244 resultados para ECHINOIDEA


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The interval between 488.2 and 513.7 m below seafloor at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 615 is interpreted as a single carbonate gravity-flow deposit. The deposit has characteristics of both a debris flow and a high-density turbidity current. Comparison of the sedimentary constituents in 15 samples from this site with samples from 26 core tops from the upper West Florida continental slope and eastern Mississippi Fan shows many similarities. Shallow-water indicators, such as mollusk and echinoid fragments, occur in both suites of samples. The West Florida continental margin, therefore, is a potential provenance area. The Yucatan slope is also a possible source, but data from it are limited. The recognition of carbonate gravity-flow deposits intercalated within the Mississippi Fan refines our understanding of Pleistocene sedimentation within the Gulf basin. Deposition in the deep Gulf is dominated by the construction of the Mississippi Fan. However, this marine terrigenous depocenter is located between two large carbonate depocenters, the West Florida continental margin on the east and the Yucatan peninsula on the southwest. Periodically, the carbonate slope in these two regions fails, injecting carbonate gravity flows into the accreting terrigenous deep-sea fan.


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Together with foraminifers and ostracods, echinoderm remains are very frequent in Eemian sediments of the Dagebuell Well DA-1. The appearance of holothurian sclerites is particularly noteworthy. In the present study, remains of Holothuroidea from the European Pleistocene are described. These remains could be assigned to the Recent genus Psolus OKEN 1815. Furthermore, a short synopsis of disarticulate holothurian fossils in Holocene and Pleistocene sediments is given.


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Calcareous microfossils are widely used by paleoceanographers to investigate past sea-surface hydrology. Among these microfossils, planktonic foraminifera are probably the most extensively used tool (e.g. [1] for a review), as they are easy to extract from the sediment and can also be used for coupled geochemical (e.g; d18O, d13C, Mg/Ca) and paleo-ecological investigations. Planktonic foraminifera are marine protists, which build a calcareous shell made of several chambers which reflect in their chemistry the properties of the ambient water-masses. Planktonic foraminifera are known to thrive in various habitats, distributed not only along a latitudinal gradient, but also along different water-depth intervals within surface waters (0-1000 m). Regarding their biogeographical distribution, planktonic foraminifera assemblages therefore mirror different water-masses properties, such as temperature, salinity and nutrient content of the surface water in which they live. The investigation of the specific composition of a fossil assemblage (relative abundances) is therefore a way to empirically obtain (paleo)information on past variations of sea-surface hydrological parameters. This paper focuses on the planktonic foraminifera record from the Arctic domain. This polar region records peculiar sea-surface conditions, with the influence of nearly perennial sea-ice cover development. This has strong impact on living foraminifera populations and on the preservation of their shells in the underlying sediments.


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Site 619, located in the Pigmy Basin off the coast of Louisiana, penetrated the late Quaternary Ericson Zones X, Y, and Z. The penetrated section can be divided into four intervals. The lower interval (below 157 m sub-bottom) comprises 51 m of displaced sediments which probably originated from the Louisiana continental shelf. The upper three intervals (above 157 m) are dominated by pelagic/hemipelagic sedimentation associated with a closed basin. These are divided on the basis of planktonic foraminifers into Zones X, Y, and Z. These warm-cool water intervals are identified mainly by using the Globorotalia menardii complex (warm) and G. inflata (cool). The intervals correlate with published curves taken from piston core samples in the western Gulf of Mexico.