359 resultados para anoxic


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In this study we present an initial dataset of Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios in tests of benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) determined with SIMS. These results are a contribution to a better understanding of the proxy potential of these elemental ratios for ambient redox conditions. Foraminiferal tests are often contaminated by diagenetic coatings, like Mn rich carbonate- or Fe and Mn rich (oxyhydr)oxide coatings. Thus, it is substantial to assure that the cleaning protocols are efficient or that spots chosen for microanalyses are free of contaminants. Prior to the determination of the element/Ca ratios, the distributions of several elements (Ca, Mn, Fe, Mg, Ba, Al, Si, P and S) in tests of the shallow infaunal species Uvigerina peregrina and Bolivina spissa were mapped with an electron microprobe (EMP). To visualize the effects of cleaning protocols uncleaned and cleaned specimens were compared. The cleaning protocol included an oxidative cleaning step. An Fe rich phase was found on the inner test surface of uncleaned U. peregrina specimens. This phase was also enriched in Al, Si, P and S. A similar Fe rich phase was found at the inner test surface of B. spissa. Specimens of both species treated with oxidative cleaning show the absence of this phase. Neither in B. spissa nor in U. peregrina were any hints found for diagenetic (oxyhydr)oxide or carbonate coatings. Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios of single specimens of B. spissa from different locations have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Bulk analyses using solution ICP-MS of several samples were compared to the SIMS data. The difference between SIMS analyses and ICP-MS bulk analyses from the same sampling sites was 14.0-134.8 µmol mol-1 for the Fe/Ca and 1.68(±0.41) µmol mol-1 for the Mn/Ca ratios. This is in the same order of magnitude as the variability inside single specimens determined with SIMS at these sampling sites (1sigma[Mn/Ca] = 0.35-2.07 µmol mol-1; 1sigma[Fe/Ca] = 93.9-188.4 µmol mol-1). The Mn/Ca ratios in the calcite were generally relatively low (2.21-9.93 µmol mol-1) but in the same magnitude and proportional to the surrounding pore waters (1.37-6.67 µmol mol-1). However, the Fe/Ca ratios in B. spissa show a negative correlation to the concentrations in the surrounding pore waters. Lowest foraminiferal Fe/Ca ratios (87.0-101.0 µmol mol-1) were found at 465 m water depth, a location with a strong sharp Fe peak in the pore water next to the sediment surface and respectively, high Fe concentrations in the surrounding pore waters. Previous studies found no living specimens of B. spissa at this location. All these facts hint that the analysed specimens already were dead before the Fe flux started and the sampling site just recently turned anoxic due to fluctuations of the lower boundary of the OMZ near the sampling site (465 m water depth). Summarized Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios are potential proxies for redox conditions, if cleaning protocols are carefully applied. The data presented here may be rated as base for the still pending detailed calibration.


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Barite can precipitate in microenvironments in the water column (marine barite), from supersaturated pore fluids at the oxic-anoxic boundary within marine sediments and where Ba-rich pore fluids are expelled and come into contact with sulfate-rich seawater (diagenetic barite), or from hydrothermal solutions (hydrothermal barite). Barite is relatively resistant to alteration after burial and has been used in paleoceanographic studies to reconstruct seawater chemistry and productivity through time. For such applications it is very important to determine the origin of the barite used, because both diagenetic and hydrothermal barite deposits may not accurately record the open-ocean contemporaneous seawater chemistry and productivity. We show here that it is possible to distinguish between the different types of barite by using Sr and S isotopes along with crystal morphology and size characteristics.


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We present iron (Fe) concentration and Fe isotope data for a sediment core transect across the Peru upwelling area, which hosts one of the ocean's most pronounced oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). The lateral progression of total Fe to aluminum ratios (FeT/Al) across the continental margin indicates that sediments within the OMZ are depleted in Fe whereas sediments below the OMZ are enriched in Fe relative to the lithogenic background. Rates of Fe loss within the OMZ, as inferred from FeT/Al ratios and sedimentation rates, are in agreement with benthic flux data that were calculated from pore water concentration gradients. The mass of Fe lost from sediments within the OMZ is within the same order of magnitude as the mass of Fe accumulating below the OMZ. Taken together, our data are in agreement with a shuttle scenario where Fe is reductively remobilized from sediments within the OMZ, laterally transported within the anoxic water column and re-precipitated within the more oxic water below the OMZ. Sediments within the OMZ have increased 56Fe/54Fe isotope ratios relative to the lithogenic background, which is consistent with the general notion of benthic release of dissolved Fe with a relatively low 56Fe/54Fe isotope ratio. The Fe isotope ratios increase across the margin and the highest values coincide with the greatest Fe enrichment in sediments below the OMZ. The apparent mismatch in isotope composition between the Fe that is released within the OMZ and Fe that is re-precipitated below the OMZ implies that only a fraction of the sediment-derived Fe is retained near-shore whereas another fraction is transported further offshore. We suggest that a similar open-marine shuttle is likely to operate along many ocean margins. The observed sedimentary fingerprint of the open-marine Fe shuttle differs from a related transport mechanism in isolated euxinic basins (e.g., the Black Sea) where the laterally supplied, reactive Fe is quantitatively captured within the basin sediments. We suggest that our findings are useful to identify OMZ-type Fe cycling in the geological record.