756 resultados para Leg Cuts
An intensive mineralogic and geochemical investigation was conducted on sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 166 from the western Great Bahama Bank at Sites 1006, 1008, and 1009. Pleistocene through middle Miocene sediments recovered from Site 1006, the distal location on the Leg 166 transect, are a mixture of bank-derived and pelagic carbonates with lesser and varying amounts of siliciclastic clays. A thick sequence of Pleistocene periplatform carbonates was recovered near the platform edge at Sites 1008 and 1009. Detailed bulk mineralogic, elemental (Ca, Mg, Sr, and Na), and stable isotopic (d18O and d13C) analyses of sediments are presented from a total of 317 samples from all three sites.
Paleontological studies conducted subsequent to the completion of Leg 133 led to refinements of the biostratigraphy for the Leg 133 sites. These biostratigraphic refinements bear on the calculations of sedimentation rates and on the age-depth plots prepared for the Initial Reports volume for Leg 133. To make available the revised data to anyone who may wish to make use of it, the revised biostratigraphic information is presented here in tabulated form. Revised age-depth plots also are presented for all of the sites to facilitate comparison of sedimentation rate curves and to identify intervals where significant changes have been made based on post-cruise studies. The revised age-depth plots include calcareous nannofossils only, and the revised data have been taken from thechapters contributed for this volume (Gartner et al., 1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.133.213.1993; Wei and Gartner, 1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.133.216.1993). Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy revisions became available subsequently and could not be readily incorporated. The age-depth plots for Sites 812 through 818 were made with the (ADP) program provided to ODP by Dave Lazarus.
Well-preserved and diverse silicoflagellate and ebridian populations are found in the lower and middle Eocene sediments of DSDP Site 605 and the upper Miocene sediments of DSDP Site 604. The ebridians outnumber the silicoflagellates in the siliceous interval of Site 605, but are less numerous at Site 604. The abundances of the various taxa are tabulated.
The quantity and quality of organic carbon of Eocene to Holocene sediments from ODP Sites 645, 646, and 647 were investigated to reconstruct depositional environments. Results were based on organic-carbon and nitrogen determinations, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and kerogen microscopy. The sediments at Site 645 in Baffin Bay are characterized by relatively high organic-carbon values, most of which range from 0.5% to almost 3%, with maximum values in the middle Miocene. Distinct maxima of organic-carbon accumulation rates occur between 18 and 12.5 Ma and between 3.4 and 0 Ma. At Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea, organic-carbon contents vary between 0.1% and 0.75%. Cyclic 'Milankovitch-type' changes in organic-carbon deposition imply climate-controlled mechanisms that cause these fluctuations. The composition of organic matter at Site 645 is dominated by terrigenous components throughout the entire sediment sequence. An increased content of marine organic carbon was recorded only in the late-middle Miocene. At Sites 646 and 647, the origin of the organic matter most probably is marine. Oceanic paleoproductivity values were estimated, based on the amount of marine organic carbon. During most of the Neogene time interval at Site 645, productivity was low, i.e., similar or less than that measured in Baffin Bay today. Higher values of up to 150 (200) gC/m**2/y may have occurred only in the Miocene. At Sites 646 and 647, mean paleoproductivity values vary between 90 and 170 gC/m**2/y; i.e., these are also similar to those measured in the Labrador Sea today. Lower values of 40 to 70 gC/m**2/y were estimated for the early Eocene and (middle) Miocene.
Evidence of considerable overpressuring of pore fluids in the sediment drilled during Leg 84 was obtained from direct measurement of pressure by two methods. The first involved measurement of back pressure when the annulus of the drill hole became constricted with unremoved drill cuttings or constriction was caused by plastic inflow of the drill hole walls. The second involved measurement of pressure ahead of the bit in conjunction with in situ water samples and heat flow. All measurements indicated abnormally high pore pressure even in slope deposits of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala.
