608 resultados para Barium.
Particle reactive elements are scavenged to a higher degree at ocean margins than in the open ocean due to higher fluxes of biogenic and terrigenous particles. In order to determine the influence of these processes on the depositional fluxes of 10Be and barium we have performed high-resolution measurements on sediment core GeoB1008-3 from the Congo Fan. Because the core is dominated by terrigenous matter supplied by the Congo River, it has a high average mass accumulation rate of 6.5 cm/kyr. Biogenic 10Be and Ba concentrations were calculated from total concentrations by subtracting the terrigenous components of10Be and Ba, which are assumed to be proportional to the flux of Al2O3. The mean Ba/Al weight ratio of the terrigenous component was determined to be 0.0045. The unusualy high terrigenous 10Be concentrations of 9.1 * 10**9 atoms/g Al2O3 are either due to input of particles with high10Be content by the Congo River or due to scavenging of oceanic 10Be by riverine particles. The maxima of biogenic 10Be and Ba concentrations coincide with maxima of the paleoproductivity rates. Time series analysis of the 10Be and of Ba concentration profiles reveals a strong dominance of the precessional period of 24 kyr, which also controls the rates of paleoproductivity in this core. During the maxima of productivity the flux of biogenic Ba is enhanced to a larger extent than that of biogenic 10Be. Applying a model for coastal scavenging, we ascribe the observed higher sensitivity of Ba to biogenic particle fluxes to the fact that the ocean residence time of Ba is approximately 10 times longer than that of 10Be.
Sedimentary proxies used to reconstruct marine productivity suffer from variable preservation and are sensitive to factors other than productivity. Therefore, proxy calibration is warranted. Here we map the spatial patterns of two paleoproductivity proxies, biogenic opal and barium fluxes, from a set of core-top sediments recovered in the Subarctic North Pacific. Comparisons of the proxy data with independent estimates of primary and export production, surface water macronutrient concentrations and biological pCO2 drawdown indicate that neither proxy shows a significant correlation with primary or export productivity for the entire region. Biogenic opal fluxes, when corrected for preservation using 230Th-normalized accumulation rates, show a good correlation with primary productivity along the volcanic arcs (tau = 0.71, p = 0.0024) and with export productivity throughout the western Subarctic North Pacific (tau = 0.71, p = 0.0107). Moderate and good correlations of biogenic barium flux with export production (tau = 0.57, p = 0.0022) and with surface water silicate concentrations (tau = 0.70, p = 0.0002) are observed for the central and eastern Subarctic North Pacific. For reasons unknown, however, no correlation is found in the western Subarctic North Pacific between biogenic barium flux and the reference data. Nonetheless, we show that barite saturation, uncertainty in the lithogenic barium corrections and problems with the reference datasets are not responsible for the lack of a significant correlation between biogenic barium flux and the reference data. Further studies evaluating the factors controlling the variability of the biogenic constituents in the sediments are desirable in this region.
One of the best-studied aspects of the K-Pg mass extinction is the decline and subsequent recovery of open ocean export productivity (e.g., the flux of organic matter from the surface to deep ocean). Some export proxies, including surface-to-deep water d13C gradients and carbonate sedimentation rates, indicate a global decline in export productivity triggered by the extinction. In contrast, benthic foraminiferal and other geochemical productivity proxies suggest spatially and temporally heterogeneous K-Pg boundary effects. Here we address these conflicting export productivity patterns using new and compiled measurements of biogenic barium. Unlike a previous synthesis, we find that the boundary effect on export productivity and the timing of recovery varied considerably between different oceanic sites. The northeast and southwest Atlantic, Southern Ocean, and Indian Ocean records saw export production plummet and remain depressed for 350 thousand to 2 million years. Biogenic barium and other proxies in the central Pacific and some upwelling or neritic Atlantic sites indicate the opposite, with proxies recording either no change or increased export production in the early Paleocene. Our results suggest that widespread declines in surface-to-deep ocean d13C do not record a global decrease in export productivity. Rather, independent proxies, including barium and other geochemical proxies, and benthic community structure, indicate that some regions were characterized by maintained or rapidly recovered organic flux from the surface ocean to the deep seafloor, while other regions had profound reductions in export productivity that persisted long into the Paleocene.
