275 resultados para Younger dryas boundary


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On the basis of various lithological, mircopaleontological and isotopic proxy records covering the last 30,000 calendar years (cal kyr) the paleoenvironmental evolution of the deep and surface water circulation in the subarctic Nordic seas was reconstructed for a climate interval characterized by intensive ice-sheet growth and subsequent decay on the surrounding land masses. The data reveal considerable temporal changes in the type of thermohaline circulation. Open-water convection prevailed in the early record, providing moisture for the Fennoscandian-Barents ice sheets to grow until they reached the shelf break at ~26 cal. kyr and started to deliver high amounts of ice-rafted debris (IRD) into the ocean via melting icebergs. Low epibenthic delta18O values and small-sized subpolar foraminifera observed after 26 cal. kyr may implicate that advection of Atlantic water into the Nordic seas occurred at the subsurface until 15 cal. kyr. Although modern-like surface and deep-water conditions first developed at ~13.5 cal. kyr, thermohaline circulation remained unstable, switching between a subsurface and surface advection of Atlantic water until 10 cal. kyr when IRD deposition and major input of meltwater ceased. During this time, two depletions in epibenthic delta13C are recognized just before and after the Younger Dryas indicating a notable reduction in convectional processes. Despite an intermittent cooling at ~8 cal. kyr, warmest surface conditions existed in the central Nordic seas between 10 and 6 cal. kyr. However, already after 7 cal. kyr the present day situation gradually evolved, verified by a strong water mass exchange with the Arctic Ocean and an intensifying deep convection as well as surface temperature decrease in the central Nordic seas. This process led to the development of the modern distribution of water masses and associated oceanographic fronts after 5 cal. kyr and, eventually, to today's steep east-west surface temperature gradient. The time discrepancy between intensive vertical convection after 5 cal. kyr but warmest surface temperatures already between 10 and 6 cal. kyr strongly implicates that widespread postglacial surface warming in the Nordic seas was not directly linked to the rates in deep-water formation.


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The waters passing through the Florida Straits today reflect both the western portion of the wind-driven subtropical gyre and the northward flow of the upper waters which cross the equator, compensating North Atlantic Deep Water export as part of the large-scale Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It has been postulated from various lines of evidence that the overturning circulation was weaker during the Younger Dryas cold event of the last deglaciation. We show here that the contrast in the oxygen isotopic composition of benthic foraminiferal tests across the Florida Current is reduced during the Younger Dryas. This most likely reflects a decrease in the density gradient across the channel and a decrease in the vertical shear of the Florida Current. This reduced shear is consistent with the postulated reduction in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. We find that the onset of this change in density structure and flow at the start of the Younger Dryas is very abrupt, occurring in less than 70 years.


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We compare a compilation of 220 sediment core d13C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean with three-dimensional ocean circulation simulations including a marine carbon cycle model. The carbon cycle model employs circulation fields which were derived from previous climate simulations. All sediment data have been thoroughly quality controlled, focusing on epibenthic foraminiferal species (such as Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi or Planulina ariminensis) to improve the comparability of model and sediment core carbon isotopes. The model captures the general d13C pattern indicated by present-day water column data and Late Holocene sediment cores but underestimates intermediate and deep water values in the South Atlantic. The best agreement with glacial reconstructions is obtained for a model scenario with an altered freshwater balance in the Southern Ocean that mimics enhanced northward sea ice export and melting away from the zone of sea ice production. This results in a shoaled and weakened North Atlantic Deep Water flow and intensified Antarctic Bottom Water export, hence confirming previous reconstructions from paleoproxy records. Moreover, the modeled abyssal ocean is very cold and very saline, which is in line with other proxy data evidence.


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A set of 40 Uranium-series datings obtained on the reef-forming scleractinian cold-water corals Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata revealed that during the past 400 kyr their occurrence in the Gulf of Cádiz (GoC) was almost exclusively restricted to glacial periods. This result strengthens the outcomes of former studies that coral growth in the temperate NE Atlantic encompassing the French, Iberian and Moroccan margins dominated during glacial periods, whereas in the higher latitudes (Irish and Norwegian margins) extended coral growth prevailed during interglacial periods. Thus it appears that the biogeographical limits for sustained cold-water coral growth along the NE Atlantic margin are strongly related to climate change. By focussing on the last glacial-interglacial cycle, this study shows that palaeo-productivity was increased during the last glacial. This was likely driven by the fertilisation effect of an increased input of aeolian dust and locally intensified upwelling. After the Younger Dryas cold event, the input of aeolian dust and productivity significantly decreased concurrent with an increase in water temperatures in the GoC. This primarily resulted in reduced food availability and caused a widespread demise of the formerly thriving coral ecosystems. Moreover, these climate induced changes most likely caused a latitudinal shift of areas withoptimum coral growth conditions towards the northern NE Atlantic where more suitable environmental conditions established with the onset of the Holocene.