We use Nomarski differential interference contrast imaging to reveal the wealth of complex detail in plagioclase zoning for selected samples from Sites 834, 839, and 841. All sites contain some plagioclase with the very complex internal core zoning, convolute zoning, or very fine-scale euhedral oscillatory zoning of the sort generally considered typical of island-arc volcanic rocks. Plagioclase with contrasted zoning styles may coexist within a single lithologic unit or even within a single thin section. Especially notable is the presence of scattered plagioclase phenocrysts with complex zoning throughout Unit 7 in Hole 834B, which in other respects is relatively uniform in composition and appears to have had little or no differential sorting of crystals and liquid. Although our study is by no means comprehensive, it is sufficient to indicate that magmatic conditions have been variable during crystallization of these rocks, and mixing or at least minor contamination may be required to explain some of the relations observed. By analogy with experimental studies, it is possible that variations in water content, either over time or within different parts of a chamber or conduit system, have contributed to the observed contrasts in zoning.
Interaction between young basaltic crust and seawater near the oceanic speading centers is one of the important processes affecting the chemical composition of the oceanic layer. The formation of metalliferous hydrothermal sediments results from this interaction. The importance of the interaction between seawater and basalt in determining the chemical composition of pore waters from sediments is well known. The influence of mineral solutions derived from this interaction on ocean water composition and the significant flux of some elements (e.g., Mn) are reported by Lyle (1976), Bogdanov et al. (1979), and others. Metal-rich sediments found in active zones of the ocean basins illustrate the influence of seawater-basalt interaction and its effect on the sedimentary cover in such areas. The role of hydrothermal activity and seawater circulation in basalts with regard to global geochemistry cycles has recently been demonstrated by Edmond, Measures, McDuff, McDuff et al. (1979), and Edmond, Measures, Mangum (1979). In the area of the Galapagos Spreading Center the interaction of sediments and solutions derived from interaction of seawater and basalt has resulted in the formation of hydrothermal mounds. The mounds are composed of manganese crusts and green clay interbedded and mixed with pelagic nannofossil ooze. These mounds are observed only in areas characterized by high heat flow (Honnorez, et al., 1981) and high hydrothermal activity.
A knowledge of rock stress is fundamental for improving our understanding of oceanic crustal mechanisms and lithospheric dynamic processes. However, direct measurements of stress in the deep oceans, and in particular stress magnitudes, have proved to be technically difficult. Anelastic strain recovery measurements were conducted on 15 basalt core samples from Sites 765 and 766 during Leg 123. Three sets of experiments were performed: anelastic strain recovery monitoring, dynamic elastic property measurements, and thermal azimuthal anisotropy observations. In addition, a range of other tests and observations were recorded to characterize each of the samples. One common feature of the experimental results and observations is that apparently no consistent orientation trend exists, either between the different measurements on each core sample or between the same sets of measurements on the various core samples. However, some evidence of correspondence between velocity anisotropy and anelastic strain recovery exists, but this is not consistent for all the core samples investigated. Thermal azimuthal anisotropy observations, although showing no conclusive correlations with the other results, were of significant interest in that they clearly exhibited anisotropic behavior. The apparent reproducibility of this behavior may point toward the possibility of rocks that retain a "memory" of their stress history, which could be exploited to derive stress orientations from archived core. Anelastic strain recovery is a relatively new technique. Because use of the method has extended to a wider range of rock types, the literature has begun to include examples of rocks that contracted with time. Strong circumstantial evidence exists to suggest that core-sample contractions result from the slow diffusion of pore fluids from a preexisting microcrack structure that permits the rock to deflate at a greater rate than the expansion caused by anelastic strain recovery. Both expansions and contractions of the Leg 123 cores were observed. The basalt cores have clearly been intersected by an abundance of preexisting fractures, some of which pass right through the samples, but many are intercepted or terminate within the rock matrix. Thus, the behavior of the core samples will be influenced not only by the properties of the rock matrix between the fractures, but also by how these macro- and micro-scale fractures mutually interact. The strain-recovery curves recorded during Leg 123 for each of the 15 basalt core samples may reflect the result of two competing time dependent processes: anelastic strain recovery and pore pressure recovery. Were these the only two processes to influence the gauge responses, then one might expect that given the additional information required, established theoretical models might be used to determine consistent stress orientations and reliable stress magnitudes. However, superimposed upon these competing processes is their respective interaction with the preexisting fractures that intersect each core. Evidence from our experiments and observations suggests that these fractures have a dominating influence on the characteristics of the recovery curves and that their effects are complex.
