566 resultados para lanthanides and yttrium
During Leg 124, off the Philippines, volcanic material was recovered in deep-sea sediments dating from the late Oligocene in the Celebes Sea Basin, and from the early Miocene in the Sulu Sea Basin. Chemical and petrological studies of fallout ash deposits are used to characterize volcanic pulses and to determine their possible origin. All of the glass and mineral compositions belong to medium-K and high-K calc-alkaline arc-related magmatic suites including high-Al basalts, pyroxene-hornblende andesites, dacites, and rhyolites. Late Oligocene and early Miocene products may have originated from the Sunda arc or from the Sabah-Zamboanga old Sulu arc. Late early Miocene Sulu Sea tuffs originated from the Cagayan arc, whereas early late Miocene fallout ashes are attributed to the Sulu arc. A complex magmatic production is distinguished in the Plio-Quaternary with three sequences of basic to acidic lava suites. Early Pliocene strata registered an important activity in both Celebes Sea and Sulu Sea areas, from the newly born Sangihe arc (low-alumina andesite series) and from the Sulu, Zamboanga, and Negros arcs (high-alumina basalt series and high-K andesite series). In the late Pliocene and the early Pleistocene, renewal of activity affects the Sangihe-Cotobato arc as well as the Sulu and Negros arcs (same magmatic distinctions). The last volcanic pulse took place in the late Pleistocene with revival of all the present arc systems.
An upper Aptian to middle Albian series of volcaniclastic rocks more than 300 m thick was drilled at Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin. On the basis of textural and compositional (bulk-rock chemistry, primary and secondary mineral phases) evidence, the volcaniclastic unit is subdivided into a lower (below 830 m sub-bottom) and an upper (about 670-760 m) sequence; the boundary in the interval between is uncertain owing to lack of samples. The rocks are dominantly former vitric basaltic tuffs and minor lapillistones with lesser amounts of crystals and basaltic lithic clasts. They are mixed with shallow-water carbonate debris (ooids, skeletal debris), and were transported by mass flows to their site of deposition. The lower sequence is mostly plagioclase- and olivine-phyric with lesser amounts of Ti-poor clinopyroxene. Mineralogical and bulk-rock chemical data indicate a tholeiitic composition slightly more enriched than N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt). Transport was by debris flows from shallow-water sites, as indicated by admixed ooids. Volcanogenic particles are chiefly moderately vesicular to nonvesicular blocky shards (former sideromelane) and less angular tachylite with quench plagioclase and pyroxene, indicating generation of volcanic clasts predominantly by spalling and breakage of submarine pillow and/or sheet-flow lavas. The upper sequence is mainly clinopyroxene- and olivine-phyric with minor plagioclase. The more Ti-rich clinopyroxene and the bulk-rock analyses show that the moderately alkali basaltic composition throughout is more mafic than the basal tholeiitic sequence. Transport was by turbidity currents. Rounded epiclasts of crystalline basalts are more common than in the lower sequence, and, together with the occurrence of oxidized olivine pseudomorphs and vesicular tachylite, are taken as evidence of derivation from eroded subaerially exposed volcanics. Former sideromelane shards are more vesicular than in the lower sequence; vesicularity exceeds 60 vol.% in some clasts. The dominant clastic process is interpreted to be by shallow-water explosive eruptions. All rocks have undergone low-temperature alteration; the dominant secondary phases are "palagonite," chlorite/smectite mixed minerals, analcite, and chabazite. Smectite, chlorite, and natrolite occur in minor amounts. Phillipsite is recognized as an early alteration product, now replaced by other zeolites. During alteration, the rocks have lost up to 50% of their Ca, compared with a fresh shard and fresh glass inclusions in primary minerals, but have gained much less K, Rb, and Ba than expected, indicating rapid deposition prior to significant seafloor weathering.
Interstitial water samples from Leg 129, Sites 800, 801, and 802 in the Pigafetta and Mariana basins (central western Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, B, Li, Mn, Sr, and 87Sr/86Sr. At all sites waters show enrichment in Ca and Sr and are depleted in Mg, K, Na, SO4, B, alkalinity, and 87Sr compared to seawater. These changes are related to alteration of basaltic material into secondary smectite and zeolite and recrystallization of biogenic carbonate. Water concentration depth profiles are characterized by breaks due to the presence of barriers to diffusion such as chert layers at Sites 800 and 801 and highly cemented volcanic ash at Site 802. In Site 800, below a chert layer, concentration depth profiles are vertical and reflect slight alteration of volcanic matter, either in situ or in the upper basaltic crust. Release of interlayer water from clay minerals is likely to induce observed Cl depletions. At Site 801, two units act as diffusion barrier and isolate the volcaniclastic sediments from ocean and basement. Diagenetic alteration of volcanic matter generates a chemical signature similar to that at Site 800. Just above the basaltic crust, interstitial waters are less evolved and reflect low alteration of the crust, probably because of the presence in the sediments of layers with low diffusivities. At Site 802, in Miocene tuffs, the chemical evolution generated by diagenetic alteration is extreme (Ca = 130 mmol, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7042 at 83 meters below seafloor) and is accompanied by an increase of the Cl content (630 mmol) due to water uptake in secondary hydrous phases. Factors that enhance this evolution are a high sediment accumulation rate, high cementation preventing diffusive exchange and the reactive composition of the sediment (basaltic glass). The chemical variation is estimated to result in the alteration of more than 20% of the volcanic matter in a nearly closed system.
