304 resultados para the Mediterranean


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Two planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records of ODP Hole 653A (Tyrrhenian Sea) are presented for the time period extending from approximately 0.8 to 3.0 Ma. Six, generally accepted, synchronous bioevents were used to precise the oxygen isotope chronology and to identify the oxygen isotope stages 22 down to 114. Subsequently, this oxygen isotope chronology was used to determine the synchronism or diachronism of various other biostratigraphic events with those recorded in the Singa and Ficarazzi land sections (Italy) and those in other DSDP/ODP sites. New results concern the diachronity of the FOD of the planktonic foraminiferal species N. atlantica, G.truncatulinoides truncatulinoides and G. inflata between ODP Hole 653A and the Italian landsections. Because many species entered the Mediterranean in short term fluxes, strongly related to the southward migration of cool North Atlantic surface waters, their time distribution through the Pliocene-Pleistocene generally corresponds to alternated intervals of presence and absence. This should explain most of the apparently diachronous appearances and disappearances. Alternating presence-absence patterns are of less importance for the various nannofossil events. The LOD of D. surculus occurs during the transition of stage 100 to 101 in both ODP Hole 653A and the Singa section, which is in perfect agreement with the disappearance of this species from the open ocean. The LOD of D. pentaradiatus in the Mediterranean occurs in stages 100-99, which seems to be consistent with the extinction of this species in the southern Hemisphere. G. oceanica, which corresponds to the 4 µm < Gephyrocapsa spp <5.5 µm is recorded in stages 65 to 64 at ODP Hole 653A. The Gephyrocapsa spp. >5.5 µm first occurred in stage 51 at Hole 653A, which fits within the uncertainty interval for this event stretching from stage 51 to 47 in the open ocean and seems therefore a useful tool for conventional biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean.


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Contourites in the Gulf of Cádiz preserve a unique archive of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) variability over the past 5.3 Ma. In our study we investigate the potential of geochemical data obtained by XRF scanning to decipher bottom current processes and paleoclimatic evolution at two different sites drilled through contourite deposits in the northern Gulf of Cadiz: Site U1387, which is bathed by the upper MOW core, and Site U1389, located more proximal to the Straits of Gibraltar. The lack of major downslope transport at both locations during the Pleistocene makes them ideal locations for the purpose of our study. The results indicate that the Zr/Al ratio, representing the relative enrichment of heavy minerals (zircon) over less dense alumosilicates under strong bottom current flow, is the most useful indicator for a semi-quantitative assessment of current strength. While most elements are biased by current-related processes, the bromine record, representing organic content, preserves the most pristine climate signal rather independent of grain size changes. Hence, Br can be used for chronostratigraphy and site-to-site correlation in addition to stable isotope stratigraphy. Based on these findings we reconstructed MOW variability for Marine Isotope Stages 1-5 using the Zr/Al ratio from Site U1387. The results reveal abrupt, millennial-scale variations of MOW strength during Greenland Stadials (GS) and Interstadials (GI) with strong MOW during GS and glacial Terminations and a complex behavior during Heinrich Stadials. Millennial-scale variability persisting during periods of poorly expressed GS/GI cyclicities implies a strong internal oscillation of the Mediterranean/North Atlantic climate system.


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The Br/Cl, Li/Cl and B/Cl ratios and boron isotope compositions of hypersaline pore fluids from DSDP Sites 372 and 374 were measured in an attempt to evaluate the origin of the brines. In Site 374 the relationships between the Cl concentrations (up to 5000 mM) and Br/Cl (~0.012), Na/Cl (as low as 0.1), B/Cl (0.0025), and d11B values (43-55?) of the deep pore water between 380 and 405 mbsf, located within the Messinian sediments, reflect remnants of ~65-fold evaporated sea water. The original evaporated sea water was modified by: (1) dilution with overlying or less saline water by about 30%; and (2) slight dissolution of NaCl evaporites. The variations in d11B show a continuous increase in d11B values with depth in Site 374, up to 66.7? at a depth of 300 mbsf (Upper Pliocene marl sediments). The conspicuous 11B enrichment trend is consistent with elemental boron depletion, which was calculated from the expected boron concentrations of evaporated sea water with corresponding Br/Cl and Na/Cl ratios. Li/Cl variations also show a depletion of Li relative to evaporated sea water. The apparent depletions of B and Li, as well as the 11B enrichment, reflect uptake of these elements by clay minerals at low water/sediment ratios.


