998 resultados para ODP Leg 184


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Ten sites were drilled in the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (North East Pacific) along a 100 km-long east-west transect during Leg ODP 168. This study focuses on the mineralogical and chemical study of sediments that overly basaltic basement through which seawater circulates. Silicate authigenesis was observed in the sediment layer just above basement at sites located more than 30 km from the ridge axis. This sediment alteration is particularly abundant at ODP Sites 1031 and 1029 where authigenic formation of Fe-Mg rich smectite and zeolite and the dissolution of biogenic calcite are observed. Comparison of the distribution of the alteration in the basal sediment collected along this transect suggests that diffusional transport of aqueous solutes from the basement into the overlying sediment cannot produce the mineralogical and chemical changes in the basal sediments at Sites 1031 located on a basement topographic high, and at Site 1029 located at about 50 km from the ridge axis on a buried basement area. Vertical advection of basement fluid though the sediment section is required to produce this alteration. These processes are still active at Site 1031, based on systematic variations in pore-water profiles and temperatures obtained from stable isotopic data on calcium carbonates and the nature of authigenic minerals. At Site 1029, there is no present-day advection of basement fluids though the sediment section, suggesting that this is a relic site for fluid flow.


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Seventy-one samples from nine sites were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC). Fifty-six samples, containing 0.2% or more TOC, were evaluated by Rock-Eval to assess the nature of their kerogen and its petroleum source potential. Visual kerogen studies were carried out. Petroleum potential was encountered only in Valanginian calcareous claystones at Hole 692B close to the margin of Dronning Maud Land. A section of 44.7 m was penetrated. The unit possesses a revised mean TOC of 9.8% and petroleum potential of 43.2 kg/Mg, relatively high values in comparison to other Cretaceous anoxic oceanic sections and the totality of petroleum source rocks. At Sites 689 and 690, extremely low TOC levels, mean 0.07%, preclude kerogen analysis. Kerogens in Eocene to Pliocene sediments of the central and western Weddell Sea (Sites 694, 695, 696, and 697) are similar everywhere, largely comprising brown to black, granular, amorphous material of high rank, and generally possessing several reflectance populations of vitrinite particles. The latter are interpreted as indicative of the recycling of sediments of a variety of levels of thermal maturity.


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During the drilling of the southern Australian continental margin (Leg 182 of the Ocean Drilling Program), fluids with unusually high salinities (to 106?) were encountered in Miocene to Pleistocene sediments. At three sites (1127, 1129, and 1131), high contents of H2S (to 15%), CH4 (50%), and CO2 (70%) were also encountered. These levels of H2S are the highest yet reported during the history of either the Deep Sea Drilling Project or the Ocean Drilling Program. The high concentrations of H2S and CH4 are associated with anomalous Na+/Cl- ratios in the pore waters. Although hydrates were not recovered, and despite the shallow water depth of these sites (200-400 m) and relative warm bottom water temperatures (11-14°C), we believe that these sites possess disseminated H2S-dominated hydrates. This contention is supported by calculations using the measured gas concentrations and temperatures of the cores, and depths of recovery. High concentrations of H2S necessary for the formation of hydrates under these conditions were provided by the abundant (SO4)2- caused by the high salinities of the pore fluids, and the high concentrations of organic material. One hypothesis for the origin of these fluids is that they were formed on the adjacent continental shelf during previous lowstands of sea level and were forced into the sediments under the influence of hydrostatic head.


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A major goal of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 130 was to drill four sites down the northeastern flank of the Ontong Java Plateau to collect a series of continuous sedimentary sequences that would provide a depth transect of Neogene sediments. In particular, the study of the sediments recovered along the depth transect is expected to yield high-resolution stratigraphic, geochemical, and physical properties records across intervals of major paleoceanographic changes by evaluating variations of primary sedimentological and paleoceanographic indicators (e.g., carbonates, isotopes, grain size, microfossil assemblages, etc.). This data report presents the results of highresolution (3-5 Ka sample intervals) analyses of carbonate concentration and bulk sediment grain size at Sites 803-806 for the time interval from 2 Ma to the present.