In central Antarctica, drainage today and earlier back to the Paleozoic radiates from the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM). Proximal to the GSM past the Permian-Triassic fluvial sandstones in the Prince Charles Mountains (PCM) are Cretaceous, Eocene, and Pleistocene sediment in Prydz Bay (ODP741, 1166, and 1167) and pre-Holocene sediment in AM04 beneath the Amery Ice Shelf. We analysed detrital zircons for U-Pb ages, Hf-isotope compositions, and trace elements to determine the age, rock type, source of the host magma, and "crustal" model age (T(C)DM). These samples, together with others downslope from the GSM and the Vostok Subglacial Highlands (VSH), define major clusters of detrital zircons interpreted as coming from (1) 700 to 460 Ma mafic granitoids and alkaline rock, epsilon-Hf 9 to -28, signifying derivation 2.5 to 1.3 Ga from fertile and recycled crust, and (2) 1200-900 Ma mafic granitoids and alkaline rock, epsilon-Hf 11 to -28, signifying derivation 1.8 to 1.3 Ga from fertile and recycled crust. Minor clusters extend to 3350 Ma. Similar detrital zircons in Permian-Triassic, Ordovician, Cambrian, and Neoproterozoic sandstones located along the PaleoPacific margin of East Antarctica and southeast Australia further downslope from central Antarctica reflect the upslope GSM-VSH nucleus of the central Antarctic provenance as a complex of 1200-900 Ma (Grenville) mafic granitoids and alkaline rocks and older rocks embedded in 700-460 Ma (Pan-Gondwanaland) fold belts. The wider central Antarctic provenance (CAP) is tentatively divided into a central sector with negative ?Hf in its 1200-900 Ma rocks bounded on either side by positive epsilon-Hf. The high ground of the GSM-VSH in the Permian and later to the present day is attributed to crustal shortening by far-field stress during the 320 Ma mid-Carboniferous collision of Gondwanaland and Laurussia. Earlier uplifts in the ~500 Ma Cambrian possibly followed the 700-500 Ma assembly of Gondwanaland, and in the Neoproterozoic the 1000-900 Ma collisional events in the Eastern Ghats-Rayner Province at the end of the 1300-1000 Ma assembly of Rodinia.
An isotope-geochemical study of Eocene-Oligocene magmatic rocks from the Western Kamchatka-Koryak volcanogenic belt revealed lateral heterogeneity of mantle magma sources in its segments: Western Kamchatka, Central Koryak, and Northern Koryak ones. In the Western Kamchatka segment magmatic melts were generated from isotopically heterogeneous (depleted and/or insignificantly enriched) mantle sources significantly contaminated by quartz-feldspathic sialic sediments; higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70429-0.70564) and lower 143Nd/144Nd [eNd(T) = 0.06-2.9] ratios in volcanic rocks from the Central Koryak segment presumably reflect contribution of an enriched mantle source; high positive eNd(T) and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios in magmatic rocks from the Northern Koryak segment area indicate their derivation from an isotopically depleted mantle source without significant contamination by sialic or mantle material enriched in radiogenic Sr and Nd. Significantly different contamination histories of Eocene-Oligocene mantle magmas in Kamchatka and Koryakia are related to their different thermal regimes: higher heat flow beneath Kamchatka led to crustal melting and contamination of mantle suprasubduction magmas by crustal melts. Cessation of suprasubduction volcanism in the Western Kamchatka segment of the continental margin belt was possibly related to accretion of the Achaivayam-Valagin terrane 40 Ma ago, whereas suprasubduction activity in the Koryak segment stopped due to closure of the Ukelayat basin in Oligocene.
Pebble-sized basaltic and glassy clasts were extracted from seamount-derived volcaniclastic debris flows and analyzed for various trace elements, including the rare earths, to determine their genetic relationships and provenance. All the clasts were originally derived from relatively shallow submarine lava flows prior to sedimentary reworking, and have undergone minor low-grade alteration. They are classified into three petrographic groups (A, B, and C) characterized by different phenocryst assemblages and variable abundances and ratios of incompatible elements. Group A (clast from Hole 585) is a hyaloclastite fragment which is olivine-normative and distinct from the other clasts, with incompatibleelement ratios characteristic of transitional or alkali basalts. Groups B and C (clasts from Hole 585A) are quartz-normative, variably plagioclase-clinopyroxene-olivine phyric tholeiites, all with essentially similar ratios of highly incompatible elements and patterns of enrichment in light rare earth elements (chrondrite-normalized). Variation within Groups B and C was governed by low-pressure fractionation of the observed phenocryst phases, whereas the most primitive compositions of each group may be related by variable partial melting of a common source. The clasts have intraplate chemical characteristics, although relative to oceanic hot-spot-related volcanics (e.g., Hawaiian tholeiites) they are marginally depleted in most incompatible elements. The source region was enriched in all incompatible elements, compared with a depleted mid-ocean-ridge basalt source.
