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This study presents a differentiated carbonate budget for marine surface sediments from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge of the South Atlantic, with results based on carbonate grain-size composition. Upon separation into sand, silt, and clay sub-fractions, the silt grain-size distribution was measured using a SediGraph 5100. We found regionally characteristic grain-size distributions with an overall minimum at 8 µm equivalent spherical diameter (ESD). SEM observations reveal that the coarse particles (>8 µm ESD) are attributed to planktic foraminifers and their fragments, and the fine particles (<8 µm ESD) to coccoliths. On the basis of this division, the regional variation of the contribution of foraminifers and coccoliths to the carbonate budget of the sediments are calculated. Foraminifer carbonate dominates the sediments in mesotropic regions whereas coccoliths contribute most carbonate in oligotrophic regions. The grain size of the coccolith share is constant over water depth, indicating a lower susceptibility for carbonate dissolution compared to foraminifers. Finally, the characteristic grain-size distribution in fine silt (<8 µm ESD) is set into context with the coccolith assemblage counted and biometrically measured using a SEM. The coccoliths present in the silt fraction are predominantly large species (length > 4 µm). Smaller species (length < 4 µm) belong to the clay fraction (<2 µm ESD). The average length of most frequent coccolith species is connected to prominent peaks in grain-size distributions (ESD) with a shape factor. The area below Gaussian distributions fitted to these peaks is suggested as a way to quantitatively estimate the carbonate contribution of single coccolith species more precisely compared to conventional volume estimates. The quantitative division of carbonate into the fraction produced by coccoliths and that secreted by foraminifers enables a more precise estimate for source/sink relations of consumed and released CO2 in the carbon cycle. The allocation of coccolith length and grain size (ESD) suggests size windows for the separation or accumulation of distinct coccolith species in investigations that depend on non to slightly-mixed signals (e.g., isotopic studies).
Increasing levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the world's oceans are resulting in a decrease in the availability of carbonate ions and a drop in seawater pH. This process, known as ocean acidification, is a potential threat to marine populations via alterations in survival and development. To date, however, little research has examined the effects of ocean acidification on rare or endangered species. To begin to assess the impacts of acidification on endangered northern abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) populations, we exposed H. kamtschatkana larvae to various levels of CO2 [400 ppm (ambient), 800 ppm, and 1800 ppm CO2] and measured survival, settlement, shell size, and shell development. Larval survival decreased by ca. 40% in elevated CO2 treatments relative to the 400 ppm control. However, CO2 had no effect on the proportion of surviving larvae that metamorphosed at the end of the experiment. Larval shell abnormalities became apparent in approximately 40% of larvae reared at 800 ppm CO2, and almost all larvae reared at 1800 ppm CO2 either developed an abnormal shell or lacked a shell completely. Of the larvae that did not show shell abnormalities, shell size was reduced by 5% at 800 ppm compared to the control. Overall, larval development of H. kamtschatkana was found to be sensitive to ocean acidification. Near future levels of CO2 will likely pose a significant additional threat to this species, which is already endangered with extinction due in part to limited reproductive output and larval recruitment.
Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.), the top predator in High Arctic lakes, often is used as a bioindicator of Hg contamination in Arctic aquatic ecosystems. The present study investigated effects of trophic position, size, and age of Arctic char in Lake Hazen, the largest lake in the Canadian High Arctic (81°50'N, 70°25'W), on Hg bioaccumulation. In addition, several essential (Se, K) and nonessential elements (Tl, Cs) in char muscle tissue were examined to compare their behavior to that of Hg. Trophic position of Arctic char was identified by stable isotope (d15N) signature. Temporal trends of Hg from seven sampling campaigns over a 16-year period (1990-2006) were investigated for the overall data and for one trophic class. Concentrations of Hg were not correlated with age but were positively related to fork length and trophic position. Large char with greater d15N signatures (>12 per mil) had larger Hg concentrations (0.09-1.63 µg/g wet wt) than small char with smaller d15N signatures (<12 per mil, 0.03-0.32 µg/g wet wt), indicating that Hg concentrations increased with trophic position. Nonessential Cs and Tl showed relationships to age, length, and trophic position similar to those of Hg, indicating their potential to bioaccumulate and biomagnify. Essential Se and K did not show these relationships. Concentrations of Hg were adjusted using d15N, leading to less within-year variability and a more consistent temporal trend. The d15N-adjusted trend showed no decline of Hg in Arctic char from Lake Hazen (1990-2006) in the overall data set and in the small morphotype. Trends for the same period before the adjustment were not significant for the overall data set, but a slight decrease was apparent in the small morphotype. The results confirm the need to consider trophic position and fish size when monitoring temporal trends of Hg, particularly for species with different morphotypes.
Among-lake variation in mercury (Hg) concentrations in landlocked Arctic char was examined in 27 char populations from remote lakes across the Canadian Arctic. A total of 520 landlocked Arctic char were collected from 27 lakes, as well as sediments and surface water from a subset of lakes in 1999, 2002, and 2005 to 2007. Size, length, age, and trophic position (d15N) of individual char were determined and relationships with total Hg (THg) concentrations investigated, to identify a common covariate for adjustment using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). A subset of 216 char from 24 populations was used for spatial comparison, after length-adjustment. The influence of trophic position and food web length and abiotic characteristics such as location, geomorphology, lake area, catchment area, catchment-to-lake area ratio of the lakes on adjusted THg concentrations in char muscle tissue were then evaluated. Arctic char from Amituk Lake (Cornwallis Island) had the highest Hg concentrations (1.31 µg/g wet wt), while Tessisoak Lake (Labrador, 0.07 µg/g wet wt) had the lowest. Concentrations of THg were positively correlated with size, d15N, and age, respectively, in 88,71, and 58% of 24 char populations. Length and d15N were correlated in 67% of 24 char populations. Food chain length did not explain the differences in length-adjusted THg concentrations in char. No relationships between adjusted THg concentrations in char and latitude or longitude were found, however, THg concentrations in char showed a positive correlation with catchment-to-lake area ratio. Furthermore, we conclude that inputs from the surrounding environment may influence THg concentrations, and will ultimately affect THg concentrations in char as a result of predicted climate-driven changes that may occur in Arctic lake watersheds.