194 resultados para East Pittsburgh
A brief (~150 kyr) period of widespread global average surface warming marks the transition between the Paleocene and Eocene epochs, ~56 million years ago. This so-called "Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum" (PETM) is associated with the massive injection of 13C-depleted carbon, reflected in a negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE). Biotic responses include a global abundance peak (acme) of the subtropical dinoflagellate Apectodinium. Here we identify the PETM in a marine sedimentary sequence deposited on the East Tasman Plateau at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1172 and show, based on the organic paleothermometer TEX86, that southwest Pacific sea surface temperatures increased from ~26 °C to ~33°C during the PETM. Such temperatures before, during and after the PETM are >10 °C warmer than predicted by paleoclimate model simulations for this latitude. In part, this discrepancy may be explained by potential seasonal biases in the TEX86 proxy in polar oceans. Additionally, the data suggest that not only Arctic, but also Antarctic temperatures may be underestimated in simulations of ancient greenhouse climates by current generation fully coupled climate models. An early influx of abundant Apectodinium confirms that environmental change preceded the CIE on a global scale. Organic dinoflagellate cyst assemblages suggest a local decrease in the amount of river run off reaching the core site during the PETM, possibly in concert with eustatic rise. Moreover, the assemblages suggest changes in seasonality of the regional hydrological system and storm activity. Finally, significant variation in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages during the PETM indicates that southwest Pacific climates varied significantly over time scales of 103 - 104 years during this event, a finding comparable to similar studies of PETM successions from the New Jersey Shelf.
D18O values of nine tropical-subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species with different preferential habitat depths collected from 62 core-top samples along an east-west transect across the tropical Atlantic/Caribbean were used to test the applicability of interspecific d18O gradients for reconstructions of tropical upper ocean stratification. In general, the d18O difference (Delta d18O) between intermediate- and shallow-dwelling species decreases, and Delta d18O between deep and intermediate dwellers increases with increasing thermocline depth towards the west. The statistical significance of regional differences in Delta d18O highlights Delta d18O between the intermediate dwellers (in particular Globorotalia scitula and Globorotalia tumida) and the shallow dweller Globigerinoides ruber pink, as well as Delta d18O between the deep dwellers Globorotalia crassaformis or Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral and intermediate dwellers as most sensitive to changes in tropical Atlantic thermocline depth. Based on the observed regional variations in interspecific Delta d18O, we propose a multispecies stratification index "STRAtrop" = (d18Ointermediate - d18Oshallow) / (d18Odeep - d18Oshallow) for the tropical ocean. Statistically significant differences in STRAtrop values between the E-Atlantic and the Caribbean suggest that this index may be a useful tool to monitor variations in tropical upper ocean stratification in the geological record.
We present new U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP) data on rocks from Mt Newton and Cumpston Massif in the southern Prince Charles Mountains. Our data demonstrate that Mt Newton was affected by a newly proposed Palaeoproterozoic "Newton" Orogeny at c. 2100-2200 Ma. Sedimentation, felsic volcanism (c. 2200 Ma), metamorphism and folding, followed by granite intrusion (c. 2100 Ma), suggest development of a trough or aulacogene in the area during the early Palaeoproterozoic. An orthogneiss from Cumpston Massif yielded an age of c. 3180 Ma for granitic protolith emplacement, which is in good agreement with many U-Pb zircon ages from similar rocks in the southern Mawson Escarpment. A syn- to late-tectonic muscovite-bearing pegmatite from Cumpston Massif yielded a c. 2500 Ma date of emplacement, which indicates early Palaeoproterozoic activity in this block, probably in response to a tectono-magmatic episode in the Lambert Terrane bordering the Ruker Terrane in the northeast. The correlation of tectono-magmatic events in both the Ruker and Lambert terranes of the southern Prince Charles Mountains provides evidence for their common evolution during the Proterozoic.
99Tc levels were measured in seawater samples collected between 2000 and 2002 in the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) and along the western coast of Svalbard or Spitzbergen and compared with available oceanographic 3-D modelling results for the late 1990s. Additional data from related regions are also presented in order to support the data interpretation. The seawater in the Arctic fjord Kongsfjorden on the western coast of Svalbard is influenced by the WSC, as shown by the 99Tc levels in surface water. By means of the WSC, 99Tc reaches the Eastern Fram Strait, where one branch of the WSC turns west into the East Greenland Current (EGC), and another branch continues northwards into the Arctic Ocean. Surface seawater collected in the central part of the WSC during a cruise on board the R/V "Polarstern" in the summer of 2000, showed higher levels of 99Tc than samples measured in Kongsfjorden in the spring of 2000. However, all levels measured in surface water are of the same order of magnitude. Data from sampling of deeper water in the WSC and EGC provide information pertaining to the lateral distribution of 99Tc. In all vertical profiling surveys (conducted in spring and summer), the highest levels of 99Tc were found in surface water. Comparison with oceanographic 3-D modelling indicates both significant seasonal variations in the lateral stratification of the WSC and variations with depth over shorter vertical distances. This information can be applied in sampling strategies, environmental monitoring, long-range transport of pollutants and physical oceanography.
Bioaccumulation of trace metals in carbonate shells of mussels and clams was investigated at seven hydrothermal vent fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Menez Gwen, Snake Pit, Rainbow, and Broken Spur) and the Eastern Pacific (9°N and 21°N at the East Pacific Rise and the southern trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California). Mineralogical analysis showed that carbonate skeletons of mytilid mussel Bathymodiolus sp. and vesicomyid clam Calyptogena m. are composed mainly of calcite and aragonite, respectively. The first data were obtained for contents of a variety of chemical elements in bivalve carbonate shells from various hydrothermal vent sites. Analyses of chemical compositions (including Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Ag, Ni, Cr, Co, As, Se, Sb, and Hg) of 35 shell samples and 14 water samples from mollusk biotopes revealed influences of environmental conditions and some biological parameters on bioaccumulation of metals. Bivalve shells from hydrothermal fields with black smokers are enriched in Fe and Mn by factor of 20-30 relative to the same species from the Menez Gwen low-temperature vent site. It was shown that essential elements (Fe, Mn, Ni, and Cu) more actively accumulated during early ontogeny of the shells. High enrichment factors of most metals (n x 100 - n x 10000) indicate efficient accumulation function of bivalve carbonate shells. Passive metal accumulation owing to adsorption on shell surfaces was estimated to be no higher than 50% of total amount and varied from 14% for Fe to 46% for Mn.