During ODP Leg 111 Hole 504B was extended 212 m deeper into the sheeted dikes of oceanic Layer 2, for a total penetration of 1288 m within basement. Study of the mineralogy, chemistry, and stable isotopic compositions of the rocks recovered on Leg 111 has confirmed and extended the previous model for hydrothermal alteration at the site: axial greenschist hydrothermal metamorphism was followed by seawater recharge and subsequent off-axis alteration. The dikes are depleted in 18O (mean delta18O = +5.1 ? +/- 0.6 ?) relative to fresh mid-ocean ridge basalt. Oxygen isotopic data on whole rocks and isolated secondary minerals indicate temperatures during axial metamorphism of 250°-350°C and water/rock ratios about one. Increasing amounts of actinolite with depth in the dike section, however, suggest that temperatures increased downward in the dikes. Pyrite + pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite + magnetite was the stable sulfide + oxide mineral assemblage during axial alteration, but these minerals partly re-equilibrated later at temperatures less than 200°C. The dikes sampled on Leg 111 contain an average of 500 ppm sulfur, slightly lower than igneous values. The delta34S values of sulfide average 0?, which indicates the presence of basaltic sulfide and incorporation of little or no seawater-derived sulfide into the rocks. These data are consistent with models for the presence of rock-dominated sulfur in deep hydrothermal fluids. The presence of anhydrite at 1176 m within basement indicates that unaltered seawater can penetrate to significant depths in the crust during recharge.
The principal aims of undertaking a shore-based bulk inorganic geochemical analysis of muds and mudstones from Site 808 were as follows: 1. Characterize the geochemical signature of the muds and mudstones at regular intervals downhole to sample and identify any changes in sediment type and provenance. 2. Integrate the inorganic geochemistry with the shipboard and more detailed land-based laboratory studies of the clay minerals. 3. Investigate any possible inorganic geochemical anomalies associated with the décollement.
Melt inclusions in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts from rocks (magnesian basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, ignimbrite, and dacite) of various age from the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka, were studied by means of their homogenization and by analyzing the glasses in 100 melt inclusions on an electron microprobe and 24 inclusions on an ion probe. The SiO2 concentrations of the melts vary within a broad range of 45-74 wt%, as also are the concentrations of other major components. According to their SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5 concentrations, the melts are classified into seven groups. The mafic melts (45-53 wt% SiO2) comprise the following varieties: potassic (on average 4.2 wt% K2O, 1.7 wt% Na2O, 1.0 wt% TiO2, and 0.20 wt% P2O5), sodic (3.2% Na2O, 1.1% K2O, 1.1% TiO2, and 0.40% P2O5), and titaniferous with high P2O5 concentrations (2.2% TiO2, 1.1% P2O5, 3.8% Na2O, and 3.0% K2O). The melts of intermediate composition (53-64% SiO2) also include potassic (5.6% K2O, 3.4% Na2O, 1.0% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) and sodic (4.3% Na2O, 2.8% K2O, 1.3% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) varieties. The acid melts (64-74% SiO2) are either potassic (4.5% K2O, 3.6% Na2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.15% P2O5) or sodic (4.5% Na2O, 3.1% K2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.13% P2O5). A distinctive feature of the Gorely volcanic center is the pervasive occurrence of K-rich compositions throughout the whole compositional range (silicity) of the melts. Melt inclusions of various types were sometimes found not only in a single sample but also in the same phenocrysts. The sodic and potassic types of the melts contain different Cl and F concentrations: the sodic melts are richer in Cl, whereas the potassic melts are enriched in F. We are the first to discover potassic melts with very high F concentrations (up to 2.7 wt%, 1.19 wt% on average, 17 analyses) in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. The average F concentration in the sodic melts is 0.16 wt% (37 analyses). The melts are distinguished for their richness in various groups of trace elements: LILE, REE (particularly HREE), and HFSE (except Nb). All of the melts share certain geochemical features. The concentrations of elements systematically increase from the mafic to acid melts (except only for the Sr and Eu concentrations, because of active plagioclase fractionation, and Ti, an element contained in ore minerals). The paper presents a review of literature data on volcanic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka area in which melt inclusions with high K2O concentrations (K2O/Na2O > 1) were found. K-rich melts are proved to be extremely widespread in the area and were found on such volcanoes as Avachinskii, Bezymyannyi, Bol'shoi Semyachek, Dikii Greben', Karymskii, Kekuknaiskii, Kudryavyi, and Shiveluch and in the Valaginskii and Tumrok Ranges.