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We investigated minor element ratios (Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca) in bulk sediment samples from Sites 803-807 using a recently optimized sample treatment protocol for calcium-carbonate-rich sediments consisting of sequential reductive and ion exchange treatments. We evaluated this protocol relative to bulk sediment leaching using samples from Sites 804 and 806, the two end-member sites in the depth transect, reporting as well Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios for sediments from these two sites processed by means of both methods. The Sr/Ca ratios were only slightly affected by the sample treatment, with an average reduction of 6%-7% caused primarily by the ion exchange step. The reductive sample treatment, designed to be effective at removing Mn-rich oxyhydroxides, has a major effect on Mg/Ca ratios, with up to 50% reduction, whereas little effect occurred in ion exchange alone on Mg/Ca ratios. The Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios were not consistently offset by the sample treatment, and these ratios do not appear to be representative of calcite geochemistry reflecting either ocean history or diagenetic overprinting. Celestite solubility appears to be an important control on interstitial water Sr concentrations in these sites, and it must be considered when constructing Sr mass balance models of calcite recrystallization. Calcite Sr/Ca ratios (range 1-2 mmol/mol) are similar from site to site when plotted vs. age, with a pattern comparable to that for well-preserved foraminifer tests over the past 40 Ma. Interstitial water Mg and Ca gradients appear to reflect basement character and the intensity of alteration; they can vary substantially over a small area. Calcite Mg/Ca ratios (range 1.5-4.5 mmol/mol) differ from site to site, with generally higher ratios for sites at a shallower water depth. Increasing calcite Mg/Ca ratios correlate with decreasing Sr/Ca ratios in the treated samples. No consistent pattern exists for calcite Mg/Ca ratios vs. age or depth, nor is any direct correlation to interstitial water Mg/Ca ratios present.


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This report presents all the available major and trace elemental analyses and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions of basaltic rocks recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 800, 801, and 802 during Leg 129 (Table 1). Its main purpose is to provide other investigators a complete summary of geochemical data for Leg 129 basement basalts that they can use for later work. Detailed discussions of the data are presented elsewhere in the volume by Floyd and Castillo (Site 801 geochemistry and petrogenesis, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779154) Floyd et al. (Sites 800 and 802 geochemistry and petrography, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779129), Alt et al. (Site 801 alteration, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779207), and Castillo et al. (Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope geochemistry of Leg 129 basalts, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779191).


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Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 were drilled on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. F1) to recover a continuous high-resolution record of Antarctic glaciation. Site 1095 is the subject of a short paper in this volume (Pudsey, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.214.2001), whereas mass accumulation rates at the three sites are described by Wolf-Welling (2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.223.2001) and ice-rafted debris at Site 1101 is discussed by Cowan (2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.206.2001) This report documents grain-size data (sand and fine fraction) and the proportion of biogenic silica for the upper 300 m at Site 1095, the upper 250 m at Site 1096, and the whole 220 m at Site 1101.


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Siliceous sponge spicules were found in Quaternary sediments recovered during drilling of Leg 180. The assemblage consists mainly of monaxon forms. Relative abundances of the various types are tabulated.


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The Marion Plateau is a large carbonate platform off northeastern Queensland. Three sites (815, 816, and 826) were drilled on this platform and form the basis for this study. Larger benthic foraminifers, together with rare planktonic forms from the shallow-water carbonates that form the main part of the platform sequence, were studied to establish a biostratigraphy. The presence of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidiná) howchini sensu lato and Ladoronia vermicularis, together with Globorotalia (Globorotalia) praemenardii and Orbulina, indicate an early middle Miocene (N9-N12) age (i.e., lower Tf stage) for these carbonates. Dolomitization has destroyed much of the original fabric of these carbonates, making study of the larger foraminifers difficult. Sites 815 (forereef location) and 826 (backreef, lagoonal setting) provide the best faunas. However, at all sites nodular coralline algae and Halimeda are the major bioclasts; coral fragments form a major component at Sites 816 and 826. The middle Miocene neritic sequence is separated from the overlying hemipelagic sequence by an unconformity that spans much of the middle and late Miocene. At Site 815, which is in a forereef situation, the overlying hemipelagic sequence contains a Zone N17A fauna, but at Site 816, higher on the platform, a similar sequence contains a Zone N19 fauna. The faunas indicate that the platform was built up during the early middle Miocene and remained at fairly constant water depths and temperatures during this period. It was then exposed prior to subsiding rapidly during the late Miocene and Pliocene to depths similar to those of the present day.