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Reconstruction of regional climate and the Okhotsk Sea (OS) environment for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), deglaciation and Holocene were performed on the basis of high-resolution records of ice rafted debris (IRD), CaCO3, opal, total organic carbon (TOC), biogenic Ba (Ba_bio) and redox sensitive element (Mn, Mo) content, and diatom and pollen results of four cores that form a north-southern transect. Age models of the studied cores were earlier established by AMS 14C data, oxygen - isotope chronostratigraphy and tephrochronology. According to received results, since 25 ka the regional climate and OS environmental conditions have changed synchronously with LGM condition, cold Heinrich event 1, Bølling -Allerød (BA) warming, Younger Dryas (YD) cooling and Pre-Boreal (PB) warming recorded in the Greenland ice core, North Atlantic sediment, and China cave stalagmites. Calculation of IRD MAR in sediment of north-south transect cores indicate an increase of sea ice formation several times in the glacial OS as compared to the Late Holocene. Accompanying ice formation, increased brine rejection and the larger potential density of surface water at the north shelf due to a drop of glacial East Asia summer monsoon precipitation and Amur River run off, led to strong enhancement of the role of the OS in glacial North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) formation. The remarkable increase in OS productivity during BA and PB warming was probably related with significant reorganisation of the North Pacific deep water ventilation and nutrient input into the NPIW and OS Intermediate Water (OSIW). Seven Holocene OS millennial cold events based on the elevated values of the detrended IRD stack record over the IRD broad trend in the sediments of the studied cores have occurred synchronously with cold events recorded in the North Atlantic, Greenland ice cores and China cave stalagmites after 9 ka. Diatom production in the OS were mostly controlled by sea ice cover changes and surface water stratification induced by sea-ice melting; therefore significant opal accumulation in sediments of this basin begin from 4-6 ka ago simultaneously with a remarkable decrease of sea ice cover.


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The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is widely believed to affect climate. Changes in ocean circulation have been inferred from records of the deep water chemical composition derived from sedimentary nutrient proxies (Boyle and Keigwin, 1987, doi:10.1038/330035a0), but their impact on climate is difficult to assess because such reconstructions provide insufficient constraints on the rate of overturning (LeGrand and Wunsch, 1995, doi:10.1029/95PA01455). Here we report measurements of 231Pa/230Th, a kinematic proxy for the meridional overturning circulation, in a sediment core from the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. We find that the meridional overturning was nearly, or completely, eliminated during the coldest deglacial interval in the North Atlantic region, beginning with the catastrophic iceberg discharge Heinrich event H1, 17,500 yr ago, and declined sharply but briefly into the Younger Dryas cold event, about 12,700 yr ago. Following these cold events, the 231Pa/230Th record indicates that rapid accelerations of the meridional overturning circulation were concurrent with the two strongest regional warming events during deglaciation. These results confirm the significance of variations in the rate of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation for abrupt climate changes.


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We present 30 new planktonic foraminiferal census data of surface sediment samples from the South China Sea, recovered between 630 and 2883 m water depth. These new data, together with the 131 earlier published data sets from the western Pacific, are used for calibrating the SIMMAX-28 transfer function to estimate past sea-surface temperatures. This regional SIMMAX method offers a slightly better understanding of the marginal sea conditions of the South China Sea than the linear transfer function FP-12E, which is based only on open-ocean data. However, both methods are biased toward the tropical temperature regime because of the very limited data from temperate to subpolar regions. The SIMMAX formula was applied to sediment core 17940 from the northeastern South China Sea, with sedimentation rates of 20-80 cm/ka. Results revealed nearly unchanged summer temperatures around 28°C for the last 30 ky, while winter temperatures varied between 19.5°C in the last glacial maximum and 26°C during the Holocene. During Termination 1A, the winter estimates show a Younger Dryas cooling by 3°C subsequent to a temperature optimum of 24°C during the Bölling=Alleröd. Estimates of winter temperature differences between 0 and 100 m water depth document the seasonal variations in the thickness of the mixed layer and provide a new proxy for estimating past changes in the strength of the winter monsoon.


