223 resultados para Cheb (Czech Republic). Kaiserburg
Site details: The raised bog Fláje-Kiefern (50°429N, 13°329 E; 760 m a.s.l.; size ca. 500x500 m) lies in the Krusné Hory Mountains (Erzgebirge), Czech Republic, about 10 km from Georgenfelder Moor in Germany. Hejny and Slavík (1988) described the phytogeographic region of the Krusne Hory Mountains as 'a region of mountain flora and vegetation, with thermophilous species largely missing. In the natural forests, conifers, especially spruce (Picea excelsa) prevail. The deforested areas have been converted into meadows and pastures'. The climate is cool with annual average temperatures of about 5°C and annual precipitation of about 900 mm. The bedrock is Precambrian crystallinicum.
Maps of continental-scale land cover are utilized by a range of diverse users but whilst a range of products exist that describe present and recent land cover in Europe, there are currently no datasets that describe past variations over long time-scales. User groups with an interest in past land cover include the climate modelling community, socio-ecological historians and earth system scientists. Europe is one of the continents with the longest histories of land conversion from forest to farmland, thus understanding land cover change in this area is globally significant. This study applies the pseudobiomization method (PBM) to 982 pollen records from across Europe, taken from the European Pollen Database (EPD) to produce a first synthesis of pan-European land cover change for the period 9000 BP to present, in contiguous 200 year time intervals. The PBM transforms pollen proportions from each site to one of eight land cover classes (LCCs) that are directly comparable to the CORINE land cover classification. The proportion of LCCs represented in each time window provides a spatially aggregated record of land cover change for temperate and northern Europe, and for a series of case study regions (western France, the western Alps, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia). At the European scale, the impact of Neolithic food producing economies appear to be detectable from 6000 BP through reduction in broad-leaf forests resulting from human land use activities such as forest clearance. Total forest cover at a pan-European scale moved outside the range of previous background variability from 4000 BP onwards. From 2200 BP land cover change intensified, and the broad pattern of land cover for preindustrial Europe was established by 1000 BP. Recognizing the timing of anthropogenic land cover change in Europe will further the understanding of land cover-climate interactions, and the origins of the modern cultural landscape.
Utilizing the neutron-irradiation parameter J is one of the major uncertainties in 40Ar/39Ar dating. The associated error of the individual J-value for a sample of unknown age depends on the accuracy of the age of the geological standards, the fast-neutron fluence distribution in the reactor and the distances between standards and samples during irradiation. While it is generally assumed that rotating irradiation evens out radial neutron fluence gradients, we observed axial and radial variations of the J-values in sample irradiations in the rotating channels of two reactors. To quantify them, we included three-dimensionally distributed metallic fast- (Ni) and thermal- (Co) neutron fluence monitors in three irradiations and geological age standards in three more. Two irradiations were carried out under Cd-shielding in the FRG1 reactor in Geesthacht, Germany, and four without Cd-shielding in the LVR-15 reactor in Rez, Czech Republic. The 58Ni(nf,p)58Co activation reaction and ?-spectrometry of the 811 keV peak associated with the subsequent decay of 58Co to 58Fe allow to calculate the fast-neutron fluence. The fast-neutron fluences at known positions in the irradiation container correlate with the J-values determined by mass-spectrometric 40Ar/39Ar measurements of the geological age standards. Ra-dial neutron fluence gradients are up to 1.8 %/cm in FRG1 and up to 2.2 %/cm in LVR-15; the corre-sponding axial gradients are up to 5.9 and 2.1 %/cm. We conclude that sample rotation might not al-ways suffice to meet the needs of high-precision dating and gradient monitoring can be crucial.