219 resultados para Stable Distribution


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We present new isotopic and micropaleontological data from a depth transect on Shatsky Rise that record the response of the tropical Pacific to global biotic and oceanographic shifts during the mid-Maastrichtian. Results reveal a coupling between the upper ocean, characterized by a weak thermocline and low to intermediate productivity, and intermediate waters. During the earliest Maastrichtian, oxygen and neodymium isotope data suggest a significant contribution of relatively warm intermediate water from the North Pacific. Isotopic shifts through the early Maastrichtian suggest that this warmer water mass was gradually replaced by cooler waters originating in the Southern Ocean. Although the cooler water mass remained dominant through the remainder of the Maastrichtian, it was displaced intermittently at shallow intermediate depths by North Pacific intermediate water. The globally recognized "mid-Maastrichtian event" ~69 Ma, manifested by the brief appearance of abundant inoceramid bivalves over shallow portions of Shatsky Rise, is characterized by an abrupt increase (~2°-3°C) in sea surface temperatures, a greater flux of organic matter out of the surface ocean, and warmer (~4°C) intermediate waters. Results implicate simultaneous changes in surface waters and the sources/distribution patterns of intermediate water masses as an underlying cause for widespread biotic and oceanographic changes during mid-Maastrichtian time.


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Based on detailed reconstructions of global distribution patterns, both paleoproductivity and the benthic d13C record of CO2, which is dissolved in the deep ocean, strongly differed between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene. With the onset of Termination I about 15,000 years ago, the new (export) production of low- and mid-latitude upwelling cells started to decline by more than 2-4 Gt carbon/year. This reduction is regarded as a main factor leading to both the simultaneous rise in atmospheric CO2 as recorded in ice cores and, with a slight delay of more than 1000 years, to a large-scale gradual CO2 depletion of the deep ocean by about 650 Gt C. This estimate is based on an average increase in benthic d13C by 0.4-0.5 per mil. The decrease in new production also matches a clear 13C depletion of organic matter, possibly recording an end of extreme nutrient utilization in upwelling cells. As shown by Sarnthein et al., [1987], the productivity reversal appears to be triggered by a rapid reduction in the strength of meridional trades, which in turn was linked via a shrinking extent of sea ice to a massive increase in high-latitude insolation, i.e., to orbital forcing as primary cause.


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To study the effects of temperature, salinity, and life processes (growth rates, size, metabolic effects, and physiological/genetic effects) on newly precipitated bivalve carbonate, we quantified shell isotopic chemistry of adult and juvenile animals of the intertidal bivalve Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel) collected alive from western Greenland and the central Gulf of Maine and cultured them under controlled conditions. Data for juvenile and adult M. edulis bivalves cultured in this study, and previously by Wanamaker et al. (2006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001189), yielded statistically identical paleotemperature relationships. On the basis of these experiments we have developed a species-specific paleotemperature equation for the bivalve M. edulis [T °C = 16.28 (±0.10) - 4.57 (±0.15) {d18Oc VPBD - d18Ow VSMOW} + 0.06 (±0.06) {d18Oc VPBD - d18Ow VSMOW}**2; r**2 = 0.99; N = 323; p < 0.0001]. Compared to the Kim and O'Neil (1997) inorganic calcite equation, M. edulis deposits its shell in isotope equilibrium (d18Ocalcite) with ambient water. Carbon isotopes (d13Ccalcite) from sampled shells were substantially more negative than predicted values, indicating an uptake of metabolic carbon into shell carbonate, and d13Ccalcite disequilibrium increased with increasing salinity. Sampled shells of M. edulis showed no significant trends in d18Ocalcite based on size, cultured growth rates, or geographic collection location, suggesting that vital effects do not affect d18Ocalcite in M. edulis. The broad modern and paleogeographic distribution of this bivalve, its abundance during the Holocene, and the lack of an intraspecies physiologic isotope effect demonstrated here make it an ideal nearshore paleoceanographic proxy throughout much of the North Atlantic Ocean.


