732 resultados para Isotopic dilution
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios (d13C and d15N) of organic matter were measured in three sediment cores from deep basins of the Bering Sea to investigate past changes in surface nutrient conditions. For surface water reconstructions, hemipelagic layers in the cores were distinguished from turbidite layers (on the basis of their sedimentary structures and 14C ages) and analyzed for isotopic studies. Although d13C profiles may have been affected by diagenesis, both d15N and d13C values showed common positive anomalies during the last deglaciation. We explain these anomalies as reflecting suppressed vertical mixing and low nutrient concentrations in surface waters caused by injection of meltwater from alpine glaciers around the Bering Sea.
Changing patterns of sea-ice distribution and extent have measurable effects on polar marine systems. Beyond the obvious impacts of key-habitat loss, it is unclear how such changes will influence ice-associated marine mammals in part because of the logistical difficulties of studying foraging behaviour or other aspects of the ecology of large, mobile animals at sea during the polar winter. This study investigated the diet of pregnant bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) during three spring breeding periods (2005, 2006 and 2007) with markedly contrasting ice conditions in Svalbard using stable isotopes (d13C and d15N) measured in whiskers collected from their newborn pups. The d15N values in the whiskers of individual seals ranged from 11.95 to 17.45 per mil, spanning almost 2 full trophic levels. Some seals were clearly dietary specialists, despite the species being characterised overall as a generalist predator. This may buffer bearded seal populations from the changes in prey distributions lower in the marine food web which seems to accompany continued changes in temperature and ice cover. Comparisons with isotopic signatures of known prey, suggested that benthic gastropods and decapods were the most common prey. Bayesian isotopic mixing models indicated that diet varied considerably among years. In the year with most fast-ice (2005), the seals had the greatest proportion of pelagic fish and lowest benthic invertebrate content, and during the year with the least ice (2006), the seals ate more benthic invertebrates and less pelagic fish. This suggests that the seals fed further offshore in years with greater ice cover, but moved in to the fjords when ice-cover was minimal, giving them access to different types of prey. Long-term trends of sea ice decline, earlier ice melt, and increased water temperatures in the Arctic are likely to have ecosystem-wide effects, including impacts on the forage bases of pagophilic seals.
Features of sedimentation of carbonate mineral associations in the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin and other regions of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. Special attention is paid to correlation between carbonate neoformations and abnormal fluxes of methane. In bottom sediments with high contents of methane carbonate-sulfide associations occur, their generation has been influenced by gas (mostly methane) fields. Joint consideration of distribution of gas and geochemical fields and mineral associations in the Sea of Okhotsk allows to understand better a mechanism of mineral generation in bottom sediments, possible formation of ore accumulations, and to use them as indicators for prognosis of mineral resources.
The distribution of Li isotopes in pore waters to a depth of 1157 m below seafloor is presented for ODP Sites 918 and 919 in the Irminger Basin, offshore Greenland. Lithium isotope data are accompanied by strontium isotope ratios to decipher diagenetic reactions in the sediments which are characterized by the pervasive presence of volcanic material, as well as by very high accumulation rates in the upper section. The lowering of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio below contemporaneous seawater values indicates several zones of volcanic material alteration. The Li isotope profiles are complex suggesting a variety of exchange reactions with the solid phases. These include cation exchange with NH4+ and mobilization from sediments at depth, in addition to the alteration of volcanic matter. Lithium isotopes are, therefore, a sensitive indicator of sediment-water interaction. d6Li values of pore waters at these two sites vary between -42 and -25?. At shallow depths (<100 mbsf), rapid decreases in the Li concentration, accompanied by a shift to heavier isotopic compositions, indicate uptake of Li into alteration products. A positive anomaly of d6Li observed at both sites is coincident with the NH4+ maximum produced by organic matter decomposition and may be related to ion exchange of Li from the sediments by NH4+. In the lower sediment column at Site 918, dissolved Li increases with depth and is characterized by enrichment of 6Li. The Li isotopic compositions of both the waters and the solid phase suggest that the enrichment of Li in deep interstitial waters is a result of release from pelagic sediments. The significance of sediment diagenesis and adsorption as sinks of oceanic Li is evaluated. The maximum diffusive flux into the sediment due to volcanic matter alteration can be no more than 5% of the combined inputs from rivers and submarine hydrothermal solutions. Adsorption on to sediments can only account for 5-10% of the total inputs from rivers and submarine hot springs.
