335 resultados para Polarity


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An important discovery during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175, when investigating the record of upwelling off Namibia, was the finding of a distinct Late Pliocene diatom maximum spanning the lower half of the Matuyama reversed polarity chron (MDM, Matuyama Diatom Maximum) and centered around 2.6-2.0 Ma. This maximum was observed at all sites off southwestern Africa between 20°S and 30°S, and is most strongly represented in sediments of Site 1084, off Lüderitz, Namibia. The MDM is characterized by high biogenic opal content, high numbers of diatom valves, and a diatom flora rich in Southern Ocean representatives (with Thalassiothrix antarctica forming diatom mats) as well as coastal upwelling components. Before MDM time, diatoms are rare until ca. 3.6 Ma. After the MDM, in the Pleistocene, the composition of the diatom flora points to increased importance of coastal upwelling toward the present, but is accompanied by a general decrease in opal and diatom deposition. Here we present a simple conceptual model as a first step in formalizing a possible forcing mechanism responsible for the record of opal deposition in the upwelling system off Namibia. The model takes into account Southern Ocean oceanography, and a link with deepwater circulation and deepwater nutrient chemistry which, in turn, are coupled to the evolution of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). The model proposes that between the MDM and the Mid-Pleistocene climate revolution, opal deposition off Namibia is not directly tied to glacial-interglacial fluctuations (as seen in the global d18O record), but that, instead, a strong deepwater link exists with increased NADW production (as seen in the deepwater d13C record) accounting for higher supply of silicate to the thermocline waters that feed the upwelling process. The opal record of Site 1084 shows affinity to eccentricity on the 400-kyr scale but not for the 100-kyr scale. This points toward long-term geologic processes for delivery of silica to the ocean.


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Gullfaks is one of the four major Norwegian oil and gas fields, located in the northeastern edge of the North Sea Plateau. Tommeliten lies in the greater Ekofisk area in the central North Sea. During the cruises HE 208 and AL 267 several seep locations of the North Sea were visited. At the Heincke seep at Gullfaks, sediments were sampled in May 2004 (HE 208) using a video-guided multiple corer system (MUC; Octopus, Kiel). The samples were recovered from an area densely covered with bacterial mats where gas ebullition was observed. The coarse sands limited MUC penetration depth to maximal 30 centimeters and the highly permeable sands did not allow for a high-resolution, vertical subsampling because of pore water loss. The gas flare mapping and videographic observation at Tommeliten indicated an area of gas emission with a few small patches of bacterial mats with diameters <50 cm from most of which a single stream of gas bubbles emerged. The patches were spaced apart by 10-100 m. Sampling of sediments covered by bacterial mats was only possible with 3 small push cores (3.8 cm diameter) mounted to ROV Cherokee. These cores were sampled in 3 cm intervals. Lipid biomarker extraction from 10 -17 g wet sediment was carried out as described in detail elsewhere (Elvert et al., 2003; doi:10.1080/01490450303894). Briefly, defined concentrations of cholestane, nonadecanol and nonadecanolic acid with known delta 13C-values were added to the sediments prior to extraction as internal standards for the hydrocarbon, alcohol and fatty acid fraction, respectively. Total lipid extracts were obtained from the sediment by ultrasonification with organic solvents of decreasing polarity. Esterified fatty acids (FAs) were cleaved from the glycerol head group by saponification with methanolic KOH solution. From this mixture, the neutral fraction was extracted with hexane. After subsequent acidification, FAs were extracted with hexane. For analysis, FAs were methylated using BF3 in methanol yielding fatty acid methyl esters (FAMES). The fixation for total cell counts and CARD-FISH were performed on-board directly after sampling. For both methods, sediments were fixed in formaldehyde solution. After two hours, aliquots for CARD-FISH staining were washed with 1* PBS (10mmol/l sodium phosphate solution, 130mmol/l NaCl, adjusted to a pH of 7.2) and finally stored in a 1:1 PBS:ethanol solution at -20°C until further processing. Samples for total cell counts were stored in formalin at 4°C until analysis. For sandy samples, the total cell count/CARD-FISH protocol was optimized to separate sand particles from the cells. Cells were dislodged from sediment grains and brought into solution with the supernatant by sonicating each sample onice for 2 minutes at 50W. This procedure was repeated four times and supernatants were combined. The sediment samples were brought to a final dilution of 1:2000 to 1:4000 and filtered onto 0.2µm GTTP filters (Millipore, Eschbonn, Germany).


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