723 resultados para Median Sedimentary Basin


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Processes of sedimentation in marine basins locating in the area of interaction of the largest continental plates (African and Eurasian) are under consideration in the book. During the giant tectonic reconstruction of the Tethys Ocean semi-enclosed seas - the Mediterranean and Black originated. Their sedimentary sequence contains a recording of complex history of the Alpine-Himalayan belt. The dramatic history of the seas and their feeding catchments during Cenozoic is described in detail on the base of unique material of coring and deep-sea drilling, as well as a variety of geophysical and geochemical studies. Particular attention is paid to the history of volcanism - terrestrial and underwater - with correlation of ash falls accumulated on the land and in marine sediments.


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The phase relations of natural volcaniclastic sediments from the west Pacific Ocean were investigated experimentally at conditions of 3-6 GPa and 800-900 °C with 10 wt.% added H2O (in addition to ~ 10 wt.% structurally-bound H2O) to induce hydrous melting. Volcaniclastic sediments are shown to produce a sub-solidus assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, biotite, quartz/coesite and the accessory phases rutile ± Fe-Ti oxide ± apatite ± monazite ± zircon. Hydrous melt appears at temperatures exceeding 800-850 °C, irrespective of pressure. The melt-producing reaction consumes clinopyroxene, biotite and quartz/coesite and produces orthopyroxene. These phase relations differ from those of pelagic clays and K-bearing mid ocean ridge basalts (e.g. altered oceanic crust) that contain phengite, rather than biotite, as a sub-solidus phase. Despite their relatively high melt productivity, the wet solidus for volcaniclastic sediments is found to be higher (825-850 °C) than other marine sediments (700-750 °C) at 3 GPa. This trend is reversed at high-pressure conditions (6 GPa) where the biotite melting reaction occurs at lower temperatures (800-850 °C) than the phengite melting reaction (900-1000 °C). Trace element data was obtained from the 3 GPa run products, showing that partial melts are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE), due to the presence of residual garnet and rutile, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), except for Sr and Ba. This is in contrast to previous experimental studies on pelagic sediments at sub-arc depths, where Sr and Ba are among the most enriched trace elements in glasses. This behavior can be partly attributed to the presence of residual apatite, which also host some light REE in our supra-solidus residues. Our new experimental results account for a wide range of trace element and U-series geochemical features of the sedimentary component of the Mariana arc magmas, including imparting a substantial Nb anomaly to melts from an anomaly-free protolith.


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A method was developed to measure porosity and dissolved interstitial silicate at millimeter intervals or less in a sediment core. In cores from Emerald Basin (Scotian Shelf), interstitial concentrations near the sediment surface did not drop rapidly to bottom-water concentrations as measured in bottle casts (28 µM) but remained as high as 166 µM in the upper 0.5 mm of sediment High rates of benthic silicate release were measured which could not be accounted for by interstitial concentration gradients or by ventilation of macro-invertebrate burrows. The silicate discontinuity observed between the sediments and water column suggests that a diffusive sublayer exists in a zone of viscous flow above the sediment surface. This is possible only if a surface reaction is primarily responsible for silicate release. By assuming a linear concentration gradient across this diffusive sublayer, the silicate release rates were used to estimate the thickness of the sublayer to be about 2 mm.


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Pelagic processes and their relation to vertical flux have been studied in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas since 1986. Results of long-term sediment trap deployments and adjoining process studies are presented, and the underlying methodological and conceptional background is discussed. Recent extension of these investigations at the Barents Sea continental slope are also presented. With similar conditions of input irradiation and nutrient conditions, the Norwegian and Greenland Seas exhibit comparable mean annual rates of new and total production. Major differences can be found between these regions, however, in the hydrographic conditions constraining primary production and in the composition and seasonal development of the plankton. This is reflected in differences in the temporal patterns of vertical particle flux in relation to new production in the euphotic zone, the composition of particles exported and in different processes leading to their modification in the mid-water layers. In the Norwegian Sea heavy grazing pressure during early spring retards the accumulation of phytoplankton stocks and thus a mass sedimentation of diatoms that is often associated with spring blooms. This, in conjunction with the further seasonal development of zooplankton populations, serves to delay the annual peak in sedimentation to summer or autumn. Carbonate sedimentation in the Norwegian Sea, however, is significantly higher than in the Greenland Sea, where physical factors exert a greater control on phytoplankton development and the sedimentation of opal is of greater importance. In addition to these comparative long-term studies a case study has been carried out at the continental slope of the Barents Sea, where an emphasis was laid on the influence of resuspension and across-slope lateral transport with an analysis of suspended and sedimented material.


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Sedimentation and ore formation were studied in sediments from nine stations located along the 24°W profile in the Brazil Basin of the Atlantic Ocean. Bottom sediments are represented by mio- and hemipelagic muds, which are variably enriched in hydrothermal iron and manganese oxyhydroxides. As compared to bottom sediments from other basins of the Atlantic Ocean, the sediments in study are marked by extremely high manganese contents (up to 1.33%) and maximal enrichment in Ce. It was shown that the positive Ce anomaly is related to REE accumulation on iron oxyhydroxides. Influence of hydrothermal source leads to decrease of Ce anomaly and LREE/HREE ratio. In reduced sediments preservation of positive Ce anomaly and/or its disappearance was observed after iron and manganese reduction. REE contents were determined for the first time in the Ethmodiscus oozes of the Brazil Basin. Ore deposits of the Brazil Basin are represented by ferromanganese crusts and ferromanganese nodules. Judging from contents of iron, manganese, REE, and other trace elements, these formations are ascribed to sedimentation (hydrogenic) deposits. They are characterized by a notable positive Ce anomaly in the REE pattern. Extremely high Ce content (up to 96% of total REE) was discovered for the first time in the buried nodules (Mn/Fe = 0.88).


