552 resultados para Lomonosov, Mihail Vasiljevitsh


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Investigations of lithogenic and biogenic particle fluxes using long-term sediment traps are still very rare in the northern high latitudes and restricted to the arctic marginal seas and sub-arctic regions. Here, for the first time, data on the variability of fluxes of lithogenic matter, carbonate, opal, and organic carbon as well as biomarker composition from the central Arctic Ocean are presented for a one-year period. The study has been carried out on material obtained from a long-term mooring system equipped with two multi-sampling-traps (150 and 1550 m water depth) and deployed on the southern Lomonosov Ridge close to the Laptev Sea continental margin from September 1995 to August 1996. In addition, data from surface-sediments were included in the study to get more information about the flux and sedimentation of organic carbon in this area. Annual fluxes of lithogenic matter, carbonate, opal, and particulate organic carbon are 3.9 g/m**2/y, 0.8 g/m**2/y, 2.6 g/m**2/y, 1.5 g/m**2/y, respectively, at the shallow trap and 11.3 g/m**2/y, 0.5 g/m**2/y, 2.9 g/m**2/y, 1.05 g/m**2/y, respectively, at the deep trap. Both the shallow as well as the deep trap show significant differences in vertical flux values over the year. Higher values were found from mid-July to end of October (total flux of 75-130 mg/m**2/d in the shallow trap and 40-225 mg/m**2/d in the deep trap, respectively). During all other months, fluxes were fairly low in both traps (most total flux values <10 mg/m**2/d1). The interval of increased fluxes can be separated into (1) a mid-July/August maximum caused by increased primary production as documented in high abundances of marine biomarkers and diatoms, and (2) a September/October (absolute) maximum caused by increased influence of Lena river discharge indicated by maximum lithogenic flux and high portions of terrigenous/fluvial biomarkers in both traps. Here, total fluxes in the deep trap were significantly higher than in the shallow trap, suggesting a lateral sediment flux at greater depth. The lithogenic flux data also support the importance of sediment input from the Laptev Sea for the sediment accumulation on the Lomonosov Ridge on geological time scales, as indicated in sedimentary records from this region.


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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of sediment cores from the Lomonosov Ridge and the Morris Jesup Rise reveals a distinct pattern of Ca intensity peaks through Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 to 7. Downcore of MIS 7, the Ca signal is more irregular and near the detection limit. Virtually all major peaks in Ca coincide with a high abundance of calcareous microfossils; this is particularly conspicuous in the cores from the central Arctic Ocean. However, the recorded Ca signal is generally caused by a combination of biogenic and detrital carbonate, and in areas influenced by input from the Canadian Arctic, detrital carbonates may effectively mask the foraminiferal carbonates. Despite this, there is a strong correlation between XRF-detected Ca content and foraminiferal abundance. We propose that in the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland a common palaeoceanographic mechanism is controlling Ca-rich ice-rafted debris (IRD) and foraminiferal abundance. Previous studies have shown that glacial periods are characterized by foraminfer-barren sediments. This implies that the Ca-rich IRD intervals with abundant foraminifera were most likely deposited during interglacial periods when glaciers left in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago were still active and delivered a large amount of icebergs. At the same time, conditions were favourable for planktic foraminifera, resulting in a strong covariance between these proxies. Therefore, we suggest that the XRF scanner's capability to efficiently map Ca concentrations in sediment cores makes it possible to systematically examine large numbers of cores from different regions to investigate the palaeoceanographic reasons for the calcareous microfossils' spatial and temporal variability.


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The general knowledge of the hydrographic structure of the Southern Ocean is still rather incomplete since observations particularly in the ice covered regions are cumbersome to be carried out. But we know from the available information that thermohaline processes have large amplitudes and cover a wide range of scales in this part of the world ocean. The modification of water masses around Antarctica have indeed a worldwide impact, these processes ultimately determine the cold state of the present climate in the world ocean. We have converted efforts of the German and Russian polar research institutions to collect and validate the presently available temperature, salinity and oxygen data of the ocean south of 30°S latitude. We have carried out this work in spite of the fact that the hydrographic programme of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) will provide more new information in due time, but its contribution to the high latitudes of the Southern Ocean is quite sparse. The modified picture of the hydrographic structure of the Southern Ocean presented in this atlas may serve the oceanographic community in many ways and help to unravel the role of this ocean in the global climate system. This atlas could only be prepared with the altruistic assistance of many colleagues from various institutions worldwide who have provided us with their data and their advice. Their generous help is gratefully acknowledged. During two years scientists from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St. Petersburg and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven have cooperated in a fruitful way to establish the atlas and the archive of about 38749 validated hydrographic stations. We hope that both sources of information will be widely applied for future ocean studies and will serve as a reference state for global change considerations.


