189 resultados para Merian, Maria
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM17/3 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 30.01.-10.02.2011 (= "leg a" from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6-8 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM18/4 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 24.07.-20.08.2011 (from Libreville to Walvis Bay) in front of Angola and northern Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after Delta 15 N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
Samples were taken along a transect in the North Atlantic Ocean from 66°139.27'N; 29°136.65'W to 34°124.87'N; 28°128.90'W during the VISION cruise (diVersIty, Structure and functION) MSM03/01 on board the research vessel Maria S. Merian from September 21 to September 30, 2006. Along this transect, each station was sampled at 12 depths, from 10m down to 250m or 500m. Samples were collected with a rosette of 20-l Niskin bottles mounted on a conductivity-temperature-density profiler. Water samples for nutrients analysis were filtered directly after sampling through 0.45-µm in-line filters attached to a 60-ml pre-cleaned syringe into two 12-ml polystyrole tubes. Samples were stored at 4°C (dissolved silicate) or 80°C (ammonium, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite) The samples were spectrophotometrically measured with a continuous-flow analyzer using standard AA3 methods (Seal Analytical, Norderstedt, Germany) using a variant of the method of Grasshoff et al. (1983).
Sediment was collected by either push cores operated by the ROV Quest or by a television guided Multicorer. Nematodes abundance were calculated of the top 5 cm of the sediment to gain individual abundance per 10 cm**2.
Sub-micron marine aerosol particles (PM1) were collected during the MERIAN cruise MSM 18/3 between 22 June 2011 and 21 July 2011 from the Cape Verde island Sao Vicente to Gabun crossing the tropical Atlantic Ocean and passing equatorial upwelling areas. According to air mass origin and chemical composition of the aerosol particles, three main regimes could be established. Aerosol particles in the first part of the cruise were mainly of marine origin, in the second part was marine and slightly biomass burning influenced (increasing tendency) and in the in last part of the cruise, approaching the African mainland, biomass burning influences became dominant. Generally aerosols were dominated by sulfate (caverage = 1.99 µg/m**3) and ammonium ions (caverage = 0.72 µg/m**3) that are well correlated and slightly increasing along the cruise. High concentrations of water insoluble organic carbon (WISOC) averaging 0.51 µg/m**3 were found probably attributed to the high oceanic productivity in this region. Water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) was strongly increasing along the cruise from concentrations of 0.26 µg/m**3 in the mainly marine influenced part to concentrations up to 3.3 µg/m**3 that are probably caused by biomass burning influences. Major organic constituents were oxalic acid, methansulfonic acid (MSA) and aliphatic amines. MSA concentrations were quite constant along the cruise (caverage = 43 ng/m**3). While aliphatic amines were more abundant in the first mainly marine influenced part with concentrations of about 20 ng/m**3, oxalic acid showed the opposite pattern with average concentrations of 12 ng/m**3 in the marine and 158 ng/m**3 in the biomass burning influenced part. The alpha dicarbonyl compounds glyoxal and methylglyoxal were detected in the aerosol particles in the low ng/m**3 range and followed oxalic acid closely. MSA and aliphatic amines accounted for biogenic marine (secondary) aerosol constituents whereas oxalic acid and the alpha dicarbonyl compounds were believed to result mainly from biomass burning. N-alkane concentrations increased along the cruise from 0.81 to 4.66 ng/m**3, PAHs and hopanes were abundant in the last part of the cruise (caverage of PAHs = 0.13 ng/m**3, caverage of hopanes = 0.19 ng/m**3). Levoglucosan was identified in several samples of the last part of the cruise in concentrations around 2 ng/m**3, pointing to (aged) biomass burning influences. The investigated organic compounds could explain 9.5% of WSOC in the mainly marine influenced part (dominating compounds: aliphatic amines and MSA) and 2.7% of WSOC in the biomass burning influenced part (dominating compound: oxalic acid) of the cruise.