225 resultados para Bruit blanc Gaussien


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The flux of materials to the deep sea is dominated by larger, organic-rich particles with sinking rates varying between a few meters and several hundred meters per day. Mineral ballast may regulate the transfer of organic matter and other components by determining the sinking rates, e.g. via particle density. We calculated particle sinking rates from mass flux patterns and alkenone measurements applying the results of sediment trap experiments from the Atlantic Ocean. We have indication for higher particle sinking rates in carbonate-dominated production systems when considering both regional and seasonal data. During a summer coccolithophorid bloom in the Cape Blanc coastal upwelling off Mauritania, particle sinking rates reached almost 570 m per day, most probably due the fast sedimentation of densely packed zooplankton fecal pellets, which transport high amounts of organic carbon associated with coccoliths to the deep ocean despite rather low production. During the recurring winter-spring blooms off NW Africa and in opal-rich production systems of the Southern Ocean, sinking rates of larger particles, most probably diatom aggregates, showed a tendency to lower values. However, there is no straightforward relationship between carbonate content and particle sinking rates. This could be due to the unknown composition of carbonate and/or the influence of particle size and shape on sinking rates. It also remains noticeable that the highest sinking rates occurred in dust-rich ocean regions off NW Africa, but this issue deserves further detailed field and laboratory investigations. We obtained increasing sinking rates with depth. By using a seven-compartment biogeochemical model, it was shown that the deep ocean organic carbon flux at a mesotrophic sediment trap site off Cape Blanc can be captured fairly well using seasonal variable particle sinking rates. Our model provides a total organic carbon flux of 0.29 Tg per year down to 3000 m off the NW African upwelling region between 5 and 35° N. Simple parameterisations of remineralisation and sinking rates in such models, however, limit their capability in reproducing the flux variation in the water column.


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In the sediments of the NW African continental margin the mainly biogenic carbonate constituents become increasingly diluted with terrigenous material as one approaches the coast, as indicated by the carbonate-CO2 content, the Al2O3/SiO2-ratios, and the presence of ammonia fixed to alumino-silicates, predominantly to illites. In the norther area of the investigation - off Cape Blanc and Cape Bojador . the terrigenous constituents are mainly quartz from the Sahara Desert, whereas in the south - off Senegal - more alumino-silicates as clay minerals are admixed with the carbonate constituents. The organic carbon content of the continental slope sediments off Senegal is higher than in samples of the continental rise or of the preservation of organic matter as a result of high production and relatively rapid sedimentation. The zone of manganese-oxide enrichment follows the redox potential of + 330 mV from the surface (0-5 cm) into the sediments (20-30 cm deep) at 2000--3000 m and 3700 m of water depths, respectively. At shallower water depths, low redox potentials preclude deposition of manganese oxides and cause their mobilization from the sediments. About 1/3 of the total sedimentary Zn and 1/4 of the Cu is associated with the carbonate mineral fraction, probably in calcium phosphate overgrowths as a result of the mineralization of phosphorus-containing organic matter. Besides the precipitation of calcium phosphate, the mineralization of organic matter mediated by bacterial sulfate reduction also results in calcium carbonate precipitation and the exchange of ammonia for potassium on illites. Because of these simultaneous reactions, the depth distribution of all mineralization constituents in the interstitial water can be determined using the actual molar carbon-to-nitrogen-to phosphorus ratios of the sedimentary organic matter. The amount of sulfide sulfur in this process indicates the predominance of bacterial sulfate reduction in the sediments off NW Africa. This process also preferentially decomposes nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing organic compounds so organic matter deficient in these elements is characteristic for the rapidly accumulating sediments than today, indicating there was increased production of organic carbon compounds and more favorable conditions of their preservations. During the last interglacial times conditions were similar to those to today. This differentiation with time has also been observed in sediments from the Argentine Basin and from slope off South India indicating perhaps world-wide environmental changes throughout Late Quaternary times.


