515 resultados para Shelf sediments
High sedimentation rates in fjords provide excellent possibilities for high resolution sedimentary and geochemical records over the Holocene. As a baseline for an improved interpretation of geochemical data from fjord sediment cores, this study aims to investigate the inorganic/organic geochemistry of surface sediments and to identify geochemical proxies for terrestrial input and river discharge in the Trondheimsfjord, central Norway. Sixty evenly distributed surface sediment samples were analysed for their elemental composition, total organic carbon (Corg), nitrogen (Norg) and organic carbon stable isotopes (d13Corg), bulk mineral composition and grain size distribution. Our results indicate carbonate marine productivity to be the main CaCO3 source. Also, a strong decreasing gradient of marine-derived organic matter from the entrance towards the fjord inner part is consistent with modern primary production data. We show that the origin of the organic matter as well as the distribution of CaCO3 in Trondheimsfjord sediments can be used as a proxy for the variable inflow of Atlantic water and changes in river runoff. Furthermore, the comparison of grain size independent Al-based trace element ratios with geochemical analysis from terrigenous sediments and bedrocks provides evidence that the distribution of K/Al, Ni/Al and K/Ni in the fjord sediments reflect regional sources of K and Ni in the northern and southern drainage basin of the Trondheimsfjord. Applying these findings to temporally well-constrained sediment records will provide important insights into both the palaeoenvironmental changes of the hinterland and the palaeoceanographic modifications in the Norwegian Sea as response to rapid climate changes and associated feedback mechanisms.
This data report tabulates results of chemical analyses of sediments from four sites (680, 682, 685, and 688) drilled during Leg 112 offshore Peru. These sediments were recovered from the forearc basins underlying the Peru upwelling area. They are equivalent in facies and age to the Pisco and Monterey formations, both of which are of considerable economic and geological interest as hydrocarbon source rocks deposited under conditions of coastal upwelling. Sediments recovered from the shelf (Site 680) and slope (Sites 682, 685, and 688) during Leg 112 are unconsolidated and are thermally immature. A lack of consolidation and thermal catagenesis makes these deposits ideal targets for chemical investigation into effects of early diagenesis in organic-carbon-rich siliceous muds.
The Okinawa Trough (OT) in the East Asian continental margin is characterized by thick terrigenous sediment and ubiquitous volcanic-hydrothermal activities. In this study, the clays collected during IODP Expedition 331 to the middle OT (Iheya North Knoll) were analyzed for mineralogical and geochemical compositions. By comparing with the clays from the East China Sea shelf and surrounding rivers, we examine different clay origins. The hydrothermal field in the mid-OT is dominated by Mg-rich chlorite, while the recharge zone has clay mineral assemblages similar to the shelf and rivers, showing high content of illite, subordinate chlorite and kaolinite and scarce smectite. Compared to the terrigenous clays, the hydrothermal clays in the OT have high concentrations of Mg, Mn and Zr but low Fe, Na, K, Ca, Ba, Sr, P, Sc and Ti, while the hydrothermal clays in the mid-ocean ridge are relatively enriched in Fe and V and depleted in Al, Mg, Zr, Sc and Ti. Different fractionation patterns of rare earth elements also register in the terrigenous and hydrothermal clays, diagnostic of variable clay origins. We infer that the OT hydrothermal clay was primarily formed by the chemical alteration of detrital sediments subject to the hydrothermal fluids. The remarkably different compositions of hydrothermal clays between the sediment-rich back arc basin like OT and the sediment-starved ocean ridge suggest different physical and chemical processes of hydrothermal fluids and fluid-rock/sediment reactions under various geologic settings.
Organic matter in Miocene glacial sediments in Hole 739C on the Antarctic Shelf represents erosional recycled continental material. Various indications of maturity in bulk organic matter, kerogens, and extracts imply that an exposed section of mature organic carbon-rich material was present during the Miocene. Based on biomarker, n-alkane, and kerogen analysis, a massive diamictite of early Eocene/Oligocene age at Hole 739C contains immature organic matter. Visual and pyrolysis analyses of the kerogens suggest a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in all samples from Hole 739C. A reversal of thermal maturities, i.e., more-mature overlying less-mature sections, may be related to redeposition generated from glacial erosion. Siliciclastic fluviatile sediments of Lower Cretaceous age from Hole 741A were analyzed. The organic matter from this hole contains immature aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers as well as a suite of odd carbon number-dominated nalkanes. Visual examination and pyrolysis analysis of the kerogen suggests that predominantly immature terrestrial organic matter is present at Hole 741A. The similarities between Hole 739C Unit V and Hole 741A suggest that the source of the organic matter in the glacial sediments in Unit V at Hole 739C could be Cretaceous in age and similar to sediments sampled at Hole 741A in Prydz Bay.