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The Late Weichselian-Early Holocene variability of the North Atlantic Current has been studied with focus on the zonal component of this meridional transport during the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions. The investigated sediment core is from 409 m water depth in the SW Barents Sea. Eight Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates show that the core covers the last 20,000 cal yr B.P. with a centennial scale resolution during Late Weichselian-Early Holocene. Planktic foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed using the >100 ?m size fraction and foraminiferal planktic and benthic d13C and d18O isotopes were measured. Furthermore, a range of physical and chemical analyses has been carried out on the bulk sediment samples. Four time periods have been identified which represent the varying oceanographic conditions in Ingøydjupet, a glacial trough located off the north coast of Norway in the SW Barents Sea. 1) The late glacial (before ca 15,000 cal yr B.P.) influenced by the nearby ice sheets with high amounts of sea ice- or iceberg-transported detritus. 2) The late Oldest Dryas stadial and the Bølling-Allerød interstadial (ca 15,000-12,700 cal yr B.P.) with cold surface water conditions influenced by the collapse of the nearby ice sheets, high amounts of sea ice- or iceberg-transported detritus and melt water and weak subsurface inflow of Atlantic Water. 3) The Younger Dryas cold stadial (12,700-11,650 cal yr B.P.) with low primary productivity and extensive sea ice cover and 4) The Preboreal and Early Holocene (11,650-6800 cal yr B.P. cal yr B.P.) with strong influx of Atlantic Water into the area, near absence of ice rafted debris and generally ameliorated conditions in both surface and bottom water masses as seen from a high flux of foraminifera and increased marine primary production.


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A series of cores from east of New Zealand have been examined to determine the paleoceanographic history of the late Quaternary in the SW Pacific using planktonic foraminiferal data. Distinct shifts of species can be seen between glacial and interglacial times especially south of Chatham Rise east of South Island. Foraminiferal fragmentation ratios and benthic/planktonic foraminiferal ratios both show increased dissolution during glacials, especially isotope stage 2 to the south of Chatham Rise. The present-day Subtropical Convergence appears to be tied to the Chatham Rise at 44°S, but during glacial times this rise separated cold water to the south from much warmer water to the north, with an associated strong thermal gradient across the rise. We estimate that this gradient could have presented as much as an 8°C temperature change across 4°C of latitude during the maximum of the last ice age. There is only weak evidence of the Younger Dryas cool event, but there is a clear climatic optimum between 8 and 6.4 ka with temperatures 1°-2°C higher than the present day. The marine changes compare well with vegetational changes on both South and North Island.


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This study presents newly obtained coral ages of the cold-water corals Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata collected in the Alboran Sea and the Strait of Sicily (Urania Bank). These data were combined with all available Mediterranean Lophelia and Madrepora ages compiled from literature to conduct a basin-wide assessment of the spatial and temporal occurrence of these prominent framework-forming scleractinian species in the Mediterranean realm and to unravel the palaeo-environmental conditions that controlled their proliferation or decline. For the first time special focus was placed on a closer examination of potential differences occurring between the eastern and western Mediterranean sub-basins. Our results clearly demonstrate that cold-water corals occurred sparsely in the entire Mediterranean during the last glacial before becoming abundant during the Bølling-Allerød warm interval, pointing to a basin-wide, almost concurrent onset in (re-)colonisation after ~13.5 ka. This time coincides with a peak in meltwater discharge originating from the northern Mediterranean borderlands which caused a major reorganisation of the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation. During the Younger Dryas and Holocene, some striking differences in coral proliferation were identified between the sub-basins such as periods of highly prolific coral growth in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the Younger Dryas and in the western basin during the Early Holocene, whereas a temporary pronounced coral decline during the Younger Dryas was exclusively affecting coral sites in the Alboran Sea. Comparison with environmental and oceanographic data revealed that the proliferation of the Mediterranean corals is linked with enhanced productivity conditions. Moreover, corals thrived in intermediate depths and showed a close relationship with intermediate water mass circulation in the Mediterranean sub-basins. For instance, reduced Levantine Intermediate Water formation hampered coral growth in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during sapropel S1 event as reduced Winter Intermediate Water formation did in the westernmost part of the Mediterranean (Alboran Sea) during the Mid-Holocene. Overall, this study clearly demonstrates the importance to consider region-specific environmental changes as well as species-specific environmental preferences in interpreting coral chronologies. Moreover, it highlights that the occurrence or decline of cold-water corals is not controlled by one key parameter but rather by a complex interplay of various environmental variables.


