321 resultados para curcubita maxima


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High-resolution records of carbon and oxygen isotopes and benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates for the Eocene-Oligocene section at Ocean Drilling Program Site 689 (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea; paleodepth about 1500 m) were used to infer variations in paleoproductivity in relation to changes in climate and ventilation of the deeper-water column. The benthic foraminiferal abundance and isotope records show short-term fluctuations at periodicities of 100 and 400 ka, implying orbitally driven climatic variations. Both records suggest that intermediate-depth water chemistry and primary productivity changed in response to climate. During the Eocene, productivity increased during cold periods and during cold-to-warm transitions, possibly as a result of increased upwelling of nutrient-rich waters. In the Oligocene, in contrast, productivity maxima occurred during intervals of low delta18O values (presumably warmer periods), when a proto-polar front moved to the south of the location of Site 689. This profound transition in climate-productivity patterns occurred around 37 Ma, coeval with rapid changes toward increasing variability of the oxygen and carbon isotope and benthic abundance records and toward larger-amplitude delta18O fluctuations. Therefore, we infer that, at this time, temperature fluctuations increased and a proto-polar front formed in conjunction with the first distinct pulsations in size of the Antarctic ice sheet. We speculate that this major change might have resulted from an initial opening of the Drake Passage at 37 Ma, at least for surface- and intermediate-water circulation.


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The quantity, type, and maturity of the organic matter of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments from the Japan Trench (DSDP Leg 56, Sites 434 and 436; and Leg 57, Sites 438, 439 and 440) were determined. The hydrocarbons in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary- column gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry. Kerogen concentrates were investigated by microscopy, and vitrinite-reflectance values were determined. Measured organic-carbon values were in the range of 0.13 to 1.00 per cent. Extract yields, however, were extremely low. Normalized to organic carbon, total extracts ranged from 4.1 to 15.7 mg/g Corg. Gas chromatography of non-aromatic hydrocarbons showed that all sediments, except one Oligocene sample, contained very immature, mainly terrigenous organic material. This was indicated by n-alkane maxima at C29 and C31 and high odd-carbon-number predominances. Unsaturated steroid hydrocarbons were found to be major cyclic compounds in lower- and middle-Miocene samples from the upper inner trench slope (Sites 438 and 439). Perylene was the dominating aromatic hydrocarbon in all but the Oligocene sample. Microscopy showed kerogens rich in terrigenous organic particles, with a major portion of recycled vitrinite. Nevertheless, almost all the liptinite particles appeared to be primary. This is a paradox, as the bulk of the samples were composed of hemipelagic mineral matter with a major siliceous biogenic (planktonic) component. A trend of reduced size and increased roundness can be seen for the vitrinite/ inertinite particles from west to east (from upper inner trench slope to outer trench slope). All sediments but one are relatively immature, with mean huminite-reflectance values (Ro)in the range of 0.30 to 0.45 per cent. The oldest and deepest sediment investigated, an Oligocene sandstone from Site 439, yielded a mean vitrinitereflectance value of 0.74 per cent and a mature n-alkane distribution. This sample may indicate a geothermal event in late Oligocene time. It failed to affect the overlying lower Miocene and may have been caused by an intrusion. Boulders of acidic igneous rocks in the Oligocene can be interpreted as witnesses of nearby volcanic activity accompanied by intrusions.


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In order to investigate production pathways of methyl iodide and controls on emissions from the surface ocean, a set of repeated in-vitro incubation experiments were performed over an annual cycle in the context of a time-series of in-situ measurements in Kiel Fjord (54.3 N, 10.1E). The incubation experiments revealed a diurnal variation of methyl iodide in samples exposed to natural light, with maxima during day time and losses during night hours. The amplitude of the daily accumulation varied seasonally and was not affected by filtration (0.2µm), consistent with a photochemical pathway for CH3I production. The methyl iodide loss rate during night time correlated with the concentration accumulated during daytime. Daily (24 hour) net production (Pnet) was similar in magnitude between in vitro and in situ mass balances. However, the estimated gross production (Pgross) of methyl iodide ranged from -0.07 to 2.24 pmol/day and were 5 times higher in summer than Pnet calculated from the in-situ study [Shi et al., 2014]. The large excess of Pgross over Pnet revealed by the in-vitro (incubation) experiments in summer is a consequence of large losses of CH3I by as-yet uncharacterized processes (e.g. biological degradation or chemical pathways other than Cl- substitution).


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The atmospheric chemistry of iodine and bromine in polar regions is of interest due to the key role of halogens in many atmospheric processes, particularly tropospheric ozone destruction. Bromine is emitted from the open ocean but is enriched above first-year sea ice during springtime bromine explosion events, whereas iodine is emitted from biological communities hosted by sea ice. It has been previously demonstrated that bromine and iodine are present in Antarctic ice over glacial-interglacial cycles. Here we investigate seasonal variability of bromine and iodine in polar snow and ice, to evaluate their emission, transport and deposition in Antarctica and the Arctic and better understand potential links to sea ice. We find that bromine enrichment (relative to sea salt content) and iodine concentrations in polar ice do vary seasonally in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice and we relate such variability to satellite-based observations of tropospheric halogen concentrations. Peaks of bromine enrichment in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice occur in spring and summer, when sunlight is present. Iodine concentrations are largest in winter Antarctic ice strata, contrary to contemporary observations of summer maxima in iodine emissions.