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A Mediterranean composite sedimentary record was analyzed for Ba/Ca ratios on carbonate shells of Orbulina universa planktonic foraminifer (Ba/Ca)carb providing the opportunity to study and assess the extent of freshwater inputs on the basin and possible impacts on its dynamics during the Tortonian to Recent period. A number of scanning electron microscope analyses and auxiliary trace element measurements (Mn, Sr, and Mg), obtained from the same samples, exclude important diagenetic effects on the studied biogenic carbonates and corroborate the reliability of (Ba/Ca)carb ratios in foraminifera calcite as indicators of seawater source components during the studied interval. A long-term trend with (Ba/Ca)carb values shifting from ~7 to 3 µmol/mol from the base of the Tortonian to the top of the Messinian is observed. The interval of the late Messinian salinity crisis, where biogenic carbonates are missing or strongly diagenized, represents a crucial passage not monitored in our record. At the base of the Pliocene, up to about 4.7 Ma, the (Ba/Ca)carb record shows a decreasing trend from ~4 µmol/mol stabilizing itself to an about constant value of 0.9 ± 0.3 µmol/mol for the whole Plio-Pleistocene interval. These results suggest a dramatic change in the continental runoff values, up to ~3-16 times higher during part of the late Neogene (Tortonian-early Pliocene), with a possible profound modification in the physical dynamics of the Mediterranean basin. First-order mass balance equations used to estimate barium and salinity budgets in the Mediterranean Sea during the late Miocene-early Pliocene interval support the hypothesis of an active connection of the basin with the Paratethys region and of a definitive restriction at the base of the Pliocene after about 0.7 Ma from the well-known Messinian Lagomare phase. They also open intriguing scenarios on possible circulation shifts during the Neogene.


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Quantitative records of Globorotalia puncticulata and Globorotalia inflata, the last two members of the Globorotalia (Globoconella) lineage, obtained from North Atlantic sediments collected at DSDP Site 552, ODP Site 659 and ODP Site 665, are used to examine fluctuations in the biogeographic distribution of these species in the Late Pliocene between 3 and 2 Ma. Abundance data indicate that prior to the expansion of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at about 2.5 Ma, Gr. puncticulata was an important component of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna and had a geographic distribution ranging from 2°N to at least 56°N in the North Atlantic. A previously undescribed 6 chambered variant of Gr. puncticulata is found at both Sites 659 and 665. The stratigraphic distribution of this morphotype is restricted, first occurring at 2.9 Ma and then disappearing when glacial intensity increased at 2.75 Ma (isotope stage 110). Similar declines in Gr. puncticulata abundances occurred during glacial isotope stages 102, 100, and 98 immediately prior to the extinction of Gr. puncticulata during glacial isotope stage 96. It appears that this extinction event was latitudinally diachronous within the North Atlantic, occurring earliest in the north at Site 552 (2.453 Ma), then at Site 659 (2.443 Ma) and later still in the Site 665 equatorial record (2.438 Ma). At Site 665 the first record of Gr. inflata occurs during glacial isotope stage 94 (2.416 Ma), shortly after the extinction of Gr. puncticulata. In the mid latitude North Atlantic there was a 340,000 year period following the disappearance of Gr. puncticulata when the Globoconella lineage was absent (the Gr. inflata gap). The Gr. inflata population found in the equatorial Atlantic must therefore have been introduced from the South Atlantic, probably by the South Equatorial Current. Faunal records from Sites 552 and 659 show that it was not until glacial isotope stage 78 (2.10 Ma) that Gr. inflata became widely established in the North Atlantic. Prior to this large-scale migration event, there were two limited colonisation events during glacial isotope stages 86 and 82 when Gr. inflata populations reached as far as Site 659 in the eastern North Atlantic. These incursions are believed to be reflect the entrainment of Gr. inflata within South Atlantic Central Water and the northward subsurface transport of individuals to the coastal upwelling zone off northwest Africa. It seems likely that the same mechanism was responsible for the re-establishment of the Globoconella lineage in the North Atlantic at 2.10 Ma, but in this instance additional factors, such as enhanced glacial circulation patterns and ecological changes within planktonic foraminiferal faunas, resulted in the successful expansion of Gr. inflata across the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.


