323 resultados para Ca Leaching


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The glacial marine isotope stage 14 (MIS 14) appears in many climate records as an unusually warm glacial. During this period an almost monospecific, up to 1.5 m thick, laminated layer of the giant diatom Ethmodiscus rex has been deposited below the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. This oligotrophic region is today less favorable for diatom growth with sediments typically consisting of calcareous nannofossil oozes. We have reconstructed temperatures and the stable oxygen isotopic compositions of sea surface and thermocline water (d18Ow) from planktonic foraminiferal (Globigerinoides ruber and Globorotalia inflata) Mg/Ca and stable oxygen isotopes to test whether perturbations in surface ocean conditions contributed to the deposition of the diatom layer at ~530 kyr B.P. Temperatures and d18Ow values reconstructed from this diatom ooze interval are highly variable, with maxima similar to interglacial values. Since the area of the Ethmodiscus oozes resembles the region where Agulhas rings are present, we interpret these hydrographic changes to reflect the varying influence of warm and saline water of Indian Ocean origin that entered the Subtropical Gyre trapped in Agulhas rings. The formation of the Ethmodiscus oozes is associated with a period of maximum Agulhas leakage and a maximum frequency of Agulhas ring formation caused by a termination-type position of the Subtropical Front during the unusual warm MIS 14. The input of silica through the Agulhas rings enabled the shift in primary production from calcareous nannoplankton to diatoms, leading to the deposition of the massive diatom oozes.


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The importance of intermediate water masses in climate change and ocean circulation has been emphasized recently. In particular, Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters (SOIW), such as Antarctic Intermediate Water and Subantarctic Mode Water, are thought to have acted as active interhemispheric transmitter of climate anomalies. Here we reconstruct changes in SOIW signature and spatial and temporal evolution based on a 40 kyr time series of oxygen and carbon isotopes as well as planktic Mg/Ca based thermometry from Site GeoB12615-4 in the western Indian Ocean. Our data suggest that SOIW transmitted Antarctic temperature trends to the equatorial Indian Ocean via the "oceanic tunnel" mechanism. Moreover, our results reveal that deglacial SOIW carried a signature of aged Southern Ocean deep water. We find no evidence of increased formation of intermediate waters during the deglaciation.


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Here we present evidence that the Holocene African monsoon system (AMS) varied in response to the eastern equatorial Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST). Several short-term episodes of decreased moisture availability as a result of low eastern equatorial Atlantic SST are suggested by planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios. These episodes promoted a weakening of the AMS and thus determined the timing and intensity of arid periods. Local sea-surface salinities also reveal regional patterns of precipitation in equatorial western Africa. The high eastern equatorial Atlantic SSTs occur in concert with seasonally increased insolation at low latitudes, suggesting a strong response of African monsoonal precipitation to oceanic conditions at low latitudes.


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An early Holocene record from the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) reveals climatic and hydrologic changes during the interval from 10.5 to 7 thousand calendar years before present from paired analyses of Mg/Ca and d18O on foraminiferal calcite. The sea surface temperature record based on foraminiferal Mg/Ca contains six oscillations and an overall ~1.5°C warming that appears to be similar to the September-March insolation difference. The d18O of seawater in the GOM (d18OGOM) record contains six oscillations, including a -0.8 per mil excursion that may be associated with the "8.2 ka climate event" or a broader climate anomaly. Faunal census records from three GOM cores exhibit similar changes, suggesting subcentennial-scale variability in the incursions of Caribbean waters into the GOM. Overall, our results provide evidence that the subtropics were characterized by decadal- to centennial-scale climatic and hydrologic variability during the early Holocene.


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In order to determine geochemical compositions of Late Cenozoic Arctic seawater, oxide fractions were chemically separated from 15 samples of hand-picked ferromanganese micronodules (50-300 mu m). The success of the chemical separation is indicated by the fact that >97% of the Sr in the oxide fraction is seawater-derived. Rare-earth element (REE) abundances of the Arctic micronodule oxide fractions are much lower than those of bulk Fe-Mn nodules from other ocean basins of the world (e.g., 33 vs. 145 ppm Nd), but the Arctic oxides are enriched in Ce relative to Nd (Ce-N/Nd-N=2.2+/-0.5) and have convex-upward, shale-normalized REE patterns (Nd-N/Gd-N=0.61+/-0.06, Gd-N/Yb-N = 1.5+/-0.2, Nd-N/Yb-N = 0.9+/-0.2), typical of other hydrogenous and diagenetic marine Fe-Mn-oxides. Bulk sediment samples from the central Arctic Ocean have REE abundances and patterns that are characteristic of those of post-Archean shale. Non-detrital fractions (calcite + oxide coatings) of Recent Arctic foraminifera have REE abundances and patterns similar to those of Recent foraminifera from the Atlantic Ocean. Electron microprobe analyses (n=178) of transition elements in 29 Arctic Fe-Mn micronodules from five different stratigraphic intervals of Late Cenozoic sediment indicate that oxide accretion occurred as a result of hydrogenetic and diagenetic processes close to the sediment-seawater interface. Transition element ratios suggest that no oxide accretion occurred during transitions from oxic to suboxic diagenetic conditions. Only K is correlated with Si and Al, and ratios of these elements suggest that they are associated with illite or phillipsite. Ca and Mg are correlated with Mn, which indicates variable substitution of these elements from seawater into the manganate phase. The geochemical characteristics of Arctic Fe-Mn micronodules indicate that the REEs of the oxide fractions were ultimately derived from seawater. However, because of minute contributions of Sr from siliciclastic detritus during diagenesis or during the chemical leaching procedure, Sr isotope compositions of the oxide fractions cannot be used to trace temporal changes in the Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio of Arctic seawater or to improve the chronostratigraphy.


