311 resultados para strontium 90
A downhole decrease in 18O, Mg(2+) and K+, an increase in Ca(2+) and a low 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7067 in the pore fluids of DSDP site 323 were caused principally by the alteration of volcanic material. These chemical and isotopic patterns were produced by the alteration, in order of decreasing importance of: a 60-m thick basal layer of volcanic ash; the underlying basalts; and igneous components in the 640-m thick upper sequence composed largely of terrigenous material. A significant portion of the alteration of the ash in the basal sequence must have occurred before the deposition of the upper sediments, perhaps under the influence of advecting solutions. The rest of the alteration occurred during the deposition of the thick upper sediments. Mass balance considerations and the low d18O values of most of the alteration products suggest that much of the later alteration occurred progressively over the last 13 Myr. The principal alteration products were smectite, potassium feldspar, clinoptilolite and calcite.
Sr and Nd isotopic compositions have been measured on the lithic fraction of last climatic cycle sediments from the North Atlantic (~40°N/~60°N), in order to identify the origins of the particles. From the reconstruction of their transport pathways, we deduce the mechanisms that explain their distributions. The main source regions are the Canadian shield (mostly the area of Baffin Bay and western Greenland), the Scandinavian shield, the European region (British Isles and Bay of Biscay), and Iceland. We observe a significant glacial/interglacial contrast, characterized by a dominant Icelandic input via near-bottom transport by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) during the interglacials and a largely continent-derived contribution of surface-transported, ice-rafted detritus (IRD) during the glacial period. During the last glacial period, the Heinrich events (abrupt, massive discharges of IRD) originated not only from the Laurentide ice sheet as heretofore envisioned but also from other sources. Three other major North Atlantic ice sheets (Fennoscandian, British Isles, and Icelandic) probably surged simultaneously, discharging ice and IRD into the North Atlantic. As opposed to theories implying a unique, Laurentide origin [Gwiazda et al., 1996 doi:10.1029/95PA03135] driven by an internal mechanism [MacAyeal, 1993 doi:10.1029/93PA02200], we confirm that the Icelandic and the Fennoscandian ice sheets also surged as recently proposed by other authors, and we here also distinguish a possible detrital contribution from the British Isles ice sheet. This pan-North Atlantic phenomenon thus requires a common regional, external forcing.
The dataset consists of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of plant samples and soil leachates covering the major geologic regions of France. In addition to the isotope data it provides the spatial context for each sample, including background geology, field observations and soil descriptions. The dataset can be used to create Sr isoscapes for France, which can be applied in a wide range of fields including archaeology, ecology, soil, food, and forensic sciences.
The late Quaternary sequence off eastern South Island, New Zealand, consists of ~100 m of alternating bluish gray pelagic oozes and greenish gray hemipelagic oozes that extend uninterruptedly back to the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (0.73 m.y.). A very high resolution (~2400 yr.) record of sediment texture, calcium carbonate content, and planktonic and benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope composition demonstrates an in-phase cyclical fluctuation between the sedimentary parameters that closely correspond to the pelagic-hemipelagic sedimentation cycles and the isotope composition. Pelagic oozes, formed during interglacial periods of high eustatic sea level, are characterized by calcareous microfossils, relative enrichment in sand and clay sizes, high carbonate contents, reduced delta18O values, and increased delta13C values. Hemipelagic oozes, associated with glacial episodes and lowered eustatic sea level, include common terrigenous material and siliceous microfossils, are enriched in silt sizes, have low carbonate contents, high delta18O values, and low delta13C values. The history of alpine glaciations and associated erosion of the South Island of New Zealand, as expressed by the appearance of hemipelagic oozes, can be correlated directly with the major fluctuations of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets as expressed by the influence of eustatic sea-level changes on the oxygen isotope composition of both planktonic and benthic foraminifers. This high-accumulation-rate record contains conspicuous intervals of highfrequency, high-amplitude isotope variability including the presence of multiple glacial/interglacial intervals within single isotope stages, and offers one of the best sections cored to date for detailed study of the evolution and history of climate change over the last 0.75 m.y.
Seawater 87Sr/86Sr values increase abruptly by 28 * 10**-6 across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (KTB). This small, but rapid shift is superimposed on the larger scale structure of the seawater Sr isotope curve. The time scale of radiogenic Sr addition appears to be too rapid to reconcile with sources associated with volcanism, and we show that the amount of Sr required to produce even this small increase is too large to be derived from: (1) a KT bolide of the size constrained by the Ir anomaly, (2) continental crust ejecta from the impact of such a bolide, (3) soot from global wildfires initiated by an impact, or (4) any combination of these sources. The probable source of the radiogenic Sr is enhanced continental weathering, but the high rate of increase appears to rule out processes such as sea level regression, glaciation or tectonism. A plausible mechanism for rapid addition of radiogenic Sr to the oceans is enhanced weathering associated with globally distributed acid rain (pH c. 1) which is a proposed by-product of a bolide impact (Prinn and Fegley, 1987, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(87)90046-X).