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Siliceous skeletons were investigated in two core profiles (9 cores), one off Cap de Sines, Portugal and the other off Cap de Mazagan, Morocco. Total number of skeletons was determined per gram of dried sediment at different core depths of the fraction >21 µ. Results are compared with a core profile from the Arabian Sea. Diatoms are of four groups: (A) marine-planktonic, B) marine-benthic, (C) freshwater and (D) Tertiary species (Trinacria e.g.). Species from groups (B), (C) and (D) are redeposited in all cores taken at a water depth of greater than 100 m. Small numbers of Silicoflagellates and Radiolarians were found throughout the cores from the Ibero-Moroccan shelf. In the Arabian Sea core, Radiolarians were concentrated in distinct horizons in which Tertiary material was redeposited (40-50, 140-150, 250-260 cm). The number of siliceous skeletons per gram of dried sediment decreases more or less rapidly with increasing depth in all cores. Whereas about 2500 skeletons were found in sediments close to the surface, approximately 100 skeletons only were found in deeper (>40 cm) layers. Deeper horizons with more than 100 specimens were interpreted as redeposited material. This sediment contained robust skeletons, resistant against dissolution, as well as benthic and Tertiary material. The decrease of siliceous skeletons relative to core depth depends upon the sedimentation rate. Where the sedimentation rate is high, the opal dissolution zone extends down to 30-60 cm, where the sedimentation rate is low, it is located at 10-30 cm. Below these depths opals disappears. These zones also have approximately the same age (4000 years) everywhere. Siliceous skeletons dissolve differentially, first the Silicoflagellates disappear, second the Diatoms, third the Radiolarians, and fourth the Sponge Spicules. Surface structure of skeletons from near the opal dissolution zones are similar to those of skeletons treated with NaOH. Tertiary diatoms (Trinacria e. g.) and benthic diatoms (Campylodiscus e.g.) dissolve less rapidly than skeletons of modern planktonic diatoms (Coscinodiscus e.g.). The time control of the opal dissolution zones appeared rather independent of various oceanic influences. No evidence was found for effects from upwelling either off Portugal or off Morocco. No difference in dissolution rates was recorded between the abyssal plains lying off these two areas. Likewise, there was no change in solution rates from Pleistocene to Holocene within either one of the abyssal plains. The Mediterranean outflow, which is enriched in dissolved silica, apparently had no effect on dissolution rates of siliceous skeletons in the sediment.


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We report, numerically and in graphical form, meaured tritium concentrations from five hydrographic stations in the North Atlantic. Fairly homogeneous concentrations are observed in a surface layer typically 400 m deep. In the thermocline, concentrations decrease steadily down to the sigma-theta = 27.3 density horizon, and are more variable further down. The tritium in the lower part of the thermocline originates from the Subarctic Intermediate Water and the Mediterranean Water. There is a relative tritium maximum associated with the Mediterranean Water on the easternmost station of the section. In the deep water (sigma-theta > 27.8), concentrations east of the Midatlantic Ridge are close to the limit of detection down to 2500m, and undetectable further down, while west of the ridge tritium is found throughout the water column. The deep water tritium is associated with the deep-water advective cores of Arctic origin. The present tritium data can serve as northern boundary values in attempts to use tritium in studies of the North Atlantic main thermocline dynamics. The present data together with data from the literature point to a general division of the North Atlantic main thermocline into two layers separated by an isopycnal surface near sigma-theta = 27.3.