Sr contents in phosphorites on shelves of the Southwest Africa, and of Chile and Peru increase with degree of their lithification, from 0.05 to 0.28% and from 0.13 to 0.16% respectively. Phosphorites from Pacific submarine seamounts have the average Sr content 0.11%, and bone phosphate from Pacific floor 0.13%. Shelf phosphorites are characterized by high correlation coefficients between Sr and P2O5 (R = +0.82) and constant Sr/P2O5 ratio (0.0084). In phosphorites from submarine sea-mounts and in bones from the ocean floor Sr/P2O5 ratio is only a little higher than a half of that in shelf phosphorites. This indicates specific and different genesis of phosphorites from submarine mountains. Ba content in recent phosphorites from the shelf of the Southwest Africa changes with increasing degree of lithification. At first their Ba contents rise from 0.031 to 0.188%, then they diminish to 0.016%, and thereafter again increase to 0.070%. This is due to successive predominance of one of the following processes going in different directions: co-precipitation with phosphate gels or formation of true separate Ba phase, loss of phosphate in crystallization and "self-purification" of concentrations, and surface adsorption. In Peru-Chile shelf phosphorites the average Ba content is 0.017%, in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts 0.192%, and in fossilized bones 0.010%.
Secular variations in geochemistry and Nd isotopic data have been documented in sediment samples at ODP Site 1148 in the South China Sea. Major and trace elements show significant changes at ca. 29.5 Ma and 26-23 Ma, whereas epsilon-Nd values show a single change at ca. 26-23 Ma. Increases in Al/Ti, Al/K, Rb/Sr, and La/Lu ratios and a decrease in the Th/La ratio of the sediments beginning at 29.5 Ma are consistent with more intense chemical weathering in the source region. The abrupt change in Nd isotopes and geochemistry at ca. 26-23 Ma coincides with a major discontinuity in the sedimentology and physical properties of the sediments, implying a drastic change in sedimentary provenance and environment at the drill site. Comparison of the Nd isotopes of sediments from major rivers flowing into the South China Sea suggests that pre-27 Ma sediments were dominantly derived from a southwestern provenance (Indochina-Sunda Shelf and possibly northwestern Borneo), whereas post-23 Ma sediments were derived from a northern provenance (South China). This change in provenance from southwest to north was largely caused by ridge jumping during seafloor spreading of the South China Sea, associated with a southwestward expansion of the ocean basin crust and a global rise in sea level. Thus, the geochemical and Nd isotopic changes in the sediments at ODP Site 1148 are interpreted as a response to a major plate reorganization in SE Asia at ca. 25 Ma.
Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 105-207 m. Sampling was performed along gradient of oxygen bottom water concentrations between oxic (150 µmol L-1), variable hypoxic (3-60 µmol L-1 O2) and anoxic, sulfidic conditions. concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998.
Basic chemical composition of interstitial water in sediments of the Northwestern Pacific along a profile from the continental shelf of the Japan Trench to the ocean bed is discussed. Transformation of interstitial water in sediments rich in organic matter on the continental shelf and at the bottom of the Japan Trench is indicated. Variation in the vertical direction of elementary constituents of interstitial salt solution and variations in certain biogenic elements permit to make conclusions concerning processes taking place in sediments during sedimentation and diagenesis. These processes cause both metamorphism of water and transformation of organic and mineral content of sediments.
Based on sedimentological, mineralogical, geochemical, and micropaleontological data on comprehensively investigated Core ASV16-1372, Late Pleistocene - Holocene sedimentation history is reconstructed for the Voring marginal plateau (continental margin of the Norwegian Sea). An age model constructed is based on correlation with several adjacent cores, for which AMS radiocarbon datings are available. Lithostratigraphic correlation made it possible to compare stratigraphic division of Core ASV16-1372 with other cores sampled on the Voring Plateau and the shelf and continental slope off Central Norway. It is concluded that compositional and structural features of bottom sediments are correlated with paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes, variations in provenances, as well as agents and pathways of sedimentary material transport.
