889 resultados para planktonic


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Measurements of the calcium isotopic composition (d44/40Ca) of planktonic foraminifera from the western equatorial Pacific and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean show variations of about 0.6 per mil over the past 24 Myr. The stacked d44/40Ca record of Globigerinoides trilobus and Globigerina bulloides indicates a minimum in d44/40Casw (seawater calcium) at 15 to 16 Ma and a subsequent general increase toward the present, interrupted by a second minimum at 3 to 5 Ma. Applying a coupled calcium/carbon cycle model, we find two scenarios that can explain a large portion of the observed d44/40Casw variations. In both cases, variations in the Ca input flux to the ocean without proportional changes in the carbonate flux are invoked. The first scenario increases the riverine calcium input to the ocean without a proportional increase of the carbonate flux. The second scenario generates an additional calcium flux from the exchange of Ca by Mg during dolomitization. In both cases the calcium flux variations lead to drastic changes in the seawater Ca concentrations on million year timescales. Our d44/40Casw record therefore indicates that the global calcium cycle may be much more dynamic than previously assumed.


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We have studied Ocean Drilling Program Site 1060 on the Blake Outer Ridge, which lies beneath the Gulf Stream. We focus on marine isotope stage 3, 60-25 thousand years before present (ka). Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) inferred both from foraminiferal fauna and alkenone ratios, as well as counts of iceberg melt-out debris and benthic stable isotope analyses, enable our record to be interpreted in terms of regional hydrographic changes as well as changing thermohaline circulation (THC). The observed SST record is consistent with the air temperature record from the Greenland ice cores. However, Site 1060 exhibits important differences in detail compared with the ice core record, and when compared to other sites within the North Atlantic, significant longitudinal differences emerge. At Site 1060 in the western Atlantic, all Greenland stadials (GS) whether associated with Heinrich events (HEs) or not, show a similar small amplitude of cooling; mean faunal-based SSTaug during GS is only 1.5°C colder than during Greenland interstadials (GIS). In addition, during GS the coldest SSTs are limited to apparently brief events. This is in contrast to several eastern Atlantic sites where HE stadials exhibit coolings that are enhanced by 2°C compared to other GS and where cold conditions are not restricted to cold pulses but cover 2 ka-long intervals. Furthermore, Site 1060 SSTs remained warm right through each interstadial, in contrast to the sustained and uniform cooling trend through interstadials that is consistently observed in Greenland, indicated by measurements of delta18O in ice.


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Formation of Labrador Sea Water proper commenced about 7000 years ago during the Holocene interglacial. To test whether fresher surface water conditions may have inhibited Labrador Sea Water convection during the early Holocene we measured planktonic foraminiferal (Globigerina bulloides) oxygen isotopes (d18O) and Mg/Ca ratios at Orphan Knoll (cores HU91-045-093 and MD95-2024, 3488 m) in the Labrador Sea to reconstruct shallow subsurface summer conditions (temperature and seawater d18O). Lighter foraminiferal d18O values are recorded during the early Holocene between 11000 and 7000 years ago. Part of these lighter foraminiferal d18O values can be explained by increased calcification temperatures. Reconstructed seawater d18O values were, however, still on average 0.5 per mil lighter compared with those of recent times, confirming that fresher surface waters in the Labrador Sea were probably a limiting factor in Labrador Sea Water formation during the early Holocene.


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Distribution of planktonic foraminiferal tests was studied in 15 Upper Quaternary sediment cores from the continental slope of Africa, the Canary and Cape Verde basins, and slopes of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In all the cores substantial variations were found in relationship between foraminiferal planktonic species reflecting fluctuations of mean annual temperatures of surface waters. Temperature difference in temperatures between present time and that of the maximum of the stadial of the last continental glaciation glacial stadial (about 18,000 yrs ago) ranges from 8.5°C in the Canary upwelling region to minimum values of 2.0°C in the central part of the ocean, i.e. the southern part of the subtropical gyre. Temperature difference the Holocene optimum and 18,000 yrs ago ranges from 10°C to 3°C. Age estimates are supported by radiocarbon dates.


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During Leg 198, the Cretaceous/Paleocene (K/P) boundary was recovered in a remarkable set of cores in nine separate holes at Sites 1209, 1210, 1211, and 1212 on the Southern High of Shatsky Rise. The boundary succession includes an uppermost Maastrichtian white to very pale orange, slightly indurated nannofossil ooze overlain by lowermost Paleocene grayish orange foraminiferal ooze. The boundary between the uppermost Maastrichtian and the lowermost Paleocene is clearly bioturbated. The contact surface is irregular, and pale orange burrows extend 10 cm into the white Maastrichtian ooze. Preliminary investigations conducted on board revealed that the deepest sections of these burrows yielded highly abundant, minute planktonic foraminiferal assemblages dominated by Guembelitria with rare Hedbergella holmdelensis and Hedbergella monmouthensis, possibly attributable to the lowermost Paleocene Zone P0. The substantial thickness of the uppermost Maastrichtian Micula prinsii (CC26) nannofossil Zone and the lowermost Danian Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina (Palpha) foraminiferal Zone suggested that the K/P boundary was rather expanded compared to the majority of deep-sea sites (see Bralower, Premoli Silva, Malone, et al., 2002, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.198.2002). This data report concerns the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy across the K/P boundary in Hole 1209C, the shallowest site (2387 m water depth), and in Hole 1211C, the deepest site (2907 m water depth), where the foraminiferal record across the boundary appeared to be best preserved.


