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This collective monography by a group of lithologists from the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences summarizes materials of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project from the Atlantic Ocean. It gives results of processing materials on the sequences drilled during DSDP Legs 41, 45, 48 and 49. These studies were based on lithological-facial analysis combined with detailed mineralogical-petrographic description. Its chapters give a number of ideas on formation of the Earth sedimentary cover, which can be used for compilation of regional and global schemes of ocean paleogeography, reconstruction of history of some structures in the World Ocean, correlation between sedimentary processes on continents and in oceans, estimation of perspectives for oil and gas fields and ore formation.


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We report on a revisit in 2009 to sites where vegetation was recorded in 1967 and 1970 on Disko Island, West Greenland. Re-sampling of the same clones of the grass Phleum alpinum after 39 years showed complete stability in biometrics but dramatic earlier onset of various phenological stages that were not related to changes in population density. In a fell-field community, there was a net species loss, but in a herb-slope community, species losses balanced those that were gained. The type of species establishing and increasing in frequency and/or cover abundance at the fell-field site, particularly prostrate dwarf shrubs, indicates a possible start of a shift towards a heath, rather than a fell-field community. At the herb-slope site, those species that established or increased markedly in frequency and/or cover abundance indicate a change to drier conditions. This is confirmed both by the decrease in abundance of Alchemilla glomerulans and Epilobium hornemanii, and the drying of a nearby pond. The causes of these changes are unknown, although mean annual temperature has risen since 1984.


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Basalts collected during drilling and diving programs on Serocki Volcano mostly fall within a limited compositional range, and are moderately evolved, normal MORBs with distinctive high MgO contents (averaging 7.60 wt%) and high A1203 concentrations (averaging 16.14 wt% in whole rock samples). However, samples recovered from within the central crater have lower Ti02 and FeO*/MgO, and higher MgO and Al2O3 concentrations, and are most similar to glasses recovered at Site 649 about 45 km to the north. Comparison of the observed geochemical variations with low-pressure experimental work and other samples from the region suggests that the Serocki Volcano and Site 649 data are compatible with crystal-liquid fractionation involving both olivine and early-stage clinopyroxene, as well as plagioclase, and that the sources may be similar even though Sites 648 and 649 are located in different, but adjacent, spreading cells. Consideration of the stratigraphy and morphology of Serocki Volcano suggests that this feature is more properly described as a megatumulus or lava delta, associated with a steeper, conical peak to the southwest. The evolution of Serocki Volcano involved early construction of a marginal rampart of pillows, followed by doming of this feature and the formation of a perched lava pond. Draining of this pond resulted in collapse and the formation of the central crater.


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Atterberg limits have been determined for 32 unconsolidated sediment samples, ranging in composition from silty clay to sandy silt and recovered from four sites drilled at the mouth of the Gulf of California during DSDP Leg 65. The liquid limit of the samples ranged from 41.5% to 157.5%, and the plastic limit from 32.8% to 65.1%. The plasticity index ranged from 5.9% to 102.0%. In some samples, the water content was less than the liquid limit. The liquidity index averaged 76% while the flow and toughness indices averaged 35% and 2.18%, respectively. On the basis of these limits, the sediments analyzed can be classified as inorganic clays of high plasticity, organic clays of moderate to high plasticity, and diatomaceous sands, silts, and silty clays of low plasticity.