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Angola Basin and Walvis Ridge records of past sea surface temperatures (SST) derived from the alkenone Uk 37 index are used to reconstruct the surface circulation in the east equatorial South Atlantic for the last 200,000 years. Comparison of SST estimates from surface sediments between 5° and 20°S with modern SST data suggests that the alkenone temperatures represent annual mean values of the surface mixed layer. Alkenone-derived temperatures for the warm climatic maxima of the Holocene and the penultimate interglacial are 1 to 4°C higher than latest Holocene values. All records show glacial to interglacial differences of about 3.5°C in annual mean SST, which is about 1.5°C greater than the difference estimated by CLIMAP (1981) for the eastern Angola Basin. At the Walvis Ridge, significant SST variance is observed at all of the Earth's orbital periodicities. SST records from the Angola Basin vary predominantly at 23- and 100-kyr periodicities. For the precessional cycle, SST changes at the Walvis Ridge correspond to variations of boreal summer insolation over Africa and lead ice volume changes, suggesting that the east equatorial South Atlantic is sensitive to African monsoon intensity via trade-wind zonality. Angola Basin SST records lag those from the Walvis Ridge and the equatorial Atlantic by about 3 kyr. The comparison of Angola Basin and Walvis Ridge SST records implies that the Angola-Benguela Front (ABF) (currently at about 14-16°S) has remained fairly stationary between 12° and 20°S (the limits of our cores) during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. The temperature contrast associated with the ABF exhibits a periodic 23-kyr variability which is coherent with changes in boreal summer insolation over Africa. These observations suggest that surface waters north of the present ABF have not directly responded to monsoon-modulated changes in the trade-wind vector, that the central field of zonally directed trades in the southern hemisphere was not shifted or extended northward by several degrees of latitude during glacials, and that a cyclonic gyre circulation has existed in the east equatorial South Atlantic over the last 200,000 years. This scenario contradicts former assumptions of glacial intensification of the Benguela Current into the eastern Angola Basin and increased coastal upwelling off Angola.


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We determined alkenone concentrations (µg/g dry sediment) and unsaturation indices (Uk'37) on 280 samples from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1002C over the last full glacial cycle (marine oxygen isotope Stages [MIS] 1-6). Alkenone concentrations vary dramatically in relation to glacial-interglacial cycles, with high concentrations typical of interglacial stages, high sea level, inferred high surface productivity, and bottom-water anoxia. Our reconstruction of low productivity during the last glacial maximum is consistent with previous reports of a sharp decline in the foraminiferal species Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, an upwelling index. Alkenone paleotemperatures show little cooling at both the last glacial maximum and MIS 6. Variations of as much as 4°C occurred during the earlier part of MIS 3 and MIS 4 as well as the latter part of MIS 5. The absence of cooling during glacial maxima determined from alkenone paleothermometry is consistent with faunal reconstructions for the western Caribbean but requires that much of the oxygen isotopic record of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber be influenced by salinity variations rather than temperature.


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The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is an inter-hemispheric and highly variable ocean-atmosphere-land interaction that directly affects the densely populated Indian subcontinent. Here, we present new records of palaeoceanographic variability that span the last 500,000 years from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, a relatively under-sampled area of ISM influence. We have generated carbon and oxygen stable isotope records from three foraminiferal species from Ocean Drilling Program Site 758 (5°N, 90°E) to investigate the oceanographic history of this region. We interpret our resultant Dd18O (surface-thermocline) record of upper water-column stratification in the context of past ISM variability, and compare orbital phase relationships in our Site 758 data to other climate and monsoon proxies in the region. Results suggest that upper water-column stratification at Site 758, which is dominated by variance at precession and half-precession frequencies (23, 19 and 11 ka), is forced by both local (5°N) insolation and ISM winds. In the precession (23 ka) band, stratification minima at Site 758 lag northern hemisphere summer insolation maxima (precession minima) by 9 ka, which is consistent with Arabian Sea ISM phase estimates and suggests a common wind forcing in both regions. This phase implicates a strong sensitivity to both ice volume and southern hemisphere insolation forcing via latent heat export from the southern subtropical Indian Ocean. Additionally, we find evidence of possible overprinting of millennial-scale events during glacial terminations in our stratification record, which suggests an influence of remote abrupt climate events on ISM dynamics.


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The Logatchev hydrothermal vent field (14°45'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) is located in a ridge segment characterized by mantle-derived ultramafic outcrops. Compared to basalt-hosted vents, Logatchev high temperature fluids are relatively low in sulfide indicating that the diffuse, low temperature fluids of this vent field may not contain sufficient sulfide concentrations to support a chemosymbiotic invertebrate community. However, the high abundances of bathymodiolin mussels with bacterial symbionts related to free-living sulfur oxidizing bacteria suggested that bioavailable sulfide is present at Logatchev. To clarify if diffuse fluids above mussel beds of Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis provide the reductants and oxidants needed by their symbionts for aerobic sulfide oxidation, in situ microsensor measurements of dissolved hydrogen sulfide and oxygen were combined with simultaneous temperature measurements. High temporal fluctuations of all three parameters were measured above the mussel beds. H2S and O2 co-existed with mean concentrations between 9-31 µM (H2S) and 216-228 µM (O2). Temperature maxima (<= 7.4°C) were generally concurrent with H2S maxima (<= 156 µM) and O2 minima (>= 142 µM). Long-term measurements for 250 days using temperature as a proxy for oxygen and sulfide concentrations indicated that the mussels were neither oxygen- nor sulfide-limited. Our in situ measurements at Logatchev indicate that sulfide may also be bioavailable in diffuse fluids from other ultramafic-hosted vents along slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges.