941 resultados para Mid-Atlantic
The effect of volcanic activity on submarine hydrothermal systems has been well documented along fast- and intermediate-spreading centers but not from slow-spreading ridges. Indeed, volcanic eruptions are expected to be rare on slow-spreading axes. Here we report the presence of hydrothermal venting associated with extremely fresh lava flows at an elevated, apparently magmatically robust segment center on the slow-spreading southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 5°S. Three high-temperature vent fields have been recognized so far over a strike length of less than 2 km with two fields venting phase-separated, vapor-type fluids. Exit temperatures at one of the fields reach up to 407°C, at conditions of the critical point of seawater, the highest temperatures ever recorded from the seafloor. Fluid and vent field characteristics show a large variability between the vent fields, a variation that is not expected within such a limited area. We conclude from mineralogical investigations of hydrothermal precipitates that vent-fluid compositions have evolved recently from relatively oxidizing to more reducing conditions, a shift that could also be related to renewed magmatic activity in the area. Current high exit temperatures, reducing conditions, low silica contents, and high hydrogen contents in the fluids of two vent sites are consistent with a shallow magmatic source, probably related to a young volcanic eruption event nearby, in which basaltic magma is actively crystallizing. This is the first reported evidence for direct magmatic-hydrothermal interaction on a slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge.
The relative paleointensity (RPI) method assumes that the intensity of post depositional remanent magnetization (PDRM) depends exclusively on the magnetic field strength and the concentration of the magnetic carriers. Sedimentary remanence is regarded as an equilibrium state between aligning geomagnetic and randomizing interparticle forces. Just how strong these mechanical and electrostatic forces are, depends on many petrophysical factors related to mineralogy, particle size and shape of the matrix constituents. We therefore test the hypothesis that variations in sediment lithology modulate RPI records. For 90 selected Late Quaternary sediment samples from the subtropical and subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean a combined paleomagnetic and sedimentological dataset was established. Misleading alterations of the magnetic mineral fraction were detected by a routine Fe/kappa test (Funk, J., von Dobeneck, T., Reitz, A., 2004. Integrated rock magnetic and geochemical quantification of redoxomorphic iron mineral diagenesis in Late Quaternary sediments from the Equatorial Atlantic. In: Wefer, G., Mulitza, S., Ratmeyer, V. (Eds.), The South Atlantic in the Late Quaternary: reconstruction of material budgets and current systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York/Tokyo, pp. 239-262). Samples with any indication of suboxic magnetite dissolution were excluded from the dataset. The parameters under study include carbonate, opal and terrigenous content, grain size distribution and clay mineral composition. Their bi- and multivariate correlations with the RPI signal were statistically investigated using standard techniques and criteria. While several of the parameters did not yield significant results, clay grain size and chlorite correlate weakly and opal, illite and kaolinite correlate moderately to the NRM/ARM signal used here as a RPI measure. The most influential single sedimentological factor is the kaolinite/illite ratio with a Pearson's coefficient of 0.51 and 99.9% significance. A three-member regression model suggests that matrix effects can make up over 50% of the observed RPI dynamics.
Serpentinized abyssal peridotites sampled by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209 along the mid-Atlantic Ridge near the 15°20'N Fracture Zone have been analyzed for oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine isotope compositions in order to determine isotopic behavior under a wide range of serpentinization conditions and place constraints on fluid history. Oxygen and hydrogen thermometry suggests peak serpentinization temperatures of 300-500°C. Serpentine separates have low deltaD values possibly due to a magmatic fluid component or low-temperature exchange during seafloor weathering. Chlorine geochemistry focused on three holes: 1274A and 1272A (serpentinized peridotites) and 1268A (serpentinite locally altered to talc). Concentrations of both, water-soluble chloride (WSC) and structurally bound chloride (SBC) are significantly lower at Hole 1268A compared to Holes 1274A and 1272A. The delta37Cl values for WSC and SBC of serpentinites in Holes 1274A and 1272A are slightly positive (avg. WSC = 0.20 per mil, n = 22 and avg. SBC = 0.35 per mil, n = 22), representing typical seawater-hydration conditions commonly determined for abyssal peridotite. The SBC of serpentinites from Hole 1268A are also positive (avg. = 0.63 per mil); whereas, the SBC in talc-dominated samples is negative (avg. = -1.22 per mil). The WSC of both talc- and serpentine-dominated samples are also negative (avg. = -0.15 per mil). We interpret the chlorine isotope data to preserve a record of multiple fluid events. As seawater hydrated the peridotite, 37Cl was preferentially incorporated into the forming serpentine and water-soluble salts, yielding similar delta37Cl values on a regional scale as sampled by Holes 1268A, 1274A and 1272A. The resultant pore fluid was left depleted in 37Cl. Locally (Hole 1268A), this evolved fluid was remobilized possibly due to the initiation of hydrothermal circulation in response to emplacement of a mafic magma body. The low delta37Cl pore fluids attained elevated SiO2 and sulfur concentrations due to interaction with the gabbroic intrusion and, when ascending through the surrounding serpentinite, caused formation of isotopically negative talc. This secondary fluid also flushed the preserved serpentinite of its previously formed salts, resulting in negative delta37Cl WSC values. The delta37Cl SBC values of the serpentinite samples remained unmodified by reaction with the secondary fluid.