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We combined the analysis of sediment trap data and satellite-derived sea surface chlorophyll to quantify the amount of organic carbon export to the deep sea in the upwelling induced high production area off northwest Africa. In contrast to the generally global or basin-wide adoption of export models, we used a regionally fitted empirical model. Furthermore, the application of our model was restricted to a dynamically defined region of high chlorophyll concentration in order to restrict the model application to an environment of more homogeneous export processes. We developed a correlation-based approximation to estimate the surface source area for a sediment trap deployed from 11 June 1998 to 7 November 1999 at 21.25°N latitude and 20.64°W longitude off Cape Blanc. We also developed a regression model of chlorophyll and export of organic carbon to the 1000 m depth level. Carbon export was calculated for an area of high chlorophyll concentration (>1 mg/m**3) adjacent to the coast on a daily basis. The resulting zone of high chlorophyll concentration was 20,000-800,000 km**2 large and yielded a yearly export of 1.123 to 2.620 Tg organic carbon. The average organic carbon export within the area of high chlorophyll concentration was 20.6 mg/m**2d comparable to 13.3 mg/m**2d as found in the sediment trap results if normalized to the 1000 m level. We found strong interannual variability in export. The period autumn 1998 to summer 1999 was exceeding the mean of the other three comparable periods by a factor of 2.25. We believe that this approach of using more regionally fitted models can be successfully transferred even to different oceanographic regions by selecting appropriate definition criteria like chlorophyll concentration for the definition of an area to which it is applicable.


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Quantitative data on lower marine Phycomycetes (fungi) found in the upwelling waters off the West African coast during cruises No. 13 (1968), 19 (1970), 36 (1975) and 44 (1977) of R.V. "Meteor" are reported. The distribution of the total fungi numbers is presented and, as far as possible, the evaluation of the material up to species level is given. Several provisionally named forms and groups of morphologically related, undescribed fungi are included. A correlation between the number of fungi in sediments and the water depth and distance from the coast line is postulated. There are typical distributions of the lower marine fungi in water bodies and sediments. Different values within replicates of the stations in different years show that there is a sequence in development of fungal populations induced by changes in the water bodies. Surface water far from the coast has low numbers of fungi; numbers increase to a maximum nearer to the coast. In the vicinity of the coast the values decrease. The numbers of fungi in the deep sediments are low below 1,200 m. However, there are isolated areas of higher fungal activities, indicated by some deeper grab samples. During two cruises, the "overlying water" in the grab samples was investigated. It was evident that the numbers of fungi lost by stirring of the sediment when the grab was brought up to the surface were small, relatively and absolutely. The seamount "Josephine Bank" has been investigated for the first time with respect to lower marine fungi; the populations are low in the sediments, but one sample of the surface water had a higher number than the water in the surroundings. In some hydrographic series there was a peculiar depth distribution. An increase occurred at a depth greater than 1,000 m. The results are discussed and some correlations to the aging of the fungal populations in the water masses are constructed.


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Cores from the Atlantic Ibero-Moroccan continental rise and slope contain fine-grained Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments. These young sediments cover the continental margin in large lensformed litho- and biostratigraphically well-defined units. The total sedimentation rates range from 4 cm/ 1000 yrs. to 27 cm/1000 yrs. off Portugal and from 6 cm/1000 yrs. to 14 cm/1000 yrs. off Morocco. Only a small proportion of these sediments usually consists of sand-sized particles (>0.063 mm) which are mostly dominated by foraminifera. Both planktonic and benthic foraminifera are much more abundant in Late Pleistocene and Holocene samples from the upper slope in comparison to those from the deeper slope and from the abyssal plains. Total sedimentation rates during cool and warm climatic stages are rather similar for both groups of foraminifera. For example, in Late Holocene sediments 7 x 10**3 benthic and 201 x 10**3 planktonic foraminifera (fraction 0.63 -0.20 mm) per 100 cm**2 and 1000 yrs. are preserved in the Tagus, 10-19 X 10**3 benthic and about 1.3 X 10**6 planktonic foraminifera are preserved in the Seine abyssal plain sediments. Values from the upper slope sediments are higher for benthic foraminifera by a factor of 60 off Portugal and 60 to 70 off Morocco. The values for planktonic ones differ by factors of 6-12 and 6 respectively. These numbers seem to reflect differences in production and preservation. Production rates of planktonic foraminifera generally seem to be somewhat higher during Holocene than during Late Pleistocene, and the rates of benthic foraminifera appear rather higher during Late Pleistocene than during Holocene.