The paper presents data on the Nd-Sr systematics of magmatic rocks of the Khaidaiskii Series of the Anginskaya Formation in the Ol'khon region, western Baikal area, and rocks of the Talanchanskaya Formation on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. Geochemical characteristics of these rocks are identical and testify to their arc provenance. At the same time, the epsilon(t)Nd of rocks of the Khaidaiskii Series in the Ol'khon area has positive values, and the data points of these rocks plot near the mantle succession line in the epsilon(t)Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram, whereas the epsilon(t)Nd values of rocks of the Talanchanskaya Formation are negative, and the data points of these rocks fall into the fourth quadrant in the epsilon(t)Nd -87Sr/86Sr diagram. This testifies to a mantle genesis of the parental magmas of the Khaidaiskii Series and to the significant involvement of older crustal material in the generation of the melts that produced the orthorocks on the eastern shore of the lake. These conclusions are corroborated by model ages of magmatic rocks in the Ol'khon area (close to 1 Ga) and of rocks of the Talanchanskaya Formation (approximately 2 Ga). The comparison of our data with those obtained by other researchers on the Nd-Sr isotopic age of granulites of the Ol'khon Group and metavolcanics in various structural zones in the northern Baikal area suggests, with regard for the geochemistry of these rocks, the accretion of tectonic nappes that had different isotopic histories: some of them were derived from the mantle wedge and localized in the island arc itself (magmatic rocks of the Anginskaya Formation) or backarc spreading zone (mafic metamagmatic rocks of the Ol'khon Group), while others were partial melts derived, with the participation of crustal material, from sources of various age (metagraywackes in the backarc basin in the Ol'khon Group and the ensialic basement of the island arc in the Talanchanskaya Formation).
The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas have Sr and Nd isotopic ratios intermediate between those of Indian Ocean MORBs and those of the very enriched Kerguelen hot spot. In an Nd-Sr isotope diagram, they also plot close to the fields of St. Paul Island lavas and of the early magmatism on Kerguelen Archipelago. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas were generated by mixing among at least three components: a depleted, MORB-type component, such as the one erupted today on the Southeast Indian Ridge; a very enriched, high- Sr/ Sr, low-epsilon-Nd, OIB-type component (the Kerguelen hot spot); and an OIB-type component comparable to that sampled from the St. Paul (and Amsterdam) lavas. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas show a typical Dupal anomaly signature and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic systematics indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot was involved in the ridge's formation as the Indian plate moved northward. The different sites cored during ODP Leg 121 show a trend in their isotopic compositions, from less radiogenic Pb/ Pb ratios and intermediate 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/**Nd ratios in the oldest lavas (Site 758) toward more radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb, higher epsilon-Nd, and lower 87Sr/86Sr values in the youngest lavas (Site 756). The lavas from Site 757 have 206Pb/204Pb ratios intermediate between those of the lavas from Sites 756 and 758 and higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower epsilon-Nd values. The relative proportions of the hot spot(s) and MORB component have evolved with time, reflecting differences of tectonic setting: the relative proportion of the Kerguelen hot spot component appears lower in the younger Site 756 lavas than in the older lavas from Sites 757 and 758. Site 756 coincides with the beginning of rifting at the Southeast Indian Ridge, about 43 Ma ago. The formation of the early Kerguelen Archipelago lavas may have drained most of the plume-derived material toward the Antarctic plate. Alternatively, the proximity of the spreading-ridge axis may account for the isotopic similarity of the Site 756 lavas to young lavas erupted on the Southeast Indian Ridge, from 33? to 37?S. The older lavas of Ninetyeast Ridge may have formed when the hot spot and ridge axis did not exactly coincide. The involvement of the third component, a St. Paul hot spot, in the genesis of the Ninetyeast Ridge lavas, especially for the Site 756 lavas, is clearly indicated by Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope systematics and also by trace element ratios. These data, together with those from the Kerguelen Plateau, indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot has been active more or less continuously in the South Indian Ocean for at least 115 Ma. This could indicate that the plume, and by inference the Dupal anomaly, is deep seated in origin.
The Jinshajiang suture zone, located in the eastern part of the Tethyan tectonic domain, is noticeable for a large-scale distribution of Late Jurassic to Triassic granitoids. These granitoids were genetically related to the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. The Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids occur in the middle zone of the Jinshajiang Suture Zone, and possess similar geochemical features, indicating they share a common magma source. SIMS zircon U-Pb dating reveals the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitic intrusions were emplaced at 233.9±1.4 Ma (2 sigma), 233.1 ±1.4 Ma (2 sigma) and 231.0±1.6 Ma (2 sigma), respectively. All of these granitoids are enriched in abundances of Si (SiO2 =65.2-73.5 wt.%), and large-ion-lithophile-elements (LILEs), but depleted in high-field-strength-elements contents (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti). In addition, they have low P2O5 contents (0.06-0.11 wt.%), A/CNK values ([molecular Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)], mostly<1.1) and 10000Ga/Al ratios (1.7-2.2), consistent with the characteristics of I-type granites. In terms of isotopic compositions, these granitoids have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7078-0.7148), Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)t=18.213-18.598, (207Pb/204Pb)t=15.637-15.730 and (208Pb/204Pb)t=38.323-38.791], zircon d18O values (7. per mil-9.3 per mil) and negative eNd(t) values (-5.1 to -6.7), suggesting they were predominantly derived from the continental crust. Their Nb/Ta ratios (average value=8.6) are consistent with those of the lower continental crust (LCC). However, variable ?Hf(t) values (-8.6 to +2.8) and the occurrences of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) suggest that mantle-derived melts and lower crustal magmas were involved in the generation of these granitoids. Moreover, the high Pb isotopic ratios and elevated zircon d18O values of these rocks indicate a significant contribution of the upper crustal composition. We propose a model in which the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids were generated under a late collisional or post-collisional setting. It is possible that this collision was completed before Late Triassic. Decompression induced mantle-derived magmas underplated and provided the heat for the anatexis of the crust. Hybrid melts including mantle-derived and the lower crustal magmas were then generated. The hybrid melts thereafter ascended to a shallow depth and resulted in some degree of sedimentary rocks assimilation. Such three-component mixing magmas source and subsequent fractional crystallization could be responsible for the formation of the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids.