Rate of CO2 assimilation was determined above the Broken Spur and TAG active hydrothermal fields for three main ecosystems: (1) hydrothermal vents; (2) 300 m near-bottom layer of plume water; and (3) bottom sediments. In water samples from warm (40-45°C) vents assimilation rates were maximal and reached 2.82-3.76 µg C/l/day. In plume waters CO2 assimilation rates ranged from 0.38 to 0.65 µg C/l/day. In bottom sediments CO2 assimilation rates varied from 0.8 to 28.0 µg C/l/day, rising up to 56 mg C/kg/day near shrimp swarms. In the most active plume zone of the long-living TAG field bacterial production of organic matter (OM) from carbonic is up to 170 mg C/m**2/day); production of autotrophic process of bacterial chemosynthesis reaches about 90% (156 mg C/m**2/day). Thus, chemosynthetic production of OM in September-October is almost equal to that of photosynthetic production in the oceanic region. Bacterial production of OM above the Broken Spur hydrothermal field is one order lower and reaches only 20 mg C/m**2/day.
In the western North Atlantic, warm and saline water is brought by the North Atlantic Current (NAC) from the subtropics into the subpolar gyre. Four inverted echo sounders with high precision pressure sensors (PIES) were moored between 47°40' N and 52°30' N to study the main pathways of the NAC from the western into the eastern basin. The array configuration that forms three segments (northern, central, and southern) allows partitioning of the NAC and some assessment of NAC flow paths through the different Mid-Atlantic Ridge fracture zones. We exploit the correlation between the NAC transport measured between 2006 and 2010 and the geostrophic velocity from altimeter data to extend the time series of NAC transports to the period from 1992 to 2013. The mean NAC transport over the entire 21 years is 27 ± 5 Sv, consisting of 60% warm water of subtropical origin and 40% subpolar water. We did not find a significant trend in the total transport time series, but individual segments had opposing trends, leading to a more focused NAC in the central subsection and decreasing transports in the southern and northern segments. The spectral analysis exhibits several significant peaks. The two most prominent are around 120 days, identified as the time scale of meanders and eddies, and at 4-9 years, most likely related to the NAO. Transport composites for the years of highest and lowest NAO indices showed a significantly higher transport (+2.9 Sv) during strong NAO years, mainly in the southern segment.
The main objective of Leg 82 of the Glomar Challenger was to document mantle heterogeneity in the vicinity of, and away from, a so-called hot spot: the Azores Triple Junction. One of the geochemical tools that permits, at least in part, the recognition of mantle heterogeneities uses hygromagmaphile elements, those elements that have an affinity for the liquid. This tool is presented in terms of an extended Coryell-Masuda plot, which incorporates within the rare earth elements the hygromagmaphile transition elements Th, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti, Y, and V. The extended Coryell-Masuda plot is used to summarize our knowledge of mantle heterogeneity along the ridge axis at zero-age. It is also used by choosing those hygromagmaphile elements that can be analyzed on board by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to give preliminary information on the enriched or depleted character of recovered samples. Shore-based results, which include analyses of most of the hygromagmaphile elements measured either by X-ray spectrometry or neutron activation analysis, confirm the shipboard data. From the point of view of comparative geochemistry, the variety of basalts recovered during Leg 82 provides a good opportunity to test and verify the classification of the hygromagmaphile elements. Analyses from Leg 82 provide new data about the relationship between extended rare earth patterns (enriched or depleted) that can be estimated either by La/Sm ratio or Nb/Zr (or Ta/Hf) ratios: samples from Hole 556 are depleted (low Nb/Zr ratio) but have a high 206Pb/ 204Pb (19.5) ratio; in Hole 558 a moderately enriched basalt unit with a La/Sm (= Nb/Zr) ratio (chondrite normalized) of 2 has a high 206Pb/204Pb (20) ratio. One of the most interesting results of Leg 82 lies in the crossing patterns of extended Coryell-Masuda plots for basalts from the same hole. This result enhances the notion of local mantle heterogeneity versus regional mantle heterogeneity and is confirmed by isotope data; it also favors a model of short-lived, discrete magma chambers. The data tend to confirm the Hayes Fracture Zone as a southern limit for the influence of Azores-type mantle. Nevertheless, north of the Hayes Fracture Zone, the influence of a plumelike mantle source is not simple and probably requires an explanation more complex than a contribution from a single fixed hot spot.
