265 resultados para aluminum phosphate
Samples of recent to Miocene fish and marine mammal bones from the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Miocene Maikop deposits (Transcaspian region) are studied by X-ray diffraction technique combined with chemical and energy-dispersive analyses. Changes of lattice parameters and chemical composition of bioapatite during fossilization and diagenesis suggest that development of skeletal apatite proceeds from dahllite-type hydroxyapatite to francolite-type carbonate-fluorapatite. It is assumed that jump-type transition from dahllite to francolite during initial fossilization reflects replacement of biogeochemical reactions in living organisms, which are subject to nonlinear laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, by physicochemical processes according to the linear equilibrium thermodynamics.
Geochemical analyses of the middle Eocene through lower Oligocene lithologic Unit IIIC (260-518 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) indicate a relatively constant geochemical composition of the detrital fraction throughout this depositional interval at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647 in the southern Labrador Sea. The main variability occurs in redox-sensitive elements (e.g., iron, manganese, and phosphorus), which may be related to early diagenetic mobility in anaerobic pore waters during bacterial decomposition of organic matter. Initial preservation of organic matter was mediated by high sedimentation rates (36 m/m.y.). High iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) contents are associated with carbonate concretions of siderite, manganosiderite, and rhodochrosite. These concretions probably formed in response to elevated pore-water alkalinity and total dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations resulting from bacterial sulfate reduction, as indicated by nodule stable-isotope compositions and pore-water geochemistry. These nodules differ from those found in upper Cenozoic hemipelagic sequences in that they are not associated with methanogenesis. Phosphate minerals (carbonate-fluorapatite) precipitated in some intervals, probably as the result of desorption of phosphorus from iron and manganese during reduction. The bulk chemical composition of the sediments differs little from that of North Atlantic Quaternary abyssal red clays, but may contain a minor hydrothermal component. The silicon/ aluminum (Si/Al) ratio, however, is high and variable and probably reflects original variations in biogenic opal, much of which is now altered to smectite and/or opal CT. An increase in the sodium/potassium (Na/K) ratio in the upper Eocene corresponds to the beginning of coarsergrained feldspar flux to the site, possibly marking the onset of more vigorous deep currents. Although the Site 647 cores provide a nearly complete high-resolution, high-latitude Eocene-Oligocene record, the high sedimentation rate and somewhat unusual diagenetic conditions have led to variable alteration of benthic foraminifers and fine-fraction carbonate and have overprinted the original stable-isotope records. Planktonic foraminifers are less altered, but on the whole, there is little chance of sorting out the nature and timing of environmental change on the basis of our stable-isotope analyses.
We compared ocean atlas values of surface water [PO4]3- and [CO2(aq)] against the carbon isotopic fractionation (ep) of alkenones obtained from surface sediments of the South Atlantic and the central Pacific (Pacific data are from Pagani et al. 2002, doi:10.1029/2002PA000756). We observed a positive correlation between ep and 1/[CO2(aq)], which is opposite of what would be expected if the concentration of CO2(aq) were the major factor controlling the carbon isotopic fractionation of C37:2 alkenones. Instead, we found inverse relationships between ep and [PO4]3- for the two ocean basins (for the Atlantic, ep = -4.6*[PO4]3- + 15.1, R = 0.76; for the Pacific, ep = -4.1*[PO4]3- + 13.7, R = 0.64), suggesting that ep is predominantly controlled by growth rate, which in turn is related to nutrient concentration. The similarity of the slopes implies that a general relationship between both parameters may exist. Using the relationship obtained from the South Atlantic, we estimated surface water nutrient concentrations for the past 200,000 years from a deep-sea sediment core recovered off Angola. Low ep values, indicating high nutrient concentrations, coincide with high contents of total organic carbon and C37 alkenones, low surface water temperatures, and decreased bulk d15N values, suggesting an increased upwelling of nutrient-rich cool subsurface waters as the main cause for the observed ep decrease.
Content, distribution patterns, and speciation of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean floor, as well as in a set of samples from the land are studied. Total Cl content varies from 0.05 to 4.25% in phosphorites and from 2.48 to 2.75% in recent phosphate-bearing sediments. Recent phosphorites are enriched in Cl relative to ancient ones. Bound Cl content (not extractable by washing), which increases with lithification, varies from 0.17 to 0.60% in ocean and land phosphorites and from 0.02% to 1.30% in bone phosphate. Na content in most samples is higher relative to Na of NaCl due to its incorporation into the crystal lattice of apatite. However, the opposite relationship is observed in some samples indicating partial Cl incorporation into the anion complex of phosphate. Behavior of Cl in phosphorites from the present-day ocean floor is controlled by early diagenetic processes, whereas the role of weathering, catagenesis, and hydrogeological factors may be crucial for phosphorites on continents.
Phosphorus cycling in the ocean is influenced by biological and geochemical processes that are reflected in the oxygen isotope signature of dissolved inorganic phosphate (Pi). Extending the Pi oxygen isotope record from the water column into the seabed is difficult due to low Pi concentrations and small amounts of marine porewaters available for analysis. We obtained porewater profiles of Pi oxygen isotopes using a refined protocol based on the original micro-extraction designed by Colman (2002). This refined and customized method allows the conversion of ultra-low quantities (0.5 - 1 µmol) of porewater Pi to silver phosphate (Ag3PO4) for routine analysis by mass spectrometry. A combination of magnesium hydroxide co-precipitation with ion exchange resin treatment steps is used to remove dissolved organic matter, anions, and cations from the sample before precipitating Ag3PO4. Samples as low as 200 µg were analyzed in a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer setup. Tests with external and laboratory internal standards validated the preservation of the original phosphate oxygen isotope signature (d18OP) during micro extraction. Porewater data on d18OP has been obtained from two sediment cores of the Moroccan margin. The d18OP values are in a range of +19.49 to +27.30 per mill. We apply a simple isotope mass balance model to disentangle processes contributing to benthic P cycling and find evidence for Pi regeneration outbalancing microbial demand in the upper sediment layers. This highlights the great potential of using d18OP to study microbial processes in the subseafloor and at the sediment water interface.
The book deals with behavior of phosphorus and its concentration in oceanic phosphorites. The major stages of marine geochemical cycle of phosphorus including its supply to sedimentary basins, precipitation from sea water, distribution and speciation in bottom sediments, diagenetic redistribution, and relation to other elements are under consideration. Formation of recent phosphorites as a culmination of phosphate accumulation in marine and oceanic sediments is examined. Distribution, structure, mineral and chemical compositions of major phosphorite deposits of various age on continental margins, as well as on submarine plateaus, uplifts and seamounts and some islands are described. A summary of trace element abundances in oceanic phosphorites is presented. Problems of phosphorite origin are discussed.