622 resultados para water age
A high-resolution study of palaeoceanographic changes off North Iceland during the time period 8600-5200 cal year BP is based on benthic and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. The core material (MD99-2275) was obtained from about 440 m water depth on the eastern part of the North Icelandic shelf. Changes in the faunal composition are interpreted to be mainly caused by variations in the strength of the relatively warm, high-salinity Irminger Current and the cold East Icelandic Current, which have been shown to be linked to the climatic changes in the North Atlantic region. Environmental proxies at that site are particularly sensitive to palaeoceanographic changes due to its position close to the marine Polar Front. Benthic assemblages show that relatively cold conditions prevailed at the base of the record. An increase in the influence of Atlantic water masses at the sea floor is seen at around 8400 cal year BP, whereas the surface waters were relatively warm already at 8600 cal year BP. The warming was interrupted by a cold event at around 8100-8000 cal year BP, registered both in the bottom and surface waters and correlated with the so-called 8.2 kyr cooling event. Both the benthic and the planktonic faunal compositions indicate that the Irminger Current had maximum influence in the area between 8000 and about 7300 cal year BP, followed by a gradually decreasing influence through the remaining part of the studied time interval. It is suggested that the contribution of Atlantic water masses from the east and north-east to the Arctic Surface waters off North Iceland increased after around 7000 cal year BP, and that this was further intensified after 6200 cal year BP. At present, the Arctic Surface Water north of Iceland consists of Polar waters, intermittently with direct influence from the East Greenland Current, mixed with Atlantic waters derived from the eastern part of the Nordic Seas. A comparison of the mean values of selected environmental proxies in the interval 8600-5200 cal year BP with the upper part of the same core shows that the water masses north of Iceland were considerably warmer during the Holocene thermal maximum than during the last 2000 cal year. In general, results from core MD99-2275 are in accordance with other marine records from the North Icelandic shelf and the northern North Atlantic region, although a detailed comparison on a centennial time scale is hampered by problems with spatial as well as temporal changes in the marine reservoir ages in the region.
Paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental interpretations based on foraminifera, sedimentary data, radiocarbon dates, and stable isotope measurements were derived from two sections in the Skagerrak: a 115-m-thick Holocene marine section drilled onshore at Skagen near the northernmost tip of Jutland, Denmark, and a 9-m piston core from the Skagerrak, north of Skagen. The foraminiferal data show that arctic-subarctic environments in the deep Skagerrak-Kattegat area were succeeded by boreal conditions at 9.6 ka. This was a result of northward migration of the Atlantic polar front and inflow of warm Atlantic water into the area through the Norwegian Channel. A gradual warming of the water masses after 9.6 ka is indicated by the data. Rare foraminifera and high sedimentation rates are found between approximately 8.6 ka and 7.6 ka at both core locations. The modern foraminiferal assemblages of the area were fully established at 7.6 ka indicating that the modern circulation pattern in the Skagerrak-Kattegat after the opening of the English Channel and the Danish Straits was not established before this date. At 5.5 ka a sudden change to coarser sediments (higher-energy environments) and the appearance of the foraminifer Eoeponidella laesoeensis is recorded in the Skagen core. This indicates a rapid change in the hydrography reflecting altered meteorological and hydrographic conditions in the Skagerrak-Kattegat, including a strengthening of the Jutland Current and increased inflow of North Sea water into the Kattegat. The event is interpreted as a response to cooling at the end of the Holocene climatic optimum in late Atlantic time and possibly reflects a rapid cooling event of North Atlantic surface water masses.