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In this study, we demonstrate the utility of amino acid geochronology based on single-foraminiferal tests in Quaternary sediment cores from the Queensland margin, Australia. The large planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata is ubiquitous in shelf, slope, and basin sediments of north Queensland as well as pantropical oceans. Fossil tests are resistant to dissolution, and retain substantial concentrations of amino acids (2-4 nmol/mg of shell) over hundreds of thousands of years. Amino acid D and L isomers of aspartic acid (Asp) and glutamic acid (Glu) were separated using reverse phase chromatography, which is sensitive enough to analyze individual foraminifera tests. In all, 462 Pulleniatina tests from 80 horizons in 11 cores exhibit a systematic increase in D/L ratios down core. D/L ratios were determined in 32 samples whose ages are known from AMS 14C analyses. In all cases, the Asp and Glu D/L ratios are concordant with 14C age. D/L ratios of equal-age samples are slightly lower for cores taken from deeper water sites, reflecting the sensitivity of the rate of racemization to bottom water temperature. Beyond the range of 14C dating, previously identified marine oxygen-isotope stage boundaries provide approximate ages of the sediments up to about 500,000 years. For this longer time frame, D/L ratios also vary systematically with isotope-correlated ages. The rate of racemization for Glu and Asp was modeled using power functions. These equations can be used to estimate ages of samples from the Queensland margin extending back at least 500,000 years. This analytical approach provides new opportunities for geochronological control necessary to understand fundamental sedimentary processes affecting a wide range of marine environments.


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Late Miocene sediments from ODP Sites 652 and 654, drilled on the Sardinian margin in the Western Tyrrhenian Sea, are investigated through mineralogical, micromorphological, geochemical, and microgeochemical analyses. Clay associations appear to be little controlled by conditions of deposition, and largely depend on pre- and post-depositional conditions. The sedimentary series from Central Mediterranean gives very different geodynamic information, according to the sector considered. While relatively stable conditions, like those encountered in Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily, favor the mineralogical expression of warm-temperate and subarid Messinian climate, the Eastern Sardinia margin (Site 654) clay suites mainly reflect the transition from tectonically active to relaxed conditions. The series deposited at the foot of the same margin above a thinner crust (Site 652) experienced the effects of burial diagenesis, enhanced by strong geothermal gradient.


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Distribution of pore space and degree of cementation appear to be the main factors controlling the permeability of sediments retrieved from the Lau Basin. The undisturbed microfabrics of two lithologies, nannofossil ooze and vitric sandy silt, commonly found at Holes 834A, 835A, 838A, and 839Aof Leg 135 were examined by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectral analysis and image analysis systems. The results of these analyses were compared with laboratory determinations of porosity, grain-size distribution, and permeability on discrete samples from the same sediment depths. The permeability of the vitric sandy silt is 3-5 orders of magnitude higher than the nannofossil ooze samples. The porosity of nannofossil ooze ranges from 6% to 12% greater than the porosity of vitric sandy silt, which partially reflects the finer texture of nannofossil ooze. Although the correlation of higher porosity with lower permeability is not surprising, factors other than simply grain-size distribution must be invoked to explain the large differences in permeability found in these samples.


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During drilling in the Gulf of California, diagenetic carbonate rocks were recovered at 7 out of 8 sites. These are primarily dolomites which record 13C isotopic evidence of the incorporation of carbon derived from the decomposition of organic matter. In Hole 479, drilled to a sub-bottom depth of 440 meters on the Guaymas Slope, under a fertile upwelling belt, we recognized an excellent example of deep sea dolomitization in progress. This Quaternary section of organic-carbon- rich, low-carbonate, hemipelagic diatomaceous oozes contains numerous fine-grained, decimeter-thin, episodic beds of dolomite, which show sedimentologic, geochemical, and isotopic evidence of accretion by precipitation below 40 meters sub-bottom in zones of high alkalinity and low sulfate. The beds preserve original sedimentary structures. Carbon-13 varies from +3 to +14 per mil, indicating biogenic CO2 reservoirs related to active methanogenesis. In single beds, 18O values range outwardly from +5 to -7 per mil, reflecting increasing temperature with progressive accretion of dolomite with depth; the values parallel progressive trends in lithification, texture, mineralogy, and fossil preservation. We estimate slow accretion rates on the order of 0.1-0.7 mm/10**3 yr. with burial. Dolomitization does not proceed merely at the expense of nearby nannofossils. Ca and Mg ions must be derived from interstitial waters. The episodic appearance of beds in the sequence seems partly a reflection of latent climate signals. This process of deep sea dolomitization carries implications for hydrocarbon migration, as well as an interpretation of the presence of dolomite in other modern and ancient pelagic to hemipelagic sediment sequences.