The aim of this paper is to analyze and compare mineralogy and geochemistry of copper-zinc sulfide ores from the Logachev-2 and Rainbow hydrothermal fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) confined to serpentinite protrusions. It was found that Zn(Fe) and Cu, Fe(Zn) sulfides had been deposited in black smokers pipes almost simultaneously from intermittently flowing, nonequilibrium H2S-low solutions of different temperatures. Pb isotope composition confirmed that the deep oceanic crust had been a source of lead. The ores from the Rainbow field are 20-fold higher in Co than ores restricted to basalts and show a high ratio of Co/Ni=46. The ores from the Rainbow field are enriched in 34S isotope (aver. d34S=10 per mil) because of constant flow of cold sea water into the subsurface zone of the hydrothermal system. Ores from the Logachev-2 field are 8 times higher in gold compared to other MAR regions. Sulfide ores from the Rainbow and Logachev-2 fields have no analogues among MAR ore occurrences in terms of enrichment in valuable components (Zn, Cd, Co, and Au).
Hypersthene-garnet-sillimanite-quartz enclaves were studied in orthopyroxene-plagioclase and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene crystalline schists and gneisses from shear zones exposed in the Palenyi Island within the Early Proterozoic Belomorian Mobile Belt. Qualitative analysis of mineral assemblages indicates that these rocks were metamorphosed to the granulite facies (approximately 900°C and 10-11 kbar). Oxygen isotopic composition was determined in rock-forming minerals composing zones of the enclaves of various mineral and chemical composition. Closure temperatures of the isotopic systems obtained by methods of oxygen isotopic thermometry are close to values obtained with mineralogical geothermometers (garnet-orthopyroxene and garnet-biotite) and correspond to the high-temperature granulite facies (860-900°C). Identified systematic variations in d18O values were determined in the same minerals from zones of different mineral composition. Inasmuch as these zones are practically in contact with one another, these variations in d18O cannot be explained by primary isotopic heterogeneity of the protolith. Model calculations of the extent and trend of d18O variations in minerals suggest that fluid-rock interaction at various integral fluid/rock ratios in discrete zones was the only mechanism that could generate the zoning. This demonstrates that focused fluid flux could occur in lower crustal shear zones. Preservation of high-temperature isotopic equilibria of minerals testifies that the episode of fluid activity at the peak of metamorphism was very brief.
Thirty-five samples from the drill core of the three Leg 163 sites (Sites 988, 989, and 990) off the southeast coast of Greenland were analyzed for 27 major, minor, and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and for 25 trace elements, including 14 rare-earth elements (REEs), by an inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Sr- and Nd-isotope data are reported for seven samples and oxygen-isotope data are reported for 19 plagioclase separates. In addition, a reconnaissance survey of the composition of the main mineral phases, plagioclase, pyroxene, and oxides was determined on an electron microprobe to provide the basic information required for petrogenetic modeling. Olivine pseudomorphs are present in many of the samples, but in no case was an olivine grain found that was fresh enough to give a reliable analysis. The chemical and isotopic data recorded here were determined to provide a comparison with the larger data sets acquired by the Edinburgh, Copenhagen, and Leicester laboratories from both Legs 152 and 163 drill cores. This will permit a detailed comparison of the North Atlantic flood basalt province as a whole with the better known Columbia River, Deccan, and Karoo continental flood basalt provinces, for which substantial chemical data sets are already available at Washington State University.
CH4 and CO2 species in pore fluids from slope sediments off Guatemala show extreme 13C-enrichment (d13C of -41 and +38 per mil, respectively) compared with the typical degree of 13C-enrichment in pore fluids of DSDP sediments (d13C of - 60 and + 10 per mil). These unusual isotopic compositions are believed to result from microbial decomposition of organic matter, and possibly from additional isotopic fractionation associated with the formation of gas hydrates. In addition to the isotopic fractionation displayed by CH4 and CO2, the pore water exhibits a systematic increase in d18O with decrease in chlorinity. As against seawater d18O values of 0 and chlorinity of 19 per mil, the water collected from decomposed gas hydrate from Hole 570 had a d18O of + 3.0 per mil and chlorinity of 9.5 per mil. The isotopic compositions of pore-fluid constituents change gradually with depth in Hole 568 and discontinuously with depth in Hole 570.
Barite crusts were formed by an intermittent hydrothermal vent with output temperature from 85 to 465°C. Principal sources of supply of sulfate sulfur are sea water, evaporites, and tholeiitic basalts of the Red Sea rift. Sulfides and sulfates were formed in conditions of isotope disequilibrium with respect to sulfur because rate of precipitation of sulfur compounds from hydrothermal solution was high compared with rate of isotope exchange.