220 resultados para Geological Survey (U.S.). Office of Water Data Coordination.
In the blood of Antarctic notothenioid and Arctic gadiform fishes, freezing is inhibited by antifreeze glycopeptide macromolecules (AFGP). These antifreeze molecules are built up of repeating tripeptide units (Ala-Ala-Thr)n, to which the disaccharide fl-D-galactosyl-(1->3)a-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine is linked through the hydroxyl oxygen of the threonyl residue. Species of Liparididae, Zoarcidae, Cottidae and Pleuronectidae synthezise only unglycosylated antifreeze peptides (AFP). It could be demonstrated for the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum that the synthesis of AFGP is not constitutive but rather regulated by water temperature. Moreover a novel glycopeptid was isolated and characterised from P. antarcticum, the Pleuragramma-antifreeze glycopeptid (PAGP). The level of antifreeze concentration was dependent on the ambient water temperature, the depth of distribution, the life cycle and the evolution of the species. Surprisingly, detectable AFGPs in perciform fish of the Antarctic and gadiform fish of the Arctic and Antarctic could illustrate, that before the continental drift occurred a precursor glycopeptid existed, and that the existence of freezing resistance in some species reflects the past glaciation. The wide distribution and high heterogeneity of AFPs point to the assumption that these peptides are results of cold shock stress responses.
Study sites. Samples of surface water were taken from 4 coastal lagoons on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico: Celestun (20° 45' N - 90° 22' W), Chelem (21° 15' N - 89° 45' W), Rosada Lagoon (21º 19' N - 89º 19' W), and Sabancuy Estuary (18° 58' N - 91° 12' W). The sampling was performed from august to October of 2011 (Chelem 08/24; Laguna Rosada 09/06; Celestún 09/28; Sabancuy 10/25). The sampling was random without replacement and 10 samples of surface water were collected along a transect parallel to the coastal axis. Samples were deposited in sterile plastic bottles and conserved in refrigeration at 4°C. All samples were processed within 24 hours after sampling. According to the Mexican laws and regulations no permissions are required to obtain water and sediment samples from open public areas. Analysis of environmental and physicochemical parameters. Determinations of the environmental parameters were performed with a Hach 5465000 model 156 multi-parameter measuring instrument. The Lorenzen method was used to determine chlorophyll-a (21) with 90% acetone and the concentration was calculated according to the formula: Chla= 27.63 (OD665o - OD665a)(VA)/VM x L Where, OD665o: absorbance at 665 nm before acidification; OD665a: absorbance at 665 nm after acidification; VA: volume (ml) of acetone for extraction; VM: volume (ml) of filtered water; L: length (cm) of the photometric cell. Determinations of the physicochemical parameters (silicates, phosphates, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia) were performed using the spectrophotometric techniques described and modified by Strickland and Parsons (1972).