732 resultados para Isotopic dilution


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 159, four sites (Sites 959-962) were drilled along a depth transect on the Côte d'Ivoire/Ghana Transform Margin. In this study, the Pliocene-Pleistocene history of carbonate and organic carbon accumulation at Hole 959C is reconstructed for the eastern equatorial Atlantic off the Ivory Coast/Ghana based on bulk carbonate, sand fraction, organic carbon, and other organic geochemical records (d13Corg, marine organic matter percentages derived from organic petrology, hydrogen index, C/N). Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentation off the Ivory Coast/Ghana was strongly affected by low mean sedimentation rates, which are attributed to persistently enhanced bottom-water velocities related to the steep topography of the transform margin. Sand fraction and bulk carbonate records reveal typical glacial/interglacial cycles, preserved, however, with low time resolution. Intermediate carbonate accumulation rates observed throughout the Pliocene-Pleistocene suggest intense winnowing and sediment redistribution superimposed by terrigenous dilution. 'Atlantic-type' sand and carbonate cycles, consistent with records from pelagic areas of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, are encountered at Hole 959C prior to about 0.9 Ma. Total organic carbon (TOC) records are frequently inversely correlated to carbonate contents, indicating mainly productivity-driven carbonate dissolution related to changes in paleoproductivity. During Stages 22-24, 20, 16, 12, 8, and 4, sand and carbonate records reveal a 'Pacific-type' pattern, showing elevated contents during glacials commonly in conjunction with enhanced TOC records. Formation of 'Pacific-type' patterns off the Ivory Coast/Ghana is attributed to drastically increased bottom-water intensities along the transform margin in accordance with results reported from the Walvis Ridge area. Short-term glacial/interglacial changes in paleoproductivity off the Ivory Coast/Ghana are to some extend recognizable during glacials prior to 1.7 Ma and interglacial Stages 21, 19, 13, 9, and 1. Enhanced coastal upwelling during interglacials is attributed to local paleoclimatic and oceanographic conditions off the Ivory Coast/Ghana. Quantitative estimates of marine organic carbon based on organic petrologic and d13Corg records reveal an offset in concentration ranging from 15% to 60%. Highest variabilities of both records are recorded since ~0.9 Ma. Discrepancies between the isotopic and microscopic records are attributed to an admixture of C4 plant debris approaching the eastern equatorial Atlantic via atmospheric dust. Terrestrial organic material likely originated from the grass-savannah-covered Sahel zone in central Africa. Estimated C4 plant concentrations and accumulation rates range from 10% to 37% and from almost zero to 0.006 g/cm**2/k.y., respectively. The strongest eolian supply to the northern Gulf of Guinea is indicated between 1.9 and 1.68 Ma and during glacial isotopic Stages 22-24, 20, 14, and 12. The presence of grass-type plant debris is further supported by organic petrologic studies, which reveal well-preserved cell tissues of vascular plants or tube-shaped, elongated terrestrial macerals showing different levels of oxidation.


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Geochemical analyses of extraordinarily well preserved late Aptian-early Albian foraminifera from Blake Nose (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1049) reveal rapid shifts of d18O, d13C, and 87Sr/88Sr in the subtropical North Atlantic that may be linked to a major planktic foraminifer extinction event across the Aptian/Albian boundary. The abruptness of the observed geochemical shifts and their coincidence with a sharp lithologic contact is explained as an artifact of a previously undetected hiatus of 0.8-1.4 million years at the boundary contact, but the values before and after the hiatus indicate that major oceanographic changes occurred at this time. 87Sr/88Sr increase by ~0.000200, d13C values decrease by 1.5 per mil to 2.2 per mil, and d18O values decrease by ~1.0 per mil (planktics) to 0.5 per mil (benthics) across the hiatus. Further, both 87Sr/88Sr ratios and d18O values during the Albian are anomalously high. The 87Sr/88Sr values deviate from known patterns to such a degree that an explanation requires either the presence of inter-basin differences in seawater 87Sr/88Sr during the Albian or revision of the seawater curve. For d18O, planktic values in some Aptian samples likely reflect a diagenetic overprint, but preservation is excellent in the rest of the section. In well preserved material, benthic foraminiferal values are largely between 0.5 and 0.0 per mil and planktic samples are largely between 0.0 per mil to -1.0 per mil, with a brief excursion to -2.0 per mil during OAE 1b. Using standard assumptions for Cretaceous isotopic paleotemperature calculations, the d18O values suggest bottom water temperatures (at ~1000 -1500 m) of 8-10°C and surface temperatures of 10-14°C, which are 4-6°C and 10-16°C cooler, respectively, than present-day conditions at the same latitude. The cool subtropical sea surface temperature estimates are especially problematic because other paleoclimate proxy data for the mid-Cretaceous and climate model predictions suggest that subtropical sea surface temperatures should have been the same as or warmer than at present. Because of their exquisite preservation, whole scale alteration of the analyzed foraminifera is an untenable explanation. Our proposed solution is a high evaporative fractionation factor in the early Albian North Atlantic that resulted in surface waters with higher d18O values at elevated salinities than commonly cited in Cretaceous studies. A high fractionation factor is consistent with high rates of vapor export and a vigorous hydrological cycle and, like the Sr isotopes, implies limited connectivity among the individual basins of the Early Cretaceous proto-Atlantic ocean.


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A comprehensive (mineralogical, geochronological, and geochemical) study of zircons from an eclogitized gabbronorite dike was carried out in order to identify reliable indicators (mineralogical and geochronological) of genesis of the zircons in their various populations and, correspondingly, ages of certain geological events (magmatic crystallization of the gabbroids, their eclogitization, and overprinted retrograde metamorphism). Three populations of zircons separated from two rock samples comprised xenogenic, magmatic (gabbroic), and metamorphic zircons, with the latter found exclusively in the sample of retrograded eclogitized gabbroids. Group I zircons are xenogenic and have a Meso- to Neoarchean age. Mineral inclusions in them (quartz, apatite, biotite, and chlorite) are atypical of gabbroids, and geochemistry of these zircons is very diverse. Group II zircons contain mineral inclusions of ortho- and clinopyroxene and are distinguished for their very high U, Th, Pb, and REE concentrations and Th/U ratios. These zircons formed during the late magmatic crystallization of the gabbroids at temperatures of 1150-1160°C, and their U-Pb age 2389±25 Ma corresponds to this process. Eclogite mineral assemblages crystallized shortly after the magmatic process, as follows from the fact that marginal portions of prismatic zircons contain clinopyroxene inclusions with elevated contents of the jadeite end-member. Group III zircons contain rare amphibole and biotite inclusions and have low Ti, Y, and REE concentrations, low Th/U ratios, high Hf concentrations, contain more HREE than LREE, and have U-Pb age 1911±9.5 Ma, which corresponds to age of overprinted amphibolite-facies metamorphism.