432 resultados para Maximum Modulus
Phytoplankton community was studied in the Bering Strait and over the shelf, continental slope, and deep-water zones of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in the middle of the vegetative season (July-August 2003). Its structure was analyzed in relation to ice conditions and seasonal patterns of water warming, stratification, and nutrient concentrations. Overall variations in phytoplankton abundance from 200 to 6000000 cells/l and biomass from 0.1 to 444.1 µg C/l.were estimated. The bulk of phytoplankton cells concentrated in the seasonal picnocline at depths 10-25 m. The highest values of cell abundance and biomass were recorded in regions influenced by inflow of Bering Sea waters or characterized by intense hydrodynamics, such as the Bering Strait, Barrow Canyon, and the outer shelf and slope of the Chukchi Sea. In the middle of the vegetative season, phytoplankton in the study region of the Western Arctic proved to comprise three successional (seasonal) assemblages: early spring, late spring, and summer assemblages. Their spatial distribution was dependent mainly on local features of hydrological and nutrient regimes rather than on general latitudinal trends of seasonal succession characteristic of arctic ecosystems.
Shear-wave and compressional-wave velocities of 26 basalt samples collected at Site 504 during Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 69 and 70 were measured at elevated confining pressures. The young basalts have higher velocities than average DSDP basalts, because of their lack of alteration. Measurements of sample porosity are combined with laboratory and in situ velocity measurements to yield estimates of total crustal porosity: 13% at the top of Layer 2, and very low porosity below a depth of 2.0 km.
Compositions and abundances of calcareous nannofossil taxa have been determined in a ca 170 kyrs long time interval across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary at 1-cm to 10-cm resolution from two ODP Sites (1262, 1263) drilled along the flank of the Walvis Ridge in the South Atlantic. The results are compared to published data from ODP Site 690 in the Weddell Sea. The assemblages underwent rapid evolution over a 74 kyrs period, indicating stressed, unstable and/or extreme photic zone environments during the PETM hyperthermal. This rapid evolution, which created 5 distinct stratigraphic horizons, is consistent with the restricted brief occurrences of malformed and/or weakly calcified morphotypes. The production of these aberrant morphotypes is possibly caused by major global scale changes in carbon cycling in the ocean-atmosphere system, affecting also photic zone environments. No marked paleoecologically induced changes are observed in abundances of the genera Discoaster, Fasciculithus and Sphenolithus at the Walvis Ridge sites. Surprisingly, there is no significant correlation in abundance between these three genera, presumed to have had a similar paleoecological preference for warm and oligotrophic conditions.
Although it is well known that the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) coincided with a major benthic foraminiferal extinction event, the detailed pattern of the faunal turnover has not yet been clarified. Our high-resolution benthic foraminiferal and carbon isotope analyses at the low latitude Pacific Ocean Shatsky Rise have revealed the following record of major faunal transitions: (1) An initial turnover which involved the benthic foraminiferal extinction event (BFE). The BFE, marked by a sharp transition from Pre-extinction fauna to Disaster fauna represented by small-sized Bolivina gracilis, expresses the onset of the PETM and the abrupt extinction of about 30% of taxa. This faunal transition lasted about 45-74 kyr after the initiation of the PETM and was followed by: (2) the appearance of Opportunistic fauna represented by Quadrimorphina profunda, which existed for about 74-91 kyr after the initiation of the PETM. These two faunas, which appeared after the extinction event, are characterized by low diversity and dwarfism, possibly due to lowered oxygen condition and decreased surface productivity. The second pronounced turnover involved the gradual recovery from Opportunistic Fauna to the establishment of Recovery fauna, which coincided with the recovery about 83-91 kyr after its initiation.
The Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ca. 55 Ma) is an abrupt, profound perturbation of climate and the carbon cycle associated with a massive injection of isotopically light carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system. As such, it provides an analogue for understanding the interplay between phytoplankton and climate under modern anthropogenic global-warming conditions. However, the accompanying enhanced dissolution poses uncertainty on the reconstruction of the affected ecology and productivity. We present a high-resolution record of bulk isotopes and nannofossil absolute abundance from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1135 on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean to quantitatively constrain for the first time the influence of dissolution on paleoecological reconstruction. Our bulk-carbonate isotope record closely resembles that of the classic PETM site at ODP Site 690 on the opposite side of the Antarctic continent, and its correlation with those from ODP Sites 690, 1262 and 1263 records allows recognition of 14 precessional cycles upsection from the onset of the carbon isotopic excursion (CIE). This, together with a full range of common Discoasteraraneus and an abundance crossover between Fasciculithus and Zygrhablithusbijugatus, indicates the presence of the PETM at Site 1135, a poorly known record with calcareous fossils throughout the interval. The strong correlation between the absolute abundances of Chiasmolithus and coccolith assemblages reveals a dominant paleoecological signal in the poorly preserved fossil assemblages, while the influence of dissolution is only strong during the CIE. This suggests that r-selected taxa can preserve faithful ecological information even in the severely-altered assemblages studied here, and therefore provide a strong case for the application of nannofossils to paleoecological studies in better-preserved PETM sections. The inferred nannoplankton productivity drops abruptly at the CIE onset, but rapidly increases after the CIE peak, both of which may be driven by nutrient availability related to ocean stratification and vertical mixing due to changed sea-surface temperatures.
We carried out an experiment to estimate in-situ stresses at ODP Hole 794C (water depth: 2809 m) from the basaltic core samples by deformation rate analysis (DRA). Site 794 is located at the northern end of the Yamato Basin and 70 km west of the eastern Japan Sea intraplate or interplate convergent zone. Stress previously applied to a rock specimen is identified in the inelastic strain behavior of the specimen under uniaxial compression by the method used. Natural remanent magnetization of the sample was also measured to get a reference for the orientation of the horizontal stresses. The vertical, maximum, and minimum horizontal in-situ stresses estimated at a depth of 582 mbsf are 36.4, 43.1, and 31.2 MPa, respectively. The average of the largest and the least horizontal stresses is nearly equal in value to the vertical stress. This suggests that the site is in the stress field of the strike slip regime at the depth, while the stress field of the reverse fault regime has been estimated from the focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes whose hypocenters are located near or on the convergent boundary. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stress are estimated to be northeast-southwest and in northwest-southeast, respectively, in taking account of rotation tectonics of the Japan Sea since its formation. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stresses are opposite to those determined from the earthquakes. These discrepancies of our results with those from earthquakes may be due mainly to the fact that the site is not in the convergent zone.
An understanding of sediment redox conditions across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) (?55 Ma) is essential for evaluating changes in processes that control deep-sea oxygenation, as well as identifying the mechanisms responsible for driving the benthic foraminifera extinction. Sites cored on the flanks of Walvis Ridge (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 208, Sites 1262, 1266, and 1263) allow us to examine changes in bottom and pore water redox conditions across a ~2 km depth transect of deep-sea sediments of PETM age recovered from the South Atlantic. Here we present measurements of the concentrations of redox-sensitive trace metals manganese (Mn) and uranium (U) in bulk sediment as proxies for redox chemistry at the sediment-water interface and below. All three Walvis Ridge sites exhibit bulk Mn enrichment factors (EF) ranging between 4 and 12 prior to the warming, values at crustal averages (Mn EF = 1) during the warming interval, and a return to pre-event values during the recovery period. U enrichment factors across the PETM remains at crustal averages (U EF = 1) at Site 1262 (deep) and Site 1266 (intermediate depth). U enrichment factors at Site 1263 (shallow) peaked at 5 immediately prior to the PETM and dropped to values near crustal averages during and after the event. All sites were lower in dissolved oxygen content during the PETM. Before and after the PETM, the deep and intermediate sites were oxygenated, while the shallow site was suboxic. Our geochemical results indicate that oxygen concentrations did indeed drop during the PETM but not sufficiently to cause massive extinction of benthic foraminifera.