217 resultados para Arabian horse


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The Indian monsoon system is an important climate feature of the northern Indian Ocean. Small variations of the wind and precipitation patterns have fundamental influence on the societal, agricultural, and economic development of India and its neighboring countries. To understand current trends, sensitivity to forcing, or natural variation, records beyond the instrumental period are needed. However, high-resolution archives of past winter monsoon variability are scarce. One potential archive of such records are marine sediments deposited on the continental slope in the NE Arabian Sea, an area where present-day conditions are dominated by the winter monsoon. In this region, winter monsoon conditions lead to distinctive changes in surface water properties, affecting marine plankton communities that are deposited in the sediment. Using planktic foraminifera as a sensitive and well-preserved plankton group, we first characterize the response of their species distribution on environmental gradients from a dataset of surface sediment samples in the tropical and sub-tropical Indian Ocean. Transfer functions for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions were applied to a decadal-scale record of assemblage counts from the Pakistan Margin spanning the last 2000?years. The reconstructed temperature record reveals an intensification of winter monsoon intensity near the year 100 CE. Prior to this transition, winter temperatures were >1.5°C warmer than today. Conditions similar to the present seem to have established after 450 CE, interrupted by a singular event near 950 CE with warmer temperatures and accordingly weak winter monsoon. Frequency analysis revealed significant 75-, 40-, and 37-year cycles, which are known from decadal- to centennial-scale resolution records of Indian summer monsoon variability and interpreted as solar irradiance forcing. Our first independent record of Indian winter monsoon activity confirms that winter and summer monsoons were modulated on the same frequency bands and thus indicates that both monsoon systems are likely controlled by the same driving force.


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In the present paper, the ecology and feeding habits of euphausiids are described. The samples were taken at the time of the NE-monsoon (1964/65) by R. V. "Meteor" in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters. 24 species were determined. According to distribution of the species, the following marine areas can be distinguished: Arabian Sea: 24 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. tenera, E. distinguenda, Stylocheiron carinatum. Gulf of Aden: 10 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Red Sea: 6 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Gulf of Oman : 5 Species, dominant are Euphausia distinguenda, Pseudeupbaufia latifrons. Persian Gulf: 1 species - Pseudeuphausia latifrons. The total number of euphausiids indicate the biomass of this group. High densities of euphausiids (200-299 and > 300 individuals/100 m**3) occur in the innermost part of the Gulf cf Aden, in the area south of the equator near the African east coast, near Karachi (Indian west coast) and in the Persian Gulf. Comparison with data relating to production biology confirms that these are eutrophic zones which coincide with areas in which upwelling occurs at the time of the NE-monsoon. The central part of the Arabian Sea differs from adjacent waters by virtue of less dense euphausiid populations (> 199 individuals/100 m**3). Measurements relating to production biology demonstrate a relatively low concentration of primary food sources. Food material was ascertained by analysis of stomach content. The following omnivorous species were examined: Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda, E. tenera, Pseudeuphausia latifrons and Thysanopoda tricuspidata. Apart from crustacean remains large numbers of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, tintinnids, dinoflagellates were found in the stomachs. Quantitatively crustaceans form the most important item in the diet. Food selection on the basis of size and form appears to be restricted to certain genera of tintinnids. The genera Stylocheiron and Nematoscelis are predators. Only crustacean remains were found in the stomachs of Stylocheiron abbreviatum, whereas Radiolaria, Foraminifera and tintinnids occurred to some extent in Nematasceli sp. Different euphausiids in the food chain in the Arabian Sea. In omnivorous species the position is variable, since they not only feed by filtering autotrophic and heterotrophic Protista, but also by predation on zooplankton. Carnivorous species without filtering apparatus feed exclusively on zooplankton of the size of copepods. Only these species are well established as occupying a higher position in the food chain. The parasitic protozoan Tbalassomyces fagei was found on Euphausia diomedeae, E. fenera, E. distinguenda and E. sanzoi.


