273 resultados para Antartic Polar Front(APF)
The valve area of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, the most abundant diatom species in the Southern Ocean, strongly changes in size in response to varying conditions in the surface ocean. We examined the link, both in two iron fertilization experiments and in sediment samples covering several glacial Terminations, between size variability in this species and environmental conditions across the Antarctic Polar Front, including sea ice extent, sea surface temperature, and the input of eolian dust. The iron fertilization experiments show valve area to be positively correlated with iron concentrations in ambient waters, which suggests the possibility of a causal relation between valve size of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and ambient surface water iron concentration. Larger valves are usually found during glacial times and thus seem to be related to lower sea surface temperature and wider sea ice coverage. Moreover, our results indicate that there usually is a strong correlation between larger valve size and increased input of eolian dust to the Southern Ocean. However, this correlation, obvious for the fertilization experiments and for glacial Terminations I, II, III, and V, does not seem to be valid for Termination VI, where size appears to be inversely correlated to dust input.
The present-day condition of bipolar glaciation characterized by rapid and large climate fluctuations began at the end of the Pliocene with the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere continental glaciations. The global cooling steps of the late Pliocene have been documented in numerous studies of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from the Northern Hemisphere. However, the interactions between oceans and between land and ocean during these cooling steps are poorly known. In particular, data from the Southern Hemisphere are lacking. Therefore I investigated the pollen of ODP Site 1082 in the southeast Atlantic Ocean in order to obtain a high-resolution record of vegetation change in Namibia between 3.4 and 1.8 Ma. Four phases of vegetation development are inferred that are connected to global climate change. (1) Before 3 Ma, extensive, rather open grass-rich savannahs with mopane trees existed in Namibia, but the extension of desert and semidesert vegetation was still restricted. (2) Increase of winter rainfall dependent Renosterveld-like vegetation occurred between 3.1 and 2.2 Ma connected to strong advection of polar waters along the Namibian coast and a northward shift of the Polar Front Zone in the Southern Ocean. (3) Climatically induced fluctuations became stronger between 2.7 and 2.2 Ma and semiarid areas extended during glacial periods probably as the result of an increased pole-equator thermal gradient and consequently globally enhanced atmospheric circulation. (4) Aridification and climatic variability further increased after 2.2 Ma, when the Polar Front Zone migrated southward and the influence of Atlantic moisture brought by the westerlies to southern Africa declined. It is concluded that the positions of the frontal systems in the Southern Ocean which determine the locations of the high-pressure cells over the South Atlantic and the southern Indian Ocean have a strong influence on the climate of southern Africa in contrast to the climate of northwest and central Africa, which is dominated by the Saharan low-pressure cell.
A record of carbon and oxygen isotopes in benthic and planktonic foraminifers has been obtained from the interval corresponding to the last 2.4 m.y. of Site 610, Holes 610 and 610A, with a sample resolution of about 30 kyr. The record from the late Quaternary (<0.9 Ma) shows large amplitudes and high frequencies in oxygen isotopic variation. Prior to 0.9 Ma the isotopic variability record is reduced in amplitude (but not in frequency) compared with the late Quaternary, suggesting lower ice-volume and climatic fluctuations, and higher average eustatic sea level. Left-coiling (L, polar) Neogloboquadrinapachyderma were not found in samples between 1.0 and 2.2 Ma, indicating less influence of polar front migrations in the Northeast Atlantic. Both polar planktonic faunas and larger isotope fluctuations reappear in the lowermost samples (2.3 to 2.4 Ma), pointing toward a period of larger climatic variability in the late Pliocene than in the early Quaternary. The variation in benthic d13C and hence in deep-water d13C seems to have been constant through the analyzed section, reflecting a stable variability in the production of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and possibly in Norwegian-Greenland Sea Overflow. Preliminary analyses of amino-acid epimerization in N. pachyderma (L) indicate a constant rate of epimerization to approximately 0.3 Ma. Beneath this level the average epimerization rate is much reduced.
The planktonic foraminiferal zonation of Jenkins and Srinivasan (1986), which was defined for the southwestern sector of the temperate South Pacific Ocean, was successfully extended to the temperate sequences at Site 704. The zonation is based on first and last appearances of globorotalids, principally Globoconella species, which are indigenous to temperate surface-water masses. Most of the first and last appearances at ODP Site 704 are diachronous with those in the warmer temperate to subtropical South Atlantic, North Atlantic, and South Pacific oceans. The upper Miocene, upper Pliocene, and Quaternary sequences are punctuated by frequent incursions of subantarctic and polar assemblages of planktonic foraminifers. I assume that the appearance of an assemblage dominated by sinistral Neogloboquadrina pachyderma means that the Polar Front has migrated northward, but I do not know its position north or south of the site based on this preliminary work. The upper Miocene sequence contains five incursions between 6.5 and 5 Ma and the upper Pliocene and Quaternary sequence contains 16 events since 2.47 Ma. These are minimum estimates because the number of observed events will probably increase with higher sample density and use of quantitative methods to reveal more subtle events.
