359 resultados para anoxic


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High-resolution benthic foraminiferal and geochemical investigations were carried out across sapropels S5 and S6 from two sediment cores in the Levantine Sea to evaluate the impact of climatic and environmental changes on benthic ecosystems during times of sapropel formation. The faunal successions indicate that eutrophication and/or oxygen reduction started several thousand years prior to the onset of sapropel formation, suggesting an early response of the bathyal ecosystems to climatic changes. Severest oxygen depletions appear in the early phases of sapropel formation. The initial reduction of deep-water ventilation is caused by a warming and fresh water-induced stratification of Eastern Mediterranean surface waters. During the late phase of S5 formation improved oxygenation is restricted to middle bathyal ecosystems, indicating that at least some formation of subsurface water took place. During S6 formation oxygen depletions and eutrophication were less severe and more variable than during S5 formation. Estimated oxygen contents were low dysoxic at middle bathyal to anoxic at lower bathyal depths during the early phase of S6 formation but never dropped to anoxic values in its late phase. The high benthic ecosystem variability during S6 formation suggests that water column stratification at deep-water formation sites was in a very unstable mode and susceptible to minor temperature fluctuations at a millennial time-scale.


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Sediment records of the stable isotopic composition of N (d15N) show light d15N values at several sites in the proto-North Atlantic during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) at the Cenomanian-Turonian transition (~94 Ma). The low d15N during the event is generally attributed to an increase in N2-fixation and incomplete uptake of ammonium for phytoplankton growth. A compilation of all reliable data for the proto North-Atlantic during OAE 2 demonstrates that the most pronounced negative shift in d15N from pre-OAE 2 to OAE 2 occurs in the open ocean, but with d15N never lower than -3 ppm. Using a box model of N cycling for the proto-North Atlantic during OAE 2, we show that N2-fixation is a major contributor to the d15N signal, especially in the open ocean. Incomplete uptake of ammonium for phytoplankton growth is important in regions dominated by downwelling, with lateral transport of ammonium acting as a major source. In the southern proto-North Atlantic, where bottom waters were euxinic, the light d15N signature is largely explained by upwelling of ammonium . Our study provides an overview of regional differences in d15N in the proto-North Atlantic and highlights the role of lateral exchange of water and nutrients, in addition to local biogeochemical processes, in determining d15N values of OAE 2 sediments.


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Mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Turonian) plankton preserved in deep-sea marl, organic-rich shale, and pelagic carbonate hold an important record of how the marine biosphere responded to short- and long-term changes in the ocean-climate system. Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were short-lived episodes of organic carbon burial that are distinguished by their widespread distribution as discrete beds of black shale and/or pronounced carbon isotopic excursions. OAE1a in the early Aptian (~120.5 Ma) and OAE2 at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (~93.5 Ma) were global in their distribution and associated with heightened marine productivity. OAE1b spans the Aptian/Albian boundary (~113-109 Ma) and represents a protracted interval of dysoxia with multiple discrete black shales across parts of Tethys (including Mexico), while OAE1d developed across eastern and western Tethys and in other locales during the latest Albian (~99.5 Ma). Mineralized plankton experienced accelerated rates of speciation and extinction at or near the major Cretaceous OAEs, and strontium isotopic evidence suggests a possible link to times of rapid oceanic plateau formation and/or increased rates of ridge crest volcanism. Elevated levels of trace metals in OAE1a and OAE2 strata suggest that marine productivity may have been facilitated by increased availability of dissolved iron. The association of plankton turnover and carbon isotopic excursions with each of the major OAEs, despite the variable geographic distribution of black shale accumulation, points to widespread changes in the ocean-climate system. Ocean crust production and hydrothermal activity increased in the late Aptian. Faster spreading rates [and/or increased ridge length] drove a long-term (Albian-early Turonian) rise in sea level and CO2-induced global warming. Changes in ocean circulation, water column stratification, and nutrient partitioning lead to a reorganization of plankton community structure and widespread carbonate (chalk) deposition during the Late Cretaceous. We conclude that there were important linkages between submarine volcanism, plankton evolution, and the cycling of carbon through the marine biosphere.