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The improved understanding of the pollen signal in the marine sediments offshore of northwest Africa is applied to deep-sea core M 16017-2 at 21°N. Downcore fluctuations in the percentage, concentration and influx diagrams record latitudinal shifts of the main northwest African vegetation zones and characteristics of the trade winds and the African Easterly Jet. Time control is provided by 14C ages and 180 records. During the period 19,000-14,000 yr B.P. a compressed savanna belt extended between about 12 ° and 14-15°N. The Sahara had maximally expanded northward and southward under hyperarid climatic conditions. The belt with trade winds and dominant African Easterly Jet transport had not shifted latitudinally. The trade winds were strong as compared to the modern situation but around 13,000 yr B.P. the trade winds weakened. After 14,000 yr B.P. the climate became less arid south of the Sahara and a first spike of fluvial runoff is registered around 13,000 yr B.P. Fluvial runoff increased strongly around 11,000 yr B.P. and maximum runoff is recorded from about 9000-7800 yr B.P. Around 12,500 yr B.P. the savanna belt started to shift northward and became richer in woody species: it shifted about 6° of latitude, reached its northernmost position during the period of 9200-7800 yr B.P. and extended between about 16° and 24°N at that time. Tropical forest had reached its maximum expansion and the Guinea zone reached as far north as about 15°N, reflecting very humid climatic conditions south of the Sahara. North of the Sahara the climate also became more humid and Mediterranean vegetation developed rapidly. The Sahara had maximally contracted and the trade winds were weak and comparable with the present day intensity. After about 7800 yr B.P. the southern fringe of the Sahara and accordingly the savanna belt, shifted rapidly southward again.


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Recent clays cover the East Atlantic continental slopes. They are gray and poor in sand off Portugal (Cape Sines), but reddish brown to reddish gray and richer in sand off Morocco (Cape Mazagan). The majority of the 19 sediment cores, which were taken mainly on two profiles (Fig. 3), can be correlated by means of planktonic foraminifera (Figs. 27, 28). The following parameters seem to be well suited for this purpose: qualitative and quantitative distribution of the planktonic foraminiferal species and faunas, coiling ratios of three Globorotalia-species: G. crassaformis, G. hirsuta and G. truncatulinoides. Sediments from about 2000 m water depth show highest sedimentation rates off Portugal (> 20 cm/1000 yrs.), but off Morocco the lowest sedimentation rates (about 3 cm/1000 yrs.). The sediments are dated with planktonic foraminifera and 31 radiocarbon analyses and the stratigraphic interpretation is supported by the lithostratigraphy. Holocene faunas are distinguished from the Pleistocene ones by differences in species composition, lower dominances and higher diversities. The Holocene sediments show smaller differences of the foraminiferal numbers than the Pleistocene ones. During Holocene and Pleistocene the temperatures of the surface water masses (indicated by the planktonic foraminiferal faunas) show similar values nearshore and offshore off Morocco. Likewise, there is no apparent temperature gradient in the Pleistocene off Portugal; whereas here values increase offshore during the Holocene. The proportion of species indicating warmer water masses is generally higher off Morocco. The plankton/benthos ratio increases with water depth and reaches maximum values already at about 1000 m. The production rate for planktonic foraminifera is higher in the continental slope regions than in the open ocean, but their shells show typical solution phenomena already in water depths of less than 1000 m. A higher solutional rate was found in sediments from the Tagus Abyssal Plain, while sediments from Horse Shoe and Seine Abyssal Plain seem to be better preserved. In the Tagus Abyssal Plain solution is less important during late Pleistocene than during Holocene.