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From October to December in 1996, Sites 1039 through 1043 were drilled on the lower continental slope and the bottom of the Middle American Trench. Planktonic foraminifers were obtained from 377 samples of the total 487 examined. The Pliocene- to Pleistocene-age sediments of Sites 1039 and 1043 are continuous from Zones N19 through N23. At Sites 1039 and 1040, middle Miocene sediments are also continuous, encompassing Zones N8 through N12. The sequences of the upper part of Sites 1040, 1041, 1042, and 1043 are décollements, tentatively assignable to Zone N19 for Sites 1040, 1041, and 1042 and to Zone N22 for Site 1043. The oldest sediments of these sites are assigned to Zone N7 (latest early Miocene), ~17 Ma in age.


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New geochemical data on serpentinite muds and metamorphic clasts recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 195 (Holes 1200A-1200E) and 125 (Holes 778A and 779A) provide insights into the proportions of rock types of various sources that compose the serpentinite mudflows and the fluid-rock interactions that predominate in these muds. We interpret the metamorphic rock fragments as derivatives of mostly metamorphosed mafic rocks from the descending Pacific oceanic crust. Based on their mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)-like Al2O3, TiO2, CaO, Si/Mg, and rare earth element (REE) systematics, these metamorphic rocks are classified as metabasalts/metagabbros and, therefore, ~30-km depths represent an active subduction zone setting. The serpentinite muds from Holes 1200A and 1200E have slightly lower REE when compared to Hole 1200D, but overall the REE abundance levels range between 0.1-1 x chondrite (CI) levels. The chondrite-normalized patterns have [La/Sm]N ~ 2.3 and [Sm/Yb]N ~ 2. With the exception of one sample, the analyzed metamorphic clasts show flat to slightly depleted light REE patterns with 1.0-15 x CI levels, resembling MORBs. Visually, ~6 vol% of the serpentinized muds are composed of 'exotic' materials (metamorphic clasts [schists]). Our mixing calculations confirm this result and show that the serpentinite muds are produced by additions of ~5% metamafic materials (with flat and up to 10 x CI REE levels) to serpentinized peridotite clast material (with very low REE abundances and U-shaped chondrite-normalized patterns). The preferential incorporation of B, Cs, Rb, Li, As, Sb, and Ba into the structure of H2O-bearing sheet silicates (different than serpentine) in the Leg 125 and Leg 195 metamorphic clasts (chlorite, amphibole, and micas) have little effect on the overall fluid-mobile element (FME) enrichments in the serpentinite muds (average B = ~13 ppm; average Cs = ~0.05 ppm; average As = ~1.25 ppm). The extent of FME enrichment in the serpentinized muds is similar to that described for the serpentinized peridotites, both recording interaction with fluids very rich in B, Cs, and As originating from the subducting Pacific slab.


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Variations in the distribution of major elements and stable oxygen isotopes in ODP Leg 113 pore water are not related to lithology and thus appear to be controlled by minor constituents. Petrographic observations and geochemical considerations indicate that alteration of calc-alkalic volcanic material dispersed in the sediment is an important process. A diagenetic reaction is constructed that involves transformation of volcanic glass into smectite, zeolite (represented by phillipsite), chert, and iron sulfide. Mass balance calculations reveal that alteration of less than 10% (volume) of volcanogenic material may account for the observed depletion of magnesium, potassium, and 18O and enrichment of calcium. Alteration of this amount of volcanic glass produces less than 4% (volume) of smectite and zeolite. Hence, mass balance is obtained without having to invoke unreasonable large amounts of volcanic matter or interactions between seawater and basement.


