197 resultados para Wollemia nobilis
Six sites (759-764) were drilled on the Exmouth Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. Nannofossilrich Cenozoic sediments were recovered at all six sites, reflecting the open-ocean conditions that prevailed over the Exmouth Plateau during the Cenozoic. Calcareous nannofossils are abundant, diverse (250 different species identified), and generally well preserved throughout the composite lower Paleocene to Quaternary section. The diversity and preservation of nannofossils permits a high degree of stratigraphic resolution at each site. Site 762 on the central part of the Exmouth Plateau contains an almost unbroken Cenozoic record (only Miocene Zones NN3, NN8, and NN10 are missing). This site may prove to be a useful Cenozoic biostratigraphic and biomagnetochronologic reference section for the eastern Indian Ocean.
Calcareous nannofossils are abundant in the Paleogene sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Although no continuous Paleogene section was obtained, Sites 747 through 751 complemented each other so as to provide a virtually complete composite stratigraphic section. The calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy at Sites 747, 748, and 749 is discussed. Correlation of calcareous nannofossil biozones and magnetozones at these sites suggests some diachrony with low-latitude areas, as well as on a regional basis. Changes in calcareous nannofossil diversity throughout the Paleogene are analyzed and interpreted as reflecting major paleoclimatic events.
The responses of larger (>50 µm in diameter) protozooplankton groups to a phytoplankton bloom induced by in situ iron fertilization (EisenEx) in the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) of the Southern Ocean in austral spring are presented. During the 21 days of the experiment, samples were collected from seven discrete depths in the upper 150 m inside and outside the fertilized patch for the enumeration of acantharia, foraminifera, radiolaria, heliozoa, tintinnid ciliates and aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates. Inside the patch, acantharian numbers increased twofold, but only negligibly in surrounding waters. This finding is of major interest, since acantharia are suggested to be involved in the formation of barite (BaSO_4 ) found in sediments and which is a palaeoindicator of both ancient and modern high productivity regimes. Foraminifera increased significantly in abundance inside and outside the fertilized patch. However the marked increase of juveniles after a full moon event suggests a lunar periodicity in the reproduction cycle of some foraminiferan species rather than a reproductive response to enhanced food availability. In contrast, adult radiolaria showed no clear trend during the experiment, but juveniles increased threefold indicating elevated reproduction. Aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates almost doubled in numbers and biomass, but also increased outside the patch. Tintinnid numbers decreased twofold, although biomass remained constant due to a shift in the size spectrum. Empty tintinnid loricae, however, increased by a factor of two indicating that grazing pressure on this group mainly by copepods intensified during EisenEx. The results show that iron-fertilization experiments can shed light on the biology and the role of these larger protists in pelagic ecosystem which will improve their use as proxies in palaeoceanography.