276 resultados para Shells.


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We sampled the upper water column for living planktic foraminifera along the SW-African continental margin. The species Globorotalia inflata strongly dominates the foraminiferal assemblages with an overall relative abundance of 70-90%. The shell delta18O and delta13C values of G. inflata were measured and compared to the predicted oxygen isotope equilibrium values (delta18O(eq)) and to the carbon isotope composition of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (delta13C(DIC)) of seawater. The delta18O of G. inflata reflects the general gradient observed in the predicted delta18O(eq) profile, while the delta13C of G. inflata shows almost no variation with depth and the reflection of the delta13C(DIC) in the foraminiferal shell seems to be covered by other effects. We found that offsets between delta18O(shell) and predicted delta18O(eq) in the surface mixed layer do not correlate to changes in seawater [CO3[2-]]. To calculate an isotopic mass balance of depth integrated growth, we used the oxygen isotope composition of G. inflata to estimate the fraction of the total shell mass that is grown within each plankton tow depth interval of the upper 500 m of the water column. This approach allows us to calculate the DELTA delta13C(interval added-DIC); i.e. the isotopic composition of calcite that was grown within a given depth interval. Our results consistently show that the DELTA delta13C(IA-DIC) correlates negatively with in situ measured [CO3[2-]] of the ambient water. Using this approach, we found DELTA delta13C(IA-DIC)/[CO3[2-]] slopes for G. inflata in the large size fraction (250-355 µm) of -0.013 per mil to 0.015 per mil (µmol/kg)**-1 and of -0.013 per mil to 0.017 per mil (µmol/kg)**-1 for the smaller specimens (150-250 µm). These slopes are in the range of those found for other non-symbiotic species, such as Globigerina bulloides, from laboratory culture experiments. Since the DELTA delta13C(IA-DIC)/[CO3[2-]] slopes from our field data are nearly identical to the slopes established from laboratory culture experiments we assume that the influence of other effects, such as temperature, are negligibly small. If we correct the delta13C values of G. inflata for a carbonate ion effect, the delta13C(shell) and delta13C(DIC) are correlated with an average offset of 2.11.


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Rising anthropogenic CO2 in the surface ocean has raised serious concerns for the ability of calcifying organisms to secrete their shells and skeletons. Previous mollusc carbonate perturbation experiments report deleterious effects at lowered pH (7.8-7.4 pH units), including reduced shell length and thickness and deformed shell morphology. It is not clear whether the reduced shell growth results from a decrease in calcification rate due to lowered aragonite saturation or from an indirect effect on mollusc metabolism. We take a novel approach to discerning between these two processes by examining the impact of lowered pH on the 'vital-effect' associated with element ratios. Reported herein are the first element ratio (Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, B/Ca, Mg/Ca and Mn/Ca) profiles throughout the larval life stage of Mytilus edulis. Element ratio data for individuals reared in ambient conditions provide new insights into biomineralization during larval development. Sr/Ca ratios are consistent with Sr incorporation in the mineral phase. Mg and Mn are likely hosted in an organic phase. The Ba partition coefficient of early larval shells is one of the highest reported in biogenic aragonite. The reason for the high Ba concentrations is unknown, but may reflect the assimilation of Ba from food and/or Ba concentration in an organic or amorphous carbonate phase. There is no observable difference in the way the studied elements are incorporated into the shells of individuals reared in ambient and lowered pH conditions. The reduced growth rate at lower pH may be a consequence of a disruption to the larval mollusc metabolism.


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The majority of marine benthic invertebrates protect themselves from predators by producing calcareous tubes or shells that have remarkable mechanical strength. An elevation of CO2 or a decrease in pH in the environment can reduce intracellular pH at the site of calcification and thus interfere with animal's ability to accrete CaCO3. In nature, decreased pH in combination with stressors associated with climate change may result in the animal producing severely damaged and mechanically weak tubes. This study investigated how the interaction of environmental drivers affects production of calcareous tubes by the serpulid tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. In a factorial manipulative experiment, we analyzed the effects of pH (8.1 and 7.8), salinity (34 and 27), and temperature (23°C and 29°C) on the biomineral composition, ultrastructure and mechanical properties of the tubes. At an elevated temperature of 29°C, the tube calcite/aragonite ratio and Mg/Ca ratio were both increased, the Sr/Ca ratio was decreased, and the amorphous CaCO3 content was reduced. Notably, at elevated temperature with decreased pH and reduced salinity, the constructed tubes had a more compact ultrastructure with enhanced hardness and elasticity compared to decreased pH at ambient temperature. Thus, elevated temperature rescued the decreased pH-induced tube impairments. This indicates that tubeworms are likely to thrive in early subtropical summer climate. In the context of climate change, tubeworms could be resilient to the projected near-future decreased pH or salinity as long as surface seawater temperature rise at least by 4°C.