On Leg 96 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), holes were drilled in Orca and Pigmy basins on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope and on the Mississippi Fan. The holes on the fan encountered interbedded sand, silt, and mud deposited extremely rapidly, most during late Wisconsin glacial time. Pore-water chemistry in these holes is variable, but does not follow lithologic changes in any simple way. Both Ca and SO4 are enriched in the pore water of many samples from the fan. Two sites drilled in the prominent central channel of the middle fan show rapid SO4 reduction with depth, whereas two nearby sites in overbank deposits show no sulfate reduction for 300 m. Calcium concentration decreases as SO4 is depleted and Li follows the same pattern. Strontium, which like Li, is enriched in samples enriched in Ca, does not decrease with SO4 and Ca. Potassium in the pore water decreases with depth at almost all sites. Sulfate reduction was active at the two basin sites and, as on the fan, this resulted in calcium carbonate precipitation and a lowering of pore water Ca, Mg, and Li. The Orca Basin site was drilled through a brine pool of 258? salinity. Pore-water salinity decreases smoothly with depth to 50 m and remains well above normal seawater values to the bottom of the hole at about 90 m. This suggests constant sedimentation under anoxic hypersaline conditions for at least the last 50,000 yr.
The phase relations of natural volcaniclastic sediments from the west Pacific Ocean were investigated experimentally at conditions of 3-6 GPa and 800-900 °C with 10 wt.% added H2O (in addition to ~ 10 wt.% structurally-bound H2O) to induce hydrous melting. Volcaniclastic sediments are shown to produce a sub-solidus assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, biotite, quartz/coesite and the accessory phases rutile ± Fe-Ti oxide ± apatite ± monazite ± zircon. Hydrous melt appears at temperatures exceeding 800-850 °C, irrespective of pressure. The melt-producing reaction consumes clinopyroxene, biotite and quartz/coesite and produces orthopyroxene. These phase relations differ from those of pelagic clays and K-bearing mid ocean ridge basalts (e.g. altered oceanic crust) that contain phengite, rather than biotite, as a sub-solidus phase. Despite their relatively high melt productivity, the wet solidus for volcaniclastic sediments is found to be higher (825-850 °C) than other marine sediments (700-750 °C) at 3 GPa. This trend is reversed at high-pressure conditions (6 GPa) where the biotite melting reaction occurs at lower temperatures (800-850 °C) than the phengite melting reaction (900-1000 °C). Trace element data was obtained from the 3 GPa run products, showing that partial melts are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE), due to the presence of residual garnet and rutile, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), except for Sr and Ba. This is in contrast to previous experimental studies on pelagic sediments at sub-arc depths, where Sr and Ba are among the most enriched trace elements in glasses. This behavior can be partly attributed to the presence of residual apatite, which also host some light REE in our supra-solidus residues. Our new experimental results account for a wide range of trace element and U-series geochemical features of the sedimentary component of the Mariana arc magmas, including imparting a substantial Nb anomaly to melts from an anomaly-free protolith.
The isotopic (dD, d18O, d13C, and 87Sr/86Sr) and geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal solutions from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the material of brucite-carbonate chimneys at the Lost City hydrothermal field at 30°N, MAR, were examined to assay the role of the major factors controlling the genesis of the fluid and hydrothermal chimneys of the Lost City field. The values of dD and d18O in fluid samples indicates that solutions at the Lost City field were produced during the serpentinization of basement ultramafic rocks at temperatures higher than 200°C and at relatively low fluid/rock ratios (<1). The active role of serpentinization processes in the genesis of the Lost City fluid also follows from the results of the electron-microscopic studying of the material of hydrothermal chimneys at this field. The isotopic (d18O, d13C, and 87Sr/86Sr) and geochemical (Sr/Ca and REE) signatures indicate that, before its submarine discharging at the Lost City field, the fluid filtered through already cold altered outer zones of the Atlantis Massif and cooled via conductive heat loss. During this stage, the fluid could partly dissolve previously deposited carbonates in veins cutting serpentinite at the upper levels of the Atlantis Massif and the carbonate cement of sedimentary breccias underlying the hydrothermal chimneys. Because of this, the age of modern hydrothermal activity at the Lost City field can be much younger than 25 ka.