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The main stages of the sedimentary cycle of uranium in modern marine basins are under consideration in the book. Annually about 18 thousand tons of dissolved and suspended uranium enters the ocean with river runoff. Depending on a type of a marine basin uranium accumulated either in sediments of deep-sea basins, or in sediments of continental shelves and slopes. In the surface layer of marine sediments hydrogenic uranium is predominantly bound with organic matter, and in ocean sediments also with iron, manganese and phosphorus. In diagenetic processes there occurs partial redistribution of uranium in sediments, as well as its concentration in iron-manganese, phosphate and carbonate nodules and biogenic phosphate detritus. Concentration of uranium in marine sediments of various types depending on their composition, as well as on forms of its entering, degree of differentiation and of sedimentation rates, on hydrochemical regime and water circulation, and on intensity of diagenetic processes.


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The monograph summarizes results of studies of hydrothermal fields on the ocean floor, hydrothermal plumes and metalliferous sediments. Hydrothermal ore manifestations formed in different geodynamic settings, with different character of volcanism in different facial conditions of deposition are described. Causes of non-uniformity of hydrothermal system functioning in different parts of the ocean and therefore variability of hydrothermal deposits are under consideration. On the base of found relationships of these irregularities with geodynamics, volcanism and sedimentation a new classification of hydrothermal processes and genetic models of hydrothermal ore formation in the ocean have been created. Regularities of hydrothermal sedimentary material dispersion in bottom waters are discussed.


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Shell chemistry of planktic foraminifera and the alkenone unsaturation index in 69 surface sediment samples in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean off West and South Indonesia were studied. Results were compared to modern hydrographic data in order to assess how modern environmental conditions are preserved in sedimentary record, and to determine the best possible proxies to reconstruct seasonality, thermal gradient and upper water column characteristics in this part of the world ocean. Our results imply that alkenone-derived temperatures record annual mean temperatures in the study area. However, this finding might be an artifact due to the temperature limitation of this proxy above 28°C. Combined study of shell stable oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratio of planktic foraminifera suggests that Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto (s.s.), G. ruber sensu lato (s.l.), and G. sacculifer calcify within the mixed-layer between 20 m and 50 m, whereas Globigerina bulloides records mixed-layer conditions at ~50 m depth during boreal summer. Mean calcifications of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and Globorotalia tumida occur at the top of the thermocline during boreal summer, at ~75 m, 75-100 m, and 100 m, respectively. Shell Mg/Ca ratios of all species show a significant correlation with temperature at their apparent calcification depths and validate the application of previously published temperature calibrations, except for G. tumida that requires a regional Mg/Ca-temperature calibration (Mg/Ca = 0.41 exp (0.068*T)). We show that the difference in Mg/Ca-temperatures of the mixed-layer species and the thermocline species, particularly between G. ruber s.s. (or s.l.) and P. obliquiloculata, can be applied to track changes in the upper water column stratification. Our results provide critical tools for reconstructing past changes in the hydrography of the study area and their relation to monsoon, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode.


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A new, high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-based ocean temperature record has been generated for deep sea core MD02-2496, sited offshore of Vancouver Island, Western Canada during the last deglaciation (21-12 ka). The relationship between Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) retreat and changing regional ocean temperatures has been reconstructed through glaciomarine sediments in MD02-2496 that capture tidewater glacier response to surface ocean thermal forcing. At CIS maximum extent, the marine margin of the ice sheet advanced onto the continental shelf. During this interval, ocean temperatures recorded by surface ocean dwelling Globigerina bulloides remained a relatively constant ~7.5°C while subsurface dwelling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s.) recorded temperatures of ~5°C. These ocean temperatures were sufficiently warm to induce significant melt along the tidewater ice terminus similar to modern Alaskan tidewater glacial systems. During the deglacial retreat of the CIS, the N. pachyderma temperature record shows two distinct warming steps of ~2 and 2.5°C between 17.2-16 and 15.5-14 ka respectively, coincident with ice rafting events from the CIS, while G. bulloides records an ~3°C warming from 15 to14 ka. We hypothesize that submarine melting resulting from relatively warm ocean temperatures was an important process driving ice removal from CIS tidewater glaciers during the initial stages of deglaciation.