889 resultados para planktonic


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To reveal changes in the oceanic environment on the continental slope adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, east of Cairns (NE Australia), planktonic and benthic foraminiferal abundances were counted and planktonic percentages (P/B ratios) were determined in sediments from two sites. Counts of planktonic and benthic specimens per gram of sediment over the last glacial/interglacial cycle at the shallowest Site 821, located in a water depth of 212 m just below the core of Subtropical Lower Water, show high abundances in the last glacial compared with the Holocene interglacial. We interpret the apparent increase in abundances during the last glacial as mainly a consequence of fluctuations in the intensity of flow of Subtropical Lower Water along the outer shelf edge and upper slope. During the lowstand in sea level, the increased flow winnowed the sediments, concentrating the foraminiferal skeletons. The P/B ratios are low throughout, with the highest values occurring during the Holocene interglacial and glacial stage 2. This suggests that some upwelling might have occurred during glacial stage 2. The relatively deeper water Site 819 is located in 565.2 m of water in a zone of mixing between Subtropical Lower Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water. The studied record at this site represents middle to upper Quaternary sediments, but it was interrupted by a hiatus just above stage 15 (Alexander et al., this volume); stages 7 through 13 are missing. Below the hiatus (isotopic stages 15 through 21), the foraminiferal abundances are low, while above the hiatus, the highest abundances occur in isotopic stage 6. In addition, a major change in the P/B ratio occurs across the unconformity. Below the hiatus, the ratios are low and resemble the values of the top of Site 821; but above it, ratios rapidly fluctuate, with a tendency for high values during glacial periods. We interpret the changes across the hiatus as having been caused by a shift in the position of the mixing zone between subsurface Subtropical Lower Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water. The mixing zone of these watermasses was farther down the slope in isotopic stages 15 through 21. This is indicated by the low P/B ratios, similar to the values found in the top of Site 821, which presently is bathed in subtropical waters. Above the hiatus, the influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water increased, as inferred from the high P/B ratios.


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The mid-Piacenzian (MP) warm period (3.264-3.025 Ma) has been identified as the most recent time in geologic history during which mean global surface temperatures were considerably warmer than today for a sustained period. This interval has therefore been proposed as a potential (albeit imperfect) analog for future climate change and as such, has received much scientific attention over the past two decades. Central to this research effort is the Pliocene Research, Interpretation, and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) project, an iterative paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the MP focused on increasing our understanding of warm-period climate forcings, dynamics, and feedbacks by providing three-dimensional data sets for general circulation models. A mainstay of the PRISM project has been the development of a global sea surface temperature (SST) data set based primarily upon quantitative analyses of planktic foraminifer assemblages, supplemented with geochemical SST estimates wherever possible. In order to improve spatial coverage of the PRISM faunal data set in the low and mid-latitude North Atlantic, this study provides a description of the MP planktic foraminifer assemblage from five Ocean Drilling Program sites (951, 958, 1006, 1062, and 1063) in the subtropical gyre, a region critical to Atlantic Ocean circulation and tropical heat advection. Assemblages from each core provide evidence for a temperature- and circulation-driven 5-10° northward displacement of MP faunal provinces, as well as regional shifts in planktic foraminifer populations linked to species ecology and interactions. General biogeographic trends also indicate that, relative to modern conditions, gyre circulation was stronger (particularly the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Current, and North Equatorial Current) and meridionally broader. A comparison of mid-Piacenzian and modern North Atlantic planktic foraminifer assemblages suggests that low latitude western boundary currents were less than 1 °C warmer while eastern boundary currents were ~1-2 °C warmer, supporting the hypothesis of enhanced northward heat advection along western boundary currents and warming of high latitude Northeast Atlantic source regions for the Canary Current. These findings are consistent with a model of reduced meridional SST gradients, with little-to-no low latitude warming, and more vigorous ocean circulation. Results therefore support the theory that enhanced meridional overturn circulation and associated northward heat advection made an important contribution, in conjunction with elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, to the 2-3 °C global surface temperature increase (relative to today) and strong polar amplification of SST warmth during the MP warm period.