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The carbonate cements found in Sites 717-719 of ODP Leg 116 correspond to the precipitation of inorganic calcite due to circulation of hot fluid associated with intraplate deformation in the central Indian Ocean. A first burst of hydrothermal activity may have occurred 7.5-9 Ma and a second burst less than 0.5 Ma. These fluids were probably derived from the basaltic basement and the immediately overlying sediments.


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We present high-resolution (2-3 kyr) benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes in a continuous, well-preserved sedimentary archive from the West Pacific Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1146), which track climate evolution in unprecedented resolution over the period 12.9 to 8.4 Ma. We developed an astronomically tuned chronology over this interval and integrated our new records with published isotope data from the same location to reconstruct long-term climate and ocean circulation development between 16.4 and 8.4 Ma. This extended perspective reveals that the long eccentricity (400 kyr) cycle is prominently encoded in the d13C signal over most of the record, reflecting long-term fluctuations in the carbon cycle. The d18O signal closely follows variations in short eccentricity (100 kyr) and obliquity (41 kyr). In particular, the obliquity cycle is prominent from ~14.6 to 14.1 Ma and from ~9.8 to 9.2 Ma, when high-amplitude variability in obliquity is congruent with low-amplitude variability in short eccentricity. The d18O curve is additionally characterized by a series of incremental steps at ~14.6, 13.9, 13.1, 10.6, 9.9, and 9.0 Ma, which we attribute to progressive deep water cooling and/or glaciation episodes following the end of the Miocene climatic optimum. On the basis of d18O amplitudes, we find that climate variability decreased substantially after ~13 Ma, except for a remarkable warming episode at ~10.8-10.7 Ma at peak insolation during eccentricity maxima (100 and 400 kyr). This transient warming, associated with a massive negative carbon isotope shift, is reminiscent of intense global warming events at eccentricity maxima during the Miocene climatic optimum.


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Constraining the history of seawater (234U/238U) is important because this ratio is used to assess the validity of U/Th ages, and because it provides information about the past rate of physical weathering on the continents. This study makes use of U-rich slope sediments from the Bahamas in an attempt to reconstruct seawater (234U/238U) for the last 800 kyr. For the last 360 kyr, U/Th dating of these sediments provides ages and initial (234U/238U) values. Sixty-seven samples, largely from marine highstands, have initial (234U/238U) which scatter somewhat about the modern seawater value (~1.145) but neither this scatter nor the average value increases with age of sample. These data contrast with published coral data and suggest that seawater (234U/238U) has remained within 15? of the modern value for the last 360 kyr. This confirms the rejection of coral U/Th ages where the initial (234U/238U) is significantly different from modern seawater. Data from older highstands, dated with delta18O stratigraphy or by the presence of the Brunhes/Matuyama (B/M) reversal at 780 kyr, allow seawater (234U/238U) to be assessed prior to the range of the 230Th chronometer. Unfortunately, diagenetic scatter in the data between the B/M reversal and 360 kyr is rather large, probably relating to low U concentrations for these samples. But there is no indication of a trend in seawater (234U/238U) with age. High U samples from close to the B/M reversal show less diagenetic scatter and an initial (234U/238U) that averages 1.102. This lower value can be explained by lower seawater (234U/238U) at the time of the B/M reversal, or by progressive loss of 234U from the sediment by alpha-recoil. A simple box model is presented to illustrate the response of seawater (234U/238U) to variations in riverine input, such as might be caused by changes in continental weathering. Comparison of the Bahamas (234U/238U) data with model results indicates that riverine (234U/238U) has not varied by more than 65? for any 100 kyr period during the last 360 kyr. It also indicates that the ratio of physical to chemical weathering on the continents has not been higher than at present for any extended period during the last 800 kyr.