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Stable isotope analysis was performed on the structural carbonate of fish bone apatite from early and early middle Eocene samples (~55 to ~45 Ma) recently recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 (the Arctic Coring Expedition). The d18O values of the Eocene samples ranged from -6.84 per mil to -2.96 per mil Vienna Peedee belemnite, with a mean value of -4.89 per mil, compared to 2.77 per mil for a Miocene sample in the overlying section. An average salinity of 21 to 25 per mil was calculated for the Eocene Arctic, compared to 35 per mil for the Miocene, with lower salinities during the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum, the Azolla event at ~48.7 Ma, and a third previously unidentified event at ~47.6 Ma. At the Azolla event, where the organic carbon content of the sediment reaches a maximum, a positive d13C excursion was observed, indicating unusually high productivity in the surface waters.


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The Cenozoic ice-rafted debris (IRD) history of the central Arctic is reconstructed utilizing the terrigenous coarse sand fraction in IODP 302 cores from 0 to 273 meters composite depth. This Holocene - middle Eocene quantitative record of terrigenous sand accumulation on the Lomonosov Ridge, along with qualitative information on grain texture and composition, confirms the interpretation that ice initiation (sea ice and glacial ice) occurred ~46 Ma in the Arctic, and provides a long-term pattern of Arctic ice expansion and decay since the middle Eocene. IRD mass accumulation rates range from 0 to 0.13 g/cm2/ka in the middle Eocene and from 0 to 0.36 g/cm2/ka in the Neogene. IRD mass accumulation rate (MAR) maxima in the Miocene and Pliocene cooccur with either glacial initiation or intensification in the sub-Arctic. The 46.25 Ma IRD onset in the central Arctic slightly precedes the earliest evidence of ice in the Antarctic, and compares in timing with a >1000 ppm decrease in atmospheric concentrations of CO2. The decline of pCO2 in the middle Eocene may have driven both poles across the temperature threshold that enabled the nucleation of glaciers on land and partial freezing of the surface Arctic Ocean, especially during times of low insolation.


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In 1965-1966 R/V Mikhail Lomonosov conducted studies on concentrations of artificial radioactive products in the Northeast Atlantic. Concentration of strontium-90 at the end of 1965 and the beginning of 1966 was higher than the average level for the ocean and reached about 53 dpm/100 l in the surface layer. The most intense transport of artificial radioactive products out of the Irish Sea was detected in the northern and northeastern directions along the Hebrides and the Orkneys. In addition to radioactive fission products from nuclear weapons tests, radioactive wastes of atomic industrial facilities discharged into the ocean are an important source of radioactive contamination of some regions of the world ocean.


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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) recovered a unique sediment record from the central Arctic Ocean, revealing that this region underwent major environmental fluctuations since the Late Cretaceous. Major and trace element composition of 1,300 samples were determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The results show significant compositional variability of the sediments with depth that can be attributed to changes in (a) provenance and pathways of detrital material, (b) paleoenvironmental conditions and depositional processes, and (c) diagenetic overprint of the primary record. In addition to existing lithological units, we introduce new geochemical units for a more process-related approach interpreting the ACEX record. In detail, via the geochemical signature of Siberian flood basalts we are able to reconstruct the discontinuous rifting and deepening of the central Lomonosov Ridge during the Paleogene, accompanied by changing current regimes and the onset of sea ice. Eocene biosiliceous sedimentation took place in a relatively shallow setting under predominantly anoxic bottom water conditions, causing a positive anoxia-productivity feedback, although water column stratification was repeatedly interrupted by ventilation events. Anoxic to sulfidic conditions were even more extreme after biosilica production ceased, and significant amounts of pyrite were deposited on the Lomonosov Ridge. Especially in organic matter-rich Paleogene deposits, diagenetic processes obscured the paleoenvironmental signals. Fundamental environmental changes occurred in the Middle Eocene, but geochemical and micropaleontological proxies point not to the identical sediment depth. After approximately 26 Ma of non-deposition or erosion, the Middle Miocene record shows the transition to dominantly oxic bottom water conditions, although suboxic diagenesis seemingly affected these deposits.


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The book presents results of comprehensive geological investigations carried out during Cruise 8 of R/V "Vityaz-2" to the western part of the Black Sea in 1984. Systematic studies in the Black Sea during about hundred years have not weakened interest in the sea. Lithological and geochemical studies of sediments in estuarine areas of the Danube and the Kyzyl-Irmak rivers, as well as in adjacent parts of the deep sea and some other areas were the main aims of the cruise. Data on morphological structures of river fans, lithologic and chemical compositions of sediments in the fans and their areal distribution, forms of occurrence of chemical elements, role of organic matter and gases in sedimentation and diagenesis are given and discussed in the book.