278 resultados para Primary failure of tooth eruption


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Dynamics of phosphates and silicates in sea ice of the high-latitudinal Arctic are considered for period from November 2005 to May 2006. It is shown that, during ice formation, silicates are included into it in the same ratio to salinity that is characteristic of under-ice water. Further dynamics of silicates are determined by their bioassimilation with beginning of the polar day and by biogenic silicon accumulation at bottom meltwater pools with subsequent leaching. Phosphates are included into ice in a ratio higher than that occurring in the under-ice water. This is caused by the fact that liquid phase of sea ice represents composition of the surface microlayer at the ice-water interface, which is enriched in organic matter and in products of its destruction (particularly in phosphates). With onset of the polar day, content of phosphates first markedly increases (due to photo oxidation of biogenic organic matter) and then decreases because of bioassimilation. At the beginning of the polar day, primary production of diatoms was estimated to be ~0.3 mg C/m**2/day.


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The basement cored at Site 1201 (west Philippine Basin) during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 consists of a 91-m-thick sequence of basalts, mostly pillow lavas and perhaps one sheet lava flow, with a few intercalations of hyaloclastite and interpillow sedimentary material. Hydrothermal alteration pervasively affected the basalt sequence, giving rise to a variety of secondary minerals such as K-Fe-Mg-clay minerals, oxyhydroxides and clay minerals mixtures, natrolite group zeolites, analcite, alkali feldspar, and carbonate. The primary minerals of pillow and sheet basalts that survived the intense hydrothermal alteration were investigated by electron microprobe with the aim of characterizing their chemical composition and variability. The primary minerals are mostly plagioclase, ranging in composition from bytownite through labradorite to andesine, chromian-magnesian-diopside, and spinels, both Ti magnetite (partially maghemitized) and chromian spinel. Overall, the chemical features of the primary minerals of Site 1201 basalts correspond to the primitive character of the bulk rocks, suggesting that the parent magma of these basalts was a mafic tholeiitic magma that most likely only suffered limited fractional crystallization and crystallized at high temperatures (slightly below 1200°C) and under increasing fO2 conditions. The major element composition of clinopyroxene suggests a backarc affinity of the mantle source of Site 1201 basement.


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It has been shown that in the Sevastopol Bay during the year primary production and chlorophyll "a" created by picoplankton (0.45-2.5 µm) consisted on the average 20-44% of total production. It was approximately a half of the level for oligotrophic waters of the ocean. Picoplankton of waters studied is represented by eucaryotes, cell diameter of which is, as a rule, about 2-3 µm. Contribution of the finest fraction of phytoplankton (0.43-0.85 µm) to primary production and con¬tent of chlorophyll "a" was insignificant (0-4%).