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Miocene paleoceanographic evolution exhibits major changes resulting from the opening and closing of passages, the subsequent changes in oceanic circulation, and development of major Antarctic glaciation. The consequences and timing of these events can be observed in variations in the distribution of deep-sea hiatuses, sedimentation patterns, and biogeographic distribution of planktic organisms. The opening of the Drake Passage in the latest Oligocene to early Miocene (25-20 Ma) resulted in the establishment of the deep circumpolar current, which led to thermal isolation of Antarctica and increased global cooling. This development was associated with a major turnover in planktic organisms, resulting in the evolution of Neogene assemblages and the eventual extinction of Paleogene assemblages. The erosive patterns of two widespread hiatuses (PH, 23.0-22.5 Ma; and NH 1, 20-18 Ma) indicate that a deep circumequatorial circulation existed at this time, characterized by a broad band of carbonate-ooze deposition. Siliceous sedimentation was restricted to the North Atlantic and a narrow band around Antarctica. A major reorganization in deep-sea sedimentation and hiatus distribution patterns occurred near the early/middle Miocene boundary, apparently resulting from changes in oceanic circulation. Beginning at this time, deep-sea erosion occurred throughout the Caribbean (hiatus NH 2, 16-15 Ma), suggesting disruption of the deep circumequatorial circulation and northward deflection of deep currents, and/or intensification of the Gulf Stream. Sediment distribution patterns changed dramatically with the sudden appearance of siliceous-ooze deposition in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific by 16.0 to 15.5 Ma, coincident with the decline of siliceous sedimentation in the North Atlantic. This silica switch may have been caused by the introduction of Norwegian Overflow Water into the North Atlantic acting as a barrier to outcropping of silica-rich Antarctic Bottom Water. The main aspects of the present oceanic circulation system and sediment distribution pattern were established by 13.5 to 12.5 Ma (hiatus NH 3), coincident with the establishment of a major East Antarctic ice cap. Antarctic glaciation resulted in a broadening belt of siliceous-ooze deposition around Antarctica, increased siliceous sedimentation in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific and Indian Oceans, and further northward restriction of siliceous sediments in the North Atlantic. Periodic cool climatic events were accompanied by lower eustatic sea levels and widespread deep-sea erosion at 12 to 11 Ma (NH 4), 10 to 9 Ma (NH 5), 7.5 to 6.2 Ma (NH 6), and 5.2 to 4.7 Ma (NH 7).


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Data on analyses of chemical composition of DSDP samples of bottom sediments and rocks carried out in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology are reported. Basal sediments and sedimentary rocks prevail in the sample set.


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The compositions of 45 natural basalt glasses from nine dredge stations and six Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 sites near 9°N on the East Pacific Rise have been determined by electron microprobe. These comprise 19 distinct chemical groups. Seventeen of these fall in the range of the eastern Pacific tholeiite suite, which is characterized by marked enrichment in FeO*, TiO2, K2O, and P2O5 as CaO, MgO, and Al2O3 all decrease. Based on trace elements, an estimated 50-75 per cent fractionation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine is required to produce ferrobasalts from parental olivine tholeiites. Additional chemical variations occur which require source heterogeneities, differences in the degree of melting, different courses of shallow fractionation, or magma mixing to explain. Glass compositions from within the Siqueiros fracture zone are mostly less fractionated than those from the flanks of the Rise, and show chemical differences which require variations in the depth of melting or highpressure fractionation to explain. Some of them could not be parental to East Pacific Rise flank ferrobasalts. Two remaining glass groups, from dredge hauls atop a ridge and a seamount, respectively, have distinctly higher K2O, P2O5, and TiO2 as well as lower CaO/Al2O3 and SiO2 at corresponding values of MgO than the tholeiite suite. These abundances, and whole-rock Y/Zr, Ce/Y, Nb/Zr, and isotopic abundances indicate that these basalts had a deeper, less depleted mantle source than the Rise tholeiite suite. Trace element abundances preclude the "ridge" basalt type from being a hybrid between the "seamount" basalt type and any East Pacific Rise tholeiite so far analyzed. The East Pacific Rise glasses from 9°N compare very closely to glasses dredged and drilled elsewhere on the East Pacific Rise. However, glass compositions from Site 424 on the Galapagos Rift drilled during Leg 54, as well as glasses and basalts dredged from the Galapagos and Costa Rica rifts, indicate that a greater degree of melting prevailed along much of the Galapagos Spreading Center than anywhere along the East Pacific Rise.