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Culture experiments with living planktic foraminifers reveal that the ratio of boron to calcium (B/Ca) in Orbulina universa increases from 56 to 92 µmol mol-1 when pH is raised from 7.61 +/- 0.02 to 8.67 +/- 0.03 (total scale). Across this pH range, the abundances of carbonate, bicarbonate, and borate ions also change (+ 530, - 500, and + 170 µmol kg-1, respectively). Thus specific carbonate system control(s) on B/Ca remain unclear, complicating interpretation of paleorecords. B/Ca in cultured O. universa also increases with salinity (55-72 µmol mol-1 from 29.9-35.4 per mil) and seawater boron concentration (62-899 µmol mol-1 from 4-40 ppm B), suggesting that these parameters may need to be taken into account for paleorecords spanning large salinity changes (~ 2 per mil) and for samples grown in seawater whose boron concentration ([B]SW) differs from modern by more than 0.25 ppm. While our results are consistent with the predominant incorporation of the charged borate species B(OH)4 into foraminiferal calcite, the behavior of the partition coefficient KD (defined as [B/Ca]calcite/B(OH)4/HCO3seawater) cannot be explained by borate incorporation alone, and suggests the involvement of other pH-sensitive ions such as CO3 For a given increase in seawater B(OH)4, the corresponding increase in B/Ca is stronger when B(OH)4 is raised by increasing [B]SW than when it is raised by increasing pH. These results suggest that B incorporation controls should be reconsidered. Additional insight is gained from laser-ablation ICP-MS profiles, which reveal variable B/Ca distributions within individual shells.


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Owing to anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could almost double between 2006 and 2100 according to business-as-usual carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Because the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will lead to increasing dissolved inorganic carbon and carbon dioxide in surface ocean waters, and hence acidification and lower carbonate saturation states. As a consequence, it has been suggested that marine calcifying organisms, for example corals, coralline algae, molluscs and foraminifera, will have difficulties producing their skeletons and shells at current rates, with potentially severe implications for marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Here we report a seven-week experiment exploring the effects of ocean acidification on crustose coralline algae, a cosmopolitan group of calcifying algae that is ecologically important in most shallowwater habitats. Six outdoor mesocosms were continuously supplied with sea water from the adjacent reef and manipulated to simulate conditions of either ambient or elevated seawater carbon dioxide concentrations. The recruitment rate and growth of crustose coralline algae were severely inhibited in the elevated carbon dioxide mesocosms. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification due to human activities could cause significant change to benthic community structure in shallow-warm-water carbonate ecosystems.


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Composition and abundance of modern benthic foraminifers in the littoral zone of the Kunashir Island (South Kuriles) were studied. This littoral zone was examined on the sides of the Sea of Okhotsk, the Pacific Ocean, and the Izmena Bay. In the littoral zone of the Izmena Bay benthic foraminifers were not found. The highest biodiversity and maximal density of foraminifers were observed at a bench among rocks and blocks, in depressions of various size and depth (baths), at places where algae and water plants were attached, on silty sands, and on sands with admixture of broken shells, silt, and clastic matter composing the coast. The lowest density and biodiversity were found in mouths of creeks and rivers, on rock plates free from sediments and attached algae and water plants, as well as in places not protected from wind and wave activity. It was established that on both sides of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Pacific Ocean foraminiferal complexes vary both in biodiversity and in density of their distribution in the littoral zone.


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We present measurements of the maximum diameter of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. from six sediment cores (Ocean Drilling Program sites 643, 644, 907, 909, 985 and 987) from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Our data show a distinct net increase in mean shell size of N. pachyderma sin. at all sites during the last 1.3 Ma, with largest shell sizes reached after 0.4 Ma. External factors such as glacial-interglacial variability and carbonate dissolution alone cannot account for the observed variation in mean shell size of N. pachyderma sin. We consider the observed shell size increase to mirror an evolutionary trend towards better adaptation of N. pachyderma sin. to the cold water environment after 1.1-1.0 Ma. Probably, the Mid Pleistocene climate shift and the associated change of amplitude and frequency of glacial-interglacial fluctuations have triggered the evolution of this planktonic foraminifer. Oxygen and carbon stable isotope analyses of different shell size classes indicate that the observed shell size increase could not be explained by the functional concept that larger shells promote increasing sinking velocities during gametogenesis. For paleoceanographic reconstructions, the evolutionary adaptation of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. to the cold water habitat has significant implications. Carbonate sedimentation in highest latitudes is highly dependent on the presence of this species. In the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, carbonate-poor intervals before 1.1 Ma are, therefore, not necessarily related to severe glacial conditions. They are probably attributed to the absence of this not yet polar-adapted species. Further, transfer function and modern analog techniques used for the reconstruction of surface water conditions in high latitudes could, therefore, contain a large range of errors if they were applied to samples older than 1.1-1.0 Myrs.


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We have investigated the delivery of terrestrial organic carbon (OC) to the Amazon shelf and deep sea fan based on soil marker bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs; adenosylhopane and related compounds) and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), as well as on 14C dating of bulk organic matter. The microbial biomarker records show persistent burial of terrestrial OC, evidenced by almost constant and high BIT values (0.6) and soil marker BHP concentration [80-230 µg/g TOC (total OC)] on the late Holocene shelf and even higher BIT values (0.8-0.9), but lower and more variable soil-marker BHP concentration (40-100 µg/g TOC), on the past glacial deep sea fan. Radiocarbon data show that OC on the shelf is 3-4 kyr older than corresponding bivalve shells, emphasizing the presence of old carbon in this setting. We observe comparable and unexpectedly invariant BHP composition in both marine sediment records, with a remarkably high relative abundance of C-35 amino BHPs including compounds specific for aerobic methane oxidation on the shelf (avg. 50% of all BHPs) and the fan (avg. 40%). Notably, these marine BHP signatures are strikingly similar to those of a methane-producing floodplain area in one of the Amazonian wetland (várzea) regions. The observation indicates that BHPs in the marine sediments may have initially been produced within wetland regions of the Amazon basin and may therefore document persistent export from terrestrial wetland regions, with subsequent re-working in the marine environment, both during recent and past glacial climate conditions.