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Focussing on heavy-mineral associations in the Laptev-Sea continental margin area and the eastern Arctic Ocean, 129 surface sediment samples, two short and four long gravity cores have been studied. By means of the accessory components, heavy-mineral associations of surface sediment samples from the Laptev-See continental slope allowed the distinction into two different mineralogical provinces, each influenced by fluvial input of the Siberian river Systems. Transport pathways via sea ice from the shallow shelf areas into the Arctic Ocean up to the final ablation areas of the Fram Strait can be reconstructed by heavy-mineral data of surface sediments from the central Arctic Ocean. The shallow shelf of the Laptev Sea seems to be the most important source area for terrigenous material, as indicated by the abundant occurence of amphiboles and clinopyroxenes. Underneath the mixing Zone of the two dominating surface circulation Systems, the Beaufort- Gyre and Transpolar-Drift system, the imprint of the Amerasian shelf regions up to the Fram Strait is detectable because of a characteristical heavy-mineral association dominated by detrital carbonate and opaque minerals. Based On heavy-mineral characteristics of the potential circum-Arctic source areas, sea-ice drift, origin and distribution of ice-rafted material can be reconstructed during the past climatic cycles. Different factors controlling the transport of terrigenous material into the Arctic Ocean. The entrainment of particulate matter is triggered by the sea level, which flooded during highs and lows different regions resulting in the incorporation of sediment from different source areas into the sea ice. Additionally, the fluvial input even at low stands of sea level is responsible for the delivery of material of distinct sources for entrainment into the sea ice. Glacials and interglacials of climate cycles of the last 780 000 years left a characteristical signal in the central Arctic Ocean sediments caused by the ice- rafted material from different sources in the circum-Arctic regions and its change through time. Changes in the heavy-mineral association from an amphibole-dominated into a garnet-epidote-assemblage can be related to climate-related changes in source areas and directions of geostrophic winds, the dominating drive of the sea-ice drift. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6, the central Arctic Ocean is marked by an heavy-mineral signal, which occurs in recent sediments of the eastern Kara Sea. Its characteristics are high amounts of epidote, garnet and apatite. On the other hand, during the Same time interval a continuous record of Laptev Sea sediments is documented with high contents of amphiboles on the Lomonosov Ridge near the Laptev Sea continental slope. A nearly similar Pattern was detected in MIS 5 and 4. Small-scale glaciations in the Putorana-mountains and the Anabar-shield may have caused changes in the drainage area of the rivers and therefore a change in fluvial input. During MIS 3, the heavy-mineral association of central Arctic sediments show similar patterns than the Holocene mineral assemblage which consists of amphiboles, ortho- and clinopyroxenes with a Laptev Sea source. These minerals are indicating a stable Transpolar-Drift system similar to recent conditions. An extended influence of the Beaufort Gyre is only recognized, when sediment material from the Amerasian shelf areas reached the core location PS2757-718 during Termination Ib. Based On heavy-mineral data from Laptev-Sea continental slope Core PS2458-4 the paleo-sea-ice drift in the Laptev Sea during 14.000 years was reconstructed. During Holocene sea-level rise, the bathymetrically deeper parts of the Western shelf were flooded first. At the beginning of the Atlantic stage, nearly the entire shelf was marine influenced by fully marine conditions and the recent surface circulation was established.


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The fine-scale depth distribution of major carbon pools and their stable carbon isotopic signatures (d13C) were determined in a cyanobacterial mat (Salin-de-Giraud, Camargue, France) to study early diagenetic alterations and the carbon preservation potential in hypersaline mat ecosystems. Particular emphasis was placed on the geochemical role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Total carbon (Ctot), organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (Ntot), total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA), carbohydrates, cyanobacteria-derived hydrocarbons (8-methylhexadecane, n-heptadec-5-ene, n-heptadecane) and EPS showed highest concentrations in the top millimetre of the mat and decreased with depth. The hydrocarbons attributed to cyanobacteria showed the strongest decrease in concentration with depth. This correlated well with the depth profiles of oxygenic photosynthesis and oxygen, which were detected in the top 0.6 and 1.05 mm, respectively, at a high down-welling irradiance (1441 µmol photons m**-2 s**-1). At depths beneath the surface layer, the Corg was composed mainly of amino acids and carbohydrates. A resistance towards microbial degradation could have resulted from interactions with diverse functional groups present in biopolymers (EPS) and with minerals deposited in the mat. A 13C enrichment with depth for the total carbon pool (Ctot) was observed, with d13C values ranging from -16.3 permil at the surface to -11.3 permil at 9-10 mm depth. Total lipids depicted a d13C value of -17.2 permil in the top millimetre and then became depleted in 13C with depth (-21.7 to -23.3 permil). The d13C value of EPS varied only slightly with depth (-16.1 to -17.3 permil) and closely followed the d13C value of Corg at depths beneath 4 mm. The EPS represents an organic carbon pool of preservation potential during early stages of diagenesis in recent cyanobacterial mats as a result of a variety of possible interactions. Their analyses might improve our understanding of fossilized microbial remains from mat ecosystems.


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Sediments accumulate on the sea floor far from land with rates of a few millimetres to a few centimetres per thousand years. Sediments have been accumulating under broadly similar conditions, subject to similar controls, for the past 10 8 years and more. In principle we should be able to study the distribution of climatic variance with frequencies over the range 10**-3 to 10**-7 cycles per year with comparative ease. In fact, nearly all our data are heavily weighted towards the youngest part of the geological record. We study frequencies higher than 10**-4 cycles per year in the special case of a Pleistocene interglacial (the present one), and frequencies in the range 10**-4 to 10**-5 cycles per year in the special case of an ice-age. Although these may be of more direct interest to mankind than earlier periods, it may well be that we will understand the causes of climatic variability better if we can examine their operation over a longer time scale and under different boundary conditions. Rather than review the available data, I have collected some new data to show the feasibility of gathering a data base for examining climatic variability without this usual bias toward the recent. The most widely applicable tool for extracting climatic information from deep-sea sediments is oxygen isotope analysis of calcium carbonate microfossils. It is generally possible to select from the sediment both specimens of benthonic Foraminifera (that is, those that lived in ocean deep water at the sediment-water interface) and specimens of planktonic Foraminifera (that is, those that lived and formed their shells near the ocean surface, and fell to the sediment after death). Thus one is able to monitor conditions at the surface and at depth at simultaneous moments in the geological past. The necessity to analyse calcareous microfossils restricts investigation to calcareous sediments, but even with this restriction in sediment type there are many factors governing the rate of sediment accumulation. On a global scale, sediment accumulates so as to balance the input to the oceans from continental erosion. Even when averaged globally, long-term accumulation rates have varied by almost a factor of ten (Davies et al., 1977, doi:10.1126/science.197.4298.53). At the regional scale, surface productivity and deep-water physical and chemical conditions also affect the sediment accumulation rate. Since all these are susceptible to variation and may well vary in response to climatic change as well as other factors, it is extremely hazardous to attempt to express any climatic variable as a function of time on the basis of measurements originally made as a function of depth in sediment. Although time has been used as a basis for plotting Figs. i-8, these should be regarded as freehand sketches of climatic history rather than as time-series plots.