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The distribution of diatoms, coccolithophores and planktic foraminifers mirrored the hydrographic and trophic conditions of the surface ocean (0-100 m) across the upwelling area off the Oman coast to the central Arabian Sea during May/June 1997 and July/August 1995. The number of diatoms was increased in waters with local temperature minimum and enhanced nutrient concentration (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) caused by upwelling. Vegetative cells of Chaetoceros dominated the diatom assemblage in the coastal upwelling area. Towards the more nutrient depleted and stratified surface waters to the southeast, the number of diatoms decreased, coccolithophore and planktic foraminiferal numbers increased, and floral and faunal composition changed. In particular, the transition between the eutrophic upwelling region off Oman and the oligotrophic central Arabian Sea was marked by moderate nutrient concentration, and high coccolithophore and foraminifer numbers. Florisphaera profunda, previously often referred as a 'lower-photic-zone-species', was frequent in water depths as shallow as 20 m, and at high nutrient concentration up to 14 µmol NO3/l and 1.2 µmol PO4/. To the oligotrophic southeast of the divergence, cell densities of coccolithophores declined and Umbellosphaera irregularis prevailed throughout the water column down to 100 m depth. In general, total coccolithophore numbers were limited by nutrient threshold concentration, with low numbers (<10*10**3 cells/l) at high [NO3] and [PO4], and high numbers (>70*10**3 cells/l) at low [NO3] and [PO4]. The components of the complex microplankton succession, diatoms, coccoliths and planktic foraminifers (and possibly others), should ideally be used as a combined paleoceanographic proxy. Consequently, models on plankton ecology should be resolved at least for the seasonality, to account for the bias of paleoceanographic transfer calculations.


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Site 723 is located in a water depth of 808 m at the center of the oxygen minimum zone and the middle part of the main thermocline on the Oman Margin. Oxygen isotope curves of planktonic delta18OP and benthic delta18OB can be traced back continuously to Stage 23 with high resolution measurements. A tentative correlation to Stage 53 has been tried using oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The amplitudes of the fluctuations of the benthic delta18OB curve are small, compared with the planktonic delta18OP curve. The delays of benthic oxygen isotopes delta18OB related to the planktonic delta18OP appear in the transgressive stages. Carbon isotopes of benthic delta13CB and planktonic delta13CP generally show an inverse correlation with oxygen isotope values delta18OB and delta18OB and delta18OP, however, the changes of delta13C are more gradual than those of delta18O during transgressive stages in spite of the synchronized changes of delta13C with those of delta18O during regressive stages. The difference of oxygen isotope between benthic and planktonic foraminifers represents the degree of pushing up the thermocline by upwelling, and the difference of carbon isotope represents the relative amount of upwelling Sigma[CO2] to the biological uptake in the surface water. These isotopic differences can be used as indicators of upwelling and show strong upwelling in the interglacial and weak upwelling in the glacial stages. The organic carbon content is correlated with the isotopic upwelling indicators, and higher content is correlated with the isotopic upwelling indicators and higher content appears in the interglacial stages. The calculated rate of sedimentation based on oxygen isotope stratigraphy in glacial stages is significantly high, two to four times that of interglacial stages, and the absolute flux of fluvial sediments with variability of lithofacies increased in the glacial stage. The present glacial-interglacial cycle with the fluctuation of upwelling relating to the southwest monsoon can be traced back to Stage 8, 250 ka. From Stage 8 to 12, 250-450 ka, the upwelling indicator of oxygen isotope difference did not show such distinct cyclicity. For Stages 12-15, 450-600 ka, the upwelling can be estimated as strong as in interglacial stage of the present cycles, with slightly weak upwelling in the glacial stage. This upwelling and climate can be traced back to the late Pliocene. The strongest upwelling can be estimated in the Pliocene-Pleistocene time by the isotopic indicators and the high organic carbon content.


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One hundred surface sediment samples of the Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean) were investigated and relative abundances of coccoliths were compared to mean annual gradients of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, PO4 and mixed layer depth. Total coccolith concentrations ranged from 42*10**6/g sediment in coastal areas to more than 19000*10**6/g sediment in oceanic regions. The general distribution does not seem to be dependent on coccolithophore productivity in surface waters alone, but also on the diluting input of terrigenous material. A total of 27 taxa were identified. The main species dominating the assemblages were Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Emiliania huxleyi and Florisphaera profunda with a combined average abundance of more than 70%. Several species and species groups reflect with their distribution the environmental parameters of the overlying water masses and may be successfully used to improve palaeoclimatic reconstructions, e.g. (a) F. profunda exhibits a high similarity or even positive correlation to the mean annual mixed layer depth, (b) calciosolenids can be described as coastal or shelf species. While temperature and salinity gradients do not seem to be crucial for coccolithophores in this region, the mean mixed layer depth as well as the PO4 concentration (representative for total nutrient availability) may control in part the coccolithophore assemblages. According to the results of a cluster analysis and the distribution pattern of all species, it was possible to differentiate three main coccolithophore assemblages. A G. oceanica dominated assemblage mainly occurs in the northern part of the study area and can be described as 'high nutrient assemblage'. The second assemblage, dominated by F. profunda, may be typical for oligotrophic and stable conditions in open ocean waters. A third assemblage, with high amounts of 'coastal species', characterises coastal conditions on the shelves.