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Ferromanganese nodules in the deep-sea and in freshwater lakes usually accrete layers rich in manganese oxides alternating with layers rich in iron oxides. The mechanism producing these alternating layers is unknown; indeed, the mechanism producing the nodules themselves is unknown. In Oneida Lake, New York, precipitants from the lake water and the surfaces of nodules at the sediment-water interface are enriched in Mn, whereas nodules buried in lake sediments have surface layers enriched in Fe. It is hypothesized here, using field and laboratory evidence, that reduction and mobilization of Mn from the nodule surface during periods of anoxic sediment cover produce the high Fe layers observed in the nodules.


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The fluorescence of porewaters from marine sediment cores from six different areas was measured. In most cases, fluorescence was affected primarily by the diagenesis of organic carbon first through sulfate reduction and subsequently by methane generation. Typically, fluorescence, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), absorbance, alkalinity, and ammonium ion concentrations correlate quite well, increasing in the upper sections of anoxic sediments and co-varying in deeper sections of these cores. The good correlation of DOC with fluorescence in the three cores in which DOC was measured indicates that fluorescence can be used to make a first order estimate of DOC concentration in anoxic porewaters. Data are consistent with a model in which labile organic matter in the sediments is broken down by sulfur reducing bacteria to low molecular weight monomers. These monomers are either remineralized to CO2 or polymerize to form dissolved, fluorescent, high molecular weight molecules. The few exceptions to this model involve hydrothermally generated hydrocarbons that are formed in situ in the Guaymas Basin or are horizontally advected along the decollement in the Nankai Trench.


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Sampling was conducted during RV Meteor cruise M93 in austral summer 2013 in an area from 11ºS to 14ºS and approximately 120 km offshore to within 10 km of the Peruvian coast. Specimens were collected using a Hydrobios Multinet Maxi (0.5 m2 mouth opening, 330 µm mesh size, 9 nets) and a WP-2 net (Hydrobios, 0.26 m2 mouth opening, 200 µm mesh size). P. monodon were identified according to http://researchdata.museum.vic.gov.au/squatlobster/delta/deltakey.html. Specimens were transferred into filtered, well-oxygenated seawater immediately after the catch and maintained for 4 to 16 hours prior to physiological experiments. Maintenance and physiological experiments were conducted at 13°C as the temperature observed at 100 to 200 m depth in the OMZ ranged from 13.7 to 12.7°C.


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We studied the diagenetic behavior of rare earth elements (REEs) in a highly productive passive margin setting of the Bering Sea Slope. Site U1345 was drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 323 at a water depth of 1008 m currently in the center of an oxygen minimum zone. Pore water concentrations of fourteen REEs were determined down to ~ 140 meters below the seafloor (mbsf). The REE concentrations were higher in the pore water than the deep seawater, indicating that there was significant liberation from the sediments during diagenesis. There was a major peak at ~ 10 mbsf that was more pronounced for the heavy REE (HREE); this peak occurred below the sulfate-methane transition zone (6.3 mbsf) and coincided with high concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese. At ~ 2 mbsf, there was a minor peak in REE and Mn contents. Below ~ 40 mbsf, the REE concentration profiles remained constant. The Ce anomaly was insignificant and relatively constant (PAAS-normalized Ce/Ce = 1.1 ± 0.2) throughout the depth profile, showing that the Ce depleted in seawater was restored in the pore water. HREE-enrichment was observed over the entire 140 m except for the upper ~ 1 m, where a middle REE (MREE)-bulge was apparent. REE release in shallow depths (2-4 mbsf) is attributed to the release of light REEs (LREEs) and MREEs during the organoclastic reduction of Mn oxides in anoxic sediments. The high HREE concentrations observed at ~ 10 mbsf can be attributed to the reduction of Fe and Mn minerals tied to anaerobic oxidation of methane or, less significantly, to ferromagnesian silicate mineral weathering. The upward diffusion flux across the sediment-water interface was between 3 (for Tm) and 290 (for Ce) pmol/m**2/y.