We present time series of export productivity proxy data including 230Thex-normalized deposition rates (rain rates) of 10Be, dissolution-corrected biogenic Ba, and biogenic opal as well as authigenic U concentrations which are complemented by rain rates of total (detrital) Fe and sea ice indicating diatom abundances from five sediment cores across the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean covering the past 150,000 years. The results suggest that 10Be rain rates and authigenic U concentration cannot serve as quantitative paleoproductivity proxies because they have also been influenced by detrital particle fluxes in the case of 10Be and bulk sedimentation rates (sediment focussing) and deep water oxygenation in the case of U. The combined results of the remaining productivity proxies of this study (rain rates of biogenic opal and biogenic Ba in those sections without authigenic U) and other previously published proxy data from the Southern Ocean (231Pa/230Th and nitrogen isotopes) suggest that a combination of sea ice cover, shallow remineralization depth, and stratification of the glacial water column south of the present position of the Antarctic Polar Front and possibly Fe fertilization north of it have been the main controlling factors of export paleoproductivity in the Southern Ocean over the last 150,000 years. An overall glacial increase of export paleoproductivity is not supported by the data, implying that bioproductivity variations in the Southern Ocean are unlikely to have contributed to the major glacial atmospheric CO2 drawdown observed in ice cores.
In total, ca. 7000 zooplanktonic species have been described for the World Ocean. This figure represents less than 4% of the total number of known marine organisms. Of the 7000 zooplanktonic species world-wide, some 60% are present in the South Atlantic; about one third of the latter have been recorded in its Subantarctic waters, and ca. 20% south of the Polar Front. When compared with those of benthic animals, these figures indicate that proportions of the overall inventories that are present in the cold waters are almost two times higher among the zooplankton. In agreement with this pattern, the proportions of Antarctic endemics in the benthos are very significantly higher than those in the plankton. For the water-column dwelling animals, the Polar Front boundary is more important than the Tropical-Subtropical limit, but almost equivalent to the Subtropical-Transitional limit, and weaker in biogeographic terms than the Transitional-Subantarctic boundary. Some of the implications of these dissimilarities, both for ecological theory and for resource allocation strategies, are discussed.
The flux of materials to the deep sea is dominated by larger, organic-rich particles with sinking rates varying between a few meters and several hundred meters per day. Mineral ballast may regulate the transfer of organic matter and other components by determining the sinking rates, e.g. via particle density. We calculated particle sinking rates from mass flux patterns and alkenone measurements applying the results of sediment trap experiments from the Atlantic Ocean. We have indication for higher particle sinking rates in carbonate-dominated production systems when considering both regional and seasonal data. During a summer coccolithophorid bloom in the Cape Blanc coastal upwelling off Mauritania, particle sinking rates reached almost 570 m per day, most probably due the fast sedimentation of densely packed zooplankton fecal pellets, which transport high amounts of organic carbon associated with coccoliths to the deep ocean despite rather low production. During the recurring winter-spring blooms off NW Africa and in opal-rich production systems of the Southern Ocean, sinking rates of larger particles, most probably diatom aggregates, showed a tendency to lower values. However, there is no straightforward relationship between carbonate content and particle sinking rates. This could be due to the unknown composition of carbonate and/or the influence of particle size and shape on sinking rates. It also remains noticeable that the highest sinking rates occurred in dust-rich ocean regions off NW Africa, but this issue deserves further detailed field and laboratory investigations. We obtained increasing sinking rates with depth. By using a seven-compartment biogeochemical model, it was shown that the deep ocean organic carbon flux at a mesotrophic sediment trap site off Cape Blanc can be captured fairly well using seasonal variable particle sinking rates. Our model provides a total organic carbon flux of 0.29 Tg per year down to 3000 m off the NW African upwelling region between 5 and 35° N. Simple parameterisations of remineralisation and sinking rates in such models, however, limit their capability in reproducing the flux variation in the water column.
Late Weichselian and Holocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages have been investigated at two stations situated close to the modern Polar Front at the continental margin oft East Greenland. Both the concentrations of dinoflagelate cysts and the assemblage composition reflect changes in the surface water conditions, occurring in distinct steps during the past 15,000 years. Low concentrations of dinoflagellate cysts during Termination Ia suggest harsh environmental conditions, most probably caused by an extensive sea-ice cover and/or a high influx of low salinity meltwater. A surface water warming was recorded from 13,000 - 12,000 years BP, related to the inflow of warmer water trom the North Atlantic into the western Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The interval between Terminations la and Ib was characterized by a strong seasonality with an extensive sea-ice cover in winter and relatively warm surface waters in summer. At the transition to the Holocene, a reorganisation of the hydrography resulted in surface water conditions characteristic for the Holocene with three well-defined major water masses and oceanographic fronts The modern water mass conditions at both stations were established at the end of Termination Ib, around 6,400 to 6,800 years BP. In general, the influence of colder surface waters was more pronounced at the location off Scoresby Sund throughout the Holocene. Arctic water had the strongest influence at both stations in the middle Holocene. A progressive cooling with an increase in sea-ice cover is time-transgressivelyrecorded at both stations during the Holocene, indicating that the Polar Front moved to its present position or that branches of the zonal currents expanded from the East Greenland shell eastward during tlie last 3,000 years.