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There are about 30 species of planktonic Foraminifera, as contrasted with the more than 4200 benthic species in the oceans of the world. Most of the planktonic species belong to the families Globigerinidae and Globorotaliidae. Of the 30 species, 9 occur in Antarctic and Subantarctic waters; however, none of these cold-water species are restricted to the Southern Ocean, except possibly the newly recognized Globorotalia cavernula (Be, 1967b). These species are distributed in broad zones of similar temperature in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Hence, it is not possible to refer to these species as endemic to the Antarctic or Subantarctic, although some of them do appear in very high concentrations of 10 specimens/m**3 or more in the Antarctic regions. The plankton samples upon which the accompanying maps are based were collected between 1960 and 1965 on the research vessels Eltanin of the National Science Foundation (U.S. Antarctic Research Program), and Vema and Conrad of the Lamont Geological Observatory. All surface (0 m to 10 m) and vertical (0 m to 300 m) tows were obtained with plankton nets of uniform mesh size and material (NITEX202 = 202 µm mesh-aperture width) and were provided with flowmeters for quantitative readings of amounts of water filtered.


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The northern Arabian Sea is one of the few regions in the open ocean where thermocline water is severely depleted in oxygen. The intensity of this oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) has been reconstructed over the past 225,000 years using proxies for surface water productivity, water column denitrification, winter mixing, and the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). Changes in OMZ intensity occurred on orbital and suborbital timescales. Lowest O2 levels correlate with productivity maxima and shallow winter mixing. Precession-related productivity maxima lag early summer insolation maxima by ~6 kyr, which we attribute to a prolonged summer monsoon season related to higher insolation at the end of the summer. Periods with a weakened or even non-existent OMZ are characterized by low productivity conditions and deep winter mixing attributed to strong and cold winter monsoonal winds. The timing of deep winter mixing events corresponds with that of periods of climatic cooling in the North Atlantic region.


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Dark gray laminated silty claystones (Unit II) drilled at Site 901 contain Tithonian benthic foraminifer assemblages that indicate a neritic depositional environment and probably dysaerobic bottom-water conditions. Three benthic foraminifer zones are distinguished within Unit II. The upper part of the unit is dominated by Spirillina polygyrata, contains Globospirillina spp. (Samples 149-901A-3R-1, 10-12 cm, to 149-901A-3R-1, 75-77 cm) and is interpreted as late Tithonian. Samples 149-901A-3R-1, 87-89 cm, to 149-901A-6R-1, 74-76 cm, contain Epistomina uhligi and Lingulina franconica and are probably early Tithonian. The early Tithonian Neobulimina atlantica Zone is characterized by the occurrence of the zonal marker and Epistomina uhligi and reaches from Sample 149-901A-6R-1, 128-130 cm, to the base of the drilled-sequence. The sediments and benthic foraminiferal assemblage characteristics of the Tithonian-aged sequence in Hole 901A are unknown elsewhere in the Atlantic and may represent deposition in a marginal shelf basin with increased terrigenous and organic flux.


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High resolution planktonic foraminifera Mg/Ca paleotemperatures and oxygen isotopes of seawater of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1078 (off Angola) have been reconstructed and reveal insights into the seasonal thermal evolution of the Angola Current (AC), the Angola-Benguela Front (ABF), and the Benguela Current (BC) during the last glacial (50-23.5 ka BP). Special emphasis is put on time intervals possibly associated with the North Atlantic Heinrich Stadials (HS), which are thought to lead to an accumulation of heat in the South Atlantic due to a reduction of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Within dating uncertainties, Globigerinoides ruber (pink) Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature (SST) estimates that represent southern hemisphere summer surface conditions show several warming episodes that coincide with North Atlantic HS, thus supporting the concept of the bipolar thermal seesaw. In contrast, the Mg/Ca-based temperatures of Globigerina bulloides, representing the SST of the ABF/BC system during southern hemisphere winter, show no obvious response to the North Atlantic HS in the study area. We suggest that surface water cooling during the winter season is due to enhanced upwelling or upwelling of colder water masses which has most likely mitigated a warming of the ABF/BC system during HS. We further speculate that the seasonal asymmetry in our SST record results from seasonal differences in the dominance of atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections during periods of northern high latitude cooling.