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Analyses of 40 carbonate core samples - 27 from Site 535, 12 from Site 540, and 1 from Site 538A - have confirmed many of the findings of the Shipboard Scientific Party. The samples, all but one Early to mid-Cretaceous in age (Berriasian to Cenomanian), reflect sequences of cyclically anoxic and oxic depositional environments. They are moderately to very dark colored, dominantly planar-parallel, laminated lime mudstones. Most show the effects of intense mechanical compaction. Visual kerogen characteristics and conventional Rock-Eval parameters indicate that these deep basinal carbonates contain varying mixtures of thermally immature kerogen derived from both marine and terrigenous precursors. However, variations in kerogen chemistry are evident upon analysis of the pyrolysis mass spectral data in conjunction with the other geochemical analyses. Particularly diagnostic is the reduction index, Rl, a measure of H2S produced during pyrolysis. Total organic carbon, TOC, ranges from 0.6 to 6.6%, with an overall average of 2.4%. Average TOCs for these fine-grained mudstones are: late Eocene 2.5% (1 sample), Cenomanian 2.2% (6), Albian 2.0% (10), Aptian 1.3% (1), Barremian-Hauterivian 2.8% (11), late Valanginian 4.8% (3), Berriasian-early Valanginian 1.6% (7). Most of the carbonates have source-potential ratings of fair to very good of predominantly oil-prone to mixed kerogen, with only a few gas-prone samples. The ratings correlate well with the inferred depositional environments, i.e., whether oxic or anoxic. Several new organic-geochemical parameters, especially Rl, based on pyrolysis mass spectrometry of powdered whole-rock samples, support this view. Tar from fractures in laminated to bioturbated limestones of Unit IV (late Valanginian) at 535-58-4, 19-20 cm (530 m sub-bottom) appears to be mature, biodegraded, and of migrated rather than on site indigenous origin.


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Paleomagnetic measurements were made on 913 samples from 11 holes (626B, 626C, 627B, 628A, 630A, 631A, 632A, 632B, 633A, 634A, and 635B) drilled in and around the Bahamas carbonate bank during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101. These samples displayed a wide range of magnetic intensities (from about 1.0 A/m to 1.6 * 10**- 6 A/m) and magnetic behavior. Most samples were weakly magnetized and had low mean destructive fields; however, sediments from sections of several holes were strongly magnetic with stable magnetizations. Magnetic-polarity interpretations were made on a Campanian unit from Hole 627B, a mid-Oligocene unit from Hole 628A, and a Plio-Pleistocene section from Hole 633A. Sediments in the upper parts of Holes 627B, 632A, and 633A have high magnetic intensities that decay 2 to 3 orders of magnitude over depths of 5 to 18 mbsf. The pattern of decline of the magnetism and the change in mean destructive fields and geochemical conditions in these holes are consistent with diagenetic dissolution of the magnetic minerals in a suboxic or anoxic-sulfidic environment. Paleolatitudes were calculated from samples from 16 time units in 7 holes and compared to the apparent polar wander path of the North American plate.


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DSDP Hole 504B was drilled into 6 Ma crust, about 200 km south of the Costa Rica Rift, Galapagos Spreading Center, penetrating 1.35 km into a section that can be divided into four zones-Zone I: oxic submarine weathering; Zone II: anoxic alteration; Zones III and IV: hydrothermal alteration to greenschist facies. In Zone III there is intense veining of pillow basalts. Zone IV consists of altered sheeted dikes. Isotopic geochemical signatures in relation to the alteration zones are recorded in Hole 504B, as follows: Zone Depth(m) Average87Sr/86Sr Average delta18O (?) Average deltaD (?) I 275-550 0.7032 7.3 -63 II 550-890 0.7029 6.5 -45 III 890-1050 0.7035 5.6 -31 IV 1050-1350 0.7032 5.5 -36 Alteration temperatures are as low as 10°C in Zones I and II based on oxygen isotope fractionation. Strontium isotopic data indicate that a circulation of seawater is much more restricted in Zone II than in Zone I. Fluid inclusion measurements of vein quartz indicate the alteration temperature was mainly 300 +/- 20°C in Zones III and IV, which is consistent with secondary mineral assemblages. The strontium, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids which were responsible for the greenschist facies alteration in Zones III and IV are estimated to be 0.7037, 2?, and 3?, respectively. Strontium and oxygen isotope data indicate that completely altered portions of greenstones and vein minerals were in equilibrium with modified seawater under low water/rock ratios (in weight) of about 1.6. This value is close to that of the end-member hydrothermal fluids issuing at 21°N EPR. Basement rocks are not completely hydrothermally altered. About 32% of the greenstones in Zones III and IV have escaped alteration. Thus 1 g of fresh basalt including the 32% unaltered portion are required in order to make 1 g of end-member solution from fresh seawater in water-rock reactions.