Results of geological studies at the submarine Vityaz Ridge carried out during cruises 37 and 41 of R/V Akademik Lavrent'ev in 2005 and 2006 are reported. The studied area is located at an near-island trench of the slope in the central part of the Kuril Island arc. Morphologically it consists of two parts: an inner volcanic arc represented by the Great Kuril Range and an outer arc corresponding to the submarine Vityaz Ridge. Diverse rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were recovered by dredging. Based on K-Ar dating and geochemistry, volcanics were divided into Paleocene, Eocene, late Oligocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Each of the complexes reflects a tectonomagmatic stage in the ridge evolution. Geochemical and isotope data on the volcanics indicate contribution of ancient crustal material in the magma source and, correspondingly, formation of this structure on the continental basement. Two-stage model ages (TDM2) vary in a wide range from zero values in mafic rocks to 0.77 Ga in felsic varieties, pointing to presence of Precambrian protolith in the source of the felsic rocks of the Vityaz Ridge. The Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanics are classed with tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and subalkaline series, which differ in alkali contents and REE fractionation. Values of (La/Sm)_n and (La/Yb)_n ratios vary from 0.74 and 0.84 in the tholeiitic varieties to 1.19 and 1.44 in the calc-alkaline and 2.32 and 3.73 in the subalkaline rocks. All three varieties occur within the same volcanic edifices and formed during differentiation of magmatic melts that were channeled along fault zones from the mantle source slightly enriched in crustal component.
Stable oxygen isotope data from four holes drilled at the Ocean Drilling Program Site 967, which is located on the lower northern slope of the Eratosthenes Seamount, provide a continuous record of Eastern Mediterranean surface-water conditions during the last 3.2 Ma. A high-resolution stratigraphy for the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence was established by using a combination of astronomical calibration of sedimentary cycles, nannofossil stratigraphy, and stable oxygen isotope fluctuations. Sapropels and color cycles are present throughout the last 3.2 Ma at Site 967, and their ages, as determined by calibration against the precessional component of the astronomical record, are consistent with those estimated for the sapropels of the classical land-based marine sequences of the Punta Piccola, San Nicola, Singa, and Vrica sections (southern Italy). The Site 967 oxygen isotope record shows large amplitude fluctuations mainly caused by variations in surface water salinity throughout the entire period. Spectral analysis shows that fluctuations in the d18O record were predominantly influenced by orbital obliquity and precessional forcing from 3.2 to 1 Ma, and all main orbital frequencies characterize the d18O record for the last million years. The start of sapropel formation at 3.2 Ma indicates a possible link between sapropel formation and the build up of northern hemisphere ice sheets. The dominance of the obliquity cycle in the interval from 3.2-1 Ma further points to the sensitivity of Eastern Mediterranean climate to the fluctuations in the volume of Arctic ice sheets. An intensification of negative isotope anomalies at Site 967, relative to the open ocean, supports a link between high run-off (during warm periods) and sapropel formation. freshwater input would have inhibited deep-water formation, which led to stagnation of deeper waters. Comparison with the land sections also confirms that differential preservation and diagenesis play a key role in sapropel occurrence.
Petrographic description as well as data on chemical composition and K-Ar age of basalts from the floor of the Indian Ocean are reported in the paper.
There is limited knowledge pertaining to the history of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) during the last glacial-interglacial transition as it retreated from the continental margins to an inland position. Here we use multiproxy data, including ice-rafted debris (IRD); planktonic isotopes; alkenone temperatures; and tephra geochemistry from the northern Labrador Sea, off southwest Greenland, to investigate the deglacial response of the GIS and evaluate its implications for the North Atlantic deglacial development. The results imply that the southern GIS retreated in three successive stages: (1) early deglaciation of the East Greenland margins, by tephra-rich IRD that embrace Heinrich Event 1; (2) progressive retreat during Allerød culminating in major meltwater releases (d18O depletion of 1.2 per mil) at the Allerød-Younger Dryas transition (12.8-13.0 kyr B.P.); and (3) a final stage of glacial recession during the early Holocene (~9-11 kyr B.P.). Rather than indicating local temperatures of ambient surface water, the alkenones likely were transported to the core site by the Irminger Current. We attribute the timing of GIS retreat to the incursion of warm intermediate waters along the base of grounded glaciers and below floating ice shelves on the continental margin. The results lend support to the view that GIS meltwater presented a forcing factor for the Younger Dryas cooling.