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Differential dissolution affects the isotopic composition of different species of planktonic foraminifera in different ways. In the two species studied here in cores from Ontong Java Plateau, the less resistant species, Globigerinoides sacculifer, is more readily affected at a shallower depth than the more resistant species, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (2.9 versus 3.4 km), but shows a smaller and less predictable response to partial dissolution (0.2 to 0.3 per mil versus 0.6 to 0.7 per mil). Comparison of isotopic values from the last glacial period with those from the late Holocene indicates that the apparent dissolution effect is considerably reduced during the last glacial, presumably due to reduced dissolution intensity during glacial time. A change in the level of the lysocline of about 400 m is suggested. In the published isotope records from Pacific cores V28-238 and V28-239, the dissolution-generated difference in delta18O (noted previously by Shackleton and Opdyke [1976]) is seen to describe a mid-Brunhes dissolution maximum, between 300 and 500 thousand years ago. This mid-Brunhes dissolution excursion is well known from the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.


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Ocean Drilling Program Hole 803D (Leg 130) from the western tropical Pacific (Ontong Java Plateau) and Hole 628A (Leg 101) from the western subtropical North Atlantic (Little Bahama Bank) contain rich assemblages of planktonic foraminifers. The uppermost Eocene-basal Miocene section of Hole 803D is apparently complete, whereas the Oligocene section of Hole 628A contains three unconformities based on planktonic foraminiferal evidence. Anomalous ranges are recorded for Chiloguembelina cubensis and Globigerinoides primordius. C. cubensis is found to range throughout the upper Oligocene of both sites, and G. primordius first occurs near the base of upper Oligocene Zone P22 in Hole 628A. Paleomagnetic stratigraphy provides constraints on the last occurrence (LO) of Subbotina angiporoides, the first occurrence (FO) of Globigerina angulisuturalis, the FO of Globigerinoides primordius, the FO of Paragloborotalia pseudokugleri, and the LO of Chiloguembelina cubensis. In general, taxon ranges, total diversity, and the composition of the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from Holes 628A and 803D are similar. Differences in the composition of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages between the two sites are interpreted to be primarily the result of enhanced dissolution at Site 803 (e.g., paucity of Globigerina angulisuturalis and absence of G. ciperoensis). However, the greater abundances of Subbotina angiporoides in subtropical Hole 628A and Paragloborotalia opima in tropical Hole 803D are probably related to oceanographic differences between the two low-latitude sites. Comparison between the low and southern high latitudes illustrates some similarities in the composition of Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages as well as some important differences. Species such as Pseudohastigerina spp., Turborotalia increbescens, "Turborotalia" ampliapertura, Paragloborotalia opima, P. pseudokugleri, P. semivera/mayeri, Globigerinella obesa, Globigerina angulisuturalis, G. gortanii, G. ouachitaensis, G. sellii, G. tapuriensis, G. tripartita, G. pseudovenezuelana, Subbotina? eocaena and S.? yeguaensis are absent or have rare occurrences in the subantarctic Oligocene assemblages. Biogeographic gradients, although not as pronounced as during the late Neogene, were nonetheless significant during the Oligocene.


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We document the waxing and waning of a "proto-warm pool" in the western equatorial Pacific (WEP) based on a study of multi-species planktic foraminiferal isotope ratios and census data spanning the 13.2-5.8 Ma interval at ODP Site 806. We hypothesize that the presence or absence of a proto-warm pool in the WEP, caused by the progressive tectonic constriction of the Indonesian Seaway and modulated by sea level fluctuations, created El Niño/La Niña-like alternations of hydrographic conditions across the equatorial Pacific during the late Miocene. This hypothesis is supported by the general antithetical relationship observed between carbonate productivity and preservation in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific, which we propose is caused by these alternating ocean-climate states. Warming of thermocline and surface waters, as well as a major change in planktic foraminferal assemblages record a two-step phase of proto-warm pool development ~11.6-10 Ma, which coincides with Miocene isotope events Mi5 and Mi6, and sea-level low stands. We suggest that these changes in the biota and structure of the upper water column in the WEP mark the initiation of a more modern equatorial current system, including the development of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC), as La Niña-like conditions became established across the tropical Pacific. This situation sustained carbonate and silica productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) at a time when carbonate preservation sharply declined in the Caribbean. Proto-warm pool weakening after ~10 Ma may have contributed to the nadir of a similar "carbonate crash" in the EEP. Cooling of the thermocline and increased abundances of thermocline taxa herald the decay of the proto-warm pool and higher productivity in the WEP, particularly ~ 9.0-8.8 Ma coincident with a major perturbation in tropical nannofossil assemblages. We suggest that this interval of increased productivity records El Niño-like conditions across the tropical Pacific and the initial phase of the widespread "biogenic bloom". Resurgence of a later proto-warm pool in the WEP ~6.5-6.1 Ma may have spurred renewed La Niña-like conditions, which contributed to a strong late phase of the "biogenic bloom" in the EEP.