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The nature of Re-platinum-group element (PGE; Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru) transport in the marine environment was investigated by means of marine sediments at and across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) at two hemipelagic sites in Europe and two pelagic sites in the North and South Pacific. A traverse across the KTB in the South Pacific pelagic clay core found elevated levels of Re, Pt, Ir, Os, and Ru, each of which is approximately symmetrically distributed over a distance of ~1.8 m across the KTB. The Re-PGE abundance patterns are fractionated from chondritic relative abundances: Ru, Pt, Pd, and Re contents are slightly subchondritic relative to Ir, and Os is depleted by ~95% relative to chondritic Ir proportions. A similar depletion in Os (~90%) was found in a sample of the pelagic KTB in the North Pacific, but it is enriched in Ru, Pt, Pd, and Re relative to Ir. The two hemipelagic KTB clays have near-chondritic abundance patterns. The ~1.8-m-wide Re-PGE peak in the pelagic South Pacific section cannot be reconciled with the fallout of a single impactor, indicating that postdepositional redistribution has occurred. The elemental profiles appear to fit diffusion profiles, although bioturbation could have also played a role. If diffusion had occurred over ~65 Ma, the effective diffusivities are ~10**?13 cm**2/s, much smaller than that of soluble cations in pore waters (~10**?6 cm**2/s). The coupling of Re and the PGEs during redistribution indicates that postdepositional processes did not significantly fractionate their relative abundances. If redistribution was caused by diffusion, then the effective diffusivities are the same. Fractionation of Os from Ir during the KTB interval must therefore have occurred during aqueous transport in the marine environment. Distinctly subchondritic Os/Ir ratios throughout the Cenozoic in the South Pacific core further suggest that fractionation of Os from Ir in the marine environment is a general process throughout geologic time because most of the inputs of Os and Ir into the ocean have Os/Ir ratios >/=1. Mass balance calculations show that Os and Re burial fluxes in pelagic sediments account for only a small fraction of the riverine Os (<10%) and Re (<0.1%) inputs into the oceans. In contrast, burial of Ir in pelagic sediments is similar to the riverine Ir input, indicating that pelagic sediments are a much larger repository for Ir than for Os and Re. If all of the missing Os and Re is assumed to reside in anoxic sediments in oceanic margins, the calculated burial fluxes in anoxic sediments are similar to observed burial fluxes. However, putting all of the missing Os and Re into estuarine sediments would require high concentrations to balance the riverine input and would also fail to explain the depletion of Os at pelagic KTB sites, where at most ~25% of the K-T impactor's Os could have passed through estuaries. If Os is preferentially sequestered in anoxic marine environments, it follows that the Os/Ir ratio of pelagic sediments should be sensitive to changes in the rates of anoxic sediment deposition. There is thus a clear fractionation of Os and Re from Ir in precipitation out of sea water in pelagic sections. Accordingly, it is inferred here that Re and Os are removed from sea water in anoxic marine depositional regimes.


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Two shelf and upper-slope sites (681 and 686) near present cores of active coastal upwelling on the Peruvian margin were sampled continuously at 7.5 cm intervals down to approximately 25 meters below the seafloor (mbsf). Sedimentary structures were subdivided into homogeneous/bioturbated, laminated, and laminated-varved intervals. Diatom analysis and statistical treatment of data revealed almost persistent upwelling over the last 400,000 yr, with slightly increased upwelling during oxygen-isotope Stages 3, 5, 7, and 8 that resulted in anoxic bottom-water conditions and deposition of laminated/undisturbed primary sedimentary structures.