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Environmental changes in the surface and bottom water layers of the Ingøydjupet Basin and history of Atlantic water inflow to the southwestern Barents Sea during the last 16 ka are reconstructed on the base of planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. A multiproxy study of sediment cores PSh-5159R and PSh-5159N, including AMS 14C dating, provides time resolution of about 200 years for the deglaciation period, 100 years for Holocene, and 25-50 years for the last 400 years. Stable polar conditions with sea ice on the surface were typical for the early deglaciation period. Unstable bottom settings and onset of ice rafting marked Oldest Dryas. Cold Atlantic water inflow increased notably during the Boiling-Allerod interstadial nearby the site location and then decreased during the Younger Dryas. Early Holocene was characterized by abrupt warming in the bottom and surface water layers, especially ~9.7-7.6 ka BP. Stable conditions prevailed during Middle Holocene. Remarkable changes in the sea-surface temperature and bottom environments occurred during last 2.5 cal. ka BP.


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Benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca from a Florida Current sediment core documents the history of the northward penetration of southern source waters within the surface return flow of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Cd seawater estimates (CdW) indicate that intermediate-depth southern source waters crossed the equator and contributed to the Florida Current during the Bølling-Allerød warm period of the last deglaciation, consistent with evidence of only a modest AMOC reduction compared to today. The CdW estimates also provide the first paleoceanographic evidence of a reduction in the influence of intermediate-depth southern source waters within the Florida Current during the Younger Dryas, a deglacial cold event characterized by a weak North Atlantic AMOC. Our results reveal a close correspondence between the northward penetration of intermediate-depth southern source waters and the influence of North Atlantic Deep Water, suggesting a possible link between intermediate-depth southern source waters and the strength of the Atlantic AMOC.


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Sediments from the Black Sea, a region historically dominated by forests and steppe landscapes, are a valuable source of detailed information on the changes in regional terrestrial and aquatic environments at decadal to millennial scales. Here we present multi-proxy environmental records (pollen, dinoflagellate cysts, Ca, Ti and oxygen isotope data) from the uppermost 305 cm of the core 22-GC3 (42°13.53' N, 36°29.55' E) collected from a water depth of 838 m in the southern part of the Black Sea in 2007. The records span the last ~ 18 kyr (all ages are given in cal kyr BP). The pollen data reveal the dominance of the Artemisia-steppe in the region, suggesting rather dry/cold environments ~ 18-14.5 kyr BP. Warming/humidity increase during melt-water pulses (~ 16.1-14.5 kyr BP), indicated by d18O records from the 22-GC3 core sediment and from the Sofular Cave stalagmite, is expressed in more negative d13C values from the Sofular Cave, usually interpreted as the spreading of C3 plants. The records representing the interstadial complex (~ 14.5-12.9 kyr BP) show an increase in temperature and moisture, indicated by forest development, increased primary productivity and reduced surface run-off, whereas the switch from primary terrigenous to primary authigenic Ca origin occurs ~ 500 yr later. The Younger Dryas cooling is clearly demonstrated by more negative d13C values from the Sofular Cave and a reduction of pines. The early Holocene (11.7-8.5 kyr BP) interval reveals relatively dry conditions compared to the mostly moist and warm middle Holocene (8.5-5 kyr BP), which is characterized by the establishment of the species-rich warm mixed and temperate deciduous forests in the low elevation belt, temperate deciduous beech-hornbeam forests in the middle and cool conifer forest in upper mountain belt. The border between the early and middle Holocene in the vegetation records coincides with the opening of the Mediterranean corridor at ~ 8.3 kyr BP, as indicated by a marked change in the dinocyst assemblages and in the sediment lithology. Changes in the pollen assemblages indicate a reduction in forest cover after ~ 5 kyr BP, which was likely caused by increased anthropogenic pressure on the regional vegetation.