Pleistocene summer sea-surface temperatures (SSST) have been reconstructed on a composite core section recovered in the Subantarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean from planktonic foraminifers applying the Modern Analog Technique. The composite consists of Core PS2489-2 and the sections recovered at ODP Site 1090, and documents the last 1.83 Ma. Three distinct climatic periods can be identified that mirror the Pleistocene development of the Southern Ocean hydrography. Cold climatic conditions prevailed at 43°S during glacial as well as during interglacial periods during the early Pleistocene (1.83-0.87 Ma), indicating a northward shift of isotherms that characterize the present-day Polar Front Zone by about 7° of latitude. Evidence shows a strong linkage between Southern Ocean and low latitude climate during that interval time. Between the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (ca. 0.9 Ma) and the Mid-Brunhes Event (ca. 0.4 Ma), we observe higher amplitude fluctuations in the SSST between glacial and interglacial periods, corresponding to the temperature range between the present Polar Front and Subantarctic Front. These climatic variations have been related to changes in the northern hemisphere ice sheets. The past 0.4 Ma are characterized by strong SSST variations, of up to 8°C, between glacials and interglacials. Only during the climatic optima (stages 11.3, 9.3, 7.5, 7.1, 5.5, and the early Holocene), SSST exceeded present SSST at the core locality (10.2°C). Although the carbonate dissolution record exhibits high variability during the Pleistocene, it can be shown that SSST estimates were not significantly biased. The Mid-Brunhes dissolution cycle as well as the Mid-Pleistocene enhanced carbonate preservation appear to belong to a global long-term variability in carbonate preservation.
Estimates of summer sea surface temperatures (SSSTs) derived from planktic foraminiferal associations using the Modern Analog Technique and combined with isotopic analyses and determination of ice-rafted debris, mirror the Pleistocene evolution of the planktic Subantarctic surface waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The SSSTs indicate that the isotherms that define the modern polar front zone and Subantarctic front, were located at more northerly latitudes (up to 7°) during most of the investigated period, which covers the past 550 kyr. Exceptions are during climatic optima in the early Holocene, at marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.5, 7.1, 7.5, 9.3, and presumably during MIS 11.3 when SSSTs exceeded modern values by 1 -5°C. The close similarity between the SSST and the Vostok temperature indicates strong regional temperature correlation. Both records show that MIS 9.3 was the warmest period during the last 420 kyr whereas SSSTs obtained for MIS 11.3 are overestimated due to strong carbonate dissolution. Spectral analysis corroborates that the initiation of warming in southern high latitudes heralds the start of deglaciation on the Northern Hemisphere.
Through the processes of the biological pump, carbon is exported to the deep ocean in the form of dissolved and particulate organic matter. There are several ways by which downward export fluxes can be estimated. The great attraction of the 234Th technique is that its fundamental operation allows a downward flux rate to be determined from a single water column profile of thorium coupled to an estimate of POC/234Th ratio in sinking matter. We present a database of 723 estimates of organic carbon export from the surface ocean derived from the 234Th technique. Data were collected from tables in papers published between 1985 and 2013 only. We also present sampling dates, publication dates and sampling areas. Most of the open ocean Longhurst provinces are represented by several measurements. However, the Western Pacific, the Atlantic Arctic, South Pacific and the South Indian Ocean are not well represented. There is a variety of integration depths ranging from surface to 220m. Globally the fluxes ranged from -22 to 125 mmol of C/m**2/d. We believe that this database is important for providing new global estimate of the magnitude of the biological carbon pump.
Bouvet (Bouvetøya) is a geologically young and very remote island just south of the Polar Front. Here we report samples taken during the RV "Polarstern" cruise ANTXXI/2 on 3 days in November 2003 and January 2004. This work was part of SCAR's EASIZ programme and intended, by providing data on the marine fauna of this "white gap" in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, to contribute to identifying the role of Bouvet in the faunal exchange between the Sub- and high Antarctic. While this goal demands extensive molecular analysis of the material sampled (future work), a checklist of the samples and data at hand widens the faunal and environmental inventory substantially. We suggest some preliminary conclusions on the relationship of Bouvet Island's fauna with that of other regions, such as Magellanic South America, the Antarctic Peninsula, and the high Antarctic Weddell Sea, which have been sampled previously. There seem to be different connections for individual higher taxa rather than a generally valid consistent picture.