The magnetic microparticle and nanoparticle inventories of marine sediments from equatorial Atlantic sites were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy to classify all present detrital and authigenic magnetic mineral species and to investigate their regional distribution, origin, transport, and preservation. This information is used to establish source-to-sink relations and to constrain environmental magnetic proxy interpretations for this area. Magnetic extracts were prepared from sediments of three supralysoclinal open ocean gravity cores located at the Ceará Rise (GeoB 1523-1; 3°49.9'N/41°37.3'W), the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (GeoB 4313-2; 4°02.8'N/33°26.3'W), and the Sierra Leone Rise (GeoB 2910-1; 4°50.7'N/21°03.2'W). Sediments from two depths corresponding to marine isotope stages 4 and 5.5 were processed. This selection represents glacial and interglacial conditions of sedimentation for the western, central, and eastern equatorial Atlantic and avoids interferences from subsurface and anoxic processes. Crystallographic, elemental, morphological, and granulometric data of more than 2000 magnetic particles were collected by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. On basis of these properties, nine particle classes could be defined: detrital magnetite, titanomagnetite (fragmental and euhedral), titanomagnetite-hemoilmentite intergrowths, silicates with magnetic inclusions, microcrystalline hematite, magnetite spherules, bacterial magnetite, goethite needles, and nanoparticle clusters. Each class can be associated with fluvial, eolian, subaeric, and submarine volcanic, biogenic, or chemogenic sources. Large-scale sedimentation patterns are delineated as well: detrital magnetite is typical of Amazon discharge, fragmental titanomagnetite is a submarine weathering product of mid-ocean ridge basalts, and titanomagnetite-hemoilmenite intergrowths are common magnetic particles in West African dust. This clear regionalization underlines that magnetic petrology is an excellent indicator of source-to-sink relations. Hematite encrustations, magnetic spherules, and nanoparticle clusters were found at all investigated sites, while bacterial magnetite and authigenic hematite were only detected at the more oxic western site. At the eastern site, surface pits and crevices were seen on the crystal faces indicating subtle early diagenetic reductive dissolution. It was observed that paleoclimatic signatures of magnetogranulometric parameters such as the ratio of anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetizations can be formed either by mixing of multiple sources with separate, relatively narrow grain size ranges (western site) or by variable sorting of a single source with a broad grain size distribution (eastern site). Hematite, goethite, and possibly ferrihydrite nanoparticles occur in all sediment cores studied and have either high-coercive or superparamagnetic properties depending on their partly ultrafine grain sizes. These two magnetic fractions are generally discussed as separate fractions, but we suggest that they could actually be genetically linked.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) provides an insight into the progression of dissolution in the tests of planktonic foraminifera. Four species of foraminifera (G. ruber [white], G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata) from Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean core-top samples were examined by CT and SEM. Inner chamber walls began to dissolve at Delta[CO3**2-] values of 12-14 µmol/kg. Close to the calcite saturation horizon, dissolution and precipitation of calcite may occur simultaneously. Inner calcite of G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata from such sites appeared altered or replaced, whereas outer crust calcite was dense with no pores. Unlike the other species, there was no distinction between inner and outer calcite in CT scans of G. ruber. Empty calcite crusts of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata were most resistant to dissolution and were present in samples where Delta[CO3**2-] ~ -20 µmol/kg. Five stages of preservation were identified in CT scans, and an empirical dissolution index, XDX, was established. XDX appears to be insensitive to initial test mass. Mass loss in response to dissolution was similar between species and sites at ~ 0.4 µg/µmol/kg. We provide calibrations to estimate Delta[CO3**2-] and initial test mass from XDX.