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Strontium isotopic ratios of gypsums recovered from upper Miocene (Messinian) evaporites at ODP Leg 107 Holes 652A, 653B, and 654A (Tyrrhenian Sea) are lower than expected. The values for the Messinian balatino-like gypsum, single gypsum crystals, and anhydrites range from 0.70861 to 0.70886 and are approximately 25 * 10**-5 less than would be expected for evaporites precipitated from Messinian seawater (0.70891-0.70902). Pre-evaporitic planktonic foraminifers from Hole 654A show variable degrees of dolomitization and 87Sr/86Sr values that irregularly decrease upward from normal marine values approximately 81m below the lowest evaporite occurrence. This suggests diagenetic alteration by advecting interstitial water with a low 87Sr/86Sr ratio or that the lower Sr isotopic ratios for the Messinian evaporites could have resulted from a greater influence of fresh water on the Sr isotopic composition of the desiccating Tyrrhenian Sea. Fluctuations of the 87Sr/86Sr-ratio for evaporites in the sedimentary cycles recognized for Holes 653B and 654A, the generally low Sr isotopic ratio of river water entering the Mediterranean Sea, and the presence of dwarf marine microfossils suggest that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the evaporites responded to hydrologic variations in a very restricted basin with variable rates of marine and fresh water input. The strontium isotopic ratios of the Messinian anhydrites from the proposed lacustrine sequence at Hole 652A fall in the same range as the marine evaporites from Holes 654A and 653B. This suggests a common or similar origin of the brines at the three locations. The complex depositional and hydrologic conditions in the Mediterranean during the Messinian salinity crisis preclude the use of Sr isotopic values from the evaporites for stratigraphic correlation and dating. They are, however, very useful in the interpretation of the depositional history of the basin. General calculations assuming a closed system suggest that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of Messinian seawater (-0.7090) could be reduced to that of the evaporites (-0.7087) by mixing with fresh water (e.g., Nile River) in times of 10**4 to 10**5 yr.


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Serial observations of temperature, salinity, oxygen, alkalinity and pH are presented. They were carried out during an anchor station of R.V. "Meteor" west of Cape Sao Vincente (Portugal) in the area of the maximum Mediterranean water outflow, which follows the continental slope off Portugal. Two observational results are pointed out: The Mediterranean water masses spread out into the Atlantic Ocean, consisting of two distinct layers at depth of 700 m (T=12.0 °C, S=36.15 ?) and 1250 m (T=11.3 °C, S=36.40 ?). The salinity proved to be the most significant indicator of the observed stratification. The values of dissolved oxygen content, alkalinity and pH in the very near bottom layer (1 m above the bottom at depth of 3250 m) are different from the values at depth of 15 m to 100 m above the bottom. As this phenomenon is not observed for the salinity, the changes may be interpreted in terms of chemical and biological processes at the sediment-water interface.


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Information on the functional traits was gathered for the most commonly-sampled copepod species of the Mediterranean Sea. Our database includes 191 species described by 7 traits encompassing diverse ecological functions: minimal and maximal body length (mm), trophic group (Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore/Detritivore), feeding type (Cruise-feeding/Filter-feeding/Ambush-feeding), spawning strategy (Sac-spawner/Free-spawner), diel vertical migration (Non-migrant/Weak-migrant/Strong-migrant) and vertical habitat (prefered depth layer). Using cluster analysis in the functional trait space revealed that Mediterranean copepods can be gathered into groups that have different ecological roles.


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An integrated high-resolution stratigraphy and orbital tuning is presented for the Loulja sections located in the Bou Regreg area on the Atlantic side of Morocco. The sections constitute the upward continuation of the upper Messinian Ain el Beida section and contain a well-exposed, continuous record of the interval straddling the Miocene-Pliocene (M-P) boundary. The older Loulja-A section, which covers the interval from ~5.59 to 5.12 Ma, reveals a dominantly precession-controlled color cyclicity that allows for a straightforward orbital tuning of the boundary interval and for detailed cyclostratigraphic correlations to the Mediterranean; the high-resolution and high-quality benthic isotope record allows us to trace the dominantly obliquity-controlled glacial history. Our results reveal that the M-P boundary coincides with a minor, partly precession-related shift to lighter "interglacial" values in d18O. This shift and hence the M-P boundary may not correlate with isotope stage TG5, as previously thought, but with an extra (weak) obliquity-controlled cycle between TG7 and TG5. Consequently, the M-P boundary and basal Pliocene flooding of the Mediterranean following the Messinian salinity crisis are not associated with a major deglaciation and glacio-eustatic sea level rise, indicating that other factors, such as tectonics, must have played a fundamental role. On the other hand, the onset of the Upper Evaporites in the Mediterranean marked by hyposaline conditions coincides with the major deglaciation step between marine isotope stage TG12 and TG11, suggesting that the associated sea level rise is at least partly responsible for the apparent onset of intermittently restricted marine conditions following the main desiccation phase. Finally, the Loulja-A section would represent an excellent auxiliary boundary stratotype for the M-P boundary as formally defined at the base of the Trubi marls in the Eraclea Minoa section on Sicily.