186 resultados para Issar, Galina
Pollen records from perennially frozen sequences provide vegetation and climate reconstruction for the last 48,000 14C years in the central part of Taymyr Peninsula. Open larch forest with Alnus fruticosa and Betula nana grew during the Kargin (Middle Weichselian) Interstade, ca. 48,000-25,000 14C yr B.P. The climate was generally warmer and wetter than today. Open steppe-like communities with Artemisia, Poaceae, Asteraceae, and herb tundralike communities with dwarf Betula and Salix dominated during the Sartan (Late Weichselian) Stade, ca. 24,000-10,300 14C yr B.P. The statistical information method used for climate reconstruction shows that the coldest climate was ca. 20,000-17,000 14C yr B.P. A warming (Allerød Interstade?) with mean July temperature ca. 1.5°C warmer than today occurred ca. 12,000 14C yr B.P. The following cooling with temperatures about 3°-4°C cooler than present and precipitation about 100 mm lower corresponds well with the Younger Dryas Stade. Tundra-steppe vegetation changed to Betula nana-Alnus fruticosa shrub tundra ca. 10,000 14C yr B.P. Larch appeared in the area ca. 9400 14C yr B.P. and disappeared after 2900 14C yr B.P. Cooling events ca. 10,500, 9600, and 8200 14C yr B.P. characterized the first half of the Holocene. A significant warming occurred ca. 8500 14C yr B.P., but the Holocene temperature maximum was at about 6000-4500 14C yr B.P. The vegetation cover approximated modern conditions ca. 2800 14C yr B.P. Late Holocene warming events occurred at ca. 3500, 2000, and 1000 14C yr B.P. A cooling (Little Ice Age?) took place between 500 and 200 14C yr ago.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common environmental contaminants which can be derived from anthropogenic sources, such as combustion and discharges from extraction and transport, and natural processes, including leakage and erosion of fossil carbon. Natural PAH sources contribute, along with biological activities and terrestrial run-off, to the organic carbon content in sediments.The Barents Sea region is far from many anthropogenic sources of PAH, but production and trans-shipment of hydrocarbons is increasing. We present data for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in bottom sediments from 510 stations in the Barents and White Seas, and along the northern coast of Norway.
Distribution of diatoms, radiolarians, planktonic and benthic foraminifers, and sediment components in fraction >0.125 mm was analyzed in a core obtained from the central Sea of Okhotsk within frameworks of the Russian-German KOMEX Project. The core section characterizes the period 190-350 ka, which corresponds to marine-isotopic stages (MIS) 7 to 10. During glacial MIS 10 and MIS 8, the basin accumulated terrigenous material lacking microfossils or containing them in low abundance, which reflects, along with their composition, heavy sea-ice conditions, suppressed bioproductivity, and bottom environment aggressive toward calcium carbonate. Interglacial MIS 9 was characterized by elevated bioproductivity with accumulation of diatomaceous ooze during the climatic optimum (328 to 320 ka). Water exchange with the Pacific was maximal from 328 to 324 ka ago. Environment became moderate and close to the present-day one at the end of the optimum exhibiting possible existence of a dichothermal layer with substantial amounts of surface Pacific water still flowing into the basin. Similar to interglacial MIS 5e and MIS 1, ''old'' Pacific water determined near-bottom environment in the central Sea of Okhotsk during that period, although influx of terrigenous material was higher, probably reflecting more humid climate of the region. Slight warming marked the terminal MIS 8 (approximately 260 ka ago). Paleoceanographic situation during the interglacial MIS 7 was highly variable: from warm-water to almost glacial. The main climatic optimum of MIS 7 occurred within 220-210 ka, when subsurface stratification increased and the dichothermal layer developed. Bottom environment during the studied time interval, except for the optimum of interglacial MIS 9, resembled those characteristic of glacial periods: actively formed ''young'' Okhotsk water displaced ''old'' Pacific deep water.
(Table 3.6) Chemical composition of interstitial waters from sediments of the TAG Hydrothermal Field
Distribution of diatoms and planktonic and benthic foraminifers, as well as correlation of components of sandy grain size fraction were studied in the Quaternary sediment core LV28-42-5 (720 cm long) col¬lected on the southeastern slope (1045 m depth) of the Institute of Oceanology Rise, Sea of Okhotsk. This study allowed to reconstruct principle features of paleoceanographic evolution. In the course of penultimate and last continental glaciations (isotope stages 6 and 4-2) and during the later period of the last interglacial (substages 5.d-5.a) the following conditions were characteristic of this area: low temperatures of surface water, terrigenous sediment accumulation including coarse grained ice-rafted material, minimum bioproductivity and microfossil content in sediments, low sea level, reduced water exchange with the ocean, low position of old deep Pacific water. During the interglacial optimum (substage 5.e), as well as in the last deglaciation and Holocene (stage 1) water temperature and bioproductivity increased, sea level rose, and active surface water exchange between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan took place. This resulted in intensive inflow of the old deep Pacific water into the Sea of Okhotsk and elevation of its upper boundary by few hundred meters. During the later intervals of these warm periods a dichothermal structure of the upper water layer formed and diatom oozes accumulated.
Results of petrographic, chemical and X-ray studies of zeolites in sediments in the Transpacific lithological profile from the coast of Japan to the coast of Mexico are reported. For ocean phillipsites constancy of Si/Al ratio (2.44-2.87) and unstable cation composition in quantitative predominance of potassium over sodium are characteristic. Two groups of ocean phillipsites are distinguished: of deep-water basins and of submarine rises. The first spread over broad areas of the pelagic zone, and are formed by diagenetic transformation of fine dispersed pyroclastic material in minimum sedimentation rates, the latter occur locally - in areas of basaltic volcanism manifestations.
Lithofacial types of sediments formed in certain geographic and physical-chemical conditions of the Pacific Ocean are distinguished and characterized. It is shown that the regular change of bottom sediment types forming a genetic series from the coast to the pelagic zone clearly demonstrates a leading role of biogenic-terrigenous sedimentation in their formation. In the pelagic zone of the ocean erosion of islands and seamounts, basalt volcanism of anticlinal uplifts, as well as exhalative contribution play some role in addition to the main source of terrigenous and pyroclastic material from continents. These sources do not change, but only complicate terrigenous sedimentation in the studied area of the ocean.