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During Leg 41 Neogene sediments were recovered from five sites off northwest Africa. On the Sierra Leone Rise (Site 366), Neogene sediments consist of nanno oozes, nanno chalk, and calcareous clays 230 meters thick, resting conformably on the late Oligocene sediments. The common succession of zones occurs with two hiatuses. The lower gap corresponds to an interval around the lower/middle Miocene boundary (the Praeorbulina glomerosa and Orbulina suturalis-Globorotalia peri-pheroronda zones are absent) and the upper gap coincides with an interval around the middle/upper Miocene boundary (the Sphaeroidinellopsis sub-dehiscens-GIobigerina druryi, Globigerina nepenthes-Globorotalia siakensis and Globorotalia conlinuosa zones are missing). In the Cape Verde Basin (Site 367) deep-water Neogene turbidites (about 200-250 m thick) contain poor fauna of redeposited and sorted Cretaceous, Eocene, Oligocene, and Neogene species. On the Cape Verde Rise (Site 368) the Neogene section starts with slightly calcareous and non-calcareous clays with poor planktonic foraminifers of the lower Miocene. Later on this area was uplifted and clayey sediments have been replaced upsection in order by more shallow-water clayey nanno and nanno-foraminifer oozes and marls and pure calcareous oozes. In the middle Miocene, planktonic foraminifers are still not diverse, but since the level of the Globigerina nepenthes-Globorotalia siakensis Zone, almost all Neogene zones have been traced. The minimum thickness of the Neogene sediments is about 230 meters. On the continental slope off Spanish Sahara (Site 369) monotonous calcareous pelagic sediments of Neogene age (164 m thick) overlie the late Oligocene comformably, or with a small time gap. A set of zones beginning from the Globigerinoides primordis-Globorotaiia kugleri Zone up to the Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone has been revealed with a gap corresponding to the Globigerinita stainforthi and the Globigerinatella insueta-Globigerinoides irilobus zones. Above that follow sediments with heterogeneous microfauna which result from redeposition or mixing of sediments during drilling. The section ends with sediments of the late Miocene and lower Pliocene with abundant planktonic foraminifers. The latter are unconformably overlain by the Quaternary ooze. In the Morocco basin (Site 370) deep-water marls and calcareous clays of the lower Miocene contain poor assemblages of planktonic foraminifers. The middle and upper Miocene are represented by turbidites (alternation of nanno oozes, clays, siltstones, and sands) with heterogeneous microfauna. Total thickness of Neogene is up to 200 meters. In general the Neogene foraminifer microfauna of the area studied includes the majority of species which developed within the tropical-subtropical belt. The entire succession of the Miocene and Pliocene foraminifer zones occurs. The only exclusion is the Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens-Globigerina druryi Zone of the middle Miocene. The distribution of species is shown on three tables. Comments are given for 47 species and subspecies of foraminifers (stratigraphic ranges, peculiarities of morphology, and ultrastructure of the shell wall).


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Eocene through Quaternary planktonic foraminifers were identified in cores recovered during Leg 126. Turbidites and volcanic ash beds are intercalated with hemipelagic sediments. Preservation of foraminifers is variable, ranging from excellent to poor and appears to have been affected by fluctuations in the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), depth of burial, changes in bottom water temperature, current velocity, sediment accumulation rates and seafloor topography. Preservation of foraminifers in Quaternary sediments is generally good, however, species abundance varies by a factor of I05-106 and reflects dilution by volcanogenic as well as terrigenous constituents and cannot be used for paleoceanographic reconstructions. In pre-Quaternary deposits planktonic foraminiferal tests frequently exhibit dissolution effects; biostratigraphic zonation and placement of zonal boundaries is difficult owing to hiatuses, dissolution facies, extraneously deposited sediments, and discontinuous coring. The Eocene foraminiferal faunas include specimens of the Globorotalia cerroazulensis plexus, markers of Zone P16 as well as Globigerina senni and Globigerinatheka spp., which became extinct before the end of the Eocene. Six hiatuses and/or dissolution periods, probably reflecting global cooling events and/or changes in oceanic circulation patterns were recorded at Site 792. Recrystallized, poorly preserved, possibly reworked Eocene species (Globigerina senni and Globigerapsis sp.) were recorded in sediments at Site 793.