytoplankton populations were allowed to develop for 4 days, after which copepods collected from the Bay of Hopavågen were added back to the half of the N+P mesocosms and to the half of the N+P+Si mesocosms from which mesozooplankton had not been removed at the beginning. This yielded a set of four initial starting conditions (N+P-copepods, N+P+copepods, N+P+Si-copepods, and N+P+Si+copepods). In the primary mesocosms, samples for a set of core parameters were taken every time the mesocosms were sampled. Samples for particulates (PIC, BSi, POC, PON) were collected on GF/F or 0.4 µm polycarbonate.
Metabolic processes have the potential to modulate the effects of ocean acidification (OA) in nearshore macroalgal beds. We investigated whether natural mixed assemblages of the articulate coralline macroalgae Arthrocardia corymbosa and understory crustose coralline algae (CCA) altered pH and O2 concentrations within and immediately above their canopies. In a unidirectional flume, we tested the effect of water velocity (0-0.1 m/s), bulk seawater pH (ambient pH 8.05, and pH 7.65), and irradiance (photosynthetically saturating light and darkness) on pH and O2 concentration gradients, and the derived concentration boundary layer (CBL) thickness. At bulk seawater pH 7.65 and slow velocities (0 and 0.015 m/s), pH at the CCA surface increased to 7.90-8.00 in the light. Although these manipulations were short term, this indicates a potential daytime buffering capacity that could alleviate the effects of OA. Photosynthetic activity also increased O2 concentrations at the surface of the CCA. However, this moderating capacity was flow dependent; the CBL thickness decreased from an average of 26.8 mm from the CCA surface at 0.015 m/s to 4.1 mm at 0.04 m/s. The reverse trends occurred in the dark, with respiration causing pH and O2 concentrations to decrease at the CCA surface. At all flow velocities the CBL thicknesses (up to 68 mm) were much greater than those previously published, indicating that the presence of canopies can alter the CBL substantially. In situ, the height of macroalgal canopies can be an order of magnitude larger than those used here, indicating that the degree of buffering to OA will be context dependent.