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Arctic sea ice has declined and become thinner and younger (more seasonal) during the last decade. One consequence of this is that the surface energy budget of the Arctic Ocean is changing. While the role of surface albedo has been studied intensively, it is still widely unknown how much light penetrates through sea ice into the upper ocean, affecting sea-ice mass balance, ecosystems, and geochemical processes. Here we present the first large-scale under-ice light measurements, operating spectral radiometers on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) under Arctic sea ice in summer. This data set is used to produce an Arctic-wide map of light distribution under summer sea ice. Our results show that transmittance through first-year ice (FYI, 0.11) was almost three times larger than through multi-year ice (MYI, 0.04), and that this is mostly caused by the larger melt-pond coverage of FYI (42 vs. 23%). Also energy absorption was 50% larger in FYI than in MYI. Thus, a continuation of the observed sea-ice changes will increase the amount of light penetrating into the Arctic Ocean, enhancing sea-ice melt and affecting sea-ice and upper-ocean ecosystems.


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The Cenozoic sediments of the CRP-3 drill core from the continental shelf of McMurdo Sound in Ross Sea, Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, have been investigated for their clay mineral assemblages, especially for the smectite abundances, concentrations and crystallinities. The assemblages of CRP-3 are very different from those of the CRP-1 and CRP-2/2A drill cores. Thus, an almost monomineralic assemblage characterizes the sequence below 330 mbsf. This assemblage is made of well-crystallized smectite with probably authigenic origin between 800 mbsf and 625 mbsf. From 625 mbsf to 330 mbsf the assemblage consists of moderately crystallized smectite that, at least in part, seems to be of detrital origin and thus indicates weathering under a relatively warm and wet climate. In the interval 330-145 mbsf, smectite concentrations fluctuate between 50% and 100% and probably document alternating phases of chemical weathering under a warm and wet climate and physical weathering under a relatively cool and dry climate. Above 145 mbsf the smectite decreases dramatically to concentrations of about 20% and becomes poorly crystalline. In contrast, illite and chlorite become more abundant. Such an assemblage is typical for early Oligocene and younger sediments in McMurdo Sound and reflects physical weathering conditions under a cool climate on a glaciated Antarctic continent. Correlations of the changes in the clay mineral spectrum of CRP-3 with other cores from McMurdo Sound and from other parts of the Southern Ocean has to remain speculative at this stage, because of the poor age control.


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This article will review major features of the 'giant' Cape Blanc filament off Mauritania with regard to the transport of chlorophyll and organic carbon from the shelf to the open ocean. Within the filament, chlorophyll is transported about 400 km offshore. Modelled particle distributions along a zonal transect at 21°N showed that particles with a sinking velocity of 5 m d**-1 are advected offshore by up to 600 km in subsurface particle clouds generally located between 400 m and 800 m water depth, forming an Intermediate Nepheloid Layer (INL). It corresponds to the depth of the oxygen minimum zone. Heavier particles with a sinking velocity of 30 m d**-1 are transported from the shelf within the Bottom Layer (BL) of more than 1000 m thickness, largely following the topography of the bottom slope. The particles advected within the BL contribute to the enhanced winter-spring mass fluxes collected at the open-ocean mesotrophic sediment trap site CB-13 (200 nm offshore), due to a long distance advection in deeper waters. The lateral contribution to the deep sediment trap in winter-spring is estimated to be 63% and 72% for organic carbon and total mass, respectively, whereas the lateral input for both components on an annual basis is estimated to be in the order of 15%. Biogenic opal increases almost fivefold from the upper to the lower mesotrophic CB-13 trap, also pointing to an additional source for biogenic silica from eutrophic coastal waters. Blooms obviously sink in smaller, probably mesoscale-sized patches with variable settling rates, depending on the type of aggregated particles and their ballast content. Generally, particle sinking rates are exceptionally high off NW Africa. Very high chlorophyll values and a large size of the Cape Blanc filament in 1998-1999 are also documented in enhanced total mass and organic carbon fluxes. An increasing trend in satellite chlorophyll concentrations and the size of the Cape Blanc filament between 1997 and 2008 as observed for other coastal upwelling areas is not documented.