Composition, grain-size distribution, and areal extent of Recent sediments from the Northern Adriatic Sea along the Istrian coast have been studied. Thirty one stations in four sections vertical to the coast were investigated; for comparison 58 samples from five small bays were also analyzed. Biogenic carbonate sediments are deposited on the shallow North Adriatic shelf off the Istrian coast. Only at a greater distance from the coast are these carbonate sediments being mixed with siliceous material brought in by the Alpine rivers Po, Adige, and Brenta. Graphical analysis of grain-size distribution curves shows a sediment composition of normally three, and only in the most seaward area, of four major constituents. Constituent 1 represents the washed-in terrestrial material of clay size (Terra Rossa) from the Istrian coastal area. Constituent 2 consists of fine to medium sand. Constituent 3 contains the heterogeneous biogenic material. Crushing by organisms and by sediment eaters reduces the coarse biogenic material into small pieces generating constituent 2. Between these two constituents there is a dynamic equilibrium. Depending upon where the equilibrium is, between the extremes of production and crushing, the resulting constituent 2 is finer or coarser. Constituent 4 is composed of the fine sandy material from the Alpine rivers. In the most seaward area constituents 2 and 4 are mixed. The total carbonate content of the samples depends on the distance from the coast. In the near coastal area in high energy environments, the carbonate content is about 80 %. At a distance of 2 to 3 km from the coast there is a carbonate minimum because of the higher rate of sedimentation of clay-sized terrestrial, noncarbonate material at extremely low energy environments. In an area between 5 and 20 km off the coast, the carbonate content is about 75 %. More than 20 km from the shore, the carbonate content diminishes rapidly to values of about 30 % through mixing with siliceous material from the Alpine rivers. The carbonate content of the individual fractions increases with increasing grain-size to a maximum of about 90 % within the coarse sand fractions. Beyond 20 km from the coast the samples show a carbonate minimum of about 13 % within the sand-size classes from 1.5 to 0.7 zeta¬? through mixing with siliceous material from the alpine rivers. By means of grain-size distribution and carbonate content, four sediment zones parallel to the coast were separated. Genetically they are closely connected with the zonation of the benthic fauna. Two cores show a characteristic vertical distribution of the sediment. The surface zone is inversely graded, that means the coarse fractions are at the top and the fine fractions are at the bottom. This is the effect of crushing of the biogenic material produced at the surface by predatory organisms and by sediment eaters. lt is proposed that at a depth of about 30 cm a chemical solution process begins which leads to diminution of the original sediment from a fine to medium sand to a silt. The carbonate content decreases from about 75 % at the surface to 65 % at a depth of 100 cm. The increase of the noncarbonate components by 10 % corresponds to a decrease in the initial amount of sediment (CaC03=75 %) by roughly 30 % through solution. With increasing depth the carbonate content of the individual fractions becomes more and more uniform. At the surface the variation is from 30 % to 90 %, at the bottom it varies only between 50 % and 75 %. Comparable investigations of small-bay sediments showed a c1ear dependence of sediment/faunal zonation from the energy of the environment. The investigations show that the composition and three-dimensional distribution of the Istrian coastal sediments can not be predicted only from one or a few measurable factors. Sedimentation and syngenetic changes must be considered as a complex interaction between external factors and the actions of producing and destroying organisms that are in dynamic equilibrium. The results obtained from investigations of these recent sediments may be of value for interpreting fossil sediments only with strong limitations.
The paper reports specific mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of deposits from local depressions of the Derugin Basin. They were formed in an environment with periodic changes from oxic to anoxic conditions and show evidence for presence of hydrogen sulfide in bottom waters. Deposits of this type can be considered as a modern model for ancient ore-bearing black shale associations. Compared with typical metalliferous black shale sequences, which are characterized by high contents of organic matter, the sediments described here are depleted in elements of the organophilic association (Mo, Ni, Cu, Zn, V, and U), but have higher Mn contents.