Analyses of water samples taken by means of an in-hole sampler generally show good agreement with analyses of samples collected by routine shipboard squeezing techniques. At Sites 438 and 439, a decrease in salinity with depth is related to former freshwater flow from an aquifer that crops out at an anticline on a deep sea terrace between Japan and the top of the trench slope of the Japan Trench. This former subaerial recharge suggests significant late Cenozoic subsidence of the terrace, because it now lies at a water depth of 1500 meters. Samples from the trench slope at Site 440 have extremely high values of alkalinity and ammonia, presumably because of a favorable combination of high sedimentation rate and organic carbon content. Diagenetic conditions on the trench slope favor formation of the Fe-Mg carbonate mineral, ankerite; at Site 440 it first occurs at a depth below the sea floor of only 29 meters in late Pleistocene strata. Undissolved diatoms persist to relatively great depth at the sites of Leg 57 because of a low geothermal gradient caused by subduction. Secondary silica lepispheres first appear at 851 meters at the most landward and warmest site, Site 438, in strata 16 million years old with an ambient temperature of 31 °C.
The occurrences of ten datum events for the Quaternary and top Pliocene nannofossils are identified at nine Leg 115 sites. A quantitative investigation of Paleogene nannofossils in 470 samples selected from 11 holes at 9 sites yielded 197 taxa, including one new species and 10 unidentified taxa that are likely to be new species. Regional differences in the timing of some biostratigraphically important events are recognized, and a set of datum events useful for biostratigra- phy in the tropical Indian Ocean is presented. Biogeographical differences are minor for Paleogene cores from the tropical sites (Sites 707-716); however, the Quaternary and late early Oligocene floras observed at the two subtropical sites (Sites 705 and 706) differ significantly from the corresponding floras of the tropical sites. Bathymetrically controlled dissolution is recognized by the reduction of species diversity in the Paleogene flora. Selective dissolution of nannofossils is also evidenced by the percentage reduction of three holococcolith taxa, Lanternithus minutus, Zygrhablithus bijugatus, and Holococcolith type A as well as by the increase of Coccolithus pelagicusand Cribrocentrum reticulatumin the deeper sites.
Insoluble residues of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary deep-sea samples from slope, trench, and oceanic plate sites south of Guatemala were examined, specifically for the distribution of clay minerals in the <2-µm fraction and of silt grains in the 20-63-µm fraction. Widespread "oceanic" particles (biogenic opal, rhyolitic glass) and their diagenetic products (smectite, clinoptilolite, heulandite) were distinguished from terrigenous material - illite, kaolinite, chlorite, plagioclase, quartz, and heavy minerals. The main results of this investigation are: (1) At Site 494 on the slope immediately adjacent to the trench, terrigenous supplies testify to a slope position of the whole sequence back to the Late Cretaceous. (2) At Site 495 on the Pacific Cocos Plate, "oceanic" and terrigenous sedimentation are clearly separated. Whereas the pelagic sedimentation prevailed in the early Miocene, terrigenous minerals appeared in the middle Miocene in the clay fraction, and in the early Pliocene in the coarse silt fraction. These terrigenous supplies are interpreted as having been transported by suspension clouds crossing the slope and even the trench. The alternative, however, an eolian transport, cannot be excluded.