A total of 167 samples distubuted throughout the CRP-3 drillhole from 5.77 to 787.68 mbsf and representing fine to coarse sandstones have been analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) Bulk sample geochemistry (major and trace elements) indicates a dominant provenance of detritus from the Ferrar Supergroup in the uppermost 200 mbsf of the core. A markedly increased contribution from the Beacon sandstones is recognized below 200 mbsf and down to 600 mbsf. In the lower part of CRP-3, down to 787.68 mbsf, geochemical evidence for influxes of Ferrar materials is again recorded. On the basis of preliminary magnetostratigraphic data reported for the lower 447 mbsf of the drillhole, we tentatively evaluated the main periodicities modulating the geochemical records. Our results identify a possible influence of the precession, obliquity and long-eccentricity astronomical components (21, 41, and 400 ky frequency bands) on the deposition mechanisms of the studied glaciomarine sediments.
Geochemical data are presented for samples from strata, mainly of Miocene age, in the Cape Roberts-1 core (western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica) to assess the sediment provenance. Bulk (major and trace element) chemistry together with bulk mineralogy of fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and diamictites indicate that chemical alteration of source materials, fractionation due to sedimentary sorting, and diagenetic effects were not significant in the Cape Roberts sediment history. Relevant geochemical parameters are consistent with the Cape Roberts sediments being derived mainly from the crystalline basement and the Beacon Supergroup. On the basis of element distributions, an additional contribution from the Ferrar Dolerite and, mainly above about 60 m, influxes of detritus derived from basanitic to intermediate members of the McMurdo Volcanic Group are recognised.
Thirty-nine medium and fine grained sandstones from between 19,26 and 147,23 mbsf in the Cape Roberts-l core (CRP-1) were analysed for 10 major and 16 trace elements. Using whole-lock compositions, 9 samples were selected for analyses of mineral and glass grains by energy dispersive electron microscope. Laser-Ablation Mass-Spectrometry was used to determine rare earth elements and 14 additional trace elements in glass shards, pyroxenes and feldspars in order to examine their contribution to the bulk rock chemistry. Geochemical data reveal the major contribution played by the Granite Harbour Intrusives to the whole rock composition, even if a significant input is supplied by McMurdo volcanics and Ferrar dolerite pyroxenes McMurdo volcanics were studied in detail; they appeal to derive from a variety of litologies, and a dominant role of wind transpoitation from exposures of volcanic rocks may be inferred from the contemporary occurrence of different compositions at all depths. Only at 116.55 mbsf was a thin layer of tephra found, linked to an explosive eruption McMurdo volcanic rocks exhibit larger abundances at depths above 62 mbsf, in correspondence with the onset of volcanic activity in the McMurdo Sound area. From 62 mbsf to the bottom of the core, McMurdo volcanics are less abundant and probably issued from some centres in the McMurdo Sound region. However, available data do not allow the exclusion of wind transport from some eruptive centres active in north Victoria Land at the beginning of the Miocene Epoch.
The 16 samples of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 89 basalts that we analyzed for whole rock major and trace elements and for mineralogic compositions are identical to some of the basalts recovered during Leg 61. Leg 89 samples are mostly olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene sparsely phyric basalts and exhibit a wide variety of textures. These basalts have lower TiO2 at a given Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)*100 than MORB (midocean ridge basalt). We recognize three major chemical types of basalts in the Nauru Basin. We believe that different degrees of partial melting, modified by fractional crystallization and possibly by magma mixing at shallow depths, can explain the chemical differences among the three groups. This petrogenetic model is consistent with the observed downhole chemical-chronostratigraphic relations of the samples. New 87Sr/86Sr and U3Nd/144Nd analyses of basalt samples from DSDP Site 462 indicate that the Nauru Basin igneous complex is within the Sr-Nd isotopic range of ocean island basalt. Thus the Nauru Basin igneous complex resembles MORB in many aspects of its chemistry, morphology, and secondary alteration patterns (Larson, Schlanger, et al., 1981), but not in its isotopic characteristics. If it were not for the unambiguous evidence that the Nauru Basin complex was erupted off-ridge, the complex could easily be interpreted as normal oceanic layer 2. For this reason, we speculate that the Nauru Basin igneous complex was produced in an oceanic riftlike environment when multiple, fast-propagating rifts were formed during